Jtag System: With Openocd Explanation

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The key takeaways are that JTAG is used for testing boards and connections between chips, it uses a 4-wire interface and contains instruction and data registers. OpenOCD is a software that can be used to run SVF files for programming and testing purposes.

JTAG is used for testing boards and their populated chips by providing boundary scan testing capabilities.

The main components of the JTAG system are the 4-wire interface, a TAP controller, an instruction register, and multiple data registers.

JTAG System

With OpenOCD Explanation

[email protected]


1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Simpli ied Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3 Detailed Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 Interface Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 TAP contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 TAP Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.4 Instruction Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.5 Data Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Boundary Scan Description Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 SVF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6 OpenOCD SVF Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.1 OpenOCD Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6.2 Working with OpenOCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.3 OpenOCD Con iguration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.4 Running SVF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Usually data communication interfaces are classi ied to be serial or parallel. Talking about
JTAG interface, we can mention brie ly that data is transferred in JTAG serially. However, JTAG
is explained better as a complete system with four‐wire interface, control logic, instructions
register, data registers and even programming and description languages. That is what we
are going to talk about in this document.
JTAG System 1. Introduction

1 Introduction
Previously, boards and PCB connections were tested using In‐Circuit testing techniques. With
the advance of complexity and compacted sizes of IC chips, it became more complex to test
PCB connections. This led to ind JTAG technique for testing the board and its populated chips.
JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) and pronounced as (“J” “Tag”), came out in 1980 to test chips
using the boundary scan testing. It turned out to be IEEE standard in 1990 known as IEEE‐
1149.1 which later was extended to include other speci ications like BSDL, Programmable
Devices Con iguration, etc.

2 Simpli ied Description

JTAG Interface represents a communication technology. Rather than interfacing between two
devices only, it can connect series of devices in one chain. Although JTAG interface has four
wires, it depends also on some associated registers that should be added in devices compliant
with JTAG technology. Since JTAG system consists of four‐wires interface and con iguration
registers, silicon manufacturers started to use these elements (interface and registers) for
extended purposes like programming and debugging. Device that are compliant with JTAG
standard has four‐wire interface connected to a logic called TAP (Test Access Port). Thus,
a compliant device will have beside its core function a TAP logic and Boundary Scan Cells
as shown in igure 1. JTAG registers are contained in cells at the boundary of the device.
These cells are called then boundary scan cells. There are two modes of operation for these
cells. First mode is called functional mode in which boundary scan cells have no effect and the
device is operating normally according to its functionality. The other mode is called test mode
in which functional core of the device is disconnected from the pins so that JTAG system can
monitor and control internal nets of the device. In test mode, boundary scan cells are used to
test connectivity of the device pins (check whether there are short circuit, open circuit, wrong
logic, etc). And it can be used also in this mode to communicate with non‐JTAG peripherals
such as DDR RAM and lash.

JTAG System 2. Simpli ied Description

Figure 1: JTAG Compliant Architecture

For each pin of the JTAG compliant device, there will be one Boundary Scan Cell (BSC).
Register inside this BSC is simply shift register that is connected with other shift registers in
other BSCs as shown in igure 2.

Figure 2: JTAG Pins Flow

Serial data can be provided to the irst BSC and in turn it shifts it to the next BSC and so
on. Last BSC will send back its output bit to the external testing machine which in turn is
waiting to receive back the pattern it has sent to decide if all connections are ok or not. If

JTAG System 3. Detailed Description

for instance one pin is connected mistakenly to ground, this will lead to receiving back zeros.
In that way, JTAG can be used also to test series of devices as long they are connected in one
chain as shown in igure 3.

Figure 3: JTAG Chain

3 Detailed Description
Now we had overview about JTAG system. More detailed explanation may make it clearer.

3.1 Interface Pins

JTAG Interface has mainly four pins (TCK ‐ TMS – TDI – TDO).

TCK: Test Clock. Since JTAG is passing data serially, transmission clock is sent through
this pin so that the receiving TAP can synchronize its operation with it. Limitation
on the clock speed is subjected to device under debug and the debugging system.

