Project Guidelines For BBA VIth Sem
Project Guidelines For BBA VIth Sem
₃ Work regularly with commitment and ensure you are following Project
Report Activity Completion Schedule and avoid last minutes’ hustle.
Prescribed Cover Page and Guidelines
· The cover page must be hard bound in Black Color with Gold Embossing. The student,
enrollment number, class & batch number must be written on the spine of your project
· The size of the report would depend on the project undertaken. However, it must be 50 to
100 typed pages (1.5space) on A4 size paper.
· All the students are required to use the uniform font and format i.e. “Times New Roman”
of font size 12 in the text (except in heading and subheadings) throughout the text of the
· The project report must accompany a certificate from guide authenticating the originality
of the work done in the prescribed format.
Instruction for the Typing/Printing
The project report should be strictly prepared according to the following guidelines.
The size of the Paper sheet: A4
Typing should be done on one side of the paper.
Type: New Times Roman,
Size: 12
Line Spacing
Body of the text: 1.5 lines
List of Tables/ Graphs/Charts/Bibliography: Single line
Title page: Centre Chapter Heading:
Centre Sub Heading: Left
Body of Text: Justify
At the binding, edge (Left): Not less than 3 cm
Other Margins (Right, Top, Bottom): Not less than 2 cm.
All titles and subtitles should be printed in BOLD.
All the Tables/ Graphs /Charts should have appropriate titles.
· Before Submission:
Students must sign Declaration and Acknowledgment before putting for the Signature of the
1. Introduction:
a. Introduction of Industry
b. Introduction of Company
2. Literature Review
a. Literature Review
b. About the topic
3. Research methodology
a. Objectives of study
b. Research Methodology of the study- data collection, source of data, sample size, sample area,
method of data collection.
4. Analysis and Interpretation- testing of questionnaire, creating table, pie chart
5. Finding and Suggestions
6. Conclusion
- Name of the author (Last name first), Title of the book, Edition, Year of publication, No.
of Vol. (If any) Name and Place of Publisher.
- Example: Kothari, C.R.: Research methodology, 3rd edition, 1997, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
Questionnaire – 10 minimum questions and 15 maximum
(Respondent – Minimum 30 and Maximum 50)
(Enrollment No.)
4 Acknowledgement (iii)
11 Chapter - 6: CONCLUSION 70
Date: / / 2017
Enroll. No.:
This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled “ (Title of the Project) ” is the
bonafide research work carried out by (Name of the Candidate) student of BBA, FIMT
(Fairfield Institute Of Management And Technology), Kapashera, New Delhi, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Major Project Report of the Degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration. He / She has worked under my guidance.
(Signature of Guide)
I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to Fairfield Institute Of Management And
Technology, GGSIP University, New Delhi for imparting us very valuable professional training
in BBA.
I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to Dr./Ms…………., my project Guide for giving me the
cream of his knowledge. I am thankful to him/her as he/she has been a constant source of advice,
motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him/her for giving his suggestions and
encouragement throughout the project work.
I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer Lab staff and library
staff for providing me opportunity to utilize their resources for the completion of the project.
I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to complete the project
and providing me an environment, which enhanced my knowledge.
Date: / / 2017
Enroll. No.:
I have completed this project titled “TERRORIST ATTACK: ITS IMPACT ON INDIAN
TOURISM” after an in-depth analysis of tourism industry and consequences of terrorism on it.
In this project, I have studied the major terrorist attacks in the past and how world has been
suffering from it for a long period of time. I have discussed how these attacks have had serious
Social and Economic implications. I did a primary data collection through Questionnaires
covering the sample of 29 foreign tourists. In that I collected their views about how they feel
touring in India, their likings and disliking, and the effect of terrorism on their perception
towards India as a tourist destination.
In this report, I have studied the series of terrorist incidents in India and their short and long-
term effect on tourism of India. I have also interpreted this effect in terms of foreign exchange
changes. I have also shown the tourist inflow for the past two year (oct-07 to jan-08 and oct-08
to jan09) and interpreted its fall.
I have also shown various types of tourism being followed in India viz. Medical, Adventure
tourism, wildlife tourism, pilgrimage tourism, eco tourism, cultural tourism, and heritage
tourism. I have stated what is the Psychology of the European or Us tourists and what are the
factors holding them back from visiting India
The Indian government has taken some initiatives to boost tourist inflow like Incredible India
Program, Bed & Breakfast and Buy 2 get 1 free. I have given a brief about them and how these
programs have helped tourism in India.
I have shown how the recent terrorist attack in India (Mumbai, Delhi) has had a negative
impact on tourism.
I concluded that there was not much effect of terrorism on tourism, rather the slump is due to
the recession in the western countries. The terrorist attacks usually have a short to medium
term impact.