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ISSN: 2224-0616
Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 8 (1): 70-78, June, 2018 Available online at http://www.ijarit.webs.com


M.A. Islam1* and S.K. Paul2
Received 23 April 2018, Revised 16 June 2018, Accepted 26 June 2018, Published online 30 June 2018

The objective of this research is to evaluate people’s perception on vulnerabilities of
agriculture and to explore effective adaptation options with identifying the underlying
demographic, socio-economic and other relevant variables that influence the adaptation
strategies in the sea level rise (SLR) hazard induced coastal areas of Bangladesh. The study
finds that climate change and induced SLR are emerging threats to coastal agriculture of
Bangladesh; hence, farmers are applying different adaptation strategies to reduce the
vulnerabilities of coastal agriculture. Selection of effective adaptation strategies to
vulnerabilities of agriculture depends not only on the magnitude, intensity and the impacts
of climate change and SLR, but also perceptions and types of farmer, land, educational level,
indigenous knowledge about adaptation, locational advantages, external support,
community awareness and sharing of different effective mechanisms among the farmers.
Effective adaptation strategies with high perceptions have significant influence to reduce the
vulnerabilities of agriculture considering the adverse impacts of climate change and SLR. In
time of extreme climatic hazards when a great loss in agriculture hamper the coastal agro-
based economy, different effective indigenous local adaptation strategies through farmer
awareness and community co-operation become vital for minimizing the impact of climatic
hazards and reducing the vulnerabilities of coastal agriculture.
Keywords: Agriculture, Vulnerability, Climate Change, SLR, Adaptation Strategies
Department of Geography and Environment, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
*Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] (M.A. Islam)

Bangladesh is one of the largest deltas in the Bangladesh especially in terms of the area of
world, which is highly vulnerable to natural inundation, salinity intrusion and reduction in
disasters because of its geographical location, flat crop production (Paul and Routray, 2010;
and low-lying landscape, population density, Brammer, 2014). The area of agricultural land,
poverty, illiteracy, lack of institutional setup etc. production of crops, sustainability of the local
Impact of climate change in Bangladesh is an crop varieties, income and employment facilities
extremely crucial issue considering its physical of the farmers is also highly vulnerable to various
and socio-economic conditions, and Bangladesh climate change and SLR hazards (Karim and
is one of the most vulnerable nations to the Mimura, 2008; Islam et al., 2015). However,
impacts of global climate change in the coming despite having highly vulnerability to SLR, the
decades (ADB, 1994; IPCC, 2001; Brammer, coastal agriculture of Bangladesh may be
2014). Vulnerabilities in agriculture as a main sustained with the increasing of SLR by taking
economic activity of the peoples of Bangladesh proper adaptive measures (Huq et al., 1996;
and necessity of the adaptation measures to Karim et al., 1999; Paul and Routray, 2011).
reduce these vulnerabilities considering the poor
socio-economic conditions is now a hot topic in Earlier studies dealing with agricultural
global communities. vulnerabilities and adaptation options are
narrowly focused on climate change induced
SLR along the coast of Bangladesh is a critical disaster and sustainable food security (Nandy and
variable that may amplify the vulnerability to Islam, 2010). Few adaptation measures have also
global climate change (IPCC, 2001; Rabbani et been promoted and subsequently applied in the
al., 2015). Global climate change induced SLR south-western region of Bangladesh such a bid to
have adverse impacts to the coastal agriculture of reduce vulnerability of communities to climate

Islam and Paul (2018) People’s perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to climate change

