(IIS) 6.0
Microsoft Corporation
Published: April 2003
Updated: March 2005
Administrators and Web application developers demand a reliable, easily managed, high
performance, and secure Web server. Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 and Microsoft®
Windows® Server 2003 introduce many new features for Web application server reliability and
availability, management, scalability, and security. This document provides a technical overview of
IIS 6.0, the next generation of Web infrastructure capabilities that are available in the Windows Server
2003 family of products.
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Server Configuration................................................................................................................4
Security Enhancements...............................................................................................................9
SSL Improvements....................................................................................................................11
Manageability Enhancements....................................................................................................14
XML Metabase..........................................................................................................................14
Metabase Auditing.................................................................................................................16
Command-Line Administration..................................................................................................17
Web Gardens............................................................................................................................19
Site Scalability...........................................................................................................................19
ASP.NET and IIS 6.0 Integration and Variety of Language Choices ........................................21
Global Interceptors....................................................................................................................22
ISAPI Filters...........................................................................................................................22
Custom Errors...........................................................................................................................23
Unicode ISAPI...........................................................................................................................23
Fusion Support......................................................................................................................23
Partition Support....................................................................................................................24
Tracker Support.....................................................................................................................24
64-bit Support............................................................................................................................25
IPv6.0 Support...........................................................................................................................25
Granular Compression..............................................................................................................25
Tracing Improvements:..........................................................................................................26
Logging Improvements..............................................................................................................27
Binary Logging.......................................................................................................................27
Related Links...............................................................................................................................31
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
This document provides a technical overview of Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, the next
generation Web server available in all versions of Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. IIS 6.0
introduces many new features that can help increase the reliability, manageability, scalability, and
security of your Web application infrastructure. IIS 6.0 is a key component of the Windows Server
2003 application platform, an integrated set of services and tools that enable the development and
deployment of high-performance Web sites, Web applications, and Web services. The benefits of
deploying IIS 6.0 include less planned and unplanned system downtime, increased Web site and
application availability, lower system administration costs, server consolidation (reduced staffing,
hardware, and site management costs), and a significant increase in Web infrastructure security.
• Platform Improvements
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
• UDDI Services
• COM+
The application server role combines these technologies into a cohesive experience, giving Web
application developers and administrators the ability to host dynamic applications, such as database
driven Microsoft ASP.NET applications, without the need to install any other software on the server.
The Configure Your Server (CYS) wizard, which is a central point for configuring Windows Server
2003 roles, now includes the application server role. To access the Configure Your Server wizard,
click Add or Remove Roles from the Manage Your Server page. This role replaces the existing Web
server role. After this new role is installed, the Manage Your Server page, which also includes an
entry for the new role.
The application server is also included in the Windows Server 2003 Add/Remove Components
application as a top-level optional component. Server applications that belong to the application
server (IIS 6.0, ASP.NET, COM+, and MSMQ) can be installed and have their sub-components
configured using Add/Remove Components. Using Add/Remove Components to configure the
application server gives more granular control over the specific sub-components that will be installed.
Although part of the Application Server role, it should be noted that MSMQ is not installed by default
when the Application Server Role is selected.
Technical Overview of Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
The previous version of IIS, IIS 5.0, was designed to have one process, named Inetinfo.exe, function
as the main Web server process. This process transferred requests to “out of process” applications
hosted in DLLHost.exe processes. In comparison, IIS 6.0 has been redesigned into two new
components, a kernel-mode HTTP protocol stack (HTTP.sys) and a user-mode administration and
monitoring component. This architecture allows IIS 6.0 to separate the operations of the Web server
from the processing of Web site and application code—without sacrificing performance. These two
major components of the IIS 6.0 fault-tolerant architecture are:
• HTTP.sys. A kernel-mode HTTP protocol stack that queues and parses incoming HTTP
requests, and caches and returns application and site content. HTTP.sys does not load any
application code, it simply parses and routes requests.
Before discussing these components, it is important to introduce two new IIS 6.0 concepts:
application pools and worker processes.
Application pools are used to manage a set of Web sites and applications. Each application pool
corresponds to one request queue within HTTP.sys and the one or more Windows processes that
process these requests. IIS 6.0 can support up to 2,000 application pools per server, and there can
be multiple application pools operating at the same time. For example, a departmental server might
have HR in one application pool and finance in another application pool. An Internet Service Provider
(ISP) might have the Web sites and applications of one customer in one application pool, and the
Web sites of another customer in a different application pool. Application pools are separated from
other application pools by Windows Server 2003 process boundaries. Therefore, an application in
one application pool is not affected by applications in other application pools, and an application
request cannot be routed to another application pool while being serviced by the current application
pool. Applications can easily be assigned to another application pool while the server is running.
A worker process services requests for the Web sites and applications in an application pool. All
Web application processing, including loading of ISAPI filters and extensions, as well as
authentication and authorization, is done by a new WWW service DLL, which is loaded into one or
more host worker processes. The worker process executable is named W3wp.exe.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
In IIS 6.0, HTTP.sys listens for requests and queues them appropriately. Each request queue
corresponds to one application pool. Because no application code runs in HTTP.sys, it cannot be
affected by failures in user-mode code that normally affect the status of the Web service. If an
application fails, HTTP.sys continues to accept and queue new requests on the appropriate queue
until one of the following: the process has been restarted and begins to accept requests, there are no
queues available, there is no space left on the queues, or the Web service itself has been shut down
by the administrator. Because HTTP.sys is a kernel-mode component, its queuing operation is
especially efficient, enabling the IIS 6.0 architecture to combine process isolation with high
performance request processing.
Once the WWW service notices the failed application, it starts a new worker process if there are
outstanding requests still waiting to be serviced for the worker process’s application pool. Thus, while
there may be a temporary disruption in user-mode request processing, an end user does not
experience the failure, because requests continue to be accepted and queued.
