Enrolment Narrative 2021
Enrolment Narrative 2021
Enrolment Narrative 2021
2021 – 2022
Enrollment Guidelines
The meeting was scheduled on August 12, 2021 hosted by Ma’am Joan Makuha from
the Director Planning Office. Before she started, she explained what are the house rules for
the smooth flow of the said online meeting. This 3rd cluster of Orientation meeting was joined
by PPRD Chiefs, SGOD Chiefs, Region and Division Planning Officers and Senior Education
Program Specialist for Planning and Research Region 9,10, 11, 12 and CARAGA or BARMM.
After the prayer and attendance checking followed by the welcome address by Sir Roger P.
Masapol Director IV Planning Services. He stated the orientation objectives first was adopting
a remote enrollment procedure due to the prolong stay of this pandemic in our country but
there were some modifications made to address some difficulties. Especially in encoding
enrollment figures in the system.
Part 1. Policy Rationale and MLESF features particularly the facilitation collection
tabulation using the summary matrix explained by Sir Ariel Tandingan. The battle cry of the
department to the amidst of pandemic was that “learning shall continue”. A guideline on
Enrollment for S. Y. 20201 – 2022 in the continuing National Public Health Emergency due to
COVID-19, policy itself provides a range of option to facilitate enrollment of learners for all
public schools and even ALS program nationwide. This explains instruction to
parents/guardians and enrollees for incoming grade 1-6, 8-10 and 12 learners and for
incoming kindergarten, grade 7 and 11. In general parents/guardians will be contacted by the
school through channel (teachers). For transferees, the learners themselves shall directly
contact the receiving schools that they wanted to be in with. In case of balik-aral learners shall
directly contact their preferred school for enrollment. ALS enrollees must communicate via
digital or physical enrollment platforms by schools. This part explains the protocol for
Enhanced General Enrollment that School Head shall designate a school enrollment Focal
person or Grade Level Enrollment Chair who will be responsible in conducting of enrollment
especially pre-data collection to be given to the different grade level advisers, School must
establish digital and physical enrollment platforms such as Modified Learner Enrollment and
Survey Form (MLESF). Procedures of enrollment will done through electronic format or online
platform established by the school gathered through LIS portal. Tarpaulin should be posted on
the visible area wherein schools and teachers contact number and email address are visible
too to address parents queries .Protocols must be observed during Enhanced General
Enrollment thus the school must establish digital and physical enrollment platforms. This could
be done through the coordination of barangay officials. Submission of documentary
requirements shall deferred to December 31, 2021 under Section V-A of DO No. 03 s.2018
Part II.LES Quick Count which serves as a user’s guide .Facility is available for public
and private sector until September 12, 2021. No advisers account to be used only the school
head and the admin account is used. Using of legend for easy reference Consolidate first all
MLESF as to the school total before encoding the gathered data. Save all data after encoding
but until facility is open update all data to gather accurate information of all learners. Daily
Monitoring of LES Quick Count, In general this part shows and explains the step by step
procedures of LES Quick Count particularly in access and navigation, encoding and updating
data in the facility.
Part III Enrollment Policy and Part IV- Tracking System by Mr. Jonathan Diche
explained that age requirement for kinder should be based on DO No. 20, series of 2018 and
for enrollment date management under DO No. 03, series of 2018. In case of transferee
schools should not detach any of the documents especially the PSA so that it would not be a
burden of a receiving school to request for another PSA again. In the absence of PSA, the
parent or guardian must submit either local civil registrar or LCR, Baptismal certificate,
Barangay certificate which contains basic information of the learner itself. For the outgoing
Grade 6 and Grade 10 scanned copy of School Form 137 provide must that it contains
complete data of the learner, duly sign by the authorized as signatories. No written request.
Schools can hold documents not the “confirmation button” in order not to delay the LIS
confirmation as mandated in RA9155 and RA10533 that “education accessible to all by
providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education”. Transferee who have failed to
submit the SF9 during registration or upon enrollment shall only be “temporarily enrolled” until
he/she can complied all on or before August 31 of the current school year. These topics show
the Affidavit of Undertaking and a Balanced Enrollment Policy.
The virtual meeting objectives were highly achieved and problems that may arrive
during these new guidelines of enrollment were carefully addressed. Those objectives can be
successfully accomplished together by the School Head with his teaching forces who on the
other way will held each hand to work for the progress of this school year incoming activities,
and provide accurate , exact and early submission of the different reports. Success of One is
the Success of All. As the meeting goes through it made me realized that I was not only a
mentor to my students but a parent also especially I am a graduating advisers. That’s why from
the very first I became a graduating adviser I want my students documents were correct and
true before they will say goodbye to their school. Really cooperation matters when it came to
making reports and other documents.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Mamali, Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat
Prepared By:
Submitted To:
Principal I