change by increasing people’s coping capacity study area is covered by the world largest
(IPCC, 2001; RVCC, 2003; Schaerer and Ahmed, mangrove forest. To conduct the questionnaire
2004) and application of some generic adaptation survey Gabura, Munshiganj and Koikhali Villages
measures for the agriculture sector of Bangladesh of Shyamnagar Upazilla are selected purposively
(Ahammad, 2010). Habibullah et al., (1999) considering their agricultural vulnerability to
provided insights into on-the-ground adaptation SLR. The maximum households of these three
techniques that might be followed for reducing Villages are either directly or indirectly
vulnerability of crops under moderate to high dependent on agriculture for livelihoods. All the
saline affected conditions. Recently, Islam et al., selected study Villages are inundated by saline
(2015) has identified some effective adaptation water every year as it is surrounded by river. The
measures to reduce the vulnerabilities of coastal impacts of climate change and the changing
agriculture in Bangladesh to climate change effects of the coastal dynamics have negative
induced SLR. Review of existing literatures effects to the coastal agricultural land and to its
unveils that adaptation to climate change is productivity. The methodology of this study
necessary in addition to mitigate and avoid started systematically with problem identification
unacceptable impacts of climate change and SLR and ended by explaining the impacts of SLR
hazards. Therefore, formulating adaptation induced hazards on agricultural adaptation
policies are emerging needs to minimize SLR options. The assumption of a 5 percent
impacts and to mitigate or reduce the significance level resulted in an estimated sample
vulnerability of agricultural sector. In this regard, size of 303 out of 1200 households. Samples were
the present study has importance to evaluate the drawn proportionately from three villages
people’s perceptions to the effectiveness of (Yamane, 1967). The research is based on both
different adaptation measures to combat the secondary and primary data. The primary data
adverse impacts of climate change and SLR on were collected through key informant interviews,
agricultural vulnerabilities. The study also has direct observations, household survey and as well
importance to investigate the socio-economic as via focus-group discussions. Both descriptive
aspects of the peoples to adapt with the and inferential statistics are used to analyze the
adaptation measures. Evaluation of the people’s data.
perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to
climate change and SLR with their socio- The descriptive statistics such as frequency,
economic aspects the present study has specific percentage, average and cross tabulation are also
importance considering a few existing studies in used to study the socio-economic conditions of
these field. the vulnerable people and the consequences of
climate change induced hazard in agriculture
Materials and Methods sector. The chi-square test is applied to various
demographic and socio-economic variables such
The selection of the study area is purposive, based as gender, age, education, agricultural land
on various earlier studies which indicated that all ownership, income and occupation against
locations were severely affected by several different adaptation options. It is assumed that
climatic hazards such as SLR induced storm such demographic and socio-economic variables
surges, salinity intrusion to agricultural land and have significant influence on the adoption of
tidal flooding of the coast. The study has been coping strategies against cyclones and induced
conducted in the Villages of Shyamnagar Upazilla surges.
of Satkhira District in the south-western coast of
Bangladesh (Fig. 1). The southern part of the

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Islam and Paul (2018) People’s perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to climate change



Fig. 1. Location of the study area. Dots show the study villages.

Results and Discussion Islam, 2010). Due to the physiographic location

of Bangladesh, the agriculture of the coast is
Adaptation strategies to agricultural highly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of
vulnerabilities in Bangladesh climate change (Ahammad, 2010; Brammer,
Coastal communities specially the peoples who 2014). Some structural adaptation measures like
are highly depends on coastal agriculture are construction of dam or dyke around agricultural
facing much more vulnerabilities across the globe land (Karim et al., 1999; Paul and Routray, 2011),
(Schaerer and Ahmed, 2004). Impacts of global proper drainage and management of the river
climate change add to lower recovery or resilience embankment is very effective to control the
of the natural system for human well-being and prolonged inundation and logging of saline water
livelihoods (Rabbani et al., 2015). Various nature (RVCC, 2003; Nandy and Islam, 2010; Paul and
and impacts of climate change shocks affect Routray, 2011). Similarly, considerations of some
coastal livelihoods differently and govern organizational and institutional measures such as
vulnerability and adaptive capacity of poor and providing government and NGOs facilities of
marginalized groups in coastal areas (Nandy and credit, subsidy and insurance, ensuring the
employment of farmers through capacity building

Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 8 (1): 70-78, June, 2018 72
Islam and Paul (2018) People’s perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to climate change

