Action Plan For Reading Program 2021-2022: Bagong Silang Elementary School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XIII
Division of Agusan del Sur
Trento District IV
Bagong Silang Elementary School
Action Plan for Reading Program 2021-2022
Objectives Activities Strategies Date Funding Persons Output Remarks
Requirement Involved
Conduct Reading 1. facilitating face to face Face to face May 14, 2021 Meals and School Accomplishment
on Wheels on orientation Orientation Snacks Reading Report,
Crafting Reading 2. making of accomplishment Supplies Coordinators Memorandum,
Program report ,Teachers and Newsletter,
School heads Attendance
Deck Slides
Conduct of ● Monitoring of Reading Face to face May 17-21 2021 Reading Consolidated Oral
Reading Inventory Activities Coordinators Reading
in all levels ● Intervention Activities Teachers and Inventory
● Submission of Reading School heads
Profile by grade level
Gather and Interview the teachers Surveying May 24-28 2021 Meals and Reading Compilation of
consolidate Reading Activities Snacks Coordinators effective practices
practices on by grade level Teachers and
reading School heads
implemented by
Establish a Reading Coordinators together Face to face June 2021 Meals and Reading Develop a
program that will with Advisers meeting Plan for meeting Snacks Coordinators program for
strengthen the the continuous improvement of Supplies Teachers and Reading for slow
literacy rate the following aspects: School heads readers/ Non-
1. Students development in their readers.
reading and comprehension.
2. Eradicate high number of slow
3. Increase high quality
education through enhancing
students in their reading and
comprehension development.
Launching of the ● Presentation/showcase of Launching of the June 2021 Meals and Reading
Reading Program reading programs Reading Snacks Coordinators
● Opening and closing Programs Supplies Teachers and
programs School heads
● Pictorial/ signing of MOA
with stakeholders
Implement the Dissemination and Application of School August- May 2022 Supplies , Reading Coor, Progress Report,
Reading Programs Activities being laid down per implementation Stakeholders Compilation of
key stage ,school head practices in the
field, pictures
Capacitate LAC Session on PRIMALS, Face to face LAC August to Meals and School
Reading ELLN and Literacy Instruction Sessions on December, 2021 Snacks Reading
Coordinators on ELLN/PRIMALS Supplies Coordinators ,
ELLN/PRIMALS and Literacy School heads
and Literacy Instruction
Make reading an  Brigada sa Pagbasa Integration of August- May 2022 PAPs accomplishment
integral part of all  Buwan ng Wika reading in all the Coordinators repor
PAP  Madrassah PAPs of DepED Memo
 IPED Pictures
Recognized the  Giving of certificates Last Friday of Meals and
reading November Snacks
coordinators and
Enhance the  NovembeREADING With constant November, 2021 Pupils, All objectives
reading ability and Festival coordination teachers, and activities
comprehension - Develop reading interest with parents/ parents, have been
throughout the and awareness among guardians, community realized.
reading month students. conduct the members An
- Instill values and following accomplishment
appreciation among learners activities report has been
through different reading during the written and
materials. Reading submitted
- Celebrate individuality Month:
amidst diversity among the  Literacy
students through different Buddies
reading activities.  Reading
- Share experiences and Challenge
stories of hope to inspire  Reading
others Family
 Araw ng
Conduct a reading Monitor and Conduct Face to face/ August,December Reading
and  PRETEST Home Bound/ . Coordinators
comprehension  MIDTEST texting February 2021 Teachers and
test in every grade  POSTTEST School heads
Conduct a One- Opening Program Program December, 2021
Day Program Review Proper Implemetation
Implementation What Went Well Review
Review What are to be Improved


Reading Coordinator/OIC

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