Adaptation To Climate Change in The Pastoral

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American Journal of Climate Change, 2019, 8, 40-60
ISSN Online: 2167-9509
ISSN Print: 2167-9495

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Pastoral

and Agropastoral Systems of Borana, South
Ethiopia: Options and Barriers

Nega Debela*, David McNeil, Kerry Bridle, Caroline Mohammed

Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

How to cite this paper: Debela, N., Abstract

McNeil, D., Bridle, K. and Mohammed, C.
(2019) Adaptation to Climate Change in The pastoral and agropastoral systems of the Borana in southern Ethiopia are
the Pastoral and Agropastoral Systems of highly vulnerable to climate change and its impacts. Assistance to enable
Borana, South Ethiopia: Options and Bar-
these smallholders to successfully adapt to future climate change in locally
riers. American Journal of Climate Change,
8, 40-60. relevant ways can be usefully informed by the analysis and better under- standing of past and ongoing adaptation. We conducted farm household sur-
veys, focus group discussions, expert consultations and secondary data colla-
Received: November 8, 2018
Accepted: December 15, 2018 tion in 2012 in the Borana. The study employed a combination of Pres-
Published: February 2, 2019 sure-State-Response (PSR) framework to analyse how climate change put
pressure on pastoral and agropastoral farming systems and livelihoods, and
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
Pelling’s (2011) typological framework to analyse local adaptation responses.
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Results showed that pastoral and agropastoral households, their communities
Commons Attribution International and institutions adopted a wide range of adaptation options primarily
License (CC BY 4.0). through adjusting their farming practices and diversifying into non-pastoral
livelihoods. The smallholders primarily pursued a resilience approach to ad-
Open Access
aptation with short term goals intended to avoid system disruptions instead
of long-term transformational approaches that significantly address the root
causes of vulnerability. A range of barriers constrained local adaptive capacity
and shaped routes for adaptation. Adaptation pathways that address critical
barriers to adapt, integrate indigenous institutions into adaptation and link
adaptation with local development process are necessary to bring long-term
and non-marginal, major changes that reduce vulnerability and ensure
co-benefit of improving livelihoods.

Adaptation Options, Barriers, Resilience, Smallholder Agriculture,

DOI: 10.4236/ajcc.2019.81003 Feb. 2, 2019 40 American Journal of Climate Change

N. Debela et al.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent
that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” [1]

1. Introduction
Agriculture in Ethiopia is an important economic sector upon which the major-
ity of Ethiopians depend for food, feed and income. The sector is dominated by
smallholder agriculture responsible for 80% of the employment, 90% of the total
agricultural output and 95% of the total area under agricultural land use [2]
[3]. The smallholder sub-sector is predominantly comprised of subsistence and
traditional rainfed systems which exhibit vulnerability to various internal and
external pressures. Vulnerability within these agricultural systems can be
broadly attributed to a variety of climate and non-climate factors which include
bio-physical, socio-economic and political elements. These, among others, in-
clude changing climate [4], conflicts between formal and informal land tenure
systems [2], ecological degradation [5] and poor agricultural market conditions
[6]. These various climate and non-climate risk factors have contributed to ab-
ject poverty and food insecurity problems in the country including the study
area [7] [8] [9]. Agriculture is identified as one of the most vulnerable sectors to
climate change [10]. Subsequently, adaptation becomes an increasingly impor-
tant aspect of agricultural development narratives that broadly aim to transform
the sector from traditional to a “modern” market-based resilient one.
Perception of climate change and its associated impact is an important first
step to adaptation [4] [11]. It helps to define climate change both as a problem
and context for decision to adapt in the face of complex interaction between so-
cieties and their environment. Perception to varying extents is shaped by vari-
ous socioeconomic, cultural, political and environmental factors [4] [12] [13].
Changes in local climate appear relatively easy to see as compared to the global
climate because of heuristic experiences and more attachment to the local cli-
mate [11] [14]. More precisely, experienced impacts or anticipated risks of lo-
cal climate change help to acknowledge climate change, vulnerability and as-
sociated adaptation deficit that trigger an adaptation need and decision to
adapt [15]. Stemming from adaptation deficit and subsequent needs, different
actors decide to respond whereby responses can take different visions, forms
and scales. These responses are generally driven by vulnerability and livelihood
risk in the face of biophysical and socioeconomic uncertainties mainly climate
Adaptations can be planned or unplanned, local or regional and involve ad-
justments through a variety of processes, practices and structures to actual or
anticipated changes in climate [16] [17]. Depending on the vision and degree of
intervention adaptation can intervene in development. Adaptation responses
may be structured around one of the following goals-resilience (stability, func-
tional persistence or maintaining the status quo), transition (incremental
change) and transformation (radical change or reconfiguration of structures)
[18]. However, some adaptive strategies may fail to bring intended positive out-

