Limiting Reactant

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Honors Chemistry Worksheet on Limiting Reactants

Show all work in solving the following problems. Express any equations used. Utilize
dimensional analysis format wherever possible. Include All units, labels, significant
figures, and work.

1. Using the reaction: Al(s) + O2(g) -------> Al2O3(s) ;

Identify the limiting reactant/reagent for each of the following:

a) 0.225 mol Al reacts with 0.415 mol O2
b) 77.9 g Al reacts with 111.9 g O2
c) 58.7 g Al reacts with 98.2 g O2

2. When fool’s gold, iron(IV) sulfide reacts with oxygen it forms ferric oxide and sulfur
dioxide. If a 21.63 gram nugget of fool’s gold is reacted with 1.05 moles of oxygen, what
mass will be the mass of each product produced? What reactant limited the reaction?
How much excess reactant was present?

3. Which reagent limits the reaction when 11.4 g of water reacts with 3.99 g of sodium?
How much sodium hydroxide forms? Assuming the hydrogen released to be at STP, what
volume of hydrogen gas is released?

4. Consider a reaction between aluminum metal and hydrobromic acid. When 3.18 moles
of aluminum react with 4.87 moles of hydrobromic acid, how many moles of hydrogen
are formed? If at STP, what volume of hydrogen is formed? If one of the reagents is in
excess, how much of it remains unreacted?

5. If 298.15 g silicon reacts with 9.89 moles of nitrogen, how many moles of the product
trisilicon tetranitride are formed? Which if any reagent limited this reaction? What
amount of excess reagent remains?

6. Cupric chloride reacts with potassium iodide to produce potassium chloride, cuprous
iodide, and elemental iodine. If 68.45 g of cupric chloride react with 72.11 g of potassium
iodide, what mass of elemental iodine is formed? What reactant limits this reaction? How
much reactant remains “in excess?” What mass of potassium chloride forms?

7. How many moles of chlorine gas can be produced if 4.0 moles of ferric chloride react
with 3.5 moles of oxygen in forming ferric oxide? What is the limiting reactant? What is
the reactant in excess? How much excess is present?
8. If 17.50 grams of ethane combust in an air filled chamber containing 50.00 grams of
oxygen, how many grams of each product will be produced? What volume of carbon
dioxide at 1.000 atm. and 0.0 oC will be produced? What mass of excess reactant will be

9. Hexane, C6H14, burns in oxygen. If 1.00 L of hexane having a density of 0.654 8 g/cc is
burned using 2.45 kg of oxygen gas, what reactant will be in excess? How much excess
will remain after the reaction? What mass of carbon dioxide will form? If the carbon
dioxide formed is at STP, what volume of carbon dioxide forms?

10. 51.78 grams of magnesium hydroxide are sued to neutralize 52.00 grams of
hydrochloric acid. What is the limiting reactant? What is the mass of each product
formed? What is the mass of excess reactant?
Honors Chemistry Worksheet on Limiting Reactants
Show all work in solving the following problems. Express any equations used. Utilize
dimensional analysis format wherever possible. Include All units, labels, significant
figures, and work.

1. Using the reaction: Al(s) + O2(g) -------> Al2O3(s) ;

Identify the limiting reactant/reagent for each of the following:

a) 0.225 mol Al reacts with 0.415 mol O2
b) 77.9 g Al reacts with 111.9 g O2
c) 58.7 g Al reacts with 98.2 g O2

