Laboratory Exercise 10: An Enhanced Processor

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Laboratory Exercise 10

An Enhanced Processor

In Laboratory Exercise 9 we described a simple processor. In Part I of that exercise the processor itself was
designed, and in Part II the processor was connected to an external counter and a memory unit. This exercise
describes subsequent parts of the processor design. Note that the numbering of figures and tables in this exercise
are continued from those in Parts I and II of the preceding lab exercise.

Part III
In this part you will extend the capability of the processor so that the external counter is no longer needed, and so
that the processor has the ability to perform read and write operations using memory or other devices. You will
add three new types of instructions to the processor, as displayed in Table 3. The ld (load) instruction loads data
into register RX from the external memory address specified in register RY. The st (store) instruction stores the
data contained in register RX into the memory address found in RY. Finally, the instruction mvnz (move if not
zero) allows a mv operation to be executed only under the condition that the current contents of register G are not
equal to 0.

Operation Function performed

ld Rx,[Ry] Rx ← [[Ry]]
st Rx,[Ry] [Ry] ← [Rx]
mvnz Rx, Ry if G != 0, Rx ← [Ry]

Table 3: New instructions performed in the processor.

A schematic of the enhanced processor is given in Figure 11. In this figure, registers R0 to R6 are the same
as in Figure 1 of Laboratory Exercise 9, but register R7 has been changed to a counter. This counter is used
to provide the addresses in the memory from which the processor’s instructions are read; in the preceding lab
exercise, a counter external to the processor was used for this purpose. We will refer to R7 as the processor’s
program counter (PC), because this terminology is common for real processors available in the industry. When
the processor is reset, PC is set to address 0. At the start of each instruction (in time step 0) the contents of PC
are used as an address to read an instruction from the memory. The instruction is stored in IR and the PC is
automatically incremented to point to the next instruction (in the case of mvi the PC provides the address of the
immediate data and is then incremented again).

The processor’s control unit increments PC by using the incr_PC signal, which is just an enable on this counter. It
is also possible to directly load an address into PC (R7) by having the processor execute a mv or mvi instruction
in which the destination register is specified as R7. In this case the control unit uses the signal R7in to perform
a parallel load of the counter. In this way, the processor can execute instructions at any address in memory, as
opposed to only being able to execute instructions that are stored in successive addresses. Similarly, the current
contents of PC can be copied into another register by using a mv instruction. An example of code that uses the
PC register to implement a loop is shown below, where the text after the % on each line is just a comment. The
instruction mv R5,R7 places into R5 the address in memory of the instruction sub R4,R2. Then, the instruction
mvnz R7,R5 causes the sub instruction to be executed repeatedly until R4 becomes 0. This type of loop could be
used in a larger program as a way of creating a delay.

mvi R2,#1
mvi R4,#10000000 % binary delay value
mv R5,R7 % save address of next instruction
sub R4,R2 % decrement delay count
mvnz R7,R5 % continue subtracting until delay count gets to 0

Bus 9

9 9 9
E A in
R0 in R7 in L
R0 (R7) A


9 AddSub ADDR
DIN Addsub

Multiplexers G in

DIN out
G out
R0 out  R7 out
IR in

9 Control FSM W
Resetn Done

Figure 11: An enhanced version of the processor.

Figure 11 shows two registers in the processor that are used for data transfers. The ADDR register is used to send
addresses to an external device, such as a memory module, and the DOUT register is used by the processor to
provide data that can be stored outside the processor. One use of the ADDR register is for reading, or fetching, in-
structions from memory; when the processor wants to fetch an instruction, the contents of PC (R7) are transferred
across the bus and loaded into ADDR. This address is provided to memory. In addition to fetching instructions,
the processor can read data at any address by using the ADDR register. Both data and instructions are read into the
processor on the DIN input port. The processor can write data for storage at an external address by placing this
address into the ADDR register, placing the data to be stored into its DOUT register, and asserting the output of
the W (write) flip-flop to 1.
Figure 12 illustrates how the enhanced processor is connected to memory and other devices. The memory unit
in the figure supports both read and write operations and therefore has both address and data inputs, as well as a
write enable input. The memory also has a clock input, because the address, data, and write enable inputs must be
loaded into the memory on an active clock edge. This type of memory unit is usually called a synchronous static
random access memory (synchronous SRAM). Figure 12 also includes a 9-bit register that can be used to store data

from the processor; this register might be connected to a set of LEDs to allow display of data on your DE-series
board. To allow the processor to select either the memory unit or register when performing a write operation, the
circuit includes some logic gates that perform address decoding: if the upper address lines are A8 A7 = 00, then
the memory module will be written at the address given on the lower address lines. Figure 12 shows n lower
address lines connected to the memory; for this exercise a memory with 128 words is probably sufficient, which
implies that n = 7 and the memory address port is driven by A6 . . . A0 . For addresses in which A8 A7 = 01, the
data written by the processor is loaded into the register whose outputs are called LEDs in Figure 12.


Processor A8 Memory
9 n
ADDR addr
DOUT data 9

Done A7


Run D Q LEDs

Figure 12: Connecting the enhanced processor to a memory and output register.