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comes which result in insufficient adaptation or maladaptation that exacerbates

vulnerability of the target group or neighbouring communities [19] [20]. More
attention has to be paid to potential consequences of adaptation policies and
practices with their implication for future adaptive capacity and long-term ad-
Smallholder agriculture in pastoral and agropastoral production systems ex-
hibit distinct characteristics, and presents unique opportunities and challenges
for agricultural research and development as well as adaptation. The dryland
ecosystems these agricultural systems inhabit offer two key features—a highly
variable climate, and increasingly limited natural resources to which small-
holders for generations have strived to adapt [21] [22]. The ecosystems support
inherently climate-sensitive and vulnerable agriculture-based livelihoods, and
have continuously attempted to strike the delicate balance between meeting
growing human need and diminishing natural resources base in changing envi-
ronment [22]. The fact that pastoralism primarily depends on resource-extracting
extensive livestock production underscores the centrality of natural resource
management such as land use planning. Thus, addressing adaptation deficit in
subsistence and traditional agricultural systems within such fragile ecosystems
presents unique challenges with implications for development [23].
Pastoralism is highly valued livelihood style among traditional communities
in drylands of Africa. The preference could be attributed to the ability of pastor-
alism to exploit prevailing ecological conditions and suitability to the socio-cultural
structures of the society. Nevertheless internal and external pressures from both
climate and non-climate factors are forcing pastoralist communities to transition
into different livelihood systems. For example, Afar pastoralists in northern
Ethiopia have moved into cultivation and non-pastoral livelihoods without de-
taching from the pastoral way of life [24]. Similarly, pastoralists in East Africa
are increasingly pursuing non-pastoral income and livelihood strategies to buffer
against systemic shocks, mainly climate perturbations manifested in terms of in-
creased temperatures and frequency/intensity of droughts [25] [26]. The farming
communities in the study area have always made efforts to adapt to a variable
climate, often inadequately and on a limited basis. But there is a tremendous
vulnerability to climate change which has become a growing concern [27].
Compounded with vulnerability from non-climatic forces such as conflicts and
political instability, they now face increased pressure from increasingly unpre-
dictable weather and associated climate-induced shocks often beyond the range
of experiences [28]. In particular, where the succession of extreme events such as
drought increases in frequency and severity [28] [29], adequate recovery periods
are likely to be rarer and future adaptive capacity may be substantially eroded.
There is a growing global interest in the role of rain-fed smallholder agricul-
ture in ensuring food security, reduced poverty and rural development in Africa
in the face of environmental changes. Climate change manifesting itself in terms
of below average extremely low seasonal rainfalls leading to severe droughts and
high temperature are key features. These changes raise the demand for more

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livestock water to substitute for loss due to dehydration and put increased
evaporative demand on plants. There is deep concern about how this sector is
positioned to withstand increasingly frequent and intense perturbations in the
natural climate coupled with other external pressures from demographic
changes (e.g. increased populations) and socio-economic changes associated
with globalisation (e.g. weakening collective NRM regimes because of growing
individualism) [9] [29] [30]. The concern underpins the proposition that adap-
tation and development have vital links implying climate change can impede the
ability to achieve development whilst development can reduce vulnerability to
climate change [31]. Thus, underdevelopment of this vital economic sector is
associated with weak adaptive capacity which makes addressing vulnerability
and adaptation deficit more challenging.
In Ethiopia, the agriculture sector enjoys strong political will and policy sup-
port to enhance its performance, address food insecurity, reduce vulnerability
and adapt to climate change and its impacts. However, agricultural adaptation
efforts often fail to significantly reduce vulnerability partly because of poor un-
derstanding of the local adaptive environment particularly with respect to avail-
able options and major barriers to adapt. Adaptation rather should be a con-
tinuous, progressive and iterative process [15] [32]. Current and future adapta-
tion should build on past experiences due to increasing complexity of adaptation
practices and processes. Therefore, assisting smallholders to successfully adapt to
future climate change can be fostered through enhanced understanding of past
and current adaptation that will inform future adaptation. This paper therefore
aims to examine and enhance our understanding of how climatic change puts
pressure on these agriculture-based vulnerable livelihood systems and associated
responses to adapt.
The Conceptual Framework
The study employs a combined use of the Pressure-State-Response (PSR)
model and Pelling’s typological framework to enhance our understanding of
how climatic stresses put pressure on agriculture-dependent livelihoods and how
these stresses are responded to in the middle of complex human-nature interac-
tions (Figure 1). The PSR framework provides a widely used and intuitively ac-
cessible model [22] for developing detailed accounts of climatic pressure and
farming communities response through adaptation. The PSR theory assumes
that prevailing social and economic scenarios trigger human responses that
pressure the natural environment often leading to changes in its state which of-
ten have negative impacts on human society [33]. People then collectively act to
address the pressures and impacts by either reducing the adverse effects after
they happen or act proactively on the driving forces to minimize or prevent the
environmental response causing harm. The framework thus enables us to exam-
ine and enhance our understanding of: 1) how climatic stress puts pressure on
pastoral/agropastoral systems, and 2) how smallholders respond to protect local
agriculture and livelihoods.

