Primary Data Guidelines-2024
Primary Data Guidelines-2024
1. Introduction –
a. Introduce the topic
b. Theoretical Framework (Explain the concept in detail)
c. Company Profile
d. Relevance of the topic (Why have you selected this topic)
e. Objectives – Clear & to the point (to be taken from your respective
guide) (Maximum of 2)
f. Scope of the research
2. Review of Literature – Published papers on the Topic 1-2 pages (5 papers
mini- mum)
3. Research Methodology –
a. Research methodology used
b. Research design
c. Sample size
d. Questionnaire type
e. Technique of analysis
f. Software used
4. Data Analysis –
a. Tools for analysis.
b. Make pie charts, tables, bar charts.
c. Correlation table
5. Findings & Conclusion-
a. Explain the analysis of your data with respect to the objectives.
b. Conclude your research
References/Bibliography – (Format given)
Appendices – Attach questionnaires/ tables if any.
1. The soft copy has to be mailed to the respective faculty guides for approval.
2. Students need to meet the respective guide every week and get your project
attendance marked.
3. One spiral copy of the Report is to be submitted to the respective Guides in the
March 2024
4. The Project Title should be complete. No open ended titles. Be very clear with titles.
5. No cutting and pasting.
6. Line spacing 1.5 only
7. Time New Roman- 12(text) , 14(sub heading), 16(heading) only
8. No spelling errors.
9. Total no of pages –Between 30-40
10. No page numbering on title page, declaration, certificate,
acknowledgement, table of contents, executive summary, bibliography &
11. No borders
12. Chapter page to be included but not numbered
13. Graphs to be in color
14. Text to be in black
15. Entire text to be justified.
1 Front Page
2 Declaration
3 Certificate
4 Acknowledgement
5 Table of Content/Index- Page Numbering is
6 Introduction to the Project
7 Objectives
8 Literature Review
9 Research Methodology
1 Data Analysis
11 Findings & Conclusion
1 Bibliography
1 Annexures- to include questionnaire if any
Submitted By Submitted to
Name: (Faculty Name)
Enrolment No.: Faculty Designation
Semester: IV Batch: 2022- 25
This is to further declare that I have not submitted this Project Report to any other
Institute for the award of any other degree.
Dr./Ms./Mr (Faculty
The successful completion of the project would be incomplete without the mention of the
people who made it possible.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express a deep sense of gratitude to my
Project Guide, Dr./Ms./Mr………………………………………, ………………………..
MANAGEMENT who in spite of her/ his busy schedule has co-operated with me
continuously and has provided valuable guidance at all stages of the study, that has been
certainly indispensable for my project work. I am also thankful to for his support.
I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to Project Guide name for his/her
continuous encouragement and cooperation during the course of my study.
I express my sincere thanks to the Prof (Dr.) Monica Kulshreshtha Director, for being
a constant source of knowledge, motivation and guidance.
I would also like to convey my warm regards to my family members and friends for their
kind support and helping hand.
Student Name:
Enrollment No.:
BBA IVth Sem Batch 2022-2025
Literature Review
A literature review is a critical, analytical summary and synthesis of the current
knowledge of a topic.
The "literature" refers to the works that you are putting in a conversation with each other
to explain your research topic.
• Scholarly journals
• Professional journals
• Academic books & e-books
• Research reports
• Conference proceedings
• Articles
Arora and Aggarwal (2018) argued in their study about the role of perceived benefits in
the formation of online shopping attitudes among women shoppers which was conducted
in India. They found out that perceived benefit (in terms of price benefit, convenience
benefit and product variety benefit) has a significantly positive effect on online shopping
frames of mind and there is a significant positive connection between online shopping
attitudes and online shopping intentions among ladies in India. Product variation was
observed to be the most significantly noted advantage for Indian ladies.
Al-Debei (2015) stated in their study about consumer attitudes towards online shopping
that it is developed with the existence of elements such as trust and perceived benefits.
Trust and perceived benefits are keyindicators of consumer attitudes towards online
shopping, as indicated by the outcomes. Further, the study also discovered that higher
levels of apparent web quality lead to a greater amount of trust in an online shopping site.
Perceived web quality was observed to be an immediate indicator of trust, and the
significant influencer of perceived quality.
Author's last name, first initial. (Publication year). Book title. Additional information.
City of publication: Publishing company.
Rowling, J.K. (2001). Harry Potter and the socerer's stone. London: Bloomsburg
Articles/ Journals
Author's last name, first initial. (Publication year). Article title. Periodical title, volume
number(issue number if available), inclusive pages.
Derwing, T. M., Rossiter, M. J., & Munro, M. J. (2002). Teaching native speakers
to listen to foreign-accented speech. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, 23(4), 245-259.
Author's name. (Year of publication). Title of article. , Retrieved month day, year, from
full URL
Kraizer, S. (2011). Preventing bullying. Retrieved from