and enhancing the innovative and technical reject the appropriateness of using the cultural
support among the local peoples to face the indicators of social stratification as true
challenges and vulnerabilities of climate change indicators of socio-economic association. The
induced hazards in Bangladesh (Huq et al., 1996; latter approach supports the use of social class
Karim et al., 1999; Habibullah et al., 1999; analysis to explain variation in people’s response
Schaerer and Ahmed, 2004; Rabbani et al., to hazards and thus places emphasis on
2015). Selection and implementation of some determining an individual’s entitlement to
community based adaptation measures such as ownership of land, economic activity and other
rainwater harvesting for drinking and irrigation, socially available resources. Therefore, the
cultivation of saline tolerant crop varieties, present study follows the socio-cultural approach
practices of the floating and sarjan1 method of to determine the variations in people's perception
cultivation, vegetable cropping on shrimp farm to adapt with different adaptation strategies due
embankment, and homestead gardening and to the variation in socio-economic factors.
forestry with mangrove trees also have a great
importance to the economic sustainability of the Age
peoples and to the development of agriculture Vulnerabilities of the peoples who are highly
(Huq et al., 1996; RVCC, 2003; Nandy and Islam, depend on agriculture usually increases with age
2010). Some others homestead or local differentials. This study finds that increase of age
community-based adaptation practices like increases the likelihood to select effective
fishing in river or canal, crab fattening, duck adaptation options to reduce the vulnerabilities of
rearing and livestock farming in household level agriculture to climatic hazard; but experience
also have a great importance to the economy of may help as well to cope with vulnerabilities.
the marginal people as the alternative sources of About 48.2% of active household heads (30-60
income (Karim and Mimura, 2008; Ahammad, years) and 34.0% of aged (60+ years) have the
2010; Rabbani et al., 2015). dependency to protect the forthcoming climate
change and SLR vulnerabilities of agriculture by
Like the earlier study and analysis, the present the construction of dam/dyke around agricultural
study also finds that the selected adaptation land based on their previous experience,
options are very effective and essential to combat compared with about 10.9% among the younger
the vulnerabilities of the coastal agriculture of population (<30 years) (p = 0.000). Likewise, the
Bangladesh in the context of present and future likelihood of the selection of proper drainage to
climate change impact scenarios. Some remove saline water logging as an adaptation
community level and effective adaptation options is comparatively higher (p = 0.000)
practices such as floating agriculture, among the active groups (49.5%) and aged
embankment cropping, cultivation of saline (33.0%) than the younger ones (10.9%). In
tolerant crops, crab fattening and duck rearing to contrast, tendency of the spreading of floating
reduce the vulnerabilities of coastal agriculture and sarjan method of cultivation as a new and
are also shown here (Fig. 2) to understand the effective coastal agricultural adaptation technique
diversity of practices and strength towards long- is higher among the active and younger groups
term adaptation. than among the aged (p = 0.027); as aged are
Adaptation strategies and explanatory unlikely to adapt with new innovative techniques.
variables Choose of the adaptation options, employment of
the farmers through capacity building is higher
Considering the increasing impacts of global among the active group (p = 0.048), while it is
climate change, the peoples all over the coast who lower among the younger and aged groups.
highly depends on agriculture have some Similarly, to get the government and NGO
traditional adaptation practices to adapt with facilities (such as subsidy, credit, insurance etc.)
climatic disaster, but the sustainability and to reduce the vulnerabilities is higher among the
effectiveness of such practices may vary over time aged group (p = 0.018), while it is comparatively
and the scale of disaster itself. In a socio- lower among the active and younger groups. As
economic stratification approach, some find no the active and younger peoples have the
relationships, while others come across positive capability to do the hard work, they rely less on
association. Therefore, disagreement exists on loan or credit systems, while due to the lack of
which socio-economic variables should be income vulnerability of the aged peoples they
considered. The traditional views follow a social have high expectations to the dependency on the
stratification approach and use distinct groupings government and NGO facilities. This ensures that
of relevant variables, while other approaches increasing age erodes physical capability and
increases the vulnerabilities to income and
1A method of cultivating year-round vegetables, prolongs their dependency.
vegetation on raised beds and cultivation of fish in
ditches in the water-logged coastal areas.

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Islam and Paul (2018) People’s perception on agricultural vulnerabilities to climate change

Fig. 2. Practices of some community-based adaptation options: Vegetable cultivation by floating dhap 2
technique(a), and sarjan method (b). Cropping on shrimp farm embankment (c) and saline resistant
rice varieties (d). Duck rearing (e) and crab fattening (f) as alternative sources of income.

2Aplatforms or raft of floating agricultural practices for growing vegetables prevail in the wetlands using
water hyacinth and aquatic weeds.

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Table 1. Summary of relationships between adaptation options to climate change induced SLR
vulnerabilities with some explanatory variables.