1. Create a new Quartus project for the enhanced version of the processor.
2. Write VHDL code for the processor and test your circuit by using functional simulation: apply instructions
to the DIN port and observe the internal processor signals as the instructions are executed. Pay careful
attention to the timing of signals between your processor and external memory; account for the fact that the
memory has registered input ports, as we discussed for Figure 12.
3. Create another Quartus project that instantiates the processor, memory module, and register shown in Fig-
ure 12. Use the Quartus IP Catalog to create the RAM: 1-PORT memory module. Follow the instructions
provided by the wizard to create a memory that has one 9-bit wide read/write data port and is 128 words
deep. Ensure that the output is not registered. Use a MIF file to store instructions in the memory that are to
be executed by your processor. An example program in the form of a MIF file is shown in Figure 13. This
program display an 8-bit counter value on the LEDs output port. Loops are used in the program to create
delays so that the counter values are not changed too quickly to be observed. Comments are included in the
MIF file in Figure 13 to describe the program’s code.

4. Use functional simulation to test the circuit. Ensure that data is read properly from the memory and executed
by the processor.
5. Include in your project the necessary pin assignments to implement your circuit on your DE-series board.
Use switch SW9 to drive the processor’s Run input, use KEY0 for Resetn, and use the board’s 50 MHz
clock signal as the Clock input. Since the circuit needs to run properly at 50 MHz, make sure that a timing
constraint is set in Quartus to constrain the circuit’s clock to this frequency. Read the Report produced
by the Quartus Timing Analyzer to ensure that your circuit operates at this speed; if not, use the Quartus
tools to analyze your circuit and modify your VHDL code to make a more efficient design that meets the

50-MHz speed requirement. Also note that the Run input is asynchronous to the clock signal, so make sure
to synchronize this input using flip-flops.
Connect the LEDs register in Figure 12 to LEDR8−0 so that you can observe the output produced by the
6. Compile the circuit, download it into the FPGA chip, and ensure that your program runs properly.

DEPTH = 128;
WIDTH = 9;

% This code displays a count (in register R2) on the red LEDs. %
00 : 001001000; % mvi R1,#1 // initialize R %
01 : 000000001;
02 : 001010000; % mvi R2,#0 // counter to display on LEDs %
03 : 000000000;
04 : 001011000; % Loop mvi R3,#010000000 // R3 = address of LEDs register %
05 : 010000000;
06 : 101010011; % st R2,R3 // write to LEDs %
07 : 010010001; % add R2,R1 // increment counter for LEDs %
08 : 001011000; % mvi R3,#111111111 // delay value %
09 : 111111111;
0A: 000101111; % mv R5,R7 // save address of next inst. %
0B: 001100000; % Outer mvi R4,#111111111 // nested delay loop %
0C: 111111111;
0D: 000000111; % mv R0,R7 // save address of next inst. %
0E : 011100001; % Inner sub R4,R1 // decrement loop delay variable %
0F : 110111000; % mvnz R7,R0 // continue Inner loop if R4 !=0 %
10 : 011011001; % sub R3,R1 // decrement outer loop delay %
11 : 110111101; % mvnz R7,R5 // continue Outer loop if R3 !=0 %
12 : 001111000; % mvi R7,#Loop // execute again %
13 : 000000100;


Figure 13: An example program in a memory initialization file (MIF).

Part IV
In this part you are to connect an additional I/O module to your circuit from Part III and write code that is executed
by your processor.
Add a module called seg7_scroll to your circuit. This module should contain one register for each 7-segment
display on your DE-series board. Each register should directly drive the segment lights for one 7-segment display,
so that the processor can write characters onto these displays. Create the necessary address decoding to allow the
processor to write to the registers in the seg7_scroll module.

1. Create a Quartus project for your circuit and write the VHDL code that includes the circuit from Figure 12
in addition to your seg7_scroll module.

2. Use functional simulation to test the circuit.
3. Add appropriate timing constraints and pin assignments to your project, and write a MIF file that allows
the processor to write characters to the 7-segment displays. A simple program would write a word to the
displays and then terminate, but a more interesting program could scroll a message across the displays, or
scroll a word across the displays in the left, right, or both directions.

4. Test the functionality of your design by executing code from the memory and observing the 7-segment

Part V
Add to your circuit from Part IV another module, called port_n, that allows the processor to read the state of some
switches on the board. The switch values should be stored into a register, and the processor should be able to
read this register by using a ld instruction. You will have to use address decoding and multiplexers to allow the
processor to read from either the memory or port_n units, according to the address used.

1. Draw a circuit diagram that shows how the port_n unit is incorporated into the system.
2. Create a Quartus project for your circuit, write the VHDL code, and write a MIF file that demonstrates use
of the port_n module. One interesting application is to have the processor scroll a message across the 7-
segment displays and use the values read from the port_n module to change the speed at which the message
is scrolled.

3. Test your circuit both by using functional simulation and by downloading it and executing your processor
code on your DE-series board.

Suggested Bonus Parts

The following are suggested bonus parts for this exercise.
1. Use the Quartus tools to identify the critical paths in the processor circuit. Modify the processor design so
that the circuit will operate at the highest clock frequency that you can achieve.
2. Extend the instructions supported by your processor to make it more flexible. Some suggested instruction
types are logic instructions (AND, OR, etc), shift instructions, and branch instructions. You may also wish
to add support for logical conditions other than “not zero” , as supported by mvnz, and the like.

3. Write an Assembler program for your processor. It should automatically produce a MIF file from assembly
language code.

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