This document lists various department building numbers and their corresponding grid references for buildings on the University of Liverpool campus. It includes over 50 listings of departments and their building locations, ranging from departments like Accommodation Office, Archaeology and Classics, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Law, and more. The buildings are distributed across campus and include common buildings like the Sydney Jones Library, Rendall Building, and Sir Alastair Pilkington Building.
This document lists various department building numbers and their corresponding grid references for buildings on the University of Liverpool campus. It includes over 50 listings of departments and their building locations, ranging from departments like Accommodation Office, Archaeology and Classics, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Law, and more. The buildings are distributed across campus and include common buildings like the Sydney Jones Library, Rendall Building, and Sir Alastair Pilkington Building.
This document lists various department building numbers and their corresponding grid references for buildings on the University of Liverpool campus. It includes over 50 listings of departments and their building locations, ranging from departments like Accommodation Office, Archaeology and Classics, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Law, and more. The buildings are distributed across campus and include common buildings like the Sydney Jones Library, Rendall Building, and Sir Alastair Pilkington Building.
This document lists various department building numbers and their corresponding grid references for buildings on the University of Liverpool campus. It includes over 50 listings of departments and their building locations, ranging from departments like Accommodation Office, Archaeology and Classics, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Law, and more. The buildings are distributed across campus and include common buildings like the Sydney Jones Library, Rendall Building, and Sir Alastair Pilkington Building.
A E J Population, Community &
Academic Secretary’s Office 765 D7 Earth Ocean and Ecological Sciences Jane Herdman Building 201 B9 Behavioural Sciences 302 C8 Accommodation Office 527 F7 201, 203 B9 Johnston Building 304 D8 Port & Maritime History 145 E3 Active Learning Laboratory 238 C7 Educational Development 776 C5 Jones Building 303 C8 Press Office 765 D7 Aimhigher Directorate 502 D6 Educational Opportunities 421 D7 L Primary Care 302 C8 Eleanor Rathbone Building 106 D2 Latin American Studies 111, 107 D2, E2 Alsop Building 750 E7 Procurement 765 D7 Electrical Engineering & Electronics 235, 236 E7 Law Clinic 106 D2 Alumni Office 765 D7 Psychiatry 315 E11 Energy Centre 415 D9 Law & Social Justice, School of 106, 670 D2, C4 APEX 2 809 F9 Psychology, Clinical 302 C8 Energy Centre 2 357 D9 Legal, Risk & Compliance 765 D7 Applied Psychology 106 D2 Psychology, School of 106, 670 D2, C4 Engineering, School of Leggate Theatre 421 D7 Archaeological Research Laboratories Public Health & Policy 302 C8 238, 233, 231, 237 C7, C8, D8 Leverhulme Building 149 E4 144 to 147 E3 Q English 148 E4 Library, Harold Cohen 431 D8 Archaeology, Classics & Egyptology Quality Control North West 355 C9 English Language Centre 108, 406, 141 E2, D3 Library, Sydney Jones 423 F3 146, 147, 253 E3, B8 (Entrance via Block B) Environmental Sciences, School of Lifelong Learning, Centre for 114 C4 Architecture 149 E4 R 107, 109, 201, 203 E2, D3, B9 Life Sciences, School of 215 F8 Archive Studies 144 D3 Radiotherapy 301 C8 Epidemiology & Population Health 803 F9 Liverpool