Electronic Components and Laboratory Equipment

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School of Electrical Electronics and Computer

Engineering Electronics 1 Laboratory


Sablay, Kenneth Bryan M.

Name of Student

2018109635 ME-2 ECE20L-2 – E05

Student Number Program-Year Course-Section

Group Number Group Members

8/20/2021 8/27/2021
Date Performed Date Submitted


Professor Ernesto Vergara Jr.

Course Instructor

1. Objectives

The objectives of this activity are: familiarize the students with the operation of the
following equipment: oscilloscope, function generator and digital multi-meter (DMM);
and understand how resistor and capacitor values are measured.

2. List of Laboratory Instruments

1 pc Oscilloscope 1 pc Oscilloscope test probe

1 pc Function generator 1 pc Function generator probe alligator
cable 1 pc Digital multi-meter (DMM) 1 pc Component board

3. Introductory Information


A resistor is a device whose major function is to limit the amount of current in a circuit.
The unit of resistance is the Ohm (). This device is available in a very wide range of
values, from a fraction of an Ohm to many mega-Ohm. The power rating may be as high
as several hundred Watt or as low as milli-Watt.

There are two types of resistors, the fixed and the variable. A fixed resistor has a specific
value of resistance that cannot be adjusted while a variable resistor or potentiometer can
be adjusted for any value between zero Ohm and its maximum value. A control or a knob
is connected to the device to set its equivalent resistance.

The value of a fixed resistor can be determined by using the color coding.


A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an insulator or dielectric. This

device is able to store electric charge in the dielectric because free electrons cannot flow

Electronics 1 Laboratory – Electronic Components and Laboratory Equipment 2

this material. However, the charge must be applied by a voltage source. This process is
called charging the capacitor. The charging continues until the potential difference across
the capacitor is equal to the applied potential. Charge flows into the conductors and
remains there even when the source is removed. It will start to discharge once a
conducting path is provided between the plates, and this will continue until the capacitor
voltage drops to zero. The charge stored depends on the capacitance of capacitor, which
is measured in Farad (F).

Types of capacitors

Non-electrolytic capacitor
 Classified according to the dielectric,
most common are air, mica, paper and ceramic
 Small capacitance - about 10 pF to 1 F
 No polarity and can take a fairly high voltage

Variable capacitor
 Value is adjustable
 Usually called trimmers or padders
 Used in tuners

Electrolytic capacitor
 Large capacitance – about 1 F to 50,000 F
+ -  Must be connected with proper polarity
 Low voltage rating - about 25 V
 It has a significant leakage current,
this means that it will lose the charge stored after a while

Tantalum capacitor

+ -  A type of electrolytic capacitor

that uses tantalum instead of aluminum
 Physically smaller, has lower
leakage, and is more expensive
The Digital Multi-meter

A multi-meter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions in

one unit. The most basic functions include an ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter. An
ammeter measures current, a voltmeter measures the potential difference (voltage)
between two points, and an ohmmeter measures resistance.

There are two types of multi-meters, the analog and the digital multi-meter (DMM). An
analog multi-meter moves a needle along a scale while a digital multi-meter gives an
output in numbers, usually on a liquid crystal display.

Take note of the following when doing measurements:

1. Before making any measurement, wait for 30 seconds after turning on the meter.
2. Set the rotary switch to the function you want to use before connecting the
probes to a voltage or current source.
3. Always disconnect the test leads from the voltage or current source before
selecting a new function.
4. Do not measure current levels above 10A longer than 30 seconds.
5. When testing components, first turn off the power in the circuit or component
being tested. Otherwise, you may not get an accurate reading and may damage the
6. When measuring current, the DMM must be connected in series, not parallel.

The Function Generator

The function generator is an apparatus that delivers sinusoidal, triangular, and

rectangular waveforms. It has a frequency meter that measures and displays the output

The Oscilloscope

The oscilloscope is a device that is capable of drawing a graph of an electrical signal. The
graph shows the changes and characteristics of the signal, y-axis represents voltage and
the x-axis represents time.

Oscilloscopes are of two types – the analog and the digital. For many applications, either
an analog or digital oscilloscope will do. However, each type has unique characteristics
that may make it more or less suitable for specific applications.
Basically, the oscilloscope is capable of measuring the following parameters:

Frequency – is measured in Hertz (Hz) and equals the number of times the signal repeats
itself in one second, referred to as cycles per second.

Period – is amount of time it takes the signal to complete one cycle. Period and
frequency are reciprocals of each other, so that 1/period equals the frequency and
1/frequency equals the period.

Voltage – refers to the amount of electric potential or signal strength between two points
in a circuit.

4. Procedure

Objective A. Identify and measure resistance and capacitance values.

A1. Given samples of resistors and capacitors, provide the values of each component by
completing Table 1-1. Read the value or use coding for the computed values and
the digital multi-meter for the measured values.

Table 1-1 Values of Resistors and Capacitors

Component Computed Measured
(if provided)
R1 1.5k Ohms ±10% N/A
R2 4.7k Ohms ±5%
C1 220 nF
C2 100 nF N/A
C3 100 uF

Are the values in agreement?


Based on the above measurements, are the components in good or bad condition?
Substantiate your answer.
Objective B. Perform functional check on the oscilloscope.