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Figure 1. A conceptual framework used to analyze adaptation to climate change in the

study area.

In relation to the PSR framework, pressure can be any climatic or non-climatic

factor that brings economic, social or environmental stress, harm or distress that
alters the state of an adaptation unit [34]. In this study, climate variability and
change among other environmental changes will be focused on and examined as
stress factors though both climatic and non-climatic forces operate simultane-
ously. State refers to the status or condition of the adaptation unit, often a farm
or a farming system, as a result of exposure to climatic or interacting non-climatic
pressures that result in stresses and eventually impact. These include enabling or
restricting factors at play in which response (adaptation) must occur to pres-
sures. Response is any adaptation measure or action taken by actors to reduce or
avoid the potential negative impacts from pressures on the far left side of the
framework that affect the state of a given adaptation unit vulnerable to the stress
factor(s). Responses to adapt require resources and could involve technological,
institutional and/or policy measures to buffer against change of state of a given
unit or bring positive change. Results are presented in relation to the framework,
and discussed in following sections to address the abovementioned central ques-
tions of this paper.
The study also employed Pelling’s [18] typological framework to analyse
adaptation measures or strategies adopted by various actors in the study area.
The framework provided a useful typology of adaptation based on its different
features—vision or goal, phasing, degree of collaboration and origin of meas-
ures. Pelling [18] argued that depending on vision of adaptation responses can
be considered as; 1) “Resilience” when measures strive to maintain systemic
function and the status quo or bring marginal change(s) in a changing climate
by which the “normal” state of the adaptation unit continues to function in the
context of constraining factors, without explicitly challenging these, 2) “Transi-
tional” when measures push against the status quo by suggesting new ways of
doing things are necessary as a result of experienced or predicted change which
therefore aims to bring incremental change within established regime and sys-
tem of concern, and 3) “Transformational” when adaptation measures allow the
scale of change required to bring major, non-marginal change disturbing the re-
lationship between society and environment. This type of adaptation therefore
envisions reconfiguring the structure of development to enable adaptation which

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necessitates establishing completely new ways of doing things, robust institu-

tions, practices, processes and forms of governance.

2. Methods
2.1. The Study Area
The study area, Borana pastoral and agropastoral systems, is part of the Bo-
rana administrative zone situated in Oromiya Regional State, southern Ethiopia
(Figure 2). Geographically, the study area lies in the tropics region, and is lo-
cated between 37 and 41 degrees E, and 3 and 7 degrees N. The study targeted
lowland districts of the Borana Plateau which constitute the heartland of the Bo-
rana pastoral and agropastoral systems [35] subject to recurrent climate-induced
stresses. The Borana people are an ethnic group of pastoralists inhabiting the
arid and semi-arid areas of southern Ethiopia and the northern part of
neighbouring Kenya. Strong social networks and bonds are important features of
their collective lifestyle including natural resource governance. Traditional in-
stitutions are important entities in managing access to common property re-
sources necessary to support the extensive livestock production system [5] [36]
and collectively respond to climate perturbations.
The study area exhibits four seasons crucial to the rainfed agriculture which
shaped the transhumant lifestyle of the rural community. These are Bona the
long dry spell from December to February, Gana the long rainy period from
March to May, Adolessa the short dry spell from June to August and Hagaya the
short rainy period from September to November. Rainfall has bimodal pattern of

Figure 2. Location map of the study area, southern Ethiopia (Note: PA refers to pastoral
or agropastoral association which is the lowest administrative unit).

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distribution with increasing unpredictability which necessitates adaptation and

