Final Exam Engineering Geology

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University of Hargeisa

Final exam
Course: Engineering Geology
Course code: Civil323
Time allowed: 2 hours

Total marks: 60 marks

1. Breaking up of rocks by mechanical agencies of physical agents

A. Decomposition C. Disintegration
B. Denudation D. Weathering

2. Which of the following is the key term that describes the point at which a small river enters
another river?

A. Tributary C. Watershed
B. Source D. Confluence

3. This type of weathering involves the direct effect of atmospheric chemicals or biologically
produced chemicals in the breakdown of rocks, soils and minerals.

A. Mechanical weathering B) Biological weathering C) Chemical weathering

4. Subsurface occurrence of ground water may be divided into

A. Zones of Saturation C. Zones of Hydration

B. Zones of aeration D. Zones of groundwater


A. Disintegration C. Decomposition
B. Denudation D. Weathering

6. A concept explaining the property of rocks that allows water to flow through.

A. Permeability C. Saturation
B. Porosity D. None of the above

7. What are three things that rivers do naturally?

A) _____________________________________________
B) _____________________________________________
C) _____________________________________________

8. Describe briefly compressive strength and what information can be obtained from the test?

9. Write down what you understand about the following forms of the stratigraphy

A) Lithostratigraphy
B) Biostratigraphy
C) Chronostratigraphy

10. Put each information in the box to their perspective rocks type in the table below.

a) A rock begins as magma. B) takes longer to cool, giving mineral crystals more time to grow.

c) light colored rocks that are rich in elements such as aluminum, potassium, silicon, and sodium.

d) dark colored rocks that are rich in calcium, iron, and magnesium, poor in silicon.

E) No heat and pressure involved

F) Changes with temperature and pressure, but remains solid

Rock type Definition

Metamorphic roc
Igneous rock
Sedimentary rock

11. Write down types of minerals and give example of each type of mineral?

12. Water which occurs in the fully saturated rock bodies (aquifers) is called ground water,
hence sources of ground water are:

Section 2, do three question only (Question 1 and 2 are compulsory), (30marks)

1. Two Compressive strength test of concrete were prepared at the laboratory, recorded
crushing loads and their concrete properties were summarised table (1) below

Table 1: lab results and concrete properties

Sample Measured load P= (kN) Concrete grade Cube size

Test 1 600 M25 150mm, 150mm, 150m
Test 750 M20

A) Find the compressive strength of the two tests

B) Find the Gain strength of the concrete in percentage of test1 and test2
C) If water cement ratio is 0.65 and the cement used for 1 m3 is 80kg, find the amount of
water required to mix the concrete ingredients.
D) What is the compressive strength of concrete after 21 days of curing with a concrete
grade of M25

Use full formulae

𝑃𝑃 Water
𝐶𝐶. 𝑆𝑆 = = 0.65
𝐴𝐴,𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 Cement
𝐺𝐺. 𝑆𝑆 =
𝐺𝐺𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡

2. Electrical resistivity method has been used to measure the resistivity of different layers of
soil using schumberger array. Recorded VES data and measured resistivity were tabulated
table (2)

Table 2: Recorded VES data and measured resistivity

AB 10 14 12 9 15 25 32
MN 5 3 4 2 6 7 13
Measured 5.826 8.65 12.95 13.2 16.37 21.8 16.5
resistivity (Ωm)

A. What geophysics means to you as an engineer and what is the electrical resistivity
method (ERM) ?
B. Find the geometric factor of each configuration of the test
C. Find the apparent resistivity of each configuration using given VES data

K-Factor = π*[ ((AB/2)2 – (MN/2)2) / MN]

3. An unconfined aquifer of clean sand and gravel is located between two fully penetrated
rivers as shown figure (1) and has hydraulic conductivity of k= 10-2cm/s. the aquifer is subject
to a uniform recharge of w=2.2 m/ year. The water surface elevation in rivers A and B are 6
and 10m, respectively above the bottom.

A. Estimate maximum elevation of the water table and the location of ground water divide
B. Compute the average pore velocity (va) using Darcy equation.

Figure 1

useful formulae

4. Referring to figure (2), if the distance and the observed piezometric surface drop between two
adjacent wells are 1200m and 4m, respectively, find an estimate of the time ( in years) it takes
for the water to move from well to the other. Assume steady unidirectional flow in
Homogenous silty sand confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity K= 4.3 m/day and
effective porosity 0f (ne =0.25).

ℎ𝑘𝑘 v
v(discharge velocity) = vp( seepage velocity) =
𝑥𝑥 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛

figure 2


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