Server Configuration
At initialization time, the configuration manager portion of WWW service uses the in-memory
configuration metabase to initialize the HTTP.sys namespace routing table. Each entry in the routing
table contains information that routes incoming URLs to the application pool that contains the
application associated with the URL. These pre-registration steps inform HTTP.sys that there is an
application pool that responds to requests in a particular part of the namespace, and that HTTP.sys
can request that a worker process be started for the application pool when a request arrives. All pre-
registrations are done before HTTP.sys begins to route requests to individual processes. As
application pools and new applications are added, the Web service configures HTTP.sys to accept
requests for the new URLs, sets up the new request queues for the new application pools, and
indicates where the new URLs should be routed. Routing information can change dynamically without
requiring a service restart.
In the worker process management role, the WWW Service Administration and Monitoring
component is responsible for controlling the lifetime of the worker processes that process the
requests. This includes determining when to start, recycle, or restart a worker process, if it is unable
to process any more requests (becomes blocked). It is also responsible for monitoring the worker
processes, and can detect when a worker process has terminated unexpectedly.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
in an isolated environment without incurring a performance penalty for that isolation. Applications can
be completely isolated from each other, where one application error does not affect another
application in a different process, using application pools. Requests are pulled directly from the kernel
instead of having a user-mode process pull them from the kernel for the application, and then route
accordingly to another user-mode process. First, HTTP.sys routes Web site and application requests
to the correct application pool queue. Then, the worker processes serving the application pool pull
requests directly from the application queue in HTTP.sys. This model eliminates the unnecessary
process hops encountered when sending a request to an out-of-process DLLHost.exe and back again
(as was the case in IIS 4.0 and 5.0), and increases performance.
It is important to note that, in IIS 6.0, there is no longer any notion of in-process applications. All
necessary HTTP application run-time services, such as ISAPI extension support, are equally
available in any application pool. This design prevents a malfunctioning Web site or application from
disrupting the operation of other Web applications or the server itself. With IIS 6.0 it is now possible to
unload in-process components without having to take down the entire Web service. The host worker
process can be taken down temporarily without affecting other worker processes serving content.
There is also a benefit from being able to leverage other operating system services available at the
process level (for example CPU throttling), per application pool. Additionally, Windows Server 2003
has been re-architected to support many more concurrent processes than ever before.
Worker process isolation mode prevents one application or site from stopping another. In addition,
separating applications or sites into separate worker processes simplifies a number of management
tasks, for example: taking a site/application online or offline (independent of all other site/applications
running on the system), changing a component the application uses, debugging an application,
monitoring counters for an application, and throttling resources used by an application.
• Kernel-mode caching. Windows Server 2003 introduces a new kernel-mode HTTP driver
called HTTP.sys, which is specifically tuned to increase Web server performance and
scalability. Kernel-mode caching is available when using IIS 6.0, both in worker process
isolation mode and in IIS 5.0 isolation mode (see below). As a single point of contact for all
incoming (server-side) HTTP requests, HTTP.sys provides high-performance connectivity for
HTTP server applications and provides overall connection management, bandwidth throttling,
and Web server logging. IIS 6.0 has been built on top of HTTP.sys and has been specifically
tuned to increase Web server throughput. In addition, under specific circumstances,
HTTP.sys directly processes requests in the kernel. Both static and dynamic content from
Web sites and applications can be cached in the HTTP.sys cache for high-performance
• Clean separation between user code and the server. All user code is handled by worker
processes, which are completely isolated from the core Web server. This improves upon IIS
5.0, because an ISAPI can be, and often is, hosted in-process to the core Web server. If an
ISAPI loaded in a worker process fails or causes an access violation, the only thing taken
down is the worker process that hosts the ISAPI. Meanwhile, the WWW service creates a
new worker process to replace the failed worker process. The other worker processes are
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
• Multiple application pools. With IIS 5.0, applications can be pooled together out-of-process,
but only in one application pool, which is hosted by DLLHost.exe. When IIS 6.0 operates in
worker process isolation mode, administrators can create up to 2,000 application pools,
where each application pool can be configured separately.
• Better support for load balancers. With the advent of application pools, IIS 6.0 has a well-
defined physical separation of applications; it is quite feasible to run hundreds or even
thousands of sites/applications side by side on one IIS 6.0 server. In worker process isolation
mode, it is important that errors in one application do not affect other applications. IIS 6.0 can
also automatically communicate with load balancers/switches to route away only the traffic for
a problematic application, while still allowing the server to accept requests for the other,
healthy applications. For example, imagine a server processing requests for applications A
and B. If application B fails so often that IIS 6.0 decides to automatically shut it down (see
section on rapid fail protection below), the server should still be able to receive requests for
application A. IIS 6.0 also has a built-in extensibility model that can fire events and
commands when the WWW service detects a specific application’s failure. This configuration
ability allows load balancers and switches to be configured to automatically stop routing traffic
to problematic applications while still routing traffic to healthy applications.
• Web gardens. Multiple worker processes can be configured to service requests for a given
application pool. By default, each application pool has only one worker process. However, an
application pool can be configured to have a set of N equivalent worker processes that share
the workload. This configuration is known as a Web garden because it is similar in nature to a
Web farm, the difference being that a Web garden exists within a single server. Requests are
distributed by HTTP.sys among the set of worker processes in the group. The distribution of
requests is based on a round-robin scheme, where new connections with requests for the
application pool are assigned to specific worker processes in that application pool. A benefit
to Web gardens is that if one worker process slows down, such as when the script engine
becomes unresponsive, there are other worker processes available to accept and process
• Health monitoring. The WWW Service Administration and Monitoring Component monitors
the health of applications by pinging worker processes periodically to determine if they are
completely blocked. If a worker process is blocked, the WWW service terminates the worker
process and creates another worker process in its place. The WWW service maintains a
communication channel to each worker process and can easily tell when a worker process
fails by detecting a drop in the communication channel.
