Document Management System Lesson 1: Document Management

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Document Management System

Lesson 1: Document Management

After reading this lesson, you will enable to:
 Understand the meaning of Document Management

This lesson will introduce the definition of Document Management System and why it is
effective.It explains the advantages and who will benefit the data. As well as who are
likely to use it.

Document Management System (DMS)

• It is an electronic solution that help organization to streamline their document

management process.

• It enables scanning, storage, retrieval, sharing, tracking, revision and distribution

of documents and hence information and data they contain

The 5 reasons why it is effective and its explanation

Centralized form of Information

 Easy Retrieval It is possible to retrieve any documents stored in the system at

any time and in as many copies as needed.
 Flexible Search DMS provides flexible search tools that enable defining
criteria according to the actual needs. The documents can be searched by
title, author, or keywords found in the name or the content of the document.
 Improved Distribution The system is integrated with the organization's
software suite what enables sending documents using emails or other
commonly used communication tools.

Improved Security

 Administrative control The DMS allows introducing changes to the system only to
the authorised users. Only those with valid password and login can retrieve
information from the documents what makes the system a secured place for
confidential and fragile data.
 Disaster recovery All files are scanned, stored and backed-up in the electronic
version what protects them from physical damage.

 Reduced document storage costs In DMS, all the documents are stored in the
form of electronic files on a server. This format eliminates the maintenance cost
of cupboard archives.

 Improved cash-flow More effective processing of documents like invoices, debt

collection and other cash-related documents helps to control the flow of cash in
the organisation.

Improved Workflow

 Improved internal communication By facilitating access to all information

contained in documents within the company, the managerial processes become
more effective and the workflow is smoother.

 Easy administration of information Easy access to information stored in diverse

documents facilitates the workflow because it enables the retrieval of necessary
documents in as many copies as needed.

 Intellectual Capital As all documents are in electronic versions it is easy to share

them within other coworkers and therefore pass the knowledge and improve the

Improved Customer Satisfaction

 Access to customer-related data In DMS all the information is stored in a

centralised repository and therefore is easily accessible. The customer service is
therefore smoother and much more effective.

 Effective customer service In certain sectors the customer service is based on

application and form filling. Easy access to the necessary documentation speeds
the process of customer service and maximizes their satisfaction.


 • Saves cost of printing, paper, ink, microfilm, copies and postage.

 • Paperless business process efficiency.

 • Improved document search, security and control.

 • Audit trial showing who has accesses or updated documents

 • Remote Document Access.

Who can benefit? 

 1. Enforced by law to store official documentation on their activity.

 2. That deal with a significant number of customers’ documentation on a daily


 3. That store confidential data about customers.


 1. Improve staff productivity

 2. Reduce costs associated with manual document

 3. Promote sharing of knowledge and information

 4. Enhance corporate transparency and governance

 5. E-mail and fax files instantly

 6. Access documents while traveling

 7. Publish documents to CD, DVD or the web, as appropriate

Which sectors are likely to use it?

 • Insurance – to store applications, quality documentation, diverse documents

involved in the claim process (pictures, document copies, etc.) and policy

 • Telecom – to store applications for different packages and subscriptions and

documentation relevant to contracts

 • Governmental (on the example of Passport and Immigration Office) – to store

all documentation regarding citizens: passport, visa and identification card
applications and copies

 Manufacturing - Warehousing alone places a huge burden on a company’s

ability to efficiently manage their documents. This is an industry that requires the
tracking of parts, materials, shipments, invoices, and contracts, just to name a

 Healthcare - Healthcare companies depend on immediate access to patient

records and compliance documents, as well as insurance information. This is a
massive and dynamic industry with massive document management needs.

 Transportation - This is an industry that relies on complicated logistics, where

documentation is constantly changing and must be available around the clock. 

 Education - Every educational institution relies on good documentation

management to keep up with every aspect of student life.
DMS in insurance sector 

 Insurance organizations archive different types of documents relevant to policy

and claim application and documentation processes. Similarly to governmental
organizations, they store confidential data and need to apply high security
standards to protect their customers. As the insurance sector is strictly controlled
by law, the DMS has several features to authenticate the validity of all stored
information in order to demonstrate compliance with governmental regulations.

DMS in governmental sector

 Governmental organizations store documents containing confidential information

about citizens. Passport and Immigration Services that Converse cooperated
with, handles information about citizens from different countries: their names,
passport numbers, visa applications, etc. A reliable solutions to store and to
protect this data from unauthorized use in indispensable. Moreover, when
dealing with a lot of customers on a daily basis, DMS improves the workflow and
customer service in the offices, i.e. in the airports.

DMS in telecom sector

 The use of a reliable DMS in the telecom sector helps dealing with all sorts of
documentation relevant to contracts and applications. The system provides an
easy access to application forms for packages and subscriptions and serves as a
document archive. Therefore, it improves customer service and the workflow of
telecom company’s employees.

DMS in Manufacturing

 There are so many aspects to manufacturing, that the number of documents

required to keep everything running can be astounding.

 Warehousing alone places a huge burden on a company’s ability to efficiently

manage their documents. This is an industry that requires the tracking of parts,
materials, shipments, invoices, and contracts, just to name a few.

 It’s vital to be able to pull up information at a moment’s notice, make changes,

and meet deadlines, as quickly and efficiently as possible at any hour of the day
or night.

