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Edited Thesis Chap.1-3

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Coping Mechanisms of Micro

Entrepreneurs in the City of

Batac during the Pandemic

Prepared by:


Background of the Study

Covid-19 has become a major global crisis which started late December 2019 in Wuhan,
China. A crisis refers to "a sudden and unexpected event that threatens to disrupt an
organization's operations and poses both a financial and a reputational threat" (Coombs,
2007:163). It distracts economic consumption and mobility of people due to strict compliance
on the health protocol. Small business was heavily affected due to the health crisis brought by
the pandemic were health protocols and lockdowns are strictly imposed. Owners started to get
worn out on how they will manage their businesses and get rid the economic impact of the
pandemic on their finances and business stability. Small businesses started to lay off some of
their workforce and began to worry about their economic loss.

Covid-19 Pandemic hit the Philippines and became a shocking and worrisome health
crisis due to alarming increase of Covid-19 patients. Thus, by the order of President Rodrigo
Duterte Proclamation Nos. 929 and 922(s. 2020) and Republic Act No. 11332 all heads,
agencies, departments, offices and instrumentalities of the government are hereby directed
coordinate and implement guidelines to impose Enhance Community Quarantine over the entire
Luzon effective on 12 a.m. of March 17, 2020. Under Executive Order No. 61-20 Enhanced
Community Quarantine was imposed to restrict the movement of people to and from Ilocos
Norte in compliance to the previous proclamation of President Rodrigo Duterte. Large and
small businesses are highly hit by the strict lockdowns imposed where people are not allowed to
go out in their community to work and to leisure. Lockdowns cause massive problems on their
income and starting to worry about their businesses. The widespread closing of stores and
businesses in the Philippines and around the world due to the coronavirus is unprecedented.
Stores, factories and many other businesses have closed by policy mandate or downward
demand shifts. Many of these closures may be permanent because of the inability to pay
ongoing expenses and survive the shutdown.

Early work on crisis management indicates that a sudden and unexpected event
threatens business goals and exert stress on management to take prompt action to respond
(Hermann 1963). However, some small businesses failed to take proper actions to respond the
impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Moreover, early crisis management actions of some business
owners do not succeed due to the large scale that the crisis impacted to the owners as well as
business consumers.
According to Herbane “the core of crisis management is to develop strategies that
minimize economic loss and increase resilience through a crisis event. Existing literature on
crisis management mostly targets large firms with less attention on small and medium size
enterprises (Herbane, 2013). Small businesses are vulnerable due to existing business ideas are
largely for big corporation not on the small businesses. Existing economic policy and literature
ideas are highly benefited the large-scale corporation on managing crisis management due to
their highly skilled technocrats and economic managers.

Small firms, due to resource constraints, weaker market positioning, and other factors,
may be more vulnerable to crisis events. However, SMEs may have advantages as flexibility,
learning capabilities, innovation, customer relations (Herbane, 2010, 2013; Hong & Li, 2012;
Irvine & Anderson, 2006). Herbane and company, suggests that small businesses may have the
capability to cope up the economic impact of the pandemic by innovation, flexibility, learning
capabilities, and customer relations. Small owners must be flexible coping the new trends of
consumptions due to health protocols and consumers mobility. Owners must adapt the Covid-19
Pandemic and innovate their businesses to comply with the global trends of electronic
consumptions and consumer’s mobility. Small businesses must develop strong customer’s
relations and trust in maintaining a well-organized place in securing health through proper
health protocol implementations.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the coping mechanisms of small enterprises in
the City of Batac, Ilocos Norte during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it seeks to answer
the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic and business profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 educational attainment
1.2 nature of the business
1.3 number of employees
1.4 estimated average monthly income before and during the pandemic?
2. What are the economic effects of the Covid-19 on small entrepreneurs in the City of
Batac, Ilocos Norte?
3. What are the coping mechanisms of small enterprises to contend with the pandemic in
terms of:
2.1 layoff some employees
2.2 decrease salaries
2.3 rotating schedules
2.4 reduce operation hours
2.5 promos or reduce product costs
2.6 innovation and online marketing
2.7 monitor employee’s health
2.8 implement health and safety protocol
2.9 reduce operational cost and capital
4. What support do small entrepreneurs need to keep their businesses going during and
after the pandemic? (eg. Government support, rents, tax, etc..)