• Processor affinity. Worker processes can have an affinity to specific CPUs to take
advantage of more frequent CPU cache (L1 or L2) hits. Processor affinity, when
implemented, forces IIS 6.0 worker processes to run on specific microprocessors or CPUs
and applies to all worker processes serving the Web sites and applications of an application
pool. Processor affinity can also be used with Web gardens that run on multiprocessor
computers where clusters of CPUs have been dedicated to specific application pools.
• Allocating sites and applications to application pools. In IIS 6.0, as in IIS 5.0,
applications are defined as those namespaces that are labeled in the metabase with the
AppIsolated property. Sites, by default, are considered to be a simple application—where the
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
• Demand start. Application pools get benefits. For example, on-demand starting of the
processes that service the namespace group, when the first request for a URL in that part of
the namespace arrives at the server. The WWW Service Administration and Monitoring
Component does on-demand process starting, and generally controls and monitors the life
cycle of worker processes.
• Idle time-out. An application pool can be configured to have its worker processes request a
shutdown if they are idle for a configurable amount of time. This is done to free up unused
resources. Additional worker processes are started when demand exists for that application
pool. (For more information, see the section on Demand Start above.)
• Rapid-fail protection. When a worker process fails, it drops the communication channel with
the WWW Service Administration and Monitoring component. The WWW Service
Administration and Monitoring component detects this failure and takes action, which typically
includes logging the event and restarting the worker process. In addition, IIS 6.0 can be
configured to automatically disable the worker process if a particular application pool suffers a
configurable number of failures in a row in a configured time period. This is known as rapid-
fail protection. Rapid-fail protection places the application pool in "out-of-service" mode and
HTTP.sys immediately returns a 503–Service Unavailable, out-of-service message to any
requests to that portion of the namespace—including requests already queued for that
application pool.
• Recycling worker processes. Today, many businesses and organizations have problems
with Web applications that leak memory, suffer from poor coding, or have indeterminate
problems. This forces administrators to restart their Web servers periodically. In previous
versions of IIS, it was not possible to restart a Web site without an interruption of the entire
Web server. Worker process isolation mode can be configured to periodically restart worker
processes in an application pool to manage faulty applications. Worker processes can be
scheduled to restart based on the following criteria: elapsed time, number of requests served,
scheduled times during a 24-hour period, virtual memory usage, physical memory usage, and
on demand. When a worker process wants to restart, it notifies the WWW service which then
tells the existing worker process to shut down and gives a configurable time limit for the
worker process to drain its remaining requests. Simultaneously, the WWW service creates a
replacement worker process for the same namespace group, and the new worker process is
started before the old worker process stops. This process prevents service interruptions. The
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
old worker process remains in communication with HTTP.sys to complete its outstanding
requests, and then shuts down normally, or is forcefully terminated if it does not shut down
after a configurable time limit.
• Increased reliability. IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode prevents Web sites and
applications from affecting each other or the server as a whole.
• Fewer server restarts. The user will likely never need to restart the server or shut down
the entire WWW service, due to a failed application or common administration operations, such
as upgrading content or components, or debugging Web applications.
• Increased application availability. IIS 6.0 supports auto restart of failed applications
and periodic restart of leaky/malfunctioning applications, or applications with faulty code.
• Increased scalability. IIS 6.0 supports scaling to ISP scenarios, where there may be
hundreds to thousands of sites on a server. IIS 6.0 also supports Web gardens, where a set of
equivalent worker processes on a server each receive a share of the requests that are normally
served by a single worker process.
• Strong application platform support. IIS 6.0 supports the application as the unit of
administration. This includes making the application the unit of “robustness” by enabling
application isolation, and also enabling resource throttling and scaling based on the application.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Security Enhancements
Security has always been an important aspect of Internet Information Services. However, in previous
versions of the product (e.g. IIS 5.0 running on Windows 2000 Server), the server was not shipped in
a “locked down” state by default. Many unnecessary services, such as Internet printing, were on at
installation. Hardening the system was a manual process, and many organizations simply left their
server settings unchanged. This led to widespread vulnerability to attack, because although each
server could be made secure, many administrators did not realize they needed to, or did not have the
tools to do so.
Microsoft has significantly increased its focus on security since the development of previous versions
of IIS. For example, in early 2002, the development work of all Windows engineers—more than 8,500
people—was put on hold while the company conducted intensive security training. Once the training
was completed, the development teams analyzed the Windows code base, including HTTP.sys and
IIS 6.0, to implement the new knowledge. This represents a substantial investment to improve the
security of the Windows platform. In addition, during the design phase of the product, Microsoft
conducted extensive threat modeling to ensure that the company’s software developers understood
the type of attacks that the server might face in customer deployments. Also, third-party experts have
conducted independent security reviews of the code.
In order to reduce the Web infrastructure attack surface, installing Windows Server 2003 does not
install IIS 6.0 by default. Administrators must explicitly select and install IIS 6.0 on all Windows Server
2003 offerings except Windows Server 2003, Web Edition. This means that now IIS 6.0 does not
have to be un-installed after Windows has been installed, if it’s not necessary for the server’s role, for
instance if the server is deployed to run as a mail or database server. IIS 6.0 will also be disabled
when a server is being upgraded to Windows Server 2003, unless the IIS 5.0 Lockdown Tool has
been installed prior to upgrade or a registry key has been configured. In addition, IIS 6.0 is configured
by default in a “locked down” state when installed. After installation, IIS 6.0 accepts only requests for
static files until configured to serve dynamic content, and all time-outs and settings are set to
aggressive security defaults. IIS 6.0 can also be disabled using Windows Server 2003 group policies.
