Air Pollution and Human Health AECC
Air Pollution and Human Health AECC
Air Pollution and Human Health AECC
Faculty Name –Dr. Debjani Sarkar Ghose
Head & Associate Professor,
Department of Geography,
Patna Women’s College, Patna University
Air Pollution
• Definition of Air
• Pollutant
• Sources of Air Pollution
• Impact on Human Health
• Control Measures of Air
• ‘Air pollution’ may be defined as
‘the disequilibrium condition of
the air caused due to introduction
of foreign elements from natural
as well as anthropogenic sources
to the air so that the air becomes
injurious to biological
communities in general and
human community in particular.
• A ‘pollutant’ may be defined as ‘any form of
energy or matter that causes degradation or
pollution in the existing natural balance of
Sulphur dioxide pollution also causes diseases of eyes, throat and lungs.
Sulphur dioxide pollution also causes acid rain, which pollute the surface
and subsurface water storage sources and thus adversely affect the health
of those persons who are dependent on such polluted water.
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)
CO₂ Asphyxiation
Sudden leakage of poisonous gases from chemical and gas plants pollute the air to
such extent that hundreds of people die within no time.
METHYL ISO-CYNATE gas leakage from the Union Carbide Factory at Bhopal on the night of December,
1984 caused single biggest air pollution tragedy, which caused death of > 5000 persons.
The tragedy polluted drinking water, soils, tanks, pond water and adversely affected foetus,
newly born babies, pregnant women, children .
Restricting Deforestation
Increasing Afforestation