Central Idea
Central Idea
Central Idea
This poem is written in the form of prayer to God, the true bearer of
freedom. He urges God throughout the poem with his mysterious concept
of freedom from the struggle for awakening to his countrymen.
“Where The Mind Is Without Fear” is a pre-independent poem in which
the poet sincerely urges to God to awake his fellow beings for the
realization that the essential need to live in a free and united country. He
wants his countrymen to awake and enjoy the life of full dignity and
The poem invokes the deep patriotic feelings. Our country is subjugated
by castes, creed, superstitious beliefs and biased ideas. Tagore earnestly
appeals to God that a country would be where people‟s ‘head is
high’ and ‘knowledge is free’.
His country would not be divided and fragmented into pieces due to their
narrow thoughts. They should express their words not from the mind but
from ‘the depth of truth’ and heart.
He urges God to guide his countrymen for moral awakening to fight for
their rights against British inhuman rules. Liberate them from the fear of
oppression, repression, and subjugation. Unshackle the chains of fear and
direct them to the paths of progress and prosperity.
They should be confident not confined. There would not be injustice and
inequality in the country on the basis of caste, creed, and gender.