DMS in Healthcare

 Imagine going to an appointment with your doctor, or having an emergency that

requires hospital care, yet they don’t have the documentation necessary to
process you. This would create a crisis.
 Information is the lifeblood of the healthcare industry. From administration to
healthcare professionals, to IT specialists, everything must run optimally at all

 Healthcare companies depend on immediate access to patient records and

compliance documents, as well as insurance information. This is a massive and
dynamic industry with massive document management needs.

DMS in Transportation

 There is no end to the document management needs of the transportation

industry. This is an industry that relies on complicated logistics, where
documentation is constantly changing and must be available around the clock.
Whether shipping over the road, by rail, sea or sky, every other industry on the
planet relies on transportation to deliver products on time, and that’s no easy

DMS in Education

  Every educational institution relies on good documentation management to keep

up with every aspect of student life. From transcripts to testing, to grades, this
information is important and must be efficiently managed.You can’t put a price on
education, and the education industry can’t put a price on the value of a good
document management system.

1. What is DMS?
2. Give atleast 3 reasons why it is effective and its explanation
3. Give me atleast 5 on what will be the benefits of DMS?
4. Give me atleast 5 sectors who are likely to use the DMS
5. What is insurance sector
6. Explain DMS in Government Sector

After reading this lesson, you will enable to:

 What Is Content Management System
 Identify The Main features of a CMS
 Identify the workflow for WEB CMS

 This lesson will introduce the definition of Content Management System and
its importance. It explains different approaches to data integration, as well as
its processes.

 CMS is a system used to manage content on a web site.
 It covers complete life cycle of pages on web site.
 Content can be anything..!!
 It requires almost no technical skill or knowledge .
 It keeps the track of every piece of content on our website.
 A content management system is a computer application that allows publishing,
editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from
a central interface.
 CMSs have been available since the late 1990s.
 CMSs are often used to run websites containing blogs, news, and shopping.

 Typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding.

Main features of a CMS

CMS features vary widely. Most CMS’s include the following.
● Web-based publishing,
● Format management,
● Revision control (version control),
● Indexing, search, and retrieval.
Some content management systems also support the separation of content and
Content and Presentation
The content management system (CMS) has two elements:
● Content management application (CMA) is the front-end user interface that
allows a user, even with limited expertise, to add, modify and remove content
from a Web site without the intervention of a Webmaster.
● Content delivery application (CDA) compiles that information and updates the
Web site.
● A software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and
administration tools.
● Designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming to create and
manage website content with relative ease.
● Uses a content repository or a database to store page content, metadata, and
other information assets.
● Has a presentation layer (template engine) to display the content to website
visitors based on a set of templates.
● Uses server side caching to improve performance.

Content Creation
Simplify the processes of placing content on the web and obtaining approval to do so
 Use templates to capture the content and to present it
 Use workflow to simplify the upload, approve and publish processes
 Embed Teamsite buttons in standard Microsoft applications if required
Implement approval workflows and enable security such that only approved persons
can publish to sites that are of importance to Monash
 Implement automated gathering of metadata with the ability of the authors and
editors to correct if necessary
 Appropriately store and manage metadata
 Provide metadata to the search engine
Aim: Improve the quality of Monash web sites
 The implementation of standards across presentation, metadata, governance,
and navigation will enhance quality
 Ease of use will remove some of the barriers to quality
 The dimensions of quality in this instance are accuracy, availability,
discoverability, relevance, and timeliness of information

Continue to support a diverse array of existing technology platforms
Consolidate the current technology environment wherever possible
 Implement processes that automate the capture of content from a variety of
editing tools and simplify the presentation of that content
 Enable the embedding of sophisticated content on web pages without requiring
sophisticated web presentation skills from the author
Quality – Actions
 Accuracy: Enable an approval process to confirm the accuracy of the information
 Availability: Ensure that the information is published, backed up, versioned, and
restorable through automated Teamsite processes
 Discoverability: Ensure that the information can be located through effective use
of metadata driven searches
 Relevance: Enable a process to ensure relevance through the use of approval
 Timeliness of information: Simplify and automate the publication of web site
information and enable removal of information through the use of automated
“sunset” processes.
Capabilities of a CMS
● Automated templates
● Access control
● Scalable expansion
● Easily editable content
● Scalable feature sets
● Web standards upgrades
● Collaboration
● Delegation
● Document management
● Workflow management
● Content virtualization
● Content syndication
● Multilingual
● Versioning

 Low cost
 Easy customization
 Easy to use
 Workflow management
 Good For Search Engine Optimization
● Cost of implementations
● Cost of maintenance
● Latency issues
● Tool mixing
● Security
Some Popular CMS
● WordPress was the most popular content management system before 2014.
● Textpattern is one of the first open source CMS.
● Joomla! is a popular content management system.
● Drupal is the third most used CMS and originated before WordPress and Joomla.
● ExpressionEngine is in the top 5 most used CMSs. It is a commercial CMS
● MediaWiki powers Wikipedia and related projects.
● Magnolia CMS.
● Cascade Server is popular among universities and enterprise scale
● eXo Platform Open Source Social CMS.
● Liferay Open Source Portal WCMS.

1. What is Content management System
2. Name SOME 5 popular CMS.
3. Give 2 Capabilities of a CMS.
4. Give some quality and action about CMS

eFileCabinet (2021). What is a Document Management System?

Document Locator. (2021) Centralized document management for the organization

Hcondon (2018). 5 Ways Document Management Improves Customer Service

Fortune Business Insights (2020). Document Management Services Market

Sarah A. (2018). What is enterprise content management? Guide to ECM

Prepared by:
Jessalyn Mae Diaz
Jephanie Anne Abos
Jeam Dalman

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