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) includes a Security Configuration Wizard (SCW), which
is a role-based tool you can use to create a policy that enables the services, inbound ports, and
settings required for a selected server to perform a specific role. If you select the Web Server role in
the wizard, SCW configures IIS 6.0 to help further reduce the attack surface of your Web server.
The following table summarizes the multiple levels of security available in IIS 6.0.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Not installed by default Much of security is about reducing the attack surface of your
on Windows Server system. Therefore, IIS 6.0 is not installed by default on Windows
2003 Server 2003. Administrators must explicitly select and install IIS 6.0.
Installs in a locked The default installation of IIS 6.0 exposes only minimal functionality.
down state Only static files get served and all other functionality (such as ASP
and ASP.NET) has to be enabled explicitly by the administrator.
Disabled on upgrades For Windows Server 2003 upgrades to servers with IIS installed, if
the administrator did not install and run the Lockdown Tool or
configure the RetainW3SVCStatus registry key on the server being
upgraded, then IIS 6.0 will be installed in a disabled state.
Disabling via Group With Windows Server 2003, domain administrators can prevent
Policy users from installing IIS 6.0 on their computers.
Running as a low- IIS 6.0 worker processes run in a low-privileged user context by
privileged account default. This drastically reduces the effect of potential attacks.
Secure ASP All ASP built-in functions always run as a low-privileged account
(anonymous user).
Recognized file Only serves requests to files that have recognized file extensions
extensions and rejects requests to file extensions it doesn’t recognize.
Command-line tools not Attackers often take advantage of command-line tools that are
accessible to Web executable via the Web server. In IIS 6.0, the command-line tools
users can’t be executed by the Web server.
Write protection for Once attackers get access to a server, they try to deface Web sites.
content By preventing anonymous Web users from overwriting Web
content, these attacks can be mitigated.
Time-outs and limits Product settings are set to aggressive and secure defaults.
Upload data limitations Administrators can limit the size of data that can be uploaded to a
Buffer overflow Like the rest of Windows, IIS worker processes are compiled with options
protection that are set to monitor the Windows stack and exit the process if a buffer
overflow is detected.
File verification The core server verifies that the requested content exists before it
gives the request to a request handler (ISAPI extension).
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
enforced across the entire server. IIS 6.0 provides programmatic, command-line, and graphical
interfaces for enabling Web service extensions.
• Logon as a service
Running as a low-privileged account is one of the most important security principles. The ability to
exploit a security vulnerability can be contained effectively if the worker process has very few rights
on the underlying system. Administrators can configure the application pool to run as any account
(Network Service, Local System, Local Service, or a configured account) if desired.
SSL Improvements
There are three main secure sockets layer (SSL) improvements in IIS 6.0. They are:
• Performance. IIS 5.0 already provides the fastest software-based SSL implementation on
the market. As a result, 50% of all SSL Web sites run on IIS 5.0. IIS 6.0 SSL is even faster.
Microsoft tuned and streamlined the underlying SSL implementation for even better
performance and scalability.
• Remotable Certification Object. In IIS 5.0, administrators cannot manage SSL certificates
remotely because the cryptographic service provider certificate store is not remotable.
Because customers manage hundreds or even thousands of IIS servers with SSL certificates,
they need a way to manage certificates remotely. The CertObject allows customers to do this.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
are hardware-based accelerator cards that enable the offloading of these cryptographic
computations to hardware. Cryptographic Service Providers can then plug their own Crypto
API provider into the system. With IIS 6.0, it’s easy to select such a third-party Crypto API
• Kernel-Mode SSL. You can run SSL in kernel mode, instead of the default user mode.
Running in kernel mode means that components or processes run in the core address space
of the operating system. Moving encryption and decryption operations to the kernel improves
SSL performance by reducing the number of transitions between kernel mode and user
mode. Enabling kernel-mode SSL requires setting a new registry key, EnableKernelSSL.
• SSL Host Headers.. Effective with Windows Server 2003 SP1, IIS 6.0 supports using SSL to
secure Web sites that use host headers — a security feature that many customers want to
use. SSL host header support requires obtaining a wildcard server certificate and specifying
the SSL port number on the SecureBindings metabase property.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
2003 provides a way to solve this problem. IIS 6.0 extends the use of this new tool by providing
gatekeeper authorization to specific URLs. Additionally, Web applications can use URL authorization
in tandem with Authorization Manager to control access from within the same policy store to URLs
that are compromising a Web application, and to control application-specific tasks and operations.
Maintaining the policy in the same policy store allows administrators to manage access to the URLs
and application features from a single point of administration, while leveraging the store-level
application groups and user-programmable business rules.
• Delegation should not allow a server to connect on behalf of the client to any resource
in the domain/forest. Only connections to particular services (for example, a backend SQL
database or a remote file store) should be allowed. Otherwise, a malicious server
administrator or application could impersonate the client and authenticate against any
resource in the domain on behalf of the client.
• Delegation should not require the client to share its credentials with the server. If a
malicious server administrator or application has your credentials, it can use them throughout
the whole domain, and not just against the intended backend data store.
Constrained, delegated authentication is a highly desirable way to design an application suite in the
Windows Server 2003 environment, because there are many opportunities to leverage high-level
protocols such as Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM).
