Joinery, Splices and Connectors Flashcards - Quizlet

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8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet


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Terms in this set (76)

Any joint formed by uniting to members end to end so as to increase

End Joint
their length; Also called Lengthening Joint

The work produced by the carpenters and joiners art, generally appiled
Woodwork to objects or parts of a wooden structure, such as stairways, furniture or

A lengthening joint made by overlapping the tapered, notched, or halves

ends of two members and holding them in place with bolts, straps, keys,
or fishplates, to resist tension or compression
Scarf Joint

A halve scarf joint used esp. to resist tension, having a thicker and a
Square Splice
thinner section for each member, the thicker one being on the end.

A lengthening joint formed by interlacing finger like projections on the

Finger Joint
end of the joined members.

A lengthening joint in which the abutting members are held in alignment

Fish Joint
and strengthened by fishplates.

Fishplate A metal plate bolted to each of two abutting members.

Any joint formed by uniting two members edge to edge so as to increase

Edge Joint
their width

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

A joint made by fitting a raised area or tongue on the edge of one

member into a corresponding groove in the edge of another member to
produce a flush surface.

Tongue and Groove

A thin strip of material inserted into the grooved edges of two members
to make a butt joint between them; also called FEATHER.


A fastener in the form of a double dovetail for joining two member at

Butterfly Wedge
their edges; also called BUTTERFLY.

Any of various joints formed by abutting the surfaces of two members

Butt Joint
squarely together without overlapping.

Flush Joint Any joint finished even or level with the surrounding surface.

Any joint formed by uniting two members at a corner so as to change

Angle Joint

A rectangular groove cut in a member to receive the end of another.


A dado that is not cut across the full width of member.

Stopped Dado

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

A joint made by inserting the end or edge of one member into a

corresponding dado in the other; also called HOUSED JOINT.

Dado Joint

A joint between rabbeted parts.

Rabbet Joint

A channel, groove, or notch cut along or near one edge of a member so

that something else can be fitted into it.


Rout To groove or hollow out with a gouge or machine.

A joint between two members meeting at an angle, made by cutting each

of the butting surfaces to an angle equal half the angle of junction.

Miter Joint

A miter joint having a raised surface to limit motion between the joined

Shoulder Miter

Tongued Miter A miter that incorporates a tongue and groove.

Quirk An acute angle or groove separating one element from another.

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

A joint between two moldings made by undercutting the end of one of

Coped Joint
them to the profile of the other; also called SCRIBED JOINT.

A curve joint forming a smooth transition between surfaces that would

otherwise intersect at an angle.

Eased Edge A slightly rounded edge.

Stop Chamfer A chamfer that narrows gradually to merge with a sharp arris.

A beveled surface, usually formed or cut at a 45° angle to the adjacent

principal faces.


A projection on one of two joining members fitting into a corresponding

recess in the other to precent slipping.

A notch cut in a timber to receive a timber connector or part of another


A lap joint formed by cutting away half of each member at the place of
joining so that a flush surfaces result; also called HALF-LAP JOINT.

Halved Joint

An angle joint formed by having each member for a length equal to the
width of the other.

End Lap Joint

A halved joint formed by two crossing members.

Cross-Lap Joint

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

Mitered Halving An end lap joint incorporating a miter on one face.

A lap joint formed by overlapping two members without any change in

Plain Lap

Any of various joints formed by overlapping the ends or edge of two


Lap Joint

A halve joint made by fitting a dovetail at the end of one member into a
corresponding mortise in the second member.

Dovetail Halving

A corner dovetail joint showing only the line of a miter; Also called MITER

Secret Dovetail

A corner dovetail joint visible on one face only; also called HALF BLIND

Lap Dovetail

Common Dovetail A corner dovetail joint visible on both faces

A joint formed by one or more dovetails fitting tightly within

corresponding mortises.

Dovetail Joint

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

A mortise that does not pass completely through a member; also called

Blind Mortise

A short tenon for fitting into a blind mortise.