Cancer Trials Unit 353 C9 Archives Unit 433 F3 Reilly Building 501 D6 Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour 215, 216 F8, G8 Liverpool International College 152 D2 Arts, The School of 148, 149 E4 Rendall Building 432 D2 Examinations Office 765 D7 Liverpool Law School, The 106 D2 Ashton Building 422 D7 Research Support Office 353, 354 C9 Experimental Psychology 352 C9 Liverpool Medical Institution B4 Augustus John Pub 750 E7 Research Finance 354 C9 Liverpool Science Park Innovation Centre 1 B5 B Eye & Vision Science 316 E11 Liverpool Science Park Innovation Centre 2 B6 Research in Primary Science & Bedford House 505 D4 F Technology 114 C4 Facilities, Residential and Commercial Liverpool Student Homes 776 C5 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 215, 216 F8, G8 Ronald Ross Building 803 F9 Services Head Office 765 D7 Liverpool University Press 115 D3 Biostatistics 315 D11 Royal Liverpool University Hospital RLUH E11 Facilities, Residential and Commercial M Biosciences Building 215, 216 F8, G8 Magnetic Resonance and Image Analysis Roxby Building 107 E2 Services 505, 527 D4, F7 Biomedical Sciences 312, 313, 315 D8, E8, D11 Research Centre (MARIARC) 310 E9 S Facilities Management 236 E7 Blackwell’s Bookshop 750 E7 Mail Room 433 F3 Safety Adviser 444 C4 Workshops 401 B8 Brett Building (MBA Suite)423 F3 Management School (ULMS) 427 F2, F3 Security 505 D4 Faculties Support Office 765 D7 Brodie Tower 233 C8 Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute Shelley’s Cottage 255 B8 Faculty of Health & Life Sciences Brownlow Group Practice 358 C10 Liverpool 329 C11 Sherrington Building 311 D9 Teaching Suite 352 C9 Business Gateway 354 C9 Marketing and Communications 765 D7 Sir Alastair Pilkington Building 152 D2 Faith Express 765 D7 C Materials Innovation Factory 807 F5 Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Finance Office 765 D7 Cafe on the Square 750 E7 Mathematical Sciences Building 206 E6 106, 432 D2 Foresight Centre (Block J) 359 C10 Cancer Registry 232 C8 Mechanical Engineering Building 234 B7 South Campus Teaching Hub 120 E2 Foundation Building 765 D7 Cancer Research Centre (CRC) 329 C11 Medical Education 360 D10 Sports & Fitness Centre 511 D4 French 108 E2 Cancer Studies RLUH E11 Medical Microbiology & Genito-Urinary Functional & Comparative Genomics Sports & Fitness Centre – Medicine 315 D1 Cancer Trials Unit 353 C9 215, 216 F8, G8 The Hall of Fame 511 D5 Medicine, School Office 301 D11 Careers & Employability Service 502 D6 G Stanley Theatre 501 D6 Melville Grove Halls of Residence 679 G3 Cedar House 360 D10 Garstang Museum 147 E3 Stephenson Institute for Renewable Mental & Behavioural Health Sciences 233 C8 Cellular and Molecular Physiology 312 E8 Gastroenterology 312 E8 Energy 207 E5 MerseyBio 216 F8 Central & Eastern European Studies 145 E3 Geography 107 E2 Structural & Chemical Biology 215, 216 F8, G8 Modern Languages and Cultures 108 E2 Central Teaching Hub 221 F6 Geomagnetism Laboratory 208 F4 Student Administration & Support 765 D7 Molecular & Clinical Cancer Medicine 315 D11 Central Teaching Laboratory (CTL) 802 F6 George Holt Building 231 D8 Student Administration Centre 765 D7 Molecular & Clinical Pharmacology 311 D9 Centre for Excellence in Evidence-Based German 108 E2 Student Support Services 502 D6 Mount Pleasant, 126 114 C4 Learning & Teaching 301 C8 Gordon Stephenson Building 109 D3 Student Health Service 502 D5 Mount Pleasant, 128 776 C5 Centre for Excellence in Medical Graduate School 765 D7 Mountford Hall 501 D6 Student Services Centre 502 D6 Education 360 D10 Graduate School Suite 221 F6 Students’ Union 501, 502 D6 Mulberry Court 670 C4 