Sample Media Literacy

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Weeks 4 - 5
Media and Information Literacy
ABM (Agile)

For the next two weeks, you will be working on the 2nd milestone in the course. During your last
task, you started developing your skills in editing a video and applying the concepts of dynamic
media while doing so.
This time, you will progress in the development of those skills as you create another video which
is an interview of a person who has the same interest that you and your groupmates have.

You are expected to complete the following tasks within Weeks 4-5:
1. Identify the di erent features and functions of a video application
2. Create an interview video.

Then at the end of this week, you will be able to:

● Gain knowledge, speci cally:
○ Make an interview video of someone who has the same interest as you.
○ Practice the ability to create di erent types of media by the use of a creation tool
○ Practice applying the basic elements, principles, and color psychology of design.

● Develop skills in:

○ ICT Competence, Level 3: Can IDENTIFY, DIFFERENTIATE, and USE the
appropriate technology tool to perform a task
○ Presentation, Level 3: Can e ectively deliver a presentation.

This format is the same across all the learner guides that you will access for this course. Weekly
tasks and durations are speci ed to ensure that you complete your deliverables each week. You
can spend less or more time per task than the speci ed duration depending on your capability to
complete the work; however, be mindful of output due dates.

Your facilitator will share the links that will be used for the Week 3 synchronous sessions.

Six (6) hours
Video [Sessions 1 & 2 of weeks 4 & 5 - 600 minutes]
Synthesis [Session 2 - 120 minutes]

MILESTONE: Video [Sessions 1 & 2 of weeks 4 & 5 - 600 minutes]

JOIN Join the synchronous session. Your LF will facilitate a discussion of the
instruction of Milestone: Video. You may also open the document while
he/she is facilitating the discussion.

Pay attention as your LF explains the rubric and presents samples that you
may use as reference.

This task has 2 parts. Be very mindful of your time so that you can allocate
it properly to the tasks that you need to do in order to complete the

CREATE Work on the milestone following the instructions that your facilitator

Refer to the following resources in case you need to while working.

1. Milestone: Video
2. Rubric: Milestone 2 - Video
3. Template: Action Plan
4. Wiki: Media and Information Literacy
5. Wiki: Static and Dynamic Media
6. Live Action Video - Sample 1
7. Live Action Video - Sample 2

As you work, your LF will be conducting checkpoints with you. Be ready to

present to him/her how you are progressing in your task and what
challenges you are having.

Synthesis [Session 2 of Week 5 - 120 minutes]

JOIN Join the synchronous session where you will present your group’s work to
the class.

Your LF will afterward facilitate the synthesis of what you did this week and
brie y explain how that connects to what you will do next week.

ANSWER Take note of your key takeaways for the week and share them in the
corresponding Forum in the LMS.

Below are questions that can help you through this process:

Which among the things you’ve read or experienced this week appealed to
you the most?
How can you relate or apply what you’ve learned to your daily life?
Which among the topics did you want to learn more about?
Which among the topics were not quite clear to you?

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