These protocols can be used to transparently carry the user context from server to server,
impersonate the user context, and have the user context be authorized against objects as the user by
the authorization rules, defined by: domain group information, local group information, and
discretionary access control lists (DACL), on resources located on the server.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Manageability Enhancements
The typical Internet Web site no longer operates on just one server. Web sites now spread across
multiple Web servers, or across Web farms. (Web farms are clusters of servers that are dedicated to
delivering content, business logic, and services.) Even intranet sites have increased in number as
businesses and organizations are developing and deploying more applications, especially Web-
enabled, line-of-business applications. In addition, as remote administration has become more
common, there has been an increasing demand to improve API access and direct configuration
support. With the Internet and intranet changes over the past few years, managing a Web site is no
longer as simple as managing one or a few Web servers from an office, but has become an intricate
and complex process.
IIS 6.0 introduces new features to improve the administration of Web sites. The IIS 6.0 configuration
store is now expressed as plain text XML, which allows for direct text editing of the metabase
configuration in a robust and recoverable fashion, even while the server is running. Furthermore,
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) support and improved command-line and scripting,
enable programmatic Web site administration without the use of GUI-based IIS 6.0 Manager. IIS 6.0
also includes a new Web-based remote administration console called the Remote Administration
XML Metabase
The metabase is a hierarchical store of configuration values used by IIS 6.0 that incorporates rich
functionality, such as inheritance, data typing, change notification, and security. The metabase
configuration for IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0 was stored in a proprietary binary file and was not easily readable
or editable. IIS 6.0 replaces the proprietary binary file, called MetaBase.bin, with plain text XML
formatted files. Administrators and application developers have long expressed the need to have an
accessible, fast configuration store that doesn’t have a “black-box” feeling to it. The new XML
metabase meets these needs by addressing performance and manageability through the features
outlined below. Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) schema and schema extensibility will
continue to be supported. A human readable and editable schema supports ADSI and enhances
human readability and ease of editing of the text format.
The new XML metabase improves server manageability by enabling the following scenarios:
• Reuse of rich text tools such as windiff, version control systems, and editing tools
• Configuration rollback
• Versioned history archives containing copies of the metabase for each change
The new XML metabase allows administrators to easily read and edit configuration directly without
having to use scripts or code to administer the Web server. The XML metabase makes it much easier
to diagnose potential metabase corruption and extend existing metabase schema via XML. In
addition, administrators can read and edit current metabase configuration directly to the metabase file
Technical Overview of Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
while still being 100% compatible with existing public metabase APIs and ADSI. The binary
metabase used in previous versions of IIS will automatically upgrade to the new XML metabase used
in IIS 6.0.
The metabase history feature automatically keeps track of changes to the metabase that are written
to disk. When the metabase is written to disk, IIS 6.0 marks the new MetaBase.xml file with a version
number and saves a copy of the file in the history folder. Each history file is marked with a unique
version number, which is then available for rollback or restore. The metabase history feature is
enabled by default.
Edit-While-Running Feature
IIS 6.0 gives administrators the important capability to change the server configuration while the
server continues running, through direct edit of the MetaBase.xml file. For example, this feature can
be used to add a new site, create virtual directories, or change the configuration of application pools
and worker processes—all while IIS 6.0 continues to process requests. No recompilation or restart is
required. The administrator can do this easily by opening the MetaBase.xml file using Notepad,
create the virtual directory needed, and save the file—again, all while IIS is running. The new
changes will be detected, scanned for correctness, and applied to the metabase if the changes are
per schema.
IIS 6.0 introduces two new Admin Base Object (ABO) methods, Export() and Import(). These
methods allow the configuration from any node level to be exported and imported across servers.
Secure data is protected via a user-supplied password similar to the new backup/restore support.
These new methods are also available to ADSI and WMI users and through IIS Manager. Using
Export() and Import() administrators can complete the following tasks:
• Export one node or an entire tree to an XML file from any level of the metabase
• Optionally export inherited configuration
• Import one node or an entire tree from an XML file
• Optionally import inherited configuration
• Password protect secure data
• Optionally merge configuration during import with existing configuration
In IIS 6.0, a new Admin Base Object (ABO) API is available for developers to back up and restore the
metabase with a password. This allows administrators and developers to create server-independent
backups. The session key is encrypted with an optional user-supplied password during backup and is
not based on the machine key. When backing up the metabase, the system encrypts the session key
with the password supplied by the user. When restoring, the supplied password decrypts the session
key, and the session key is re-encrypted with the current machine key. This new restore method can
also restore backups made with the old backup method, and follows the same behavior the old
restore method uses when a session key cannot be decrypted. WMI and ADSI support these
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
methods. The existing metabase backup/restore user interface also uses the new backup/restore
Metabase Auditing
Beginning with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), IIS 6.0 includes a metabase auditing
feature that allows tracking of each change that is made to the metabase. Metabase auditing is
enabled by enabling an audit access control entry (ACE) on a node in the metabase. After the ACE is
enabled, whenever a metabase change takes place on that node, an audit event is published in the
NT Security event log. You can also use the new /enableaudit & /disableaudit switches on
IISCNFG.vbs to enable & disable auditing. Using metabase auditing, you can keep track of:
• What was changed (metabase node, property, and old and new values).
• When the change was made (date and time).
• Who made the change (domain and user name).
• Success or failure of the change attempt (HRESULT).
• When a change is made remotely (client IP address).
Note To avoid disclosing sensitive information, such as passwords, values of secure properties do
not appear in audit event log entries.
The IIS 6.0 metabase file offers improved performance scalability. The XML metabase has
comparable or better disk footprint size and faster read times on Web server startup than the IIS 5.0
binary metabase, and equivalent write performance to the IIS 5.0 binary metabase. Addition XML
metabase benefits are:
• The metabase files can be edited directly using common text editing tools
The goal of the IIS 6.0 WMI provider is to allow manageability of IIS 6.0 at a level of functionality
equivalent to the IIS 6.0 ADSI provider and to also support an extensible schema. This requires a
WMI schema that is congruent with the IIS 6.0 metabase schema. While they may differ in terms of
their object and data models, ADSI and WMI offer equivalent functionality. In other words, an
administration task can be scripted using either the ADSI or the WMI model. The effect on the
metabase of running the same script expressed as ADSI or WMI would be equivalent. Likewise, any
schema extensions done through ADSI are reflected in the WMI provider automatically.