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to determine the socio-demographic profile and coping mechanisms of
small enterprises in City of Batac, Ilocos Norte during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance
must be taken care to:

1. Determine the socio-demographic profile and coping mechanisms of small enterprises in

City of Batac during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2. Determine the significant relationship between socio-demographic profile and coping

mechanisms of small enterprises in City of Batac during the Covid-19 pandemic.

3. Determine the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on small entrepreneurs in the
City of Batac during the pandemic.

4. Determine the measures that small enterprises employed to take care of their businesses
during the Covid 19 pandemic.

5. Determine government and other institution financial support on small enterprises to keep
their businesses during and after the pandemic.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the coping mechanisms of small enterprises in
the City of Batac, Ilocos Norte during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Business Owners. The results will provide the small enterprises owners best insights
and strategies on how to cope up during Covid-19 Pandemic and to lower the risk of
economic loss during COVID-19 pandemic. It will give realization to small business
enterprises the importance of having multiple strategies in dealing a crisis.

Employees/Workforce: Employees will understand the importance of coping

strategies during the occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic through the given data and
research findings. The data would guide them to validate and adapt to suitable coping
mechanisms strategies in their business for them to lessen crisis impact of a pandemic.

SME’s Researchers. The results of this study will serve as a spring board for the
SME’s researchers which may venture on related studies specifically on the coping
mechanisms of small businesses during a pandemic. The research team will also be
able to develop their critical and development skills to acquire new learning business
strategies to be used in future economic and health crisis.

Local Government Officials. The results will help the local government officers to
determine the coping mechanisms of small enterprises of Batac City and also to serve
as a guide in implementing local government support in small enterprises during a

Locale of the Study

This study is about coping mechanisms of small enterprises during Covid-19

pandemic and will be conducted in the City of Batac, Ilocos Norte. Batac City is located near
Paoay, San Nicolas, Banna, Nueva Era, Currimao and Pinili. Its location is strategic for new
business venture for small enterprises. Batac City is a newly proclaim City and businesses
where proliferated which proclaim a city years ago.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The general intent of this study is to determine the coping mechanisms of micro
enterprises in City of Batac, Ilocos Norte during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study is designed to have thorough knowledge on the coping mechanisms of small
enterprises and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is designed to get valuable
information on their coping mechanisms to be used in the future advent of a pandemic.

The study will utilize descriptive correlational design. The respondents of the study will
be composed of 50 small enterprises owners. Data will be gathered from the respondents using
checklist and limited responses in the form of questionnaire.

Data will also be gathered through an online survey in the form of checklist and limited
to the responses of the small enterprises owners in the questionnaire on June- July,2021.

The study is limited to small business enterprises owners of Batac City. However, if the
respondents are not available, managers can answer the questionnaire on his behalf.
Questionnaire through google forms will be sent to the owners for verification on the needed
vital information.

Definition of Terms

The following represents an initial identification of some terms and concepts. For a
better understanding of this study, the following terms are operational defined.

Small Enterprises. It refers to business with fewer than 50 employees. It includes

service and retail operations such as convenience stores, grocery stores, bakeries,
barbershops, and other businesses that caters the basic needs in a certain local

Small Enterprises Owners: It refers to the person who owns the business. It also refers
to the entity that managing the business and having a final say on financial matters of the

Employees: It refers to a person doing the work and entertaining costumers. It is an

individual who was hired by an employer to do a specific job.

Managers: It refers to a person who controls the activities, business dealings, and
administering managerial post. They are served tp guide employees below his/her rank.

Costumers/Consumers: It refers to person or organization that buy goods or services

from a store or business.
COVID-19 Pandemic. It refers to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 which is caused by the
virus known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that
became prevalent throughout the entire world. It starts on the province of Wuhan, China
in the late December 2019.

Health Protocols. It refers to the process of enabling people to limit face to face
conversations and gatherings. It requires basic health minimum standard by wearing
protective masks and face shields and monitoring log for customers

(Economic effects. These refers to the coping mechanisms of micro entrepreneurs)




This chapter presents the related literature and studies from foreign sources. This will
also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand
the research done and lastly the definition of terms for the better comprehension of the study.