Adaptation options Explanatory variables

Age Gender Education Agricultural Household Occupation
level land income
Construction of 2 = 16.09. 2 = 11.85.  2 = 5.36.  2 = 13.91.  2 = 13.21. 2 = 16.05.
dam/dyke around df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
agricultural land P= 0.000*** P= 0.001** P=0.068(NS) P= 0.001** P= 0.001** P= 0.000***
Rainwater harvesting  2 = 3.23.  2 = 2.61.  2 = 10.23.  2 = 6.42.  2 = 17.55.  2 = 5.49.
for drinking and df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
irrigation P= 0.199(NS) P= 0.106(NS) P= 0.006** P= 0.040* P= 0.000*** P=0.064(NS)
Proper drainage to  2 = 18.98.  2 = 7.27.  2 = 18.18.  2 = 21.27.  2 = 14.46.  2 = 17.76.
remove saline water df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
logging P= 0.000*** P= 0.007** P= 0.000*** P= 0.000*** P= 0.001** P= 0.000***
Control the  2 = 4.06.  2 = 1.76.  2 = 4.60.  2 = 4.05.  2 = 12.56.  2 =3.15.
aggression of new df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
shrimp farm P= 0.131(NS) P= 0.184(NS) P= 0.100(NS) P= 0.132(NS) P= 0.002** P=0.206(NS)
Control prolonged  2 = 5.45.  2 = 1.99.  2 = 6.12.  2 = 10.43.  2 = 6.77.  2 = 8.49.
inundation of saline df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
water P=0.066(NS) P= 0.158(NS) P= 0.047* P= 0.005** P= 0.034* P= 0.014*
Cultivation of saline  2 = 2.65.  2 = 3.53.  2 = 6.44.  2 = 9.58.  2 = 3.49.  2 = 13.53.
tolerant HYV crops df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
P= 0.266(NS) P=0.060(NS) P= 0.040* P= 0.008** P= 0.174(NS) P= 0.001**
Spreading of floating  2 = 7.25.  2 = 3.67.  2 = 8.71.  2 = 17.36.  2 = 22.02.  2 = 26.04.
and sarjan method df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
of cultivation P= 0.027* P=0.055 (NS) P= 0.013* P= 0.000*** P= 0.000*** P= 0.000***
Homestead  2 = 3.99.  2 = 3.36.  2 = 7.87.  2 = 7.30.  2 = 4.51.  2 = 5.64.
gardening and df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
forestry with P= 0.136(NS) P= 0.067(NS) P= 0.020* P= 0.026* P= 0.104(NS) P=0.060(NS)
mangrove trees
Employment of 2 = 6.08. 2 = 5.86. 2= 11.23. 2= 10.43. 2 = 11.13. 2 = 13.53.
farmers through df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
capacity building P= 0.048* P= 0.015* P= 0.004** P= 0.005** P= 0.004** P= 0.001**
Govt. and NGO  2 = 8.04.  2 = 7.27.  2 = 15.17.  2 = 9.12.  2 = 5.60.  2 = 7.13.
facilities (subsidy, df= 2 df= 1 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2 df= 2
credit, insurance etc.) P= 0.018* P= 0.007** P= 0.001** P= 0.010* P= 0.061(NS) P= 0.028*

 2 =Chi-square. n = 303: *** p< 0.0001; ** p< 0.01; * p <0.05; and NS = not significant; df= degrees of freedom

The study also reveals that tendency to cultivate discourage them from adopting passive
of saline tolerant HYV (High Yielding Varieties) adaptation measures. In general, laggardness of
crops is higher among the young people (48.2%) the aged peoples to the new innovative and
than the aged (33.3%). This implies that aged effective measures of agriculture makes them
people have less interest to the new variety of more vulnerable.
crops, which creates the crop failure and less
production and increase the vulnerabilities. Gender
Likewise, effort to the control of the aggression of The present study reveals that due to physical
new shrimp farm and prolonged inundation of ability about 65.0% of male headed have interest
saline water into agricultural land is higher to construct dam or dyke around agricultural land
among the active group compare with aged and to reduce the vulnerabilities (p = 0.001) than the
younger groups. Similarly, selection of rainwater female headed (28.1%). Similarly, male headed is
harvesting for drinking, irrigation and homestead also highly feasible to choose the adaptation
gardening and forestry with mangrove trees as options such as proper drainage to remove the
the effective adaptation measures is higher saline water from agricultural land (64.7%; p =
among the active peoples, while the aged are not 0.007), employment of farmers through capacity
so feasible to adapt with this comparatively building (64.6%; p = 0.015) and receiving credit
complex innovative measure. Hence, it is evident or loan facilities from government and NGO
in this study (Table 1) that increasing age might authority (64.7%; p = 0.007). The study also finds
lessen vulnerability of aged peoples who are that female headed also feasible to some
depend on agriculture to some extent, but homestead base adaptive measures like rainwater
increased experience might help them to better harvesting for drinking water (29.7%), homestead
understand the hazard risk to climate change and gardening and forestry with mangrove trees