Technical Overview of Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Command-Line Administration
IIS 6.0 now ships supported scripts in the Windows\System32 directory that can be used to
administer the server. These scripts, written in the Microsoft Visual Basic® scripting language, use
the IIS 6.0 WMI provider to get and set configuration information within the metabase. These scripts
are designed to do many of the most common tasks facing a Web administrator from the command-
line without having to use a user interface. IIS 6.0 includes the following command-line administration
• IISvdir.vbs: create and delete virtual directories, or display the virtual directories of a
given root
• IISapp.vbs: list process IDs and application pool IDs for currently running worker
processes This script has been updated for Windows Server 2003 SP1 to include a
switch that allows you to recycle application pools from the command line.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Windows Server 2003 introduces a new kernel-mode driver, HTTP.sys, for HTTP parsing and
caching. HTTP.sys is specifically tuned to increase Web server throughput and designed to avoid a
processor transition to user mode if the content requested classifies as something that can be directly
processed in the kernel. This is important to IIS users because IIS 6.0 is built on top of HTTP.sys. If a
user mode component needs to get involved in the processing of a request, HTTP.sys routes the
request to the appropriate user mode worker process without any other user mode process getting
involved in the routing decision.
IIS 6.0 is also more aware of the processing environment. IIS 6.0 kernel and user mode components
are written to be aware of processor locality, and do their best to maintain per-processor internal data
locality. This can improve the scalability of a server on multiprocessor systems. Additionally,
administrators can configure affinity between workloads for particular applications/sites and specific
processor subsystems. This means that applications can set up virtual application processing silos in
one operating system image, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Worker Worker
Process Process
(affinitized to (affinitized to
proc 0, 1, 2, 3) proc 4, 5, 6, 7)
Arriving on Arriving on
proc# 0, 1, proc# 4, 5,
2, 3 6, 7
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Web Gardens
A Web garden is an application pool that has multiple processes serving the requests routed to that
pool. You can configure the worker processes in a Web garden to be bound to a given set of CPUs
on a multi-processor system. Using Web gardens, Web applications have increased scalability
because a software lock in one process does not block all the requests going to an application. If
there are four processes in the Web garden, a specific software lock blocks roughly a quarter of the
Site Scalability
IIS 6.0 has improved the way internal resources are used. The IIS 6.0 approach is much more one of
allocating resources as HTTP requests call for certain system resources, rather than pre-allocating
resources at initialization time. This has resulted in the following improvements:
• Many more sites that can be hosted on a single IIS 6.0 server
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Preliminary testing shows an order of magnitude greater number of pooled applications can be run on
IIS 6.0 as compared to IIS 5.0. IIS 6.0 is capable of having thousands of isolated applications
configured, and each of these applications can run with its own application pool worker process
identity. Of course, the number of concurrent isolated applications is also a function of system
resources. IIS 6.0 can easily have tens of thousands of configured applications per server, when
applications are configured to execute in a shared application pool.
An additional scalability improvement in the new IIS 6.0 architecture is that IIS 6.0 can idle time-out
application pool worker processes that are idle for a configured time period. If there are no requests
for a given application pool over a configured time period, there is no reason that application pool
should still continue to take resources. Therefore, IIS 6.0 can be configured to shut down worker
processes that have been idle for a configured time period. IIS 6.0 will also trim kernel cached items
for these inactive sites dynamically. Coupled together with idle time-out is the ability to demand start
the worker processes when there’s demand for the application pool. While there may not be a worker
process running and serving the application pool, there will be one started when the first request
arrives for that application pool. In this way, IIS 6.0 is able to only consume resources when there is
demand for it.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
• Buffer and handle send (VectorSend), including the ability to mark a response as cacheable
in the HTTP.sys kernel cache
• Caching dynamic content: ASP.NET responses can be marked as cacheable in the HTTP.sys
kernel cache; other ISAPI extensions can use the new VectorSend server support function
(HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND) to mark responses as cacheable in HTTP.sys as well
The HSE_REQ_EXEC_URL server support function now allows an ISAPI extension to easily redirect
a request to another URL. It answers growing demand by ISAPI extension developers to “chain”
together requests.
ExecuteURL provides functionality to replace almost all read raw data filters. The most common
customer scenario for developing read raw data filters is that they want to examine or modify the
request (headers or entity body) before the target URL processes it. Currently, the only way to see
the entity body of a request (if you are not the target URL) is through read raw data notifications.
Unfortunately, writing an ISAPI filter to accomplish this goal can be exceedingly difficult, or even
impossible, in some configurations. ISAPI extensions, on the other hand, provide functionality for
easy retrieval and manipulation of the entity body. ExecuteURL allows an ISAPI extension to process
the request entity body and pass it to a child request, meeting the needs of nearly all read raw data
filter developers.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Global Interceptors
ExecuteURL allows IIS 6.0 to implement ISAPI request interceptors that can intercept, change,
redirect, or deny every incoming HTTP request for a specific URL space.
• IIS 5.0 already supports one ISAPI extension that intercepts all requests with a single
wildcard (*) script map that is configured by editing the application mappings for an
• In IIS 6.0, the single wildcard (*) script map concept is extended to allow a multiple execution
of global interceptors.
ISAPI Filters
Accepting all requests for a specific URL was a functionality that was only possible in ISAPI filters in
previous versions of IIS. ISAPI filters have the following problems:
• They can’t do long running operations (for example, database queries) without starving
the IIS 6.0 thread pool.