Coping Mechanisms Strategies

Crisis Planning, Diagnosis, and Response SMEs should establish a crisis plan in the
good days. Irvine & Anderson (2006) and Munoz et al. (2019) also found that small firms with
proper crisis planning survive and recover better from crises events. Ferris et al. (2007) and
Maniero & Gibson (2003) concluded that HR should be responsible for coming up with a crisis
plan, involving various organizational levels, and guarantee its timely dissemination. Ruff and
Aziz (2003) stated that SMEs should have a crisis management team involving staff from
various fields and even outside crisis specialists.

Researchers concluded that having a crisis warning system is crucial to survival from crisis
events. Kurschus et al. (2015) suggested that SMEs need to adopt a comprehensive crisis
warning system that fully considers both financial and non-financial factors. The authors also
proposed a stakeholder perspective of crisis diagnosis to identify a possible crisis at an early
stage. Liu (2013) studied the feasibility of constructing a crisis-based early warning intelligence
system. Leadership and HR are critical during crisis events (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 1957;
Perkings & Murphy, 2013; Edmond et al., 2014; Xu, 2013; Guo, 2018; Cheng, 2018). Losing
critical employees during crisis can be disastrous (Hao, Zhang & Shang, 2010). Dent &
Cudworth (2018) identified the effectiveness of leadership and decision-making and the
effectiveness of teamwork as the top two challenges to effective crisis response. SMEs should
provide proper training for managers on crisis stress management (Ferris et al., 2007; Maniero
& Gibson, 2003) and resolving conflicts in the workplace.

Timely communication at the management level is essential during crises. Tang (2018)
and Nong (2018) found that social media is widely used as a channel for effective crisis
communications by professionals and management. Finally, robustness and flexibility are
highly demanding when managing trans boundary crises. Firms need to rapidly customize their
strategies and timely reorganize their courses of action (Ansell et al., 2010). Figure 1
summarizes the crisis management strategies for SMEs from the literature reviewed.

Resilience, Dynamic Learning and Strategic Renewal for SMEs

Some companies recover from crisis, and others do not. McConnell (2011) stated that
recovery from crises is never entire and complete, particularly in SMEs due to their resource
constraints and relatively weak market positions (Hong & Li, 2012; Corey & Deitch, 2011).
During challenging times, new startup firms have a high chance of surviving during crisis
periods than during the growth period, likely due to the lack of job opportunities (Simon-Moya
et al., 2016).

Entrepreneurship activities could offset the negative impacts of crises by maintaining

the flow of goods and services and restoring public confidence of other business owners and the
community at large (Doern et al., 2019; Szabo, 2011; Herbane, 2010; Chamlee-Wright & Storr,
2008). Kuckertz et al. (2020) identified that entrepreneurs pursued new opportunities and
established new directions for their firms during crises. Bishop (2019) proposed that a diverse
and robust knowledge stock would foster entrepreneurship after crises events. Despite their
inherent limitation, SMEs display resilient market responsiveness. Latham & Braun (2011)
proposed that a firm’s response strategies and repositioning efforts will define its long-term
post-recession performance.

Resilience strategies require possessing a leadership mindset, adopting multiple crisis

management practices, maintaining a good relationship and robust network, identifying threats
and opportunities, and taking actions promptly and flexibly (Hong & Li, 2010; Cosh et al.,
2009; Irvine & Anderson, 2004; Irvine & Anderson, 2006; Simon-Moya et al., 2016; Phillipson
et al., 2004). As opposed to the traditional view that firms are highly subject to financial
constraints during crises, Cosh et al. (2009) concluded that SMEs do not find additional
difficulties in seeking financial support during crisis. However, instead, they suffer more from
demand constraints (loss of customer/market). Given this, the aftermath strategies should focus
on how to increase demand. SMEs can use network communication platforms such as Facebook
and Weibo to explore new business opportunities after crisis events (Nong, 2018).