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(29.0%) and spreading of floating and sarjan they are not directly involved with agriculture and
methods of cultivation (29.4%). Therefore, it is they are mainly landlord. Likewise, the small and
evident in this study (Table 1) that with the medium level farmers have highest tendency to
variations of the physical ability of the male and consider the proper drainage for removing saline
female there also have variations to cope with water from agricultural land (54.5%; p = 0.000)
different adaptive measures to reduce the and spreading of floating and sarjan method of
vulnerabilities of coastal agricultural, mainly cultivation (54.8%; p = 0.000) as the adaptation
based on the feasible criteria of the adaptive measures than the landless (31.4 % and 31%,
measures to the male and female. respectively) and the large farmers (7.6% and
7.9%, respectively).
Similarly, construction of dam or dyke around
Selection and implementation of different agricultural land (p = 0.001), employment of
adaptation measures to combat the farmers through capacity building (p = 0.005),
vulnerabilities of coastal agriculture to climate controlling of the prolonged inundation of saline
change induced hazards have direct relation with water (p = 0.005) and cultivation of saline
the education level of the peoples. According to tolerant HYV crops (p = 0.008) is higher among
the present study, majority of the household the small and medium level farmers than the
heads having primary and secondary level of landless and large farmers. The small and
education (56.8%) are agree to proper drainage medium level farmers also have highest tendency
for removing saline water logging as an to consider the government and NGO facilities (p
adaptation options, while it gradually decreases = 0.010), homestead gardening and forestry with
among illiterate (29.0%) and college or higher mangrove trees (p = 0.026) and rainwater
educated (7.6%) household levels (p = 0.000). harvesting for drinking and irrigation (p = 0.040)
Likewise, taking the government and NGO as the adaptive measures than the landless and
facilities such as credit and insurance (p = 0.001), large farmers. In contrast, small and medium
employment of farmers through capacity building level farmers have less interest to the adaptive
(p = 0.004), rainwater harvesting for drinking measure controlling the aggression of new shrimp
and irrigation (p = 0.006), spreading of floating farm considering their small land size but
and sarjan method of cultivation (p = 0.013), landless and large farmers show more interest to
homestead gardening and forestry with mangrove this respectively for selling more labor and high
trees (p = 0.020), cultivation of saline tolerant income. Finally, the present study finds that
HYV crops (p = 0.040) and controlling the (Table 1) small and medium level farmers have
prolonged inundation of saline water (p = 0.047) the highest capacity to take the different adaptive
is higher among the household heads with measures than the landless and large farmers to
primary and secondary education and gradually combat the vulnerabilities of agriculture.
decreases with illiterate and college or higher
education. As the higher educated peoples are not Household income
directly involved with agriculture for their income
so they have little interest to marginal level of The present study finds that most of the
adaptation measures. Interestingly, consideration households of the study area are middle income
of the construction of dam or dyke around groups who are directly involve in agriculture, the
agricultural land and controlling the aggression of second highest households are the lower income
new shrimp farm as the adaptation measures is groups and their number is increasing day by day
higher among the illiterate peoples because of due to the increasing vulnerability of agriculture.
their involvement to these types of marginal level Likewise, the middle-income groups have high
labor base activity. It is evident in the study that capability to harvest the rainwater for drinking
agriculture as a main economic activity of the and irrigation (53.8%; p = 0.000) and spreading
primary and secondary education level peoples of floating and sarjan method of cultivation
has high involvement to consider the maximum (53.7%; p = 0.000) as the adaptation measures
adaptation measures (Table 1) to reduce the than the lower income groups (30.0% and 30.1%,
vulnerabilities of coastal agriculture to climate respectively) and the higher income groups
change induced SLR. (10.2% and 9.9%, respectively). Similarly,
construction of dam or dyke around agricultural
Ownership of agricultural land land (p = 0.001), proper drainage to remove
saline water from agricultural land (p = 0.001),
The present study reveals that maximum of the controlling the aggression of new shrimp farm (p
households of the study area are small and = 0.002) and employment of farmers through
medium level farmers, the second highest capacity building (p = 0.004) is higher among the
households are the landless farmers and their medium income groups than the lower and
number is increasing day by day due to the higher income groups. The medium income
increasing of vulnerability of agriculture. There groups also have capability to control of the
also have some households who are large farmer,