• They can’t access the entity body of the request unless they are read raw data filters.
Because global interceptors are ISAPI extensions, they don’t have the limitations of ISAPI filters and
they provide the functionality, together with ExecuteURL, to replace almost all read raw data filters.
Today, ISAPI developers have only two possibilities if they have multiple buffers that make up a
response. They can either call WriteClient multiple times, or they can assemble the response in one
big buffer.
• The first approach is a performance bottleneck, because there is one kernel-mode transition
per buffer.
• The second approach costs performance too, but also needs additional memory.
VectorSend is the IIS 6.0 solution to these problems. Implemented as a server support function for
ISAPIs, VectorSend allows developers to put together a list of buffers and file handles to send, in
order, and then hand off to IIS 6.0 to compile the final response. HTTP.sys compiles all the buffers
and/or file handles into one response buffer within the kernel and then sends it. This frees the ISAPI
from having to do any of this buffer construction or multiple write clients.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
A new ISAPI extension server support function called HSE_REQ_REPORT_UNHEALTHY allows an
ISAPI extension to call into the IIS 6.0 worker process to request that worker process be recycled.
Developers can use this new server support function to request a recycle if their application ISAPI
becomes unstable, or enters an unknown state for any given reason.
The developer can also pass in a string representing the reason why the ISAPI is calling
HSE_REQ_REPORT_UNHEALTHY. This string is then added to the event the worker process
publishes to the Application event log.
Custom Errors
ISAPI developers no longer need to generate their own error messages. Instead, they can plug into
the custom error support built into IIS 6.0 through a new server support function called
Unicode ISAPI
Unicode becomes more and more important in a global economy. Due to the non-Unicode structure
of the HTTP protocol, IIS 5.0 limits the developer to the system code page. With UTF-8 encoded
URLs, Unicode becomes possible. IIS 6.0 allows customers to get to server variables in Unicode and
adds two new server support functions to allow developers to get to the Unicode representation of a
URL. International customers with multi-language sites benefit from this feature and improved
development experience.
The IIS 6.0 and COM+ teams have separated the COM+ services from components and allow ASP
applications to use a set of COM+ services in IIS 6.0. In addition to those services available in COM+
on Windows 2000, a few new services have been added and are supported in ASP.
Fusion Support
Fusion allows an ASP application to use a specified version of a system runtime DLL or classic COM
component. Fusion allows an application developer to specify exact versions of system run-time
libraries and classic COM components that work with their application. When the application is loaded
and running, it will always receive these versions of the run-time libraries and COM components.
Previously, applications had to use whatever version of the system runtime DLL that was installed on
the system. This could present problems if a newer version is installed and has changed functionality
in some way.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Partition Support
Tracker Support
When enabled, the COM+ tracker allows administrators to monitor what code is running within the
ASP session and when. This information is extremely helpful to debug ASP applications. For more
information about the COM+ tracker, consult the COM+ documentation
ASP, through COM+, allows developers to determine which threading model to use when executing
the pages in an application. By default, ASP uses the Single Threaded Apartment. However, if the
application uses poolable objects, it can be run in the Multi-Threaded Apartment.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Platform Improvements
In addition to the features described above, IIS 6.0 has made a number of improvements to the
platform overall. These features make IIS 6.0 a more compelling Web application platform.
64-bit Support
The complete Windows Server 2003 family code base is compiled for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
Customers who demand highly scalable applications can take advantage of an operating system that
runs and is supported on these two platforms. In addition, Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1
introduces a compatibility layer that enables you to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows:
Running 32-bit Applications on 64-bit Windows
Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1 introduces a compatibility layer, known as Windows-32-on-
Windows-64 (WOW64), that is intended to run 32-bit personal productivity applications needed by
software developers and administrators, including 32-bit Internet Information Services (IIS) Web
On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit processes cannot load 64-bit DLLs, and 64-bit processes cannot load 32-
bit DLLs. If you plan to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows, you must configure IIS to create 32-
bit worker processes. Once you have configured IIS to create 32-bit worker processes, you can run
the following types of IIS applications on 64-bit Windows:
• Internet Server API (ISAPI) extensions
• ISAPI filters
• Active Server Page (ASP) applications (specifically, scripts calling COM objects where
the COM object can be 32-bit or 64-bit)
• ASP.NET applications
IIS can, by default, launch Common Gateway Interface (CGI) applications on 64-bit Windows,
because CGI applications run in a separate process.
IPv6.0 Support
Internet Protocol version 6.0 (IPv6.0) is the next generation IP protocol for the Internet. The Windows
Server 2003 family now implements a production-ready IPv6.0 stack. On servers where the IPv6.0
protocol stack is installed, IIS 6.0 will automatically support handling HTTP requests that arrive over
Granular Compression
On a congested network it is useful to compress responses. In IIS 5.0, compression was an ISAPI
filter and could only be enabled for the whole server. IIS 6.0 allows a much more granular
configuration (file level).
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
can control the resources being used by particular sites, application pools, the WWW service as a
whole, and others.
Basically, QoS ensures a certain quality of service that other services, sites, or applications on the
system receive. It does this by limiting the resources consumed by particular Web sites or
applications, and/or by the WWW service itself.
• Connection limits
• Connection time-outs
• Bandwidth throttling
• Process accounting
Tracing Improvements:
The Windows operating system includes the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) infrastructure to help
individuals troubleshoot problems in the operating system, including those involving HTTP requests in
IIS components. IIS HTTP components include Active Server Pages (ASP), Internet Server
Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions, and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Filter
service, to name a few. If an HTTP request in IIS fails or becomes unresponsive while ETW is
enabled, you can view ETW trace data, called events, to determine which component caused the
In Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later, IIS includes the following tracing features. These
features leverage the ETW infrastructure.