B1. Turn ON the oscilloscope power source. Upon boot-up, wait for the display to show
that self-tests have passed.
B2. Push the <SAVE/RECALL> button, select [SETUPS] in the top menu box and
push the [Recall Factory] menu box.
B3. Connect the oscilloscope probe to channel 1. Make sure that the attenuation of the
probe and the oscilloscope are the same (use either X1 or X10). Push the CH1
button and select the proper probe attenuation.
B4. Connect the probe tip and reference lead to the PROBE COMP connectors as shown.

Figure 1-1. Oscilloscope Function Check.

B5. Push the <AUTOSET> button. A square wave of approximately 5Vpeak-to-peak

amplitude at a frequency of 1 kHz should be displayed.
B6. Draw the waveform as shown on the screen using Graph 1-1. Record the current
oscilloscope display settings.

Vertical factor = 2 V/div

Vertical divisions = 5
Voltage = V/div x no. of vertical
= 10 Vpp

Time base setting = 1 s/div

Horizontal divisions = 2
Period = time base setting
x no. of horizontal div
= 2 s
Frequency = 1/Period
=500 Hz

Graph 1-1. Functional Check Waveform

B7. Push the CH1 MENU button to turn OFF Channel 1, push the CH2 MENU button
to turn ON Channel 2. Repeat steps B3 to B5, this time using Channel 2. Make a
comparison of the displays using Channels 1 and 2.

B8. Leave the oscilloscope ON for the next procedure.

Note: It is important to perform functional check every time the oscilloscope is used.

Objective C. Familiarize the students on the use of the function generator and

oscilloscope. C1. Turn ON the Function Generator. Connect the probe alligator cable

to the
OUTPUT BNC socket.
C2. Connect the alligator cable of the Function Generator to the oscilloscope probe. Use
CH1 of the oscilloscope. Set the Function Gen for an output of 1 kHz, 10 Vpp,
sinusoidal wave.
C3. Push the <AUTOSET> button of the oscilloscope. Draw the waveform displayed on
the oscilloscope screen using Graph 1-2 and record the oscilloscope display

Vertical factor = _2 V/div

Vertical divisions = 5
Voltage = V/div x no. of vertical
= 10 Vpp

Time base setting =1 s/div

Horizontal divisions = 2
Period = time base setting
x no. of horizontal div
=2 ms
Frequency= 1/Period
=500 Hz

Graph 1-2. Output Waveform

C4. To automatically display
Not the values, push the <MEASURE> button. Record the
following readings for Channel 1.
Peak-to-peak = 10 Vpp Frequency = 500 Hz Cyc
RMS = Period = 2 ms
Mean =

C5. Compute for Vrms using the given formula:
Vrms = ( Vpp / 2 ) * 0.707 =3.535 V
C6. Next, add a multi-meter by connecting the red lead to the tip of the red alligator
cable and the black lead to ground terminal. Measure the AC voltage (Cyc RMS)
and record the reading. Vrms = N/A V

Do the rms values in procedures C4, C5 and C6 agree? (consider a ±5% tolerance)

Remove the multi-meter.

C7. Push the <CURSOR> button and choose Voltage from the menu using the soft
keys, turn the Position knobs to place the cursors at the peaks of the waveform, as
shown in Figure 1-2 and write the values given on the display.

Cursor 2
Cursor 1 = -5 Vpk
Cursor 2 = 5 Vpk
Delta = 10 Vpk -pk
Cursor 1
Figure 1-2 Voltage Measure using Cursors
Does the value of Delta agree with the Peak-to-Peak value in step C4? Do they
have the same values? Why or why not?
The value of Delta with the Peak-to-Peak value is a match. The value is a match because
the wave is constant and exact, making manual calculations easier

C8. Next, choose Time from the cursor menu using the soft keys, turn the Position
knobs to place the cursors to show one complete cycle, as illustrated in Figure 1-3
and write the values given on the display.

Cursor 1 = 0 msec
Cursor 2 = -2 msec
Delta = 2 msec

Cursor 2 Cursor 1
Figure 1-3 Time Measure using Cursors
Does the value of Delta agree with the Period given in step C4? Do they have the
same values? Why or why not?
The value of Delta with the Period value is a match. The same reasoning as in C7 is also
true for this question.

C9. Turn OFF the cursor to hide the lines.

C10. Write down your observations in Table 1-2 for each procedure:

Table 1-2 Observations on the Use of Oscilloscope and Function Generator

Procedure Observations

Rotate the Volts/Div knob It clips the signal when I set it too low, and the signal is
unreadable when I set it too high.
of the oscilloscope CW
and CCW
When I rotate the sec/div knob clockwise, the number of seconds
Rotate the Sec/Div knob of each division represents will decrease, but when I rotate counter-
the oscilloscope CW and clockwise, it increases the time scale, and it show a longer
CCW amount of time on the screen.

The shape of the wave becomes distorted and unreadable

Vary the frequency setting whenever it is set to 100kHz, provided the other values are
of the Function Generator constant.
from 1Hz to 100kHz

Vary the LEVEL knob of There is no level knob in the function generator provided.
the Function Generator
from minimum to
When I rotate the knob clockwise, and the wave will move down,
Rotate the Position knobs but when I rotate the knob counter-clockwise, it will move it up
of the oscilloscope CW the display.
and CCW

Rotate the TRIGGER When the trigger line is inside the wave, the wave becomes
level knob of the static. If the trigger line is outside though, the wave starts to
move, making the wave unreadable.
oscilloscope CW and

C11. Turn OFF all the equipment.

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