Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March) : Q1: 16 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

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Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q1: 16 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

An RC circuit as shown in the figure is driven by a AC source generating a square wave. The output wave

pattern monitored by CRO would look close to :





Q2: 16 March (Shift 1) - Numerical

A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 250 V is applied to a series LCR circuit, in which R = 8Ω, L = 24mH and
C = 60μF . The value of power dissipated at resonant condition is 'x' kW. The value of x to the nearest integer
is ____

Q3: 17 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

An AC current is given by I = I 1 sin ωt + I2 cos ωt .

A hot wire ammeter will give a reading :

2 2
I −I
(1) √ 1


Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

2 2
I +I
(2) √ 1


I1 +I2
(3) √2

I1 +I2
2 √2

Q4: 17 March (Shift 2) - Single Correct

(1) (a) − (i), (b) − (iii), (c) − (iv), (d) − (ii)

(2) (a) − (ii), (b) − (iv), (c) − (iii), (d) − (i)

(3) (a) − (ii), (b) − (iii), (c) − (iv), (d) − (i)

(4) (a) − (ii), (b) − (iii), (c) − (i), (d) − (iv)

Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q5: 17 March (Shift 2) - Single Correct

What happens to the inductive reactance and

the current in a purely inductive circuit if the frequency is halved?

(1) Both, inductive reactance and current will

be halved.

(2) Inductive reactance will be halved and

current will be doubled.
(3) Inductive reactance will be doubled and
current will be halved.
(4) Both, inducting reactance and current will
be doubled.

Q6: 18 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

In a scries LCR resonance circuit, if we change the resistance only, from a lower to higher value:

(1) The bandwidth of resonance circuit will increase.

(2) The resonance frequency will increase.
(3) The quality factor will increase.
(4) The quality factor and the resonance frequency will remain constant.

Q7: 18 March (Shift 1) - Single Correct

An AC source rated 220 V, 50 Hz is connected to a resistor. The time taken by the current to change from its

maximum to the rms value is:

(1) 2.5 ms

(2) 25 ms
(3) 2.5 s

(4) 0.25 ms

Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q8: 18 March (Shift 1) - Numerical

The circuit shown in the figure consists of a charged capacitor of capacity 3μF and a charge of 30μC. At time
t = 0, when the key is closed, the value of current flowing through the 5MΩ resistor is ' x μ − A. The value

of 'x to the nearest integer is ___

Q9: 18 March (Shift 2) - Single Correct

In a series LCR circuit, the inductive reactance (X L) is 10Ω and the capacitive reactance (X C
) is 4Ω. The

resistance (R) in the circuit is 6Ω. The power factor of the circuit is:



2 √2

(3) 1


(4) 2

Alternating Current JEE Main 2021 (March)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Answer Key

Q1 (3) Q2 (4) Q3 (2) Q4 (4)

Q5 (2) Q6 (1) Q7 (1) Q8 (2)

Q9 (3)


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