Mark Scheme (Results) : January 2017

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2017

Pearson Edexcel
International Advanced Subsidiary Level
in Biology (WBI01)
Paper 01 Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and

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January 2017
Publications Code WBI01_01_MS_1701*
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General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as
they mark the last.

 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.

 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.

 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.

 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved,
i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s
response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.

 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.

 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader
must be consulted.

 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(a) 1. movement down a concentration gradient ; MP1 Accept description of concentration
2. that requires a { membrane / channel / carrier }
protein ; Type:
3. does not require ATP / is a passive process / eq ; MP 3 Ignore: ‘does not need energy’

Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(b)(i) glycosidic (link) ; Ignore any reference to type of Type:
glycosidic link e.g. 1-4 Clerical

Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(b)(ii) hydrolysis ; Accept: ‘catabolic reaction’ Type:
Do not accept: answer that include Clerical
both hydrolysis and condensation (1)

Question Mark
Answer Additional guidance
1(b)(iii) 1. Idea of branching (polysaccharide) ;

2. that is {rapidly hydrolysed / eq} ; Ignore easily hydrolysed

3. allows the storage of large quantities of glucose in a MP3 is about energy density not
small space (in a cell)/ eq ; just stores lots of energy.

4. low solubility / it does not diffuse out of cells / it has no MP3 Accept ‘compact molecule’
osmotic effect / eq ; in the context of storing lots of
energy/glucose Type:
MP4 Allow ‘insoluble’ (3)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(a)(i) The only correct answer is A A endothelial cells

B is not correct because because atherosclerosis is not

initiated by damage to muscle cells

C is not correct because atherosclerosis is not initiated by

damage to red blood cells

D is not correct because atherosclerosis is not initiated by Type:

damage to white blood cells Computer

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(a)(ii) The only correct answer is A A arteries

B is not correct because atherosclerosis does not occur in

the atria

C is not correct because atherosclerosis does not occur in

the capillaries

D is not correct because atherosclerosis does not occur in

the ventricles Type:

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(a)(iii) The only correct answer is A A less elastic with a narrow
B is not correct because in atherosclerosis, the blood
vessels lumen narrows

C is not correct because in atherosclerosis, the blood

vessels become less elastic
D is not correct because in atherosclerosis, the blood Computer
vessels become less elastic and the lumen narrows (1)

Answer Additional guidance Mark

1. formation of blood clot / thickening of artery wall / eq ;

2. { blocks / narrows } coronary arteries ; MP 2 allow ‘arteries supplying

the heart (muscle)’
3. reduces blood flow ; Type:
4. depriving heart muscle of { oxygen / nutrients / eq } ;

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(i) 1. there are fewer heart attacks in the group treated with MP 1 ACCEPT converse for
Captopril ; propranolol

2. Captopril reduces heart attacks by { x2.6 / 62% } MP 1 ACCEPT Propranolol

compared to propranolol : increases the number of heart
attacks compared to Captopril
3. there is {little / no difference / eq} in the percentage
of strokes for the different drugs ; Type:
MP 2 ACCEPT the difference is Expert

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(ii) 1. unethical not to treat patients with high blood Accept:
pressure;  using a placebo puts patients at Type:
risk Graduate
2. Idea of comparing the two drugs

Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(iii) Two from: IGNORE reference to
1. study population was small ;  no placebo / control group
 missing information e.g. gender
2. only carried out in {one country / Finland} ; /drug dose / activity

3. age range is too broad / not all age groups included; MP3 IGNORE ‘age is not Type:
controlled’ unless qualified Graduate

4. study followed for only six years ; (2)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(a)(i) The only correct answer is D D ventricular systole

A is not correct because pressure in the aorta does not

increases during atrial diastole

B is not correct because pressure in the aorta does not

increases during atrial systole

C is not correct because pressure in the aorta does not Type:

increases during ventricular diastole Computer

Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(a)(ii) 1. 15.6 – 10 ; Allow 5.6 for mp 1
5.6 ÷ 15.6 = 35.9 ( % ); Allow 36 ( % ) Graduate

Correct answer with no working gains full marks Ignore plus or minus signs (2)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(a)(iii) 1. heart is in ( ventricular ) diastole ;

2. no blood is entering the aorta / eq ;

3. blood is leaving the aorta / eq ; Expert


Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(b) 1. idea that it keeps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood MP 1 ignore reference to sides of
separate ; heart
2. keeps { concentration / diffusion } gradient steep ;

