A Student Will Lead A Prayer

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 Determine the relationship between the hypothesis and the conclusion of an if-then statement.
 Transform a statement into an equivalent if-then statement.
A conditional statement (also called an if-then statement) is a statement with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion. The hypothesis is the first, or
“if,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the second, or “then,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the result of a
SKILLS: Analysis, Comprehension, Language
REFERENCES: Mathematics Learner’s Module 8
MATERIALS: Power Point Presentation, mobile phone, worksheet
VALUE FOCUS: Health Care, COVID-19 Prevention, Health Protocols



 Prayer/Greetings  A student will lead a prayer.

Good morning class! Good morning Ma'am

 Checking of Attendance  The students say present when called.

 Prayer/Greetings  A student will lead a prayer.
Good morning class! Good morning Ma'am
 Checking of Attendance  The students say present when called.
 Drill  The students will answer the drill questions.
−11 + 4  −7
−8 − (−12)  4
(−9) × 3  −27
(−7) × (−2)  14
(−24) ÷ (−3)  8

Before we proceed to our next lesson let's have a review first
of our previous lesson.

Given the equation y = 2x − 6, use Desmos App to find the  The students will raise their hands to give their answers.
a Obj. 7 – use of
following: Desmos App.
 ( 3 , 0)
a) x-intercept
 ( 0 , −6)
b) y-intercept
 The slope is equal to 2
c) slope
 The slope is positive (sloping upward)
d) describe the slope the line

Very good!
Are you aware that when you solve mathematical problems  We are not really sure ma'am. Please explain further.
you form reasons in your mind when finding the solution?

For instance, when you are asked "Describe the slope of the
line." Perhaps you will say, "If the slope is positive, then it is  Yes, we do that sometimes ma'am. But we aren't really
sloping upward". Do you do as that? sure.

We will find out more of this solving strategy in our lesson


Before we start the first part of our lesson, I have here a short  The students will watch the video presentation about
video that depicts our current situation. the how the virus (COVID-19) spreads in a community. a Obj. 1 – Health,
Social Studies
For our first activity, I have some pair of pictures here, from the
video. With these pictures, you will form a statement using if a Obj. 2 –
and then. use of video
 The students will form statements about the pictures presentation
Complete the statement: using if-then.

If (the first picture happens), then (the second picture will


If Picture 1 Then Picture 2

 If you sneeze with covering your nose, then you will

spread the virus.
 If you wear facemask, then you protect yourself and
others from the virus.

 If you wash your hands, then you prevent the spread of

the virus.

 If you eat laswa, then you will be strong.

 If you take vitamins, then you increase your immunity.

Well done! Wonderful statements!

 We used if and then in all the statements.

What is common in all the statements?
 The 'then' phrase is the result of 'if' phrase.
What have you noticed with the statements formed?

For today's lesson, our objectives are:
a Determine the relationship between the hypothesis and
the conclusion of an if-then statement.
a Transform a statement into an equivalent if-then

The following activity will help us illustrate and better

understand our lesson.

a Obj. 8 – Learning
Students will form three groups. Each group will be assigned to performance
make a presentation using if-then statements. The groups will task
work in five minutes to work on their performances.  Students will go to their groups and discuss about their
Group 1 - Poem/Pick-up lines
Validation and
 The groups will present in class after 5 minutes.
Group 2 - Song recognition of
Group 3 – iArt/Drawing performances.
Grp 1: 5 Claps, shout
Performance Rubric: “Math-galing!!”
Content/Idea: 10 points
Grp 2: 5 Stomps,
Members Participation: 5 points
shout “Math-lupit!
Presentation: 5 points________
Grp 3: 3 Claps, 3
Total : 20 points
stomps, shout

Well done groups! Excellent presentations.

What you have just done in the activity are conditional

statements in if-then form.

Conditional Statements

A conditional statement (also called an If-Then Statement) is a  The students will listen to the teacher's discussion of the
statement with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion. Another lesson while taking down notes.
way to define a conditional statement is to say,

“If this happens, then that will happen.”

hypothesis conclusion

The hypothesis is the first, or “if,” part of a conditional

statement. The conclusion is the second, or “then,” part of a
conditional statement. The conclusion is the result of a
hypothesis. We denote the hypothesis as (p) and the conclusion
as (q).