4 (s) + 3 O2(g) -------> 2 Al2O3(s)

a) 0.225 mol Al x 3 mol O2 = 0.169 mol O2

4 mol Al

0.415 mol O2

0.169 mol O2 needed and 0.415 mol O2 available – aluminum limiting reagent

b) 77.9 g Al x 1 mol Al x 3 mol O2 = 2.17 mol O2

26.98 g Al 4 mol Al

111.9 g O2 x 1 mol O2 = 3.497 mol O2

32.00 g O2

2.17 mol O2 needed and 3.497 mol O2 available – aluminum limiting reagent

c) 58.7 g Al x 1 mol Al x 3 mol O2 = 1.63 mol O2

26.98 g Al 4 mol Al

98.2 g O2 x 1 mol O2 = 3.07 mol O2

32.00 g O2

2.17 mol O2 needed and 3.497 mol O2 available – aluminum limiting reagent

2. When fool’s gold, iron(IV) sulfide reacts with oxygen it forms ferric oxide and sulfur
dioxide. If a 21.63 gram nugget of fool’s gold is reacted with 1.05 moles of oxygen, what
mass will be the mass of each product produced? What reactant limited the reaction?
How much excess reactant was present?

4 FeS2(s) + 11 O2(g) ----------------> 2 Fe2O3(s) + 8 SO2(g)

21.63 g FeS2 x 1 mol FeS2 x 11 mol O2 = 0.495 8 mol O2

119.98 g FeS2 4 mol FeS2

0.495 8 mol O2 needed and 1.05 mol O2 available – iron(IV) sulfide - limiting reagent

21.63 g FeS2 x 1 mol FeS2 x 8 mol SO2 x 64.07 g SO2 = 23.10 g SO2
119.98 g FeS2 4 mol FeS2 1 mol SO2

21.63 g FeS2 x 1 mol FeS2 x 2 mol Fe2O3 x 159.68 g Fe2O3 = 14.39 g Fe2O3
119.98 g FeS2 4 mol FeS2 1 mol Fe2O3

Amount of O2 in excess = Available O2 - Consumed O2

= 1.05 mol O2 - 0.495 8 mol O2

= 1.00 mol O2

3. Which reagent limits the reaction when 11.4 g of water reacts with 3.99 g of sodium?
How much sodium hydroxide forms? Assuming the hydrogen released to be at STP, what
volume of hydrogen gas is released?

2 Na(s) + 2 H2O(l) -------------> 2 NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

11.4 g H2O x 1 mol H2O x 2 mol Na = 0.633 mol Na

18.02 g H2O 2 H2O

3.99 g Na x 1 mole Na = 0.174 mol Na

22.99 g Na

Sodium limits the reaction

3.99 g Na x 1 mole Na x 2 mol NaOH x 40.00 g NaOH =

22.99 g Na 2 mol Na 1 mol NaOH

= 6.94 g NaOH

3.99 g Na x 1 mole Na x 1 mol H2 x 22.4 L H2 =

22.99 g Na 2 mol Na 1 mol H2

= 1.94 L H2
4. Consider a reaction between aluminum metal and hydrobromic acid. When 3.18 moles
of aluminum react with 4.87 moles of hydrobromic acid, how many moles of hydrogen
are formed? If at STP, what volume of hydrogen is formed? If one of the reagents is in
excess, how much of it remains unreacted?

2 Al(s) + 6 HBr(aq) ---------> 2 AlBr3(aq) + 3 H2(g)

3.18 mol Al x 6 mol HBr = 9.54 mol HBr

2 mol Al

4.87 mol HBr x 3 mol H2 = 2.44 mol H2

6 mol HBr

2.44 mol H2 x 22.4 L H2 = 54.7 L H2

1 mol H2

4.87 mol HBr x 2 mol Al = 1.62 mol Al

6 mol HBr

Amount of Al in excess = Available Al - Consumed Al

= 3.18 mol Al - 1.62 mol Al

= 1.56 mol Al x 26.98 g Al = 42.1 g Al

1 mol Al

5. If 298.15 g silicon reacts with 9.89 moles of nitrogen, how many moles of the product
trisilicon tetranitride are formed? Which if any reagent limited this reaction? What
amount of excess reagent remains?