risk management. With a total average of about 700 mm, the study area receives
an average annual rainfall ranging from 350 mm around Wachile in Arero dis-
trict to about 1100 mm in Moyale town in Moyale district on the border with
neighbouring Kenya. The area on average gets 86 rainy days throughout the year
distributed through the two rainy seasons.
Though long term local climate data are not available to accurately examine
potential changes in climate, existing limited data show that the study area ex-
hibits high level of climate variability which is typical feature of dryland cli-
mates. The climate in the study is largely variable in terms of rainfall and tem-
perature (Figure 3). The seasonal rainfall demonstrated pronounced level of in-
terseasonal and interannual variability which was locally perceived and identi-
fied to be major challenge for agricultural production in the area [11]. Variabil-
ity in terms of amount with a declining trend often going into extreme lows be-
low average and uneven distribution are climatic attributes felt by rural commu-
nities relying on seasonal rain for agricultural production. Particularly, the long
rainy season exhibited a rapid decline since the end of 1980s until recently.
Air temperature in the study area has much less inter-seasonal and in-
ter-annual variation as compared to rainfall which is similar phenomena to most
of the sub-Saharan Africa [35]. Moreover, the air temperature deviation has not
been felt by rural communities and was mentioned to be less important than
fluctuations in rainfall. Higher temperatures during peak drought periods raises
the demand for more livestock water to substitute for loss due to dehydration
and puts increased evaporative demand on plants.
Farming systems
Farming systems of the Boran lowlands are complex and heterogeneous
pre-dominantly characterized by semi-arid pastoral and agro-pastoral systems.
Small-scale extensive livestock production, particularly transhumant pastoralism
is the pillar of the economy, and the main source of food and income for rural
households [37] [38]. The Borana zone has 1.6 million cattle, 1.2 million small
ruminants, 0.1 million equines, 0.2 million camel and 0.2 million poultry with
human population of 1.1 million having density of 24 persons per square kilo-
metre [39].
The characterization of Boran pastoralists as 'livestock producers’ is arguable
because of poor profit and market-orientation of the traditional agriculture.
Rather they are classified as 'livestock keepers' because livestock production is

Figure 3. Mean seasonal rainfall and temperature during 1980-2009 in the study area.

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seen more as a way of life than a western world style profit oriented agribusiness.
Poor access to agricultural input and output market is an important develop-
ment challenge the rural community face. In the face of climate driven pervasive
socio-economic and ecological changes, expanding drought-tolerant maize cul-
tivation, increasingly popular camel and goat husbandry, and shrinking livestock
holding per household characterize the dynamics in the farming system [40].
With multiple drivers of change, these dynamic dryland farming systems face
rapid evolution of social, economic and biophysical features.
The focus group discussion showed that recurrent drought and resource-based
conflicts are the two most critical climate-induced shocks and stressors small-
holders face in the study area. Livestock and crop sales make the two most im-
portant livelihood activities (Table 1). It is therefore imperative that small-
holders pay most attention to respond to recurrent drought conditions perceived
as indicators of recent climate change. The smallholders perceive the recurrent
droughts as evidence of changes in local climatic conditions which are harming
the performance of rainfed agriculture upon which their livelihood depends
(Table 1). This view is consistent with a parallel study by Debela et al. [11]
whereby survey participants identified decreasing rainfall often with extremes to
be key feature of changing climate which negatively affected local livelihoods.

2.2. Data Collection and Analysis

The study employed farm household surveys, focus group discussions, expert
consultations and secondary data collation to obtain both quantitative and
qualitative data. The farm household survey employed a multi-stage sampling
technique involving selection of five districts and twenty pastoral/agropastoral
associations. Five districts were purposely selected from the ten districts of the
Borana lowlands which represent diverse agro-climates and heterogeneous
farming systems shaping adaptive responses. Within each district farm house-
holds were stratified into pastoral and agropastoral production systems (strata)
depending on the predominant production system leading to stratification into
pastoral (livestock production) and agropastoral (crop and livestock production)
associations or villages. The strata are aligned with pastoral/agropastoral asso-
ciations which are the lowest administrative units after district.
From each production system or association (stratum), two associations were
randomly selected whereby each stratum was again represented by an equal size

Table 1. Ranking of identified major shocks (stressors) and livelihood activities among
Borana smallholders (Source: Focus Group Discussion, 2012).

Shocks (Stressors) Rank Livelihood activities

Recurrent drought 1 Livestock sell
Resource-based conflict 2 Crop sales
Bush encroachment 3 Off-farm employment
Livestock disease 4 Livestock products
Rangeland degradation 5 Petty trade

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of 24 randomly selected farm households. The sampling yielded a total sample

size of 480 sampling units with households represented by their respective heads
(all male due to local tradition) in the interview. The household interview was
held using a semi-structured questionnaire pretested before the formal inter-
view. The survey data, comprising farm and household attributes, was fed into,
managed and analysed using an SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists)
program [41]. Prior to the interviews, participants’ written consent was obtained
and ethical consideration for human research was made.
In addition to the household survey, a total of twenty focus group discussions
were held representing equally ten pastoral and agropastoral production sys-
tems. In each of these focus groups, 6 to 10 farming community members with
significant farming experience in the area were randomly selected to take part in
the open discussion using a checklist. The focus groups reviewed and reflected
on major farming system constraints, adaptation options and barriers identified
in the farm household survey. The data obtained through focus group discus-
sions on insights and experiences about adaptation options and their character-
istics, and barriers were then summarized and described qualitatively to com-
plement the quantitative data obtained from household interviews. In addition,
informal expert consultations and discussions were made at zonal and district
levels of agricultural development offices to get broader picture of agricultural
adaptation in the study area. The data from consultations and supplement the
data obtained from household survey and focus group discussions.
In this study, we triangulate between qualitative and quantitative data ob-
tained from different social research data collection methods—individual and
household interviews, focus group discussions and expert consultations. Trian-
gulating information from different data collection methods allows for the vali-
dation and explanation of options and barriers to adapt, and development of a
typology of adaptation responses. The classification assumes that, in the ex-
treme, these strategies are different in terms of their adaptation vision or goal,
timing of adaptation in relation to a risk to manifest itself into a hazard (phas-
ing), degree of collaboration among actors and its immediate impact on the ad-
aptation unit. The task was developed based on a framework of adaptation ty-
pology by Pelling [18] which provides a sound analytical framework to analyse
and understand key characteristics of adaptation options.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Adaptation Options
The study has shown that smallholders in the Borana farming systems adopted a
wide range of adaptation measures and tried to remain flexible to overcome
what they perceived as changing climatic conditions. Supplementary feeding,
off-farm employment and herd mobility to remote areas are the three most
commonly used adaptive strategies smallholders and their communities pursued
as responses to climate change (Figure 4). Declining seasonal rainfall with often

