Information For Candidates - 2013-Part3

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Writing Speaking

Timing: 60 minutes Timing: 11-14 minutes

Tasks: There are 2 tasks Tasks: The Speaking test is a 3-part face-to-face oral interview with an
Candidates are required to write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least
250 words for Task 2 The Speaking test is recorded

Test Parts: There are 2 parts Test Parts: There are 3 parts
Academic Writing Part 1 Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes)
In Task 1, candidates are presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram The examiner introduces him/herself and asks the candidate to introduce
and are asked to describe, summarise or explain the information in their him/herself and confirm his/her identity. The examiner asks the candidate
own words. They may be asked to describe and explain data, describe general questions on familiar topics, e.g. home, family, work, studies and
the stages of a process, how something works or describe an object or interests
Part 2 Individual long turn (3-4 minutes)
In Task 2, candidates are asked to write an essay in response to a point of
view, argument or problem The examiner gives the candidate a task card which asks the candidate to
talk about a particular topic and which includes points which the candidate
The issues raised are of general interest to, suitable for and easily can cover in their talk. The candidate is given 1 minute to prepare their talk,
understood by candidates entering undergraduate or postgraduate and is given a pencil and paper to make notes. The candidate talks for 1-2
studies or seeking professional registration minutes on the topic. The examiner then asks the candidate one or two
Responses to Task 1 and Task 2 should be written in a formal style questions on the same topic

General Training Writing Part 3 Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes)

In Task 1, candidates are presented with a situation and are asked to write The examiner asks further questions which are connected to the topic of
a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The letter may Part 2. These questions give the candidate an opportunity to discuss more
be personal, semi-formal or formal in style abstract issues and ideas
In Task 2, candidates are asked to write an essay in response to a point
of view, argument or problem. The essay can be slightly more personal in
style than the Academic Writing Task 2 essay Skills assessed: A wide range of speaking skills is assessed, including
Topics are of general interest the ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday
topics and common experiences and situations by answering a range
of questions; the ability to speak at length on a given topic using
appropriate language and organising ideas coherently; and the ability
Skills assessed: In both tasks, candidates are assessed on their ability to to express and justify opinions and to analyse, discuss and speculate
write a response which is appropriate in terms of content, the organisation of about issues
ideas, and the accuracy and range of vocabulary and grammar
Academic Writing
In Task 1, depending on the task type, candidates are assessed on their Marking: Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the
ability to organise, present and possibly compare data; to describe the test by certificated IELTS examiners according to the four criteria of the
stages of a process or procedure; to describe an object or event or IELTS Speaking Test Band Descriptors (fluency and coherence, lexical
sequence of events; to explain how something works resource, grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation). The public
version of the band descriptors can be found at
In Task 2, depending on the task type, candidates are assessed on their score_processing_and_reporting.aspx
ability to present a solution to a problem; to present and justify an opinion;
to compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications; to evaluate Scores are reported in whole and half bands
and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument
General Training Writing
In Task 1, depending on the task type, candidates are assessed on
their ability to engage in personal correspondence in order to: elicit and
provide general factual information; express needs, wants, likes and
dislikes; express opinions (views, complaints etc.)
In Task 2, candidates are assessed on their ability to provide general
factual information; to outline a problem and present a solution; to present
and possibly justify an opinion; to evaluate and challenge
ideas, evidence or an argument

Marking: Candidates are assessed on their performance on each task

by certificated IELTS examiners according to the four criteria of the IELTS
Writing Test Band Descriptors (task achievement/response, coherence
and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy). The
public version of the band descriptors can be found at
Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score
Scores are reported in whole and half bands

Speaking example tas


sk General Training Writin

g exa mple task
The test components – additional guidance Writing

Listening • You may write your answers in pencil or pen.

• Pay attention to the number of words required
• E ach recording in the Listening test is heard
for each task. You will lose marks if you do not
once only.
write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least
• You will be given time to read through the
250 words for Task 2.
questions before you listen.
• You should spend approximately 20 minutes on
• As you listen, write your answers on the question
Task 1 and approximately 40 minutes on Task 2.
paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10
• You must write your answers in full; answers
minutes to transfer your answers to the answer
written in note form or in bullet points will lose
sheet. It is essential that you transfer your
answers to the answer sheet as nothing you
• Pay attention to spelling, grammar and
write on the question paper will be marked.
punctuation; you will lose marks for mistakes.
• You must write your answers in pencil.
• You may write your answers entirely in capitals if
• An example of a completed Listening answer
you wish.
sheet is given on the next page.
• You may make notes on the question paper but
• ‘Completion’ question types (e.g. note
nothing you write on the question paper will be
- Pay attention to the word limit. For example,
if you are asked to complete a sentence
Re-taking IELTS
the correct answer is ‘leather coat’, the There are no restrictions on re-taking IELTS. If you
answer ‘coat made of leather’ would be do not get the result you wanted, you can register
incorrect. for another test as soon as you feel you are ready
- Transfer only the missing word(s) to the to do so. Please note that your score is unlikely to
answer sheet. For example, if you have increase unless you make a significant effort to
to complete the note ‘in the … ’, and the improve your English before re-taking the test.
correct answer is ‘morning’, the answer ‘in
the morning’ would be incorrect. Enquiries on Results
- You will hear the word(s) you need to use in
the recording. You will not need to change If you are unhappy with your test result, you can
the form of the word you hear. apply for a re-mark (Enquiry on Results) at the
- Pay attention to spelling and grammar: you centre where you took the test. You must make the
will lose marks for mistakes. application no later than six weeks after the test
- You may write your answers in lower case or date. You can choose which test components are
in capitals. re-marked. There is a fee for this service which
Reading will be refunded if your score on any component
is increased. Enquiries on Results take six to eight
• Y ou may write your answers directly on the
answer sheet or you may write them on the weeks to complete.
question paper and transfer them to the answer
sheet before the end of the test. You will not be Special Requirements
given extra time to transfer answers at the end In order to ensure that the language ability of all
of the test. Nothing you write on the question candidates is assessed fairly and objectively, IELTS
paper will be marked. provides a comprehensive service for candidates who
• You must write your answers in pencil. have special requirements, including specific learning
• An example of a completed Reading answer difficulties, hearing difficulties and visual difficulties.
sheet is given on the next page.
• ‘Completion’ question types (e.g. note If you require a modified version of the test, for
completion): example in Braille, you must give the test centre
- The same rules apply to ‘completion’ three months’ notice. This notice period is necessary
question types as in Listening (see above). for the modified test version to be prepared. If your
- The word(s) you use must be taken from the circumstances require only special administrative
Reading text. You must not change the form arrangements to be made, such as extra time, you
of the word(s) in the text. must give the test centre six weeks’ notice. Please
contact your test centre to discuss your requirements.

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