3 Si(s) + 2 N2(g) -------> Si3N4(s)

298.15 g Si 1 mol Si x 2 mol N2 = 7.076 1 mol N2

28.09 g Si 3 mol Si

Silicon limits the reaction

298.15 g Si 1 mol Si x 1 mol Si3N4 = 3.538 0 mol Si3N4

28.09 g Si 3 mol Si

Amount of excess N2 = Available N2 - Consumed N2

= 9.89 mol N2 - 7.076 1 mol N2

= 2.81 mol N2 x 28.02 g N2 = 78.7 g N2
1 mol N2

6. Cupric chloride reacts with potassium iodide to produce potassium chloride, cuprous
iodide, and elemental iodine. If 68.45 g of cupric chloride react with 72.11 g of potassium
iodide, what mass of elemental iodine is formed? What reactant limits this reaction? How
much reactant remains “in excess?” What mass of potassium chloride forms?

2 CuCl2(aq) + 4 KI(aq) --------------> 4 KCl(aq) + 2 CuI(s) + I2(s)

68.45 g CuCl2 x 1 mol CuCl2 = 0.508 7 mol CuCl2

134.55 g CuCl2

72.11 g KI x 1 mol KI x 2 mol CuCl2 = 0.217 2 mol CuCl2

166.00 g KI 4 mol KI

0.217 2 mol CuCl2 needed and 0.508 7 mol CuCl2 available – potassium iodide is the
limiting reagent

72.11 g KI x 1 mol KI x 1 mol I2 x 253.8 g I2 = 27.56 g I2

166.00 g KI 4 mol KI 1 mol I2

72.11 g KI x 1 mol KI x 4 mol KCl x 74.55 g KCl = 32.38 g KCl

166.00 g KI 4 mol KI 1 mol KCl

Moles excess CuCl2 = Moles CuCl2 available - Moles CuCl2 consumed

= 0.508 7 moles CuCl2 - 0.217 2 moles CuCl2

= 0.291 5 moles CuCl2 x 134.55 g CuCl2 = 39.22 g CuCl2

1 mol CuCl2

7. How many moles of chlorine gas can be produced if 4.0 moles of ferric chloride react
with 3.5 moles of oxygen in forming ferric oxide? What is the limiting reactant? What is
the reactant in excess? How much excess is present?

4 FeCl3(s) + 3 O2(g) --------------------> 2 Fe2O3(s) + 6 Cl2(g)

4.0 mol FeCl3 x 3 mol O2 = 3.0 mol O2 (needed)

4 mol FeCl3

3.5 mol O2 (available)

3.0 mol O2 needed and 33.5 mol O2 available – ferric chloride - limiting reagent
Oxygen – reactant in excess

4.0 mol FeCl3 x 6 mol Cl2 = 6.0 mol Cl2 (needed)

4 mol FeCl3

Moles excess O2 = Moles O2 available - Moles O2 consumed

= 3.5 moles O2 - 3.0 moles O2

= 0.5 moles O2

8. If 17.50 grams of ethane combust in an air filled chamber containing 50.00 grams of
oxygen, how many grams of each product will be produced? What volume of carbon
dioxide at 1.000 atm. and 0.0 oC will be produced? What mass of excess reactant will be

2 C2H6 + 7 O2 ------------------> 4 CO2 + 6 H2O

17.50 g C2H6 x 1 mol C2H6 x 7 mol O2 = 2.036 mol O2

30.08 g C2H6 2 mol C2H6

50.00 g O2 x 1 mol O2 = 1.562 mol O2

32.00 g O2

2.036 mol O2 needed and 1.562 mol O2 available – oxygen - limiting reagent

50.00 g O2 x 1 mol O2 x 4 mol CO2 x 44.01 g CO2 = 39.29 g CO2

32.00 g O2 7 mol O2 1 mol CO2

50.00 g O2 x 1 mol O2 x 4 mol CO2 x 22.4 L CO2 = 20.0 L CO2

32.00 g O2 7 mol O2 1 mol CO2

50.00 g O2 x 1 mol O2 x 6 mol H2O x 18.02 g H2O = 24.13 g H2O

32.00 g O2 7 mol O2 1 mol H2O

50.00 g O2 x 1 mol O2 x 2 mol C2H6 = 0.446 4 mol C2H6

32.00 g O2 7 mol O2
17.50 g C2H6 x 1 mol C2H6 = 0.581 8 mol C2H6 (available)
30.08 g C2H6