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Figure 4. Percentage of pastoral (n = 240) and agropastoral (n = 240) household inter-

viewees identifying the most common adaptive measures adopted across production sys-
tems. (PSNP = Productive Safety Net Programs.)

below average extreme lows, its uneven seasonal distribution and increased
temperature are key features of perceived climate change they responded to.
Particularly, increasingly frequent as well as intense drought conditions continue
resulting in scarcity of pasture and water resources challenging the sustainability
of traditional pastoralism. Broadly, speaking, amid constraining barriers, small-
holders responded to climate change mainly through adjustment of farming
practices and shifting into non-pastoral livelihoods.
While adaptation options stated as most commonly used measures were
closely similar across pastoral and agropastoral systems, there are few differ-
ences. More households are engaged in cultivation of food crops (e.g. maize
and sorghum) and off-farm employment (e.g. petty trade) in predominantly
agropastoral systems as compared to pastoral ones (Figure 4). Agropastoral
households obtain more percentage of non-farm income and less of farm in-
come as compared to pastoral households (Table 2). Whereas herd mobility to
remote areas and supplementary feeding of animals are identified as the most
commonly used option by more households in pastoral systems than agropas-
toral counterparts. The variation can be attributed to the fact that livestock rear-
ing is a primary source of livelihood which makes an important source of in-
come in pastoral systems. Subsequently, average livestock holding is relatively
larger (Table 2) among pastoral households than their agropastoral counter-
Adaptation options taken up were mostly reactive rather than proactive
(Table 3) implying that adaptation in the study area was a response to pressures.
This, therefore, confirms that the PSR model is a suitable framework for analys-
ing adaptation to climate change in the study area. While most of the measures
target to deal with current pressures from climate change, few, such as moving
from cattle-only herd to mixed-herd (with camel and goats added), water devel-
opment (such as well and pond maintenance and construction), and cultivation

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Table 2. Key household and farm characteristics of interviewed households in the study area.

Production system
Characteristics Overall mean
Pastoral Agropastoral

Age of household head (years) 48.3 51.5 49.9

Household size (number) 7.6 7.3 7.4

Farming experience (years) 21.6 24.1 22.8

Education level (school years) 1.2 1.0 1.1

Livestock holding (TLU*) 9.8 6.3 8.1

Private farm size (ha) 0.9 1.9 1.5

Annual farm income ($US) 500.4 423.4 461.9

Annual non-farm income ($US) 229.5 209.8 219.7

Perception of climate change (%) 98.0 96.0 97.0

*TLU = Tropical Livestock Unit.

Table 3. Summary and classification of adaptation options identified by the Borana pastoralists and agropastoralists in interviews
and focus group discussions.

*Degree of
Adaptation option Adaptation vision Phasing Function Origin or Source

Livestock supplementary Pools risk

Resilience Proactive/Reactive Individual Indigenous/Introduced
feeding across space/time

Herd mobility to Pools risks

Resilience Proactive/Reactive Individual/Collective Indigenous
remote areas across space/time

Spreads risk
Herd diversification Transitional Proactive Individual Introduced/Indigenous
across animal groups

Livestock sell out Resilience/ Transfers risk

Reactive Individual Indigenous/Introduced
(destocking) Transitional across food chains

Spreads risk across

Cultivation of crops Transitional Proactive Individual Indigenous
farm enterprises

Water point maintenance Resilience/ Proactive/ Pools risk across

Collective Indigenous/Introduced
and development Transitional Reactive space/time

Get support from Pools risk

Resilience Reactive Collective Indigenous
social safety-net across households

Take part in Productive Pools risk across

Resilience Reactive Individual/ Collective Introduced
Safety Net Program livelihood options

Spreads risk across

Off-farm employment Resilience Reactive Individual Indigenous
livelihood options

Receive food aid from Reduces risk

Resilience Reactive Individual/ Collective Introduced
NGOs or government across households

*Individual refers to Individual farm households whereas Collective refers to group of households or communities.

of food crops (mainly maize and sorghum) envisage proactive adaptation to an-
ticipated climate change as they get implemented before the next hazard mani-
fests itself.