3. idea that this results in sufficient oxygen being carried MP 3 Accept results in removal
to the {tissues / cells / eq } ; of carbon dioxide from { tissues /
cells / eq }
4. reference to different pressures in each side / need for Type:
different pressures explained ; MP 4 any references to left and Expert
right sides must be correct

Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(c) 1. thin walls / (walls) consist of single layer of flattened MP 1 allow narrow lumen
cells / eq ;

2. idea of allowing rapid diffusion ;

ACCEPT: pores
3. gaps between cells (in the wall) ;
4. to allow exchange (of materials) / increase permeability Expert

Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(a) Any two from: MP 1 Accept thickness of
exchange surface
1. diffusion distance ;
Accept two or more correct
2. concentration gradient ; answers but must have no
incorrect answers for one mark
3. permeability ;
Ignore moisture / mucus / blood
4. temperature ; flow references Type:

Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(i) 0.21 : 1 IGNORE units
Or Type:
1 : 4.87 ; ACCEPT: 0.2 : 1, 0.205 : 1, Graduate
1 : 4.9 or 1:5 (1)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(ii) 1. as mass increases demand for oxygen increases / eq; MP 1 Accept equivalent answers
in terms of carbon dioxide
2. ( surface area of alveoli ) increases to allow for production
increased gas exchange / eq; Type:

Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(c) 1. defective CFTR protein / eq ;

2. chloride ions are not transported out of the cells / sodium

ions move into cells ;

3. water does not move out (of cells) / water moves in (to Type:
cells) / eq ; Expert

4. mucus (on cell surface) { is not diluted / is thicker / is more MG 4 ALLOW ‘thick’
sticky } / eq ;

5. reduced rate of gas diffusion / reducing ventilation of alveoli

/eq ; (4)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(a) 1. the DHAR modified plants have a higher concentration
(of vitamin C in both tubers and leaves) ;

2. the increase ( in vitamin C concentration ) in the leaves

is greater than the increase in the tubers ;
3. calculation to support MP 1 or MP 2 ; MP 3 e.g. the increase in the Expert
tubers is 0.5, the increase in
leaves 1.1 (3)

Answer Additional guidance Mark
*5(b) (QWC – Spelling of technical terms must be QWC emphasis on clarity of
correct and the answer must be organised in a expression
logical sequence)
MP1 Accept at least one correct condition
1. grow both types of plant under same conditions ; that needs to be kept constant for both
groups of plants
2. prepare extract from each type of plant ;

3. using DCPIP ;

4. same volume of DCPIP or extract;

5. {titrate / eq } extract against DCPIP or DCPIP MP 5 an eq for titration is to add DCPIP or

against extract ; extract dropwise

6. correct description of colour change ;

7. idea of comparison with a solution of vitamin C of MP 7 accept use a calibration curve Type:
known concentration / compare volumes needed to Expert
change the colour of the DCPIP ;

Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a)(i) ester ; Ignore references to additional details Type:
about bond e.g. covalent Clerical

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(a)(ii) The only correct answer is D
A is not correct because the carbon oxygen Computer
double bond is missing and the ‘ester (1)
group’ is back to front

B is not correct because the ester group is

back to front

C is not correct because the carbon

oxygen double bond is missing

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(a)(iii) Must be a complete comparison Type:
1. saturated fatty acid has no MP1 must be clear that describing carbon-carbon
carbon – carbon double bonds bonds (ignore unqualified double and single bonds
whereas an unsaturated fatty
acid has at least one carbon- ACCEPT ref to double bonds in the hydrocarbon
carbon double bond ; chain


MP3 ACCEPT less H per C in unsaturated (or


2. saturated fatty acid chains are straight Do not accept more hydrogens in saturated than
unsaturated fatty acid chains are not unsaturated fatty acids
straight / eq ;

3. ratio of H:C is higher in saturated fatty

acids than unsaturated fatty acids ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(a)(iv) 1. enzymes are specific ; MP 1 ACCEPT: active site is specific Type:
2. due to { shape / structure } of active site ;
MP 3 ACCEPT: only binds to diglyceride (3)
3. only allowing certain substrates to {bind / fit
/ form a complex / eq} ;