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prolonged inundation of saline water (p = 0.034) peoples who work as day labor in agriculture and
as an adaptation measure than the lower and who are involved in non-agricultural activities
higher income groups. In contrast, medium have interest to these options regarding their
income groups have less interest to some adaptive variations and vulnerabilities in occupation.
measures such as cultivation of saline tolerant Finally, it reveals in this study that (Table 1) the
HYV crops, homestead gardening and forestry peoples who work on his own agricultural farm
with mangrove trees considering the limitations have the highest opportunity to consider the
of their income capability. Therefore, the lower different adaptive measures than the peoples who
income groups have a high interest to get the work as day labor in agriculture and the peoples
facilities from government and NGOs due to their who are involved in non-agricultural activities to
low income and poverty. The large income group face the vulnerabilities of agriculture to the
also shows the little interest to the adaptation climatic hazards.
measures for agriculture because their income
source and economic activity is not directly Conclusion
involved with agricultural activities. Finally, the The present study finds that climate change and
present study finds that (Table 1) medium income induced SLR have overwhelming impacts on
groups have the highest capability to adopt agriculture, environment as well as on people’s
different adaptive measures than the lower and livelihoods of coastal Bangladesh. These impacts
higher income groups to protect the depend not only on the location exposure and
vulnerabilities of agriculture. increasing intensity of SLR hazards, but also
Occupation linked with several demographic, socio-economic,
cultural and other variables. People's perception
This study reveals that the peoples who work on about the adaptation strategies such as
his own agricultural farm have highest capacity to construction of dam or dyke around agricultural
consider the selected adaptation measures than land, rainwater harvesting, drainage management
the peoples who are selling their labor to the to control the inundation and logging of saline
others agriculture and the peoples who are water, control the aggression of new shrimp farm
involved in the non-agricultural activities. cultivation of HYV and saline tolerant crops, is
Similarly, the peoples who work on his own very effective to reduce the vulnerabilities of
agricultural farm have high capacity to construct coastal agriculture in the context of climate
dam or dyke around agricultural land (54.8%; p = change and SLR hazards in Bangladesh. The
0.000), proper drainage to remove saline water study also finds that some community-based
from agricultural land (55.1%; p = 0.000) and adaptation strategies such as micro financial
spreading of floating and sarjan method of support from government and NGOs, floating
cultivation (55.4%; p = 0.000) as adaptation agriculture and homestead gardening,
measures than the peoples who work as day embankment cropping, duck rearing and crab
labor in agriculture (29.5%, 29.4% and 29.7%, fattening as the alternative sources of income and
respectively) and the peoples who are doing non- employment for the peoples have significant
agricultural activities (8.8%, 8.9% and 8.6%, influences to reduce the vulnerabilities of coastal
respectively). Likewise, the interest to the agriculture in Bangladesh. This study confirms
cultivation of saline tolerant HYV crops (p = that the demographic and socio-economic factors
0.001) and the employment of the farmers such as gender, age, education, land ownership,
through capacity building (p = 0.001) is higher income and occupational variations of the
among the peoples who work on his own peoples have a high dependency and inter-
agricultural farm than the peoples who work as relations with the adaptation options for
day labor in agriculture and the peoples who are agriculture considering the time and intensity of
involved in non-agricultural activities. The climate change and sea in level induced hazards
peoples who work on his own agriculture farm in coastal Bangladesh. Like the vulnerability of
also have interest to control prolonged the environment of coastal agriculture the
inundation of saline water (p = 0.014) and taking demographic and socio-economic indicators of
facilities from government and NGOs (p = 0.028) the peoples also vulnerable to the changing
such as credit and insurance as the adaptation climate and its impacts in Bangladesh. As the
measures to reduce the damages of agriculture in coastal agriculture of Bangladesh is highly
the time of hazards. In contrast, the peoples who vulnerable to various climate change and SLR
work on his own agriculture farm have less induced hazards, so selection and
interest to adopt some adaptive measures such as implementation of the above mentioned adaptive
rainwater harvesting for drinking and irrigation, measures is very important and necessary
controlling the aggression of new shrimp farm considering the variations of demographic and
and homestead gardening and forestry with socio-economic indicators considering coastal
mangrove trees considering their rice field base setting.
intensive agricultural activities. Therefore, the

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