Pre-Intermediate Business Writing: Worksheet 10: A Formal Letter of Introduction

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Pre-Intermediate Business Writing

1 Worksheet 10: A formal letter of introduction
Pre-Intermediate Life Business Writing 10: A formal letter of introduction

1 Read the letter. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 The writer works for Martitex. ____

2 The writer knows the name of the reader. ____
3 The writer is sending a catalogue with the letter. ____
4 Martitex is twenty-five years old. ____
5 It employs more than 200 people. ____
6 The writer wants the reader to contact him. ____


Supply solutions for the civil engineering industry

Dear Sir or Madam

On behalf of Martitex, I am delighted to send you a copy of our new catalogue. This year we are
offering our widest range of products to engineering and construction companies across Europe
and the Middle East.

With 25 years in the business, Martitex uses its experience to provide high-quality products and
services in an increasingly demanding and competitive marketplace. With over 200 highly skilled
staff, we always aim to meet our customer’s requirements.

Please also find enclosed details of special offers and a list of contact details for regional sales
staff working in sales offices across the regions. If you are interested in our services, please do
not hesitate to contact your local representative.

We look forward to working with you in the future.

Yours faithfully

Bertrand de Chazal
Bertrand de Chazal
Corporate Sales Director (Europe and Middle East)

Life Pre-Intermediate Business Writing ©National Geographic Learning

2 Which paragraph (1, 2 or 3) in the letter gives:

a the reason for writing? ___

b an invitation to contact the company? ___
c information about the company? ___

3 Match the words in bold in the letter to these definitions.

1 very happy delighted

2 good at a job _______________
3 as a representative of _______________
4 in the envelope with the letter _______________
5 needing time and attention _______________
6 all the goods a company produces or sells _______________
7 needs _______________
8 wait before doing something _______________

4 Underline expressions in the letter for:

1 starting the letter when you don’t know the name of the reader*
2 giving the reason for writing
3 referring to an enclosure
4 referring to future contact
5 ending the letter when you don’t know the name of the reader*

* When you know the name of the reader, start with Dear + title + name and end
with Yours sincerely or Best regards.

5 Write a formal letter of introduction to new customers from a company you have
worked for, or one you know well. Enclose information.

6 Swap your letter with a partner. Read your partner’s letter. Would you contact
the company? Why? / Why not?

start a letter 
give the reason for writing 
refer to an enclosure 
refer to future contact 
end the letter 

Life Pre-Intermediate Business Writing ©National Geographic Learning

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