Stub Tenon

A blind mortise having one inclined narrow side so that a tenon can be
Chase Mortise
slid into it sideways.

A mortise open on three sides; also called SLIP MORTISE, SLOT

Open Mortise

A notch or hole, usually rectangular, cut into pieces to receive a tenon of

the same dimensions.


Any of various joints between two members made by housing a tenon in

mortise; also called MORTISE-AND-TENON JOINT.

Mortise Joint

A tenon having its shoulder cut at an angle to ensure that it bears on the
Undercut Tenon
mortised piece.

A tenon that is narrower at the tip than at the root.

Haunched Tenon

Shoulder He end surface from which a tenon projects


Bevel A line or surface that meets another at any angle other than a right angle. 6/9
8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

Tusk A beveled should for strengthening a tenon.

Root The widened portion of a tenon in the plane of the shoulders

Gain A notch dado, or mortise cut into a member to receive another part.

A tenon at extends completely through or beyond the piece into which

its corresponding mortise is cut.

Through Tenon

A piece of wood or metal used as a wedge to tighten a joint or to prevent

motion between parts.

A projection formed on the end of a member for insertion into a mortise

of the same dimensions.


A hole i a tenon bored eccentric with the corresponding holes in the

Drawbore mortise so that the two pieces being joined will be forced tightly
together when the drawbore pin is hammered into place.

A joint formed by fitting the end of one member, notched to form two
parallel tenons, into two gains cut into the edge of a second member.

Bridle joint

A small wedge in the split end of a stub tenon for spreading and securing
Foxtail wedge
it when driven into a blind mortise; also called FOX WEDGE.

Keyed Joint A joint fastened or secured by a key.

To unite by means of a joint or joints, esp. so as to make distinct or reveal

how the parts fit into a systematic whole.

8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

Are used to connect two or more pieces of timber in such a way the joint
will be as strong as a single timber of equivalent size.

Two pieces of timber are squared at the ends and fitted together. Two
Scabbed or Finished Splice short wood pieces called scabs or metal plates called fishplates are
fastened on either side of the pieces to be joined.

- This splice is made by cutting half the thickness of each piece to the
required length and putting he halved sections together.

Halved Splice
- the halve splice is better for direct compression and when combined
with scabs or fishplates, may be used where there is some tension.

- This is a modification of the compression halved splice.

Square Splice - it has an extra notch to keep it from slipping and is usually used in
combination with scabs or fishplates.

- When a piece of timber is subjected to bending as in a horizontal piece

Scarfed Splice supporting a weight, the upper part is subjected to compression while
the lower half is under tension.

A short flat pieced of lumber which is bolted, nailed or screwed to two

butting pieces in order to splice them together.

A wood or metal piece used to fasten together the ends of two members
with nails or bolts.

A type of half-lapped scarf joint; may be reinforced with a fishplate; esp

Square Splice
used to resist tension.

- Are metal devices used to provide added strength at bolted joints.

- they are metal connectors used to join timber in heavy construction;

Timber Connectors
usually the connector has a series of sharp teeth which dig into the wood
as a bolt is tightened

- A ring shaped metal insert placed precut circular grooves and held by
bolts; used as a timber connector.

Split-ring Connector
- Made in sizes of 2 - 1/2, 4, 6 in. in diameter

- They are used for heavy construction.

- These are toothed and corrugated.

- They are made in 2, 2-5/8, and 4 in. diameter.

Toothed Plates and Toothed Rings

- They are used between two timber frames for comparatively light

One side is clawed and other smooth. They are used either singly, in
Claw Plates
JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS timber to metal connections, or in pairs in timber to timber connections. 8/9
8/10/2021 JOINERY, SPLICES and CONNECTORS Flashcards | Quizlet

- A special round plate inserted in the face of a timber; used to develop

shear resistance in wood-to-metal or wood-to-wood joint.
Shear Plates
- designed to provide greater load-carrying capacity in shear than can
be achieved by a bolt alone. 9/9

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