• IIS Currently-executing Requests Tracing: This tracing feature provides general statistics and
details about all requests executing on the server at the moment tracing was started. If the CPU on
your server is spiking or if requests become unresponsive, currently-executing requests tracing can
help you understand which URLs are being requested, which application pool the requests reside in,
and other similar details. This feature does not include the option to specify which components or
URLs to trace.
• IIS Request-Based Tracing: This tracing feature tracks HTTP requests as they move through
IIS components. Request-based tracing can help you target the IIS component processing a request
when the request failed or became unresponsive. Request-based tracing is enabled and disabled via
the command line. Request-based tracing allows you to define and trace a specific URL or a group of
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later also includes a provider for tracing the IIS Admin
service during startup and shutdown. The IIS Admin service provides access to the in-memory
configuration store and other dependent services. If IIS Admin hangs on startup or shutdown, which
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
could be due to a bad client that has registered for change notifications, and IIS Admin is waiting to
cancel that notification so it can shutdown, IIS can become unresponsive. If you experience problems
while IIS is starting up or shutting down, the IIS Admin Service provider can help you understand the
nature of the problem.
Logging Improvements
Logging improvements in IIS 6.0 address international usage, large site, and troubleshooting
scenarios by adding the following features:
With additional Unicode and UTF-8 support, IIS 6.0 now supports writing log files in UTF-8 instead of
just ASCII (or local code page). This setting, configurable on the WWW service level, tells HTTP.sys
how to write out the log files—in UTF-8 or in the local code page.
Binary Logging
Binary logging allows multiple sites to write to a single log file in a binary, non-formatted manner. This
new logging format will offer improved performance over current text-based [World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C), IIS 6.0, and National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)] logging
formats since the data doesn’t have to be formatted in any specific manner. Additionally, binary
logging offers scalability benefits due to the dramatic reduction in the number of log file buffers
needed to log for tens of thousands of sites. When enabled, all sites will log to the same one binary
log file. Tools can then be used to post-process the log file to extract the log entries. Even home-
grown tools can be written to process binary log files, because the format of the log entries and file
will be published.
IIS 6.0 also supports the ability to log HTTP sub status codes in W3C and binary logging formats. Sub
status codes are often helpful in debugging or troubleshooting, because IIS 6.0 returns specific sub
status codes for specific types of problems. For example, if a request cannot be served because the
application needed has not been unlocked (like ASP by default on clean installations), the client will
get a generic 404. IIS 6.0 actually generates a 404.2, which will now be logged to W3C and Binary
log files.
W3C centralized logging is a global configuration on the server where all Web sites write data to a
single log file. Data is stored in the log file using the W3C Extended log file format. The log file can be
viewed in a text editor, unlike IIS Centralized Binary Logging which writes data in binary format and
requires a parsing tool to view the data. W3C centralized logging is available in Windows Server 2003
Service Pack 1 or later. By default, IIS Web sites write data to individual log files (one log file per Web
site). On servers hosting large numbers of sites (hundreds or thousands), the process of maintaining
large numbers of open file handles to log files can negatively impact how the server scales. W3C
centralized logging improves server scalability on servers hosting large numbers of sites because IIS
requires only one open file handle for logging.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
W3C centralized logging is a server property, not a site property, so when you enable this feature all
Web sites on that server are configured to write log data to the central log file.
Note W3C centralized logging uses the W3C Extended log format, which includes the following four
fields: HostHeader, Cookie, UserAgent, and Referrer.
Traditionally, ISP/ASP customers have used FTP to upload their Web content because of its easy
availability and wide adoption. IIS 6.0 allows the isolation of users into their own directory, thus
preventing users from viewing or overwriting other users' Web content. The user’s top-level directory
appears as the root of the FTP service, thus restricting access by disallowing further navigation up
the directory tree. Within the user’s specific site, the user has the ability to create, modify, or delete
files and folders. The FTP implementation is architected across an arbitrary number of front-end and
back-end servers, which increases reliability and availability. FTP can be easily scaled, based on the
addition of virtual directories and servers, without impacting the end users.
PASV FTP, or passive mode FTP, requires the server to open a data port for the client to make a
second connection. This is a separate connection than the typical port 21 that is used for the FTP
control channel. The port range used for PASV connections is now configurable with IIS 6.0. This
feature can reduce the attack surface of IIS 6.0 FTP servers by allowing administrators to have more
granular control over the port ranges that are exposed over the Internet.
• No service interruption while installing patches. The new IIS 6.0 architecture includes
worker process recycling, which means an administrator can easily install most IIS 6.0 hot
fixes and most new worker process DLLs without any interruption of service.
• Windows Update Corporate Edition. Many IT departments do not allow users to install
security patches and other Windows Update packages without first testing them in a standard
operating environment. Corporate Windows Update now enables users to run quality
assurance tests on patches required by the organization. Once patches have passed the
specified tests, they can be placed on the Corporate Windows Update server, behind the
firewall, where all machines inside the firewall can then pick up the patch.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
• Resource Free DLLs. Windows Server 2003 has now separated localization resources from
the actual implementation. This has improved Microsoft’s ability to quickly design fixes for 30
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
IIS 6.0 and Windows Server 2003 introduce many new features for Web application server reliability,
manageability, scalability, and security. IIS 6.0 also enhances application development by providing
an integrated platform with other technologies in Windows Server 2003, for example ASP.NET and
the Microsoft .NET Framework. The benefits of choosing IIS 6.0 include less planned and unplanned
system downtime, increased Web site and application availability, lower system administration costs,
server consolidation (reduced staffing, hardware, and site management costs), and a significant
increase in Web infrastructure security.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical White Paper
Related Links
• What’s New in IIS 6.0 at
For the latest information about Windows Server 2003, see the Windows Server 2003 Web site at