Module 4 Reflection
Module 4 Reflection
Module 4 Reflection
Leadership program is engaging in law enforcement and public safety institutional assessment
and change. This is an important development of law enforcement leadership program because
it “gives the opportunity to look inward and to nurture skills that directly have ramifications
within your law enforcement and public safety institutions.”1 The three papers I chose to reflect
upon are a public information officer’s statement after an officer involved shooting and death
of an African American male, a consultant’s report to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department,
The first reflection paper is a public information officers’ statement to the community
following an officer involved shooting, and subsequent death of an African American male. This
assignment gave me the opportunity to look not only within the organization, but within the
community to see the best words to use. It is important now and going into the future law
enforcement not only responds publically to these critical incidents, but quickly and with the
right words. The main focuses of this address to the community is the need for community
engagement, building trust and respect, understanding the officer’s actions, and preventing the
In addition, for LEPSL 570: community assessment organizations, I assessed the need for
a gang task force within Orange County to address the F-Troop gang. I evaluated and saw a
need to disrupt and dismantle the ongoing criminal activity of the gang. I laid out elements of
the task force, the scope and expectations, as well as the coordination with the Santa Ana
Police Department. This paper required me to look inward not only at my department, but
Module 4 Presentation 4.1: Engaging in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Institutional Assessment and Change:
What It Means to Me. LEPSL 599: Integrative Capstone. University of San Diego.
Orange County as a whole to see where the needs are. F-Troop is one of the most dangerous
gangs in the county and requires a large task force to address it.
Lastly, I wrote a consultant report for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department regarding
a theoretical situation where there was a lack of clear direction for the agency and its
department members. There was also a long list of other leadership and management issues
plaguing the department and limiting them from being successful. I focused on an overview of
organizational leadership, the difference between leadership and management, the four main
leadership theories, building a team, and two case study interviews. I completed an in depth
study of the organization and the leadership required to take the department in the right