TMS: Test Mode Select. This Signal is used to control the TAP logic of receiving and
shifting input data. It is synchronous with TCK and captured at the rising edge.

TDI: Test Data Input. This is the data transmitted from the testing machine. It is
captured at the Rising edge of TCK.

TDO: Test Data Output. This is data shifted out from the Device under debug. It is
captured at the Falling edge of TCK

TRST: Test Reset. This signal is optional to include in the interface. It is asynchronous
reset signal to reset the TAP logic. This reset is active low.

In most of the context explaining JTAG, they mention TRST as an optional reset signal. This is
of course accurate but as mentioned it is resetting the TAP logic. There is also optional signal
de ined in IEEE 1149.1 called SRST.

SRST: System Reset. This reset signal is resetting the whole system being debugged
not only the TAP logic.

Apart from optional standard signals, There is also non‐standard optional signal called return

JTAG System 3. Detailed Description

RTCK: Return Test Clock. This Signal is input signal to the debugging machine (output
from device being debugged). Since the TAP clock (TCK) is usually different than
Core clock, it might be needed from some debugging purposes to synchronize
JTAG clock (TCK) with the core clock. So this clock is returned back from device
under debug to the debugging machine in order to adapt its frequency (Adaptive

3.2 TAP contents

As de ined in IEEE 1149 standard, the TAP unit shall have TAP controller, one Instruction
Register and three or more Data registers. This is because JTAG is intended mainly to pass
pins values. Pins values are captured in Data Registers as well as other information (will see
shortly). Instruction Register contains instruction to decide which Data Register should pass
its value. TAP control is organizing steps needed to pass data to/from Instruction or Data
Registers. Figure 4 shows more detailed view of the JTAG system.

Figure 4: Detailed JTAG System[1]

3.3 TAP Controller

It is a state machine that is controlled by TMS wire. This state machine is shown in igure 5.
What can be understood then from this state machine that JTAG operation starts at Reset
state then starts running the test and selecting either Instruction Register or Data Register
to pass or capture data.

JTAG System 3. Detailed Description

What is important to note here also is whatever in which state the TAP controller is, having
ive successive ‘1’ in TMS, this will bring the TAP controller into the Reset state.
For a chain of JTAG devices, TAP controllers of all these devices will be synchronized in
the same state. That is why operation of the JTAG starts by setting TMS to ive successive ‘1’
to ensure that all TAP Controllers will be synchronized.

Figure 5: TAP State Machine

For some device, it can be designed to have multiple TAP. This is valid for some processor
chips that have multiple cores and also some FPGA devices.

Figure 6: Multiple TAP Controller[2]

JTAG System 3. Detailed Description

3.4 Instruction Register

As mentioned brie ly previously, Instruction register holds an instruction that is going to be

executed instantly. This instruction register has a speci ic length. There is no standard or
constraints on the length of this register but there are some standard instructions that should
be exist in a standard compliant JTAG system: bypass – extest – sample/reload.
When instruction register is set entirely to ones, this means Bypass instruction needed
to be executed. Extest instruction has all its bit pattern zeros. No bit pattern is standardized
for instruction sample/reload, it is de ined according to the manufacturer.
Other instructions may be available according to the manufacturer. A common non standard
command is the IDCODE command which used to direct the IC to reply with the ID of the IC

3.5 Data Registers

JTAG system should have at least three data registers: Bypass register, Boundary Scan register,
Device ID register. It is up to the manufacturer to add more data registers according to his
Bypass register is a single bit register which is used to bypass data directly from TDI to
TDO. It is important when we have a chain of device in the JTAG loop so that we can bypass
certain device by sending instruction ‘Bypass’ which in turn will select Bypass register. Boundary
Scan register is the main register that is combined from shift register of each attached pin.
Device ID register is a register that contains ID of the device.

Figure 7: Data Registers Multiplexing

Boundary Scan Cell

JTAG System 4. Boundary Scan Description Language

This cell is attached to every I/O pin included in the JTAG system. The purpose of this
cell is either to shift provided data at TDI pin, or to capture data from its associated I/O pin.
Boundary Scan Cell is shown in igure 8.