4. because diglyceride has a different shape

from other molecules ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(i) 1. at the start substrate is not a limiting factor ; MP 1 DO NOT ACCEPT ‘the
substrate and enzyme are not
2. as a reaction proceeds the concentration of substrate limiting factors’
decreases ;
3. lower concentration of substrate limits rate of reaction ; Expert


Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(ii) 1. controlling pH ;

2. otherwise pH would change as the fatty acid was used

up ;

3. (changes in pH) affect the shape of the active site ; MP3 ACCEPT ‘denatures the
{active site / enzyme }’

4. (changes in pH) change ionic bonds within the enzyme ; MP 4 ACCEPT ‘alters charge on
R groups’ or ‘changes ionisation’ Type:
5. (changes in pH) change the rate of reaction ; MP5 IGNORE comments about
changes in the enzyme’s activity (4)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

*7(a) (QWC – Spelling of technical terms must be correct and QWC emphasis is spelling
the answer must be organised in a logical sequence) [penalise once only]

ACCEPT points made on a clearly

labelled diagram, but if diagram
and description contradict each
other then MP not awarded.

1. reference to phospholipid bilayer ; MP1 ACCEPT ‘a bilayer made of

2. correct orientation and structure of the phospholipids in the
bilayer ;

3. phospholipids have { polar / hydrophilic } heads and {non-

polar / hydrophobic } tails / eq; MP 3 ACCEPT description of
polar and non-polar
4. proteins in the membrane ;

5. idea of at least two different locations of proteins e.g. MP 5 If only one location is
extrinsic, intrinsic, transmembrane ; provided then still get MP4
6. reference to glycoproteins / glycolipids / lipoproteins ; Expert

7. reference to cholesterol within the membrane ; (5)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(b)(i) The only correct answer is C C Less than the concentration in
the cel in solution Q
A is not correct because the solute concentration must be less
than that in Q

B is not correct because the solute concentration must be less

than that in the control solution Type:
D is not correct because the solute concentration must be less
than that in the control solution (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(b)(ii) 1. volume of cytoplasm is less ; MP 1 ACCEPT descriptions of
cell e.g. cell has shrunk / cell is
2. water has left the cell ;

3. reference to osmosis ;

4. {sodium chloride / solute} concentration inside the cell is MP 4 ACCEPT water

lower than the solute concentration outside the cell ; concentration inside the cell is
greater than water concentration
outside the cell

Accept answers in terms of

water / solute potential or
solution Q being hypertonic
; Type:


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(a) 1. genotype is the { combination of / pair of / two / all } alleles MP1 ACCEPT the alleles of the
present (in an organism) e.g. MM ; gene if qualified with suitable
example e.g. MM

IGNORE M, S, Z unqualified.
2. phenotype is the observable feature which is the Expert
concentration of alpha-1-antitrypsin ( in the blood) ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b) 1. all the alleles have an effect on the phenotype ;

2. M produces the highest concentration (of alpha-1- MP 2 ACCEPT M is more

antitrypsin) and Z produces the lowest concentration ; dominant than S and Z

3. none of these alleles is completely dominant or MP3 ACCEPT M, S and Z are

recessive ( as they all have an effect) ; co-dominant

4. level of reduction due to one allele quantified e.g. S Expert
equivalent to 20% reduction ;

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(c)(i) The only correct answer is C C G to A

A is not correct because the only base change that results in an

amino acid change from Glu to Lys is G to A

B is not correct because the only base change that results in an

amino acid change from Glu to Lys is G to A Type:
D is not correct because the only base change that results
in an amino acid change from Glu to Lys is G to A (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(c)(ii) ACCEPT NH2 and COOH on either side

ACCEPT Fully displayed structures


O-H-C— (ie if bond structure is
shown it must be correct)
ACCEPT one or both groups charged Type:
e.g. -NH3+ -COO- Graduate

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1. primary structure is the sequence of amino acids ;

2. idea that amino acids each have different R groups ;

3. idea that bonds form between R groups Type:

4. ( bonding ) determines the folding of the polypeptide ;


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(d) Annotated diagram gains MP 1
1. correct genotypes of offspring MM, 2MZ and ZZ ; and 2
MP 1 and 2 Accept other letters
2. genotypes giving blood concentration below parents’ AAT with suitable key e.g A = M and a
identified – ZZ ; =Z

3. correct probability {0.25 / 25% / 1/4} ; MP 2 ACCEPT ZZ circled or


MP 2 ACCEPT correct Type:

concentrations written alongside Expert

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