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We also found that locally adopted options featured two important features:
1) inherently resilience or transitional modes of adaptation, and 2) reliance on
indigenous knowledge and local resources (Table 3). Adaptation options
adopted in the study area reflect a strong preference for resilience or transitional
within existing institutional and cultural arrangements. Most of the adaptation
options identified among the Borana envisage the goal of maintaining stability
or marginal changes that utilise elasticity in farming systems and local liveli-
hoods (Table 3). In other words, buffering or coping against shocks, which
represents often autonomous resilience approach to adaptation, is a favourable
response to moderate negative effects of climate variability which is an essential
element of dealing with climate change among resource poor farmers [23]. For
example, the use of supplementary feed and increased herd mobility to remote
areas are means by which livestock can be taken through the dry spells when
drought-induced feed shortage is critical and would result in massive die-offs if
no action is taken [29] [42]. The approach is no more than an attempt to main-
tain the status quo and allow unsustainable systems to persist. In other words, it
keeps the system on its pre-existing trajectory through maintaining the essence
and integrity of the system [43] which underpins the elasticity of the system.
In view of current level of vulnerability, it appears that a predominantly resil-
ience approach to adaptation involves low degree of intervention and does little
to adequately reduce vulnerability to current and anticipated climate change and
ensure co-benefit of improving rural livelihoods. Further to that, it possibly un-
dermines long term adaptation suggesting temporal trade-off with short term
resilience approaches, and increases the risk of maladaptation as these resilience
measures are often autonomous and ad hoc. The strong preference for resilience
can be partly attributed to the weak adaptive capacity of households and com-
munities subject to recurrent climate stresses that eroded resources available for
future adaptation. Studies noted that the high costs and risks (economic, social,
cultural, etc.) associated with transformative actions tend to make it difficult for
resource-poor farmers to pursue transformational adaptation [44] [45]. But note
that transformational adaptation poses great risks as well as gains.
On the other hand, few adaptation options such as cultivation of mois-
ture-stress tolerant food crops (such as maize and sorghum) and herd diversifi-
cation with addition of drought-tolerant species (such as goats and camels),
adopted in turn would lead to transitional goals resulting in incremental changes
through minimal reconfiguration of the system. Such measures go beyond an
attempt to maintain functional persistence, and involve moderate reform, re-
structuring of activities and incumbent livelihood systems [18] [44]. Combining
cultivation and herd diversification into existing livelihood systems represents
an incremental adaptation envisaging transitional approaches. Cultivation, in
particular, is expanding rapidly though there exists little evidence that cultiva-
tion of small and fragmented plots enabled food self-sufficiency among the Bo-
rana [26] [46]. Addition of cultivation as a risk spreading mechanism is often a
desperate measure and low-external input production system. The extension

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support system that potentially increases production and productivity is weak

and annexation of plots for private use from the communal land is against the
traditional tenure system and culturally discouraged.
Moving into diversified livelihood systems however has become a necessity
and not a free choice to moderate harm from both climatic and non-climatic
stresses. Diversification of livelihood activities includes the shift into non-farm
employment areas such as traditional mining and charcoal production. Though
such practices are temporary measures taken to overcome critical drought im-
pacts such as food insecurity, diversification of livelihoods should be an adapta-
tion strategy that needs to be explored further as a long term response to antici-
pated climate-induced risk. It is difficult to accurately decouple the effects of
climate change and non-climatic factors (e.g. population pressure) in the Borana
but the effects of climatic stresses such as droughts is perceived to be far more
significant for participants in triggering adaptive action as indicated on the
ranking of stressors in Table 1.
On the other hand, climate change adaptation measures identified in the Bo-
rana lowlands primarily draw on indigenous knowledge and local resources. Our
study indicates that indigenous measures play key role in responding to climate
change especially as external support for local adaptation is limited. Measures
such as herd mobility, social safety-net, cultivation and sale of livestock (de-
stocking) are key examples (Table 3). In particular, herd mobility to remote re-
gions is a complex adaptation activity which pools local knowledge and collec-
tive resources to spread risk across space and time with the help of indigenous
resource governing institutions. This highlights that pastoral adaptation to cli-
mate change is strategically embedded into indigenous social and resource gov-
erning structures which indicates the importance of social capital and citizen
participation [19] [47]. Despite government’s policy move to privatize land con-
trary to the traditional tenure, the traditional laws and indigenous institutions of
the Borana primarily govern access to collective water and pasture resources that
support adaptation [5] [29]. However, conflicting interests over divergent land
tenure systems between state and indigenous institutions remain to hinder the
role of local institutions in supporting collective action to manage natural re-
sources and adapt.
While adaptation is intended to reduce or avoid vulnerability, the study indi-
cates that some measures tend to result in unintended outcomes and increase
vulnerability across time and/or space. Given the spatial and temporal complex-
ity of climate change problems and responses, adaptive actions that bring suc-
cessful results in one instance may increase vulnerability elsewhere and/or at an-
other time [20] [32]. Current coping or resilience actions may unintentionally
affect the future adaptive capacity of individuals and communities resulting in
maladaptation. Maladaptation is often attributed to path-dependency and adap-
tive measures that are autonomous and ad hoc which often raises the risk of
maladaptation [20]. In our study, it is possible that the practice of moving herd
onto congested remote areas during drought periods may provide relief in the

