Semiconductors JEE Main 2021 (February) : Q1: 24 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

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Semiconductors JEE Main 2021 (February)

Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q1: 24 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

If an emitter current is changed by 4 mA, the collector current changes by 3.5 mA.The value of β
will be -

(1) 7
(2) 0.875

(3) 0.5
(4) 3.5

Q2: 24 Feb (Shift 1) - Numerical

In connection with the circuit drawn below, the value of current flowing through 2kΩ resistor is ____×10 −4

Q3: 24 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

Zener breakdown occurs in a p-n junction having p and n both :

(1) lightly doped and have wide depletion layer.

(2) heavily doped andhave narrow depletion layer.

(3) heavily doped and have wide depletion layer.

(4) lightly doped and have narrow depletion layer.

Q4: 24 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

Given below are two statements :

Statement I : PN junction diodes can be used to function as transistor, simply by connecting two diodes, back to back, which acts as the base

Statement II : In the study of transistor, the amplification factor β indicates ratio of the collector current to the base current. In the light of the
above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

(1) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are true.

(3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.

(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are false.

Q5: 25 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

Semiconductors JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

A 5 V battery is connected across the points X and Y. Assume D and D to be normal silicon diodes. Find the current supplied by the
1 2

battery if the +ve terminal of the battery is connected to point X.

(1) ∼ 0.86 A

(2) ∼ 0.5 A
(3) ∼ 0.43 A
(4) ∼ 1.5 A

Q6: 25 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

Match List I with List II .

Choose the correct answer form the options given below:

(1) (a) − (ii), (b) − (i), (c) − (iv), (d) − (iii)

(2) (a) − (ii), (b) − (iv), (c) − (i), (d) − (iii)

(3) (a) − (ii), (b) − (i), (c) − (iii), (d) − (iv)

(4) (a) − (iii), (b) − (iv), (c) − (i), (d) − (ii)

Q7: 25 Feb (Shift 2) - Single Correct

For extrinsic semiconductors: when doping level is increased;

(1) Fermi-level of p and n -type semiconductors will not be affected.

(2) Fermi-level of p-type semiconductors will go downward and Fermi-level of n-type semiconductor will go upward.

(3) Fermi-level of both p-type and n-type semiconductors will go upward for T > TF K and downward for T < T F K, where T is Fermi


(4) Fermi-level of p-type semiconductor will go upward and Fermi-level of n-type semiconductors will go downward.

Semiconductors JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Q8: 26 Feb (Shift 1) - Single Correct

LED is constructed from Ga-As-P semiconducting material. The energy gap of this LED is 1.9eV. Calculate the wavelength of light emitted

and its colour. [h = 6.63 × 10 −34

Js and 8
c = 3 × 10  ms

(1) 654nm and red colour

(2) 1046nm and blue colour

(3) 1046nm and red colour

(4) 654nm and orange colour

Q9: 26 Feb (Shift 1) - Numerical

The circuit contains two diodes each with a forward resistance of 50Ω and with infinite reverse resistance. If the battery voltage is 6 V, the

current through the 120Ω resistance is ____ mA

Q10: 26 Feb (Shift 2) - Numerical

The zener diode has a V z = 30 V . The current passing through the diode for the following ciruit is ____ mA

Semiconductors JEE Main 2021 (February)
Questions with Answer Keys MathonGo

Answer Key

Q1 (1) Q2 (25) Q3 (2) Q4 (1)

Q5 (3) Q6 (2) Q7 (2) Q8 (1)

Q9 (20) Q10 (9)


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