Amount of C2H6 in excess = Available C2H6 - Consumed C2H6

= 0.581 8 C2H6 - 0.446 4 mol C2H6

= 0.135 4 mol C2H6

9. Hexane, C6H14, burns in oxygen. If 1.00 L of hexane having a density of 0.654 8 g/cc is
burned using 2.45 kg of oxygen gas, what reactant will be in excess? How much excess
will remain after the reaction? What mass of carbon dioxide will form? If the carbon
dioxide formed is at STP, what volume of carbon dioxide forms?

2 C6H14 + 19 O2 --------------> 12 CO2 + 14 H2O

2.45 kg O2 x 10+3 g O2 x 1 mol O2 x 2 mol C6H14

1 kg O2 32.00 g O2 19 mol O2

= 8.06 mol C6H14

1.00 L C6H14 x 1 mL C6H14 x 1 cc C6H14 x 0.654 8 g C6H14 x 1 mol C6H14

10-3 L C6H14 1 mL C6H14 cc C6H14 86.20 g C6H14

= 7.60 mol C6H14

C6H14 is the limiting reactant

1.00 L C6H14 x 1 mL C6H14 x 1 cc C6H14 x 0.654 8 g C6H14 x 1 mol C6H14

10-3 L C6H14 1 mL C6H14 cc C6H14 86.20 g C6H14

X 12 mol CO2 x 44.01 g CO2 = 2,010 g CO2

2 mol C6H14 1 mol CO2

1.00 L C6H14 x 1 mL C6H14 x 1 cc C6H14 x 0.654 8 g C6H14 x 1 mol C6H14

10-3 L C6H14 1 mL C6H14 cc C6H14 86.20 g C6H14

X 12 mol CO2 x 22.4 L CO2 = 1,020 L CO2

2 mol C6H14 1 mol CO2

1.00 L C6H14 x 1 mL C6H14 x 1 cc C6H14 x 0.654 8 g C6H14 x 1 mol C6H14

10-3 L C6H14 1 mL C6H14 cc C6H14 86.20 g C6H14

X 19 mol O2 x 32.00 g O2 x 1 kg O2 = 2.31 kg O2

2 mol C6H14 1 mol O2 10+3 g O2

Mass excess O2 = Mass O2 available - Mass O2 consumed

= 2.45 kg O2 - 2.31 kg O2

= 0.14 kg O2

10. 51.78 grams of magnesium hydroxide are sued to neutralize 52.00 grams of
hydrochloric acid. What is the limiting reactant? What is the mass of each product
formed? What is the mass of excess reactant?

Mg(OH)2(s) + 2 HCl(aq) ------------------> MgCl2(aq) + 2 H2O(l)

51.78 g Mg(OH)2 x 1 mol Mg(OH)2 = 0.887 9 mol Mg(OH)2

58.32 g Mg(OH)2

52.00 g HCl x 1 mol HCl x 1 mol Mg(OH)2 = 0.713 1 mol Mg(OH)2

36.46 g HCl 2 mol HCl

HCl is the limiting reactant

52.00 g HCl x 1 mol HCl x 1 mol MgCl2 x 95.20 g MgCl2

36.46 g HCl 2 mol HCl 1 mol MgCl2

= 67.89 g MgCl2

52.00 g HCl x 1 mol HCl x 2 mol H2O x 18.02 g H2O

36.46 g HCl 2 mol HCl 1 mol H2O

= 25.70 g Mg(OH)2

52.00 g HCl x 1 mol HCl x 1 mol Mg(OH)2 x 58.32 g Mg(OH)2

36.46 g HCl 2 mol HCl 1 mol Mg(OH)2
= 41.59 g Mg(OH)2

Mass excess Mg(OH)2 = Mass Mg(OH)2 available - Mass Mg(OH)2 consumed

= 51.78 g Mg(OH)2 - 41.59 g Mg(OH)2

= 10.19 g Mg(OH)2

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