Post-crisis organizational learning capability is also critical to recovery. SMEs with

strong dynamic and innovative capabilities and are willing to learn from crises events recover
quickly (Boin, 2008; Eillott, 2009; Elliott & MacPherson, 2010; Saunders et al., 2014). Similar
findings were obtained by Bullough & Renko (2018), who stated that entrepreneurs should
engage in business development training and seek networking events or special lectures to learn
by modeling others who have survived through challenging times. Latham & Braun (2011) also
proposed that firms’ abilities to withstand recession will influence their ability to navigate
subsequent recessions, another signal that firms are learning from previous crises. Learning can
be done in an informal way through networking, mentoring, or coaching (Saunders et al., 2014),
which can significantly lower the costs involved.

Survival Strategies

The five categories are operation, financial, human resources, products, and network.
All participating firms report using operation strategies (close down or reduce operation hours),
HR strategies (Flexible HR policy), financial strategies (cost cut), and network strategies
(customer relation) during the COVID- 19 outbreak. Four out of six firms have kept timely
communication at the management level (HR). Three out of six firms have adopted other
survival strategies on the list. The participating firms find these strategies useful for surviving
through the crisis.

Our research findings are consistent with current literature, such as Doern et al. (2016)
and Spillan & Ziemnowicz (2003). Unlike previously reported crises (Doern et al., 2016; Irvine
& Anderson, 2004 and 2006), small firms increased flexibility of staff policies (HR), reduced
costs (financial), and improved customer relations (network).

Crisis Management

A crisis refers to “a sudden and unexpected event that threatens to disrupt an

organization’s operations and poses both a financial and a reputational threat” (Coombs 2007:
p. 163). Such events threaten business goals and lead to prompt response actions
(Hermann 1963). Ample evidence exists to suggest that the responses aim to enhance
flexibility, learning capabilities, innovation, and customer relations (Herbane 2010, 2013; Hong
et al. 2012; Irvine and Anderson 2006) of small firms. There is considerable research on the
impact of the crisis on them, particularly regarding risk factors, effects of the crisis, prevention,
and response strategies (Bundy et al. 2017; Doern 2016; Doern et al. 2019;
Herbane 2010, 2013).

Although there is considerable amount of research on the impact of the crisis on

organizations, the research field is fragmented (Bundy et al. 2017). To synthesize the field,
Bundy et al. (2017) propose a crisis development model that considers the roles of internal and
external stakeholders and how these roles occur at various stages of a crisis. Although this is a
useful model to provide a systematic understanding of the crisis, it does not explain how
individuals deal with it. Research has particularly suggested that the sense-making perspective
adds relevant insights to understanding crisis (Starbuck and Farjoun 2009; Weick 1993, 2010)
and studies about crisis leaders (Boin and Hart 2007).

It is worthwhile mentioning several other qualitative studies about the impact of the
crisis on small firms, for example, after Hurricane Katrina (Runyan 2006), the 2011 London
riots (Doern 2016), and, more recently, entrepreneurial firms in Germany during the COVID-19
pandemic (Kuckertz et al. 2020). However, none of these qualitative studies have adopted an
integrative perspective on the crisis, as Bundy et al. (2017) propose. Runyan (2006) and Doern
(2016) focus on the internal perspective of firms and only during the crisis. Meanwhile,
Kuckertz et al. (2020) gather the internal views of the startups and external organizations
(investors, accelerator, association, and corporation) but only during the crisis stage. Thus, there
is limited understanding of the dynamics between the internal and external perspectives during
a crisis, and how they occur at different crisis stages.

An organizational crisis involves a threat to a business, the element of surprise, and

requires immediate decisions from company leaders (Brown & Ki, 2013). The 21st century
began with a series of crises including terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and declining
economic conditions, that resulted in the premature closure of businesses of all sizes in varying
industries (Dahles and Susilowati, 2015). Since the mid-2000’s, declining economic conditions
in the United States caused owners of small businesses to develop sustainability strategies to
cope until the economy began to grow again (Baily & Bosworth, 2014). In 2013, small
companies represented 99.7% of all business and accounted for 60% of net new jobs in the
United States (SBA, 2014). To ensure continued contributions to the economy and local
communities, leaders must develop processes to plan for, respond to, and recover from crisis
(Lee, Vargo and Seville, 2013).

Coping Strategies

Coping is determined by cognitive appraisal. The central function of coping is the

reduction of tension and the restoration of equilibrium. We have to distinguish between coping
that is directed at managing or altering the problem causing the distress and coping that is
directed at regulating emotional response to the problem (Hagemann, 1992).
The upheaval caused by the spread of COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on small
businesses. A recent Goldman Sachs survey (2020) of 10,000 small business owners found that
96 percent have already been impacted by the coronavirus and 51 percent report their business
cannot survive 3 months of an economic shutdown. Exacerbating the problem, 67 percent report
difficulty accessing emergency funding and 53 percent acknowledge that their employees do
not have the ability to telecommute. These statistics are alarming and suggest the economic
fallout from COVID-19 will get worse for small businesses and their employees before it gets

While it is nearly impossible to plan for a disruptive event such as Covid-19,

maintaining the spirit of determination and fortitude that propels entrepreneurs is now more
important than ever. We certainly do not wish to minimize the financial and psychological
effects of this upheaval; rather, we would encourage small business owners to enhance
collaboration efforts and engage the innovative mindset that drove them into business in the
first place. After all, “successful entrepreneurs and small business owners are ruthless
pragmatists, effectuates, and exploiters of resources. They are nimble, quick to eliminate what
does not add value, and are not afraid to make bold decisions or even cut corners” (Pittz &
Liguori, 2020, p. vii)

Perhaps the greatest determinant of success for entrepreneurs and small business owners
is maintaining a keen eye on the needs and desires of their customers. In times of drastic
change, this perspective is even more important, as existing business models will be destroyed
and new opportunities will be created. If small business owners can take solace in anything, it
is that the internet has democratized the marketplace and created numerous possibilities for
engaging with customers. While small business owners should certainly spend appropriate time
assessing the viability of government rescue programs to maintain their operations, the optimal
means of risk mitigation is the identification of new customers and new opportunities to pursue
growth and infuse some positive momentum back into the business. This pandemic will
eventually pass and small business owners who use this time to meaningfully connect with their
customer base, develop stronger community ties, improve their own skillsets, and innovate their
business models will emerge stronger than ever before.

To help small businesses navigate the current COVID-19-impacted environment, we

wanted to share a few ways small business owners can work to successfully manage this
pandemic. First, it is important for small business owners to virtually keep their fingers on the
pulse of the changing market. Reviewing (or establishing) social media accounts and checking
for drops or shifts in traffic will usually signal that something is happening, which will manifest
in changing online conversations. It is only natural that search trends will shift from topics that
are no longer at the forefront of customers’ minds (for example, floral arrangements or elective
medical procedures), and opportunity can arise for small business owners who are able to
determine where the conversation has shifted. Numerous online analytics tools let you see what
search terms are trending, both on Google and Amazon, so take advantage of these tools.

Second, maintaining current customer relationships is critical, and communicating

effectively with existing customers is key to building trust. Small business owners should
leverage their websites and social media channels to communicate any changes in business
operations (for example, changing store hours or major inventory shifts). For customers who are
regulars, or account for significant revenue, consider reaching out to them personally to check
in and maintain the relationship. While there is an economic reality needed to maintain sales
and revenue, do not be shortsighted—the current pandemic is an opportunity to help deepen
these customer connections, so be sure to help them address their human needs as much as their
business needed whenever possible.

Third, similar to connecting with and meeting the needs of customers, considering the
needs of your employees is also critical. The economic reality for many businesses right now is
layoffs, furloughs, and equally awful outcomes. If your business is in a position where shedding
workforce to preserve the venture is required, we empathize—it a miserable position in which
to be. However, in times like these it is more important than ever to be a strong leader—so be
transparent, accountable, and overcommunicate. Transparency means letting employees know
what is happening to the business from a revenue and business model perspective. While many
owners tend to keep this kind of information confidential, sharing more than normal and letting
employees understand the economic reality in the short term can help them understand your
business model, builds trust, and can create value for you in the long term.

Last, it is important to stay connected to your entrepreneurial ecosystem. Research

shows that maintaining a positive culture within the entrepreneurship ecosystem stimulates
higher levels of creativity and innovation (cf., Liguori, Bendickson, Solomon, & McDowell,
2019; Martins & Terblanche, 2003).
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study. The paradigm used is the
independent variable--dependent variable model (IV-DV). The socio demographic profile
characteristics of the respondents are the independent variables and the coping mechanisms of
small businesses are the dependent variable. The first box shows the Socio-demographic profile
of the respondents. The second box shows the coping mechanisms strategies of small
businesses of the respondents. The line signifies the relationship between the socio-
demographic profile of the respondents and the coping mechanisms of small enterprises during
COVID 19 pandemic. The socio demographic profile will be correlated to coping mechanisms
of the respondents to see the effect of the profile of the respondents to its coping mechanisms
strategies that the respondents employed.

Coping Mechanisms of Small

Socio-demographic Profile Businesses as to:
2.1 layoff some employees
1. educational attainment,
2.2 decrease salaries
2. capitalization before pandemic,
2.3 rotating schedules
3. nature of the business,
2.4 reduce operation hours
4. number of employees,
2.5 promos or reduce product costs
5. average monthly income loss during the
pandemic 2.6 innovation and online marketing
2.7 monitor employees health
2.8 implement health and safety protocol
2.9 reduce operational cost and capital
Figure 1. The Research Paradigm


This chapter presents the methods which will be utilized by the researchers that includes
the research design, locale, instrument, sampling, data gathering procedure, and statistical tools
that will be used in analysing the data.

Research Design

The study will use the descriptive research design. Descriptive research design will be
used to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents as to age, sex, and monthly
income loss, nature of the business, and the number of employees; the coping mechanisms of
the respondents during the pandemic as crisis management strategies, survival strategies,
rresilience, dynamic learning, and strategic renewal. It is correlational research design because
it aims to determine the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents and their coping mechanisms of during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research Locale/ Source of Data

This study about coping mechanisms of small enterprises during Covid pandemic will
be conducted at Batac City.

City of Batac is situated at the south-western portion of the Province of Ilocos Norte. It
is booming city where business grow at an alarming state. It situated at the boundaries at west
Paoay and Curimao, Pinili at the south boundaries, Nueva Era at the southeast, Sarrat and
Banna on the east, San Nicolas on the north boundaries. It is a large land area with a land area
of 161.06 square kilometers or 62.19 square miles which constitutes 4.64% of Ilocos Norte's
total area, occupied by 43 Barangays. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was
55,201. This represented 9.31% of the total population of Ilocos Norte province, or 1.10% of
the overall population of the Ilocos Region.

Batac City is a home of booming commercial enterprises because of its location. It home
newly built enterprises. Many small enterprises are being built in its Centro proper alone.
Population and Sampling

The subjects in the study will be the micro entrepreneur owners in the City of Batac, Ilocos
Norte. Fifty percent of the … and micro businesses in the City will be the respondents of the
study. The number of respondents will be equally divided to the two identified categories:
service and retail.

Research Instrument

A paper-pencil survey questionnaire in the form of checklist will be used as a primary

tool in gathering the data. The set of questionnaires was constructed based from the facts
presented on Review of Related Literature as structured in a checklist form in determining the
coping mechanisms of small enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. A google forms
questionnaire will be constructed to be a back up plan in gathering data from the respondents.

The questionnaire-checklist will be constructed in English and will be composed of two

parts: The first part will be designed to gather the socio-demographic profile of the respondents
which includes the educational attainment, capitalization before the pandemic, nature of the
bunisess, number of employees and the average monthly income loss during the pandemic. The
second part is the coping mechanisms of the respondents during the pandemic which includes
crisis management strategies, survival strategies, resilience, dynamic learning, and strategic

The instrument will be presented to the research adviser for suggestions, then it will be
presented to the panel members. Suggestions given by the panel members will be incorporated.
Then, it will be presented to the adviser before it will be pilot tested to 5 small business owners
in City of Batac. Questions which will be found to be difficult and broad to understand will be
revised and suggestions that will be solicited from the respondents will be taken to refine the

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will present the research proposal to the research panelist for approval
and revisions. Proposed study will be reviewed by the advisory committee that will then be
forwarded to the University Research