Figure 8: Boundary Scan Cell[3]

Keeping in mind that if the Pin of the IC is Input pin, the In signal is connected to input
pin of the IC and the out signal is connected to core logic. Recursively, of the cell is attached
to output pin of the IC, the In signal will be connected to the core logic and the Out signal will
be connected to the output pin of the IC.
This cell will have two main modes; Normal mode in which BSC is transparent and the
core logic function is operating with direct connection to the chip pins. Second mode is Test
mode, in which boundary scan cell is acting according to TAP controller instructions. These
instructions are capture (or load), shift, update.
Capture (or load) means to get data from TDI signal (or from I/O pin) to the next BSC.
Shift means to present the captured data to the TDO signal. Update means to make this data
available also to the Out signal. Note that this Out signal is connected either to the core logic
or I/O pins. This helps to feed the Out signal with data provided in TDI so that we can drive
the core logic (or I/O pis) with some values.

4 Boundary Scan Description Language

Now we have seen basic architecture of a JTAG system, next question could be how to interact
with a JTAG of a chip. For instance a debugging system will send certain bit pattern through
TDI pin, how can we de ine the expected return pattern through TDO pin. There must be a
description then of the JTAG system of Device under debugging. Boundary Scan Description
Language (BSDL) is a subset of VHDL that is used describe the JTAG system. JTAG compliant
devices shall provide BSDL ile which describes how the JTAG system of the device work.
For example Xilinx provides BSDL iles for its chips. The following is an example of an
BSDL ile.

JTAG System 4. Boundary Scan Description Language

Figure 9: BSDL File Sample

From this ile we can know the length of instruction register (which is 6) also we can
know which commands are supported in the available JTAG system. Using this information
we can build our debugging environment. BSDL iles are free and can be downloaded from
any vendor resources portals.
JTAG Connectors
There is no standard for the JTAG connector used to connect debugging system and device
under debugging. This means each manufacturer can con igure the JTAG interface according
to his needs. Below are some samples of JTAG connector for some ARM processor.

Figure 10: JTAG Connectors[4]

JTAG System 5. SVF Files

5 SVF Files
Previous discussion illustrated JTAG system architecture and components. Remaining now to
understand how to con igure JTAG system components (Instruction register, Data registers).
A very simple language can be used for that; SVF (Serial Vector Format) which has few instructions
that are used to either to write or read to/from JTAG registers. Speci ication of this language
is available online and can be downloaded which declares SVF commands and how it can be
used. Table 1 depicts SVF commands.

SVF Commands

Table 1: SVF Commands

For quick explanation of these commands, we have mainly instruction register and data
register in the JTAG system. To write to instruction register we use SIR command, To write
to data register we use SDR. The same commands can be used to read from these registers
as writing to any of them is a process of shifting serial bit train in a chain. which mean when
injecting new data, old data will be shifted out to TDO then we can read it.
In case of chain of JTAG system, you may need to insert a header or trailer to your bit
sequence so that it can allocated in the next or previous device in the chain. For that purpose,
there are HDR, HIR, TDR, TIR commands.
You can tell TAP to which state it shall go after it writes to the register. This can be
instructed using ENDDR and ENDIR commands. STATE command is used to go immediately
to the indicated state. FREQUENCY command is used to de ined which clock frequency the
TCK shall run.
For example, the following two line are used to instruct Instruction Register to be ready
for writing data into a register of address E0. Next, we shift over TDI a value of ’FCAF9671’
that will be written into register of address E0 and we expect according to this writing procedure
TDO pin will shift back to the user the value ’4408501’.
SIR 8 TDI (E0);
SDR 32 TDI (FCAF9671) TDO (44008501);

6 OpenOCD SVF Player

In order to provide con igurations described in SVF ile into the device under test, software
is needed to play or interpret these SVF commands into the right synchronized hardware
signals. Many software applications can be found but one of the most common applications
is OpenOCD.

JTAG System 6. OpenOCD SVF Player

Many JTAG vendors or interfaces are supported in openOCD which makes it feasible to be
used. Not only but also it is open source tool and support different platform.
To install openOCD you can use simply
$ sudo apt-get install openocd
But this will install openocd with default con igurations.
It may be needed then to install openocd manually to customize or control with which
con iguration openOCD shall be installed. So to install it manually download source of openOCD
$ git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd
If you have problems with this link, you can try another mirror link
$ git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/openocd.git openocd
After downloading install it using the following commands
$ cd openocd
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-sysfsgpio <<here you can enable target interfaces>>
$ make
$ sudo make install

6.1 OpenOCD Structure

It is basically built to be a debugging mechanism for embedded systems. User has to connect
his device under test into a machine that is running openOCD over JTAG interface as shown
in igure 11.

Figure 11: Simple System With OpenOCD

But since a JTAG interface is not usual to be found in a PC, a kind of adapter (or dongle)
is needed to provide that interface. This Adapter is connected to the host PC via USB (for
example) and connected to the device under test via JTAG interface.

JTAG System 6. OpenOCD SVF Player

Figure 12: Adapter for OpenOCD

There are so many adapters in the market that provide this facility. That is why choosing
a supporting software is important.
We will ind then in openOCD different supported adapters and for each adapter. There is
what is called con iguration ile which handles signaling and pin connections of the adapter
and also its appropriate driver. For example , openOCD can be run currently on Raspberry Pi
using its GPIO. This means that we can connect Raspberry Pi board directly to a device under
test through GPIO pins without the need of any Adapter. In this case we need to tell openOCD
which pins of the GPIO is used as a JTAG pins (TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO). Also a driver for this GPIO
interface is needed to handle how TCK, TMS, TDI, etc will be synchronized and transfer logic
values after it has been interpreted by openOCD.

Figure 13: OpenOCD in Raspberry Pi

The main structure of openOCD may be represented as in igure

Figure 14: OpenOCD Structure

What is important to note about in this structure is the con iguration iles in which the
user can provide some settings that will direct the drivers (i.e the interface) . For example

JTAG System 6. OpenOCD SVF Player

user can mention in the con iguration ile to use jtag as a transport protocol over USB interface
with 1 KHz speed.

6.2 Working with OpenOCD

To run OpenOCD (if its binary executable is already located in bin directory) simply use
$ openocd
But this will do nothing since we have to tell openOCD what to do. So openOCD shall be run
in this format
$ openocd -c <command_name>
Here we have used the switch ‐c to inform openOCD to run a command. If we have multiple
commands to run we can include it all in a ile then inform openOCD to run a ile.
$ openocd -f <file_name>
For example, after installing openOCD, you may want to know which interfaces are supported
in the current installation. This can be known by running command interface_list
$ openocd -c interface_list
OpenOCD has several commands that best to be checked in their online manual. Most
important commands are

Interface: in which we have to state which driver is going to be used. Last example has
shown list of available interfaces. User then has to mention which interface to be used.
For instance
$ openocd -c “interface ”openjtag

Init: which starts a debugging session. Without this command nothing can be meaningful.
$ openocd -c init

6.3 OpenOCD Con iguration Files

As just mentioned, user can consolidate his commands into one ile. The following can be a
sample of a valid ile
## OpenOCD Sample file
## that contains set of commands
interface sysfsgpio
echo “Starting OpenOCD …”.
debug_level -1
What has to be clari ied now is openOCD understands tcl language which means in addition
to prede ined openOCD commands, user can provide his ile with other tcl commands to
perform further operations.

JTAG System 6. OpenOCD SVF Player

## OpenOCD configuration file
puts “Starting OpenOCD …”.
source [find interface/UserFile.cfg ]
The same applies for ready con iguration iles in openOCD. This means that user can run
con iguration iles directly if it is ready for performing right operations.
$ openocd -f <path/to/cfg/file>

6.4 Running SVF Files

OpenOCD is able to play SVF iles. There is one command in openOCD that can be used for
$ openocd –c “svf path/to/svf/”file


[1] http://www.interfacebus.com

[2] http://www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/training_jtag.pdf

[3] Digital Systems Design Using Verilog, 1st Edition. Byeong Kil Lee, Lizy K John, Charles

[4] http://infocenter.arm.com


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