“If p, then q.”

For example, --can you please read the statement

 If the shape has three sides, then it’s a triangle.
If the shape has three sides, then it’s a triangle.

 hypothesis: the shape has three sides

Can you tell which the hypothesis is?  conclusion: it’s a triangle
Which the conclusion is?

That's right! You're listening very well.

Keep in mind that conditional statements might not always be
written in the “if-then” form. Here are a few examples:

1. I get cake on my birthday.

2. I’ll wash the car if the weather is nice.

3. All equiangular triangles are equilateral.

Reword or rephrase the statement to write in if-then form:

I get cake on my birthday.

When reworded or rephrased,

If it’s my birthday, then I get cake.

There, we can clearly identify the hypothesis and conclusion.

Is there any questions?

 No question Ma'am.
If none, let's proceed to the next part of our lesson.

Now, identify the hypothesis and conclusion of the following

 p : you have a travel history

1. If you have a travel history, then you will be quarantined.
q : you will be quarantined

 p : a polygon has six sides

2. If a polygon has six sides, then it is a hexagon. q : it is a hexagon
3. If a number is even, then it is divisible by two.  p : a number is even
q : it is divisible by two

This time, make a statement in if-then form:

 If you are travelling, then you must acquire a medical a Obj. 5 –

1. Medical certificate must be acquired when travelling. certificate. Geographic
isolation in
2. Community lockdown is implemented to areas at high risk  If areas are at high risk of COVID-19 threat, then
of COVID-19 threat. community lockdown is implemented.
lockdown during
 If the triangle is equilateral, then it is equiangular. pandemic.
3. Equilateral triangles are equiangular.
25  If y , then y = 5.
4. Given y , y =5
 If segments are congruent, then they have the same
5. All congruent segments have the same length.

 Conditional statements are if-then statements. The
1. What is a conditional statement? Define in your own words. 'if' part is the hypothesis, and the 'then' part is the
conclusion. The conclusion is the result of the a Obj. 3 – HOTS

 We may not be aware, but we are using

2. How can we use conditional statements in solving
mathematical problems? conditional statement when solving math problems
by simply using the given. That "if (given), then
(use given leading to solution)".
In real life situations?  We can apply the concept of conditional statement
in real life situations in making decisions. That if I
do something right, then I will get positive result. If
I do something bad, then I will get negative results.

That's a great thought to put it all together.

Well done!

 No questions Ma'am.
Do you have any questions or clarifications?

Great! Now, you're ready to answer the next activity. Thank

you everyone for your active participation in our lesson.

Now, it’s time to assess what you have learned from today’s  The students will answer the worksheet.
lesson. Please carefully read the instructions and the
statements as you answer your worksheets. (See copy
assessment below.)


Form 3 if then statements about your observations and  The students will answer their assignment and submit
experiences during this pandemic. Submit your written work their answers along with the return of their modules.
together with the return of modules next week.

That ends our lesson for today, thank you class and have a  Thank you and good bye Ma'am.
good day, keep safe and well.

Identify the hypothesis and the conclusion of the following conditional statements.
1. We will go back to school if there’s no more threat of COVID-19. a Obj. 4 – Established
a learner centered
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________________________________ culture by using
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________________________ teaching strategies
that respond to their
2. I’ll be a millionaire when I win the lottery. linguistic, cultural,
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________________________________ socioeconomic and
religious backgrounds.
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. If two angles are vertical, then they are congruent.
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. If angles are congruent, then they have the same angle measure.
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. If an angle is acute, then its measure is between 0 and 90.
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________________________

II. Re-write the following statements in if-then form. You may need to rephrase the hypothesis and conclusion.
1. All birds have feathers.

2. Today is Monday if yesterday was Sunday.


3. An object that measures 12 inches is one foot long.


4. A polygon with four sides is a quadrilateral.


5. In the equation 5x = 10, x = 2.

Evaluation Results
No. of
No. of learners who who No. of learners who
Class No. of Learners Mastery Level Remarks
took the test earned earned below 80%
80% and



Esther Joy G. Perez Marcia G. Torcita

Teacher I Head Teacher I
SAC - Mathematics

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