Unit Standards and Competencies Diagram

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Students on their own and in the

long run will be able to perform a TRANSFER
literary piece through declamation
to help improve diction and stage Perform a literary piece through
presentation skills. PERFORMANCE declamation

The learner actively participates in a speech

choir through using effective verbal and non-
TRANSFER GOAL verbal strategies based on the following PERFORMANCE
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial TASK
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and
Audience Contact.
Identify the distinguishing features of EQ: How does the interconnection of
notable Anglo-American lyric poetry, songs, cultural and historical understanding
poems, sermons, and allegories. UNIT TOPIC create a more meaningful
Examine sample texts representative of What keeps life flowing? understanding of the literary pieces?
each type.
Identify the proper mechanics in writing. The learner demonstrates understanding of how
Note types of context clue (restatement, Anglo-American literature and other text types EU: The portrayal of believable
definition, synonyms, antonyms) used for a serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to characters and situations and their
given word or expression. use processing, assessing, summarizing presentation of artistic interplay of
Identify the different prosodic features of other story features and elements lead
information, word derivation and formation
speech to the better understanding of the text.
strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation
marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.

GOAL: The learners will build their self-esteem and take risks in life to remind people to be a life-fighter.
ROLE: The learners are to assume the role of being an advocate of bravery and heroism.
AUDIENCE: The World Bravery Day is to be attended by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
SITUATION: The class is invited by the Armed Forces of the Philippines to give an intermission number in celebration of the World Bravery Day.
PRODUCT: The learners perform a literary piece through declamation.
STANDARD: The learners will be assessed based on the following rubrics or criteria.

According to recent statistics, almost 20% of Filipinos have low self-esteem and are afraid to take on risks in life. In this light, your class is invited by the Armed
Forces of the Philippines to give an intermission number in the celebration of the World Bravery Day, to remind the Filipino people to be a life-fighter. In this
number, you are asked to perform a literary piece through declamation with proper dramatic conventions and prosodic features which depicts the importance of
bravery and lifelong lessons we may get from being our own heroes. You will become an advocate of bravery and heroism.


Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
Category Remarks Score
5 4 3 2
The students use the The students often use The students try to use The students deliver the
prosodic features of the prosodic features of the prosodic features of speech choir but without
Voice Projection speech properly, delivers speech in delivering the speech in delivering the voice dynamics.
the piece clearly and speech choir. speech choir.
The students employ The students often The students try to The students deliver the
consistent facial employ facial employ facial speech choir but without
expressions and dramatic expressions and dramatic expressions and dramatic facial expressions and
Stage Presence
conventions to make the conventions in the speech conventions in the speech dramatic conventions.
presentation more choir. choir.
The students present a The students present a The students present the The content of the speech
clear and comprehensive clear message to the speech choir with an choir has no relevance to
Content message to the audience, audience. unclear message. the theme of the lesson.
reflecting the theme of
the lesson.
Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is somewhat Student does not seem at
prepared and has prepared but might have prepared, but it is clear all prepared to present.
obviously rehearsed. needed a couple more that rehearsal was Not memorized, line
Preparedness and
Completely memorized rehearsals. Few errors in lacking. Struggled to prompts were a
& accurate. memorization. Needed 1- remember lines. Multiple distraction, needed to
2 line prompts. line prompts throughout. rely on script (50%
Students use several Students use 1-2 props Students use 1-2 props The students use no
props, including costume and good costumes to and costume during the props or the props chosen
Costume and
that show considerable make the presentation presentation, which are detract the presentation.
work/creativity and better. somewhat or not too The props and costumes
enhance the presentation. much effective. are not effective.
Total Points

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