Centre for Materials Discovery (CMD) 213 G6 Guild of Students 501, 502 D6 Surface Science Research Centre 210 F4 Music 104 D3 Chadwick Tower 207 E5 Guild Shop 502 D6 Surgery & Oncology RLUH E11 Musculo-Skeletal Biology I & II 316 E11 Chapel, The (Foresight Centre) 353 C H Muslim Prayer Room 423 F3 Sydney Jones Library 423 F3 Chatham Building 425 F2 Haematology 315 D11 Muspratt Building 232 C8 T Chemistry 213 G5 Harrison Hughes Building 238 C7 Muspratt Lecture Theatre 207 E5 Teaching Quality Support Division 765 D7 Children’s Centre 507 G5 Harold Cohen Library 431 D8 N Thompson Yates Building 301 C8 Civic Design 109 D3 Hart Building 766 D6 Nanoinvestigation Centre at Trade Union Office 232 C8 Clinical Chemistry 315 D11 Hartley Building 253 B8 Liverpool (NiCal) 353 C9 Training & Development 354 C9 Clinical Engineering 315 D11 Health Sciences, School of 301 C8 National Oceanography Centre 259 B9 Tudor Close Halls of Residence 675 C4 Clinical Infection, Microbiology & Health Sciences (Waterhouse Building B) 352 C9 Nicholson Building 203 B9 U Immunology 803 F9 Health Services Research 352 C9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre for University & College Union 439 C4 Clinical Psychology 302 C8 Henry Cohen Lecture Theatre 315 D11 Structural Biology (NMR) 214 G8 University Clinical Departments (UCD) 316 E11 Clinical Science RLUH E11 Nuffield Wing 312 E8 Hispanic Studies 108 E2 V Clinical Skills Resource Centre 355 C9 Nursery 507 G5 Veterinary Science, School Office 301 C8 History 144 D3 Combined Honours 148 E4 Nursing 302 C8 Hospitality Liverpool 359 C10 Veterinary Infection Biology B6 O Committee Secretariat 765 D7 Human Anatomy Resource Centre 301 C8 Veterinary Practice 220 H6 Obesity & Endocrinology 316 E11 Communication & Media 148 E4 Human Resources 766 D6 Veterinary Teaching Suite 401 B8 Occupational Health Service 444 C4 Community Studies 360 D10 I Vine Court (East & West Blocks) Occupational Therapy 304 D8 Computer Science 231, 422 D8, D7 Immunology 315 D11 804, 805 F1, F2 Oliver Lodge 208 F4 Computing Services 765, 224 D7, F7 Innovative Catalysis 213 G5 Vice-Chancellor’s Office 765 D7 Orthoptics 301 C8 Confucius Institute 114 C4 Infection Biology 803 F9 Victoria Building 421 D7 P Continuing Education & Professional Informatics 216 F8 Partnerships & Innovation 765 D7 Victoria Gallery & Museum 421 D7 Development 114 C4 International Recruitment & Pathology 315 D11 W Counselling Service 436 C4 Relations Team 765 D7 Walker Building 237 C7 Philharmonic Court 655 B1, C1 Crown Place (Blocks 1, 2 & 3) Institute for Risk & Uncertainty 207 E5 Philosophy 114, 143 D3, D4 Waterhouse Buildings A,B,C 526, 527, 528 F7, G7 Institute of Ageing & Chronic Disease 809 F9 Physical Science, School of 351, 352, 353 D9, C9 Cypress Building 108 E2 Institute of Infection and Global Health 803 F9 207, 208, 213 E5, F4, G5 Waterhouse Buildings D,E 354, 355 C9 D Institute of Integrative Biology 215, 216 F8, G8 Physics 208, 210 E4, F4 Waterhouse Buildings F,J 356, 359 D9, C10 Dental Hospital 322 C10 Institute of Learning & Teaching 301 C8 Physiology 313 E8 Wellcome Trust Tropical Centre 355 C9 Dental School 322 C10 Institute of Translational Medicine 809 F9 Physiotherapy 304 D8 Whelan Building 302 C8 Derby Building 252 B8 Institute of Psychology, Health & Society 352 C9 Planning & Development Division 765 D7 Wolfson Centre for Personalised Donnan & Robert Robinson Laboratory 213 G5 Irish Studies 141 D4 Plant Sciences 215, 216 F8, G8 Medicine 351 D9 Dover Court Residences 806 B9 Italian 108 D2 Politics 107 E2 Women’s & Children’s Health Duncan Building 315 D11 ITM Finance 421 D7 Popular Music 101 D2 Liverpool Womans Hospital