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short term but may be maladaptive in the medium to long terms. Participants
emphasised that concentration of mobile herds in a given remote fall back re-
gion during severe droughts caused resource overexploitation. The high stocking
density results in degradation of resources which may be acceptable adaptation
option in the short-term but may increase vulnerability to future droughts as
these fall back areas become degraded undermining future local adaptive capac-
ity. Our study shows that there is an urgent need for policy makers to consider
maladaptation and subsequent negative externalities that may be the outcome of
the current resilient approach to climate change adaptation in the Borana.
Although traditional pastoralism has been a preferred and major livelihood
source, the study has shown that smallholders have demonstrated the tendency
to increasingly get involved in non-pastoral livelihoods as means of livelihood
diversification. For example, many pastoralists who previously specialized in
livestock keeping are now combining cultivation of crops into agricultural prac-
tice which is also the case for many African dryland systems [25] [48]. But culti-
vation of crops involves annexation of the communal land as there is no so
called private land which also competes with livestock production causing frag-
mentation and reduction of the grazing land. This transition into more diversi-
fied production systems allows livelihood risk to be distributed over a number of
enterprises. The transition into agropastoralism marks the growing need to
spread risk through diversifying household income and livelihood sources in the
face of rapid socioeconomic, biophysical and policy changes. Moreover, pastor-
alists in the study area were increasingly involved in non-farm income generat-
ing activities such as off-farm employment and Productive Safety Net Programs,
joint initiative involving the Ethiopian Government, World Food Program, the
World Bank and development partners. Consistent with similar findings from
other pastoral systems across East Africa, pastoralists in the Borana who prac-
ticed pastoralism for generations while increasingly involved in non-farm in-
come generating activities are not completely detaching themselves from the
culturally preferred transhumant lifestyle.

3.2. Barriers to Adaptation

The majority (87%) of the farmers felt that barriers to adapt to climate change
exist. The other smallholders (13%) consider that there is no compelling reason
that prevents adaptation. The impediments cited by the majority of farmers are
extremely diverse, including natural, economic, social and institutional factors.
Adaptation barriers were in descending order of the percentages of respondents
that identified each barrier; limited finance, expertise and weather/climate in-
formation, shortage of labour and land, poor government support, access to
market and irrigation and finally conflict among neighbours (Figure 5). The
three key barriers identified (by approximately half of the participants, Figure 5)
to limit adaptive capacity and successful adaptation were limited finance, exper-
tise and access to weather/climate information. These barriers in general either
stop, delay or divert the adaptation strategies and processes shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 5. Percentage of respondents (out of 480) that mentioned specific adaptation bar-
riers as key challenge(s) for their household.

A range of socio-cultural, institutional, financial, technological and natural

factors play restricting roles that may limit adaptive capacity, prescribe adapta-
tion pathways and may lead to undesired outcomes [49] [50]. The range of bar-
riers to adaptation in Borana is no different, and that partly explains why the
Borana smallholders envisage resilience rather than transformational adaptation.
The coexistence and interaction of different types of barriers brings additive
negative effects and further erodes the ability to adapt in the future. Among the
different group of barriers, financial and institutional barriers were identified by
the Borana as significant and interrelated challenges to adapt confounding the
effects of one another (Figure 6).
Participants underlined that there is limited government support to facilitate
local adaptation. For instance, there have been divergent views between state and
indigenous institutions on land tenure systems. The state promotes the privati-
zation of user rights, a stance which contravenes the traditional rules of collec-
tive resource governance in the study area. The divergence has weakened the
capacity of indigenous resource governing institutions that regulate access to
resources which have traditionally supported collective action to adapt at the lo-
cal level [47]. Jones and Boyd [50] and Upton [51] argue that institutional fac-
tors play important roles in prescribing options and shaping adaptation path-
ways at different scales. In a related observation, Watson [36] reported that, in
Borana, the involvement of state and non-state agencies in water resource man-
agement through a top-down interventionist approach is seen as interfering
rather than helpful to the local adaptation process. In this view, there has been a
biased approach towards the development of modern agriculture, a negative at-
titude towards pastoralism and development policies which have focused on the
role of indigenous culture have been deliberately overlooked or ignored [24]
In general, the challenge now for policy is to overcome these barriers, and
successfully integrate local needs and priorities with external interventions in

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Figure 6. Barriers and limits to adaptation and their inter relationships.

both adaptation and development planning. Particularly, abovementioned bar-

riers are putting significant limits to adaptation leading to adaptation deficits in
the area which necessitate interventions that appropriately target and address
each barrier. Improving access to credit services to overcome financial barriers,
provision of technical support to overcome knowledge gap and putting in place
downscaled climate information services can be important areas of immediate
focus to enhance local adaptive capacity. In this regard, governments, the private
sector, NGOs and community organizations have different roles to play in ad-
dressing these barriers, improving adaptive capacity, narrowing adaptation defi-
cit and reducing vulnerability to climate induced risks.

4. Conclusions
Smallholders in the Borana lowlands, at least in the foreseeable future, will con-
tinue to depend on rainfed agriculture as a primary source of livelihood for
which they face considerable uncertainty due to prevalent climate perturbations
and eroded ability to adapt. The dependency presents the need to urgently and
successfully deal with multiple internal and external pressures to significantly
reduce vulnerability to changing climate manifesting itself through increased
temperature and more frequent/intense droughts already felt by participants. In
this study, we explored smallholder climate change adaptation options and bar-
riers, using combination of PSR model and Pelling’s [18] typological framework
of adaptation (Table 3). The study found that for the pastoralists of the Borana:
1) climate change adaptation is intrinsically resilient or transitional, 2) indige-
nous knowledge and resources play a crucial role in adaptation, and 3) there ex-
ist a wide range of barriers to adaptation and these barriers are limiting adaptive
capacity and shape routes for adaptation.
Smallholders generally responded to climatic stresses through adaptation by
adjusting farming practices and shifting into non-pastoral livelihoods. Adapta-
tion envisioned resilience and transitional goals while transformational ap-
proaches that bring deeper changes that meaningfully address vulnerability are

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virtually non-existent. They preferred to emphasize reducing or avoiding system

disruptions, and ensuring continuity of pre-existing production and livelihood
systems. Such an approach potentially undermines long term adaptation by di-
verting efforts and resources needed for future adaptation. Adaptation also fea-
tured transitional approach embracing incremental modes of adaptation result-
ing in minor, non-major changes which could be attributed to limited adaptive
capacity. Despite efforts to adapt, there is little or no evidence that adaptation
significantly contributed to vulnerability reduction and livelihood improvement.
This suggests the need to change course and transform the current coping ca-
pacity of smallholders into longer term sustainable adaptive capacity and inte-
grate adaptation into development planning. There were also experiences where
adaptive measures implemented in one location were likely to increase vulner-
ability in another resulting in maladaptation underlining the importance of con-
sidering to proactively addressing risk of maladaptation in future adaptation ef-
Our study indicates that vulnerabilities of smallholder agriculture and liveli-
hoods in Borana are sizeable. Adaptation approaches that envisage resilience and
transitional approaches do not seem to robustly address the vulnerability chal-
lenge that uncertain climate poses. The focus on these two approaches also un-
dermines long term adaptation and sustainable development in the study area.
Detrimental impacts of recurrent and severe droughts witnessed in recent dec-
ades suggest that the Borana may not be able to continue with the status quo in
highly variable environment to achieve significant vulnerability reduction and
livelihood improvement goals. Along with shrinking recovery periods, the com-
plex and interacting set of barriers are responsible for already low and eroding
adaptive capacity. In the face of climate uncertainty and weak adaptive capacity
of smallholders, responses can explore low-cost and no-regret adaptation op-
tions and pathways that can potentially deal with wide range of future climate
scenarios and associated climate-induced risk in the medium to long terms.
Adaptive responses in agriculture should encourage major and purposeful
proactive actions that successfully respond to potential impacts of climate
change while ensuring co-benefit of livelihood improvement. Beyond reducing
vulnerability and risk, adaptation should also seek opportunities and build the
future adaptive capacity of actors. Climate change adaptation responses must be
integrated into policies and development programs to actively promote local
livelihoods and help reduce vulnerability addressing the shortcomings of con-
ventional adaptation and development pathways. Further research is required to
identify innovative adaptation pathways that promote locally relevant transfor-
mational change to significantly reduce vulnerability and improve livelihoods
while upholding the needs and priorities of the local community.

We are grateful to Borana farm households and communities who devoted their

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precious time to respond to our questions during the household interview and
focus group discussions. Our special thanks also go to district level experts who
assisted us in facilitating the consultation and fieldwork, and enumerators for
their courage to conduct interviews during the fieldwork. We also extend our
thanks to the National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia for its support in pro-
viding historical weather data and University of Tasmania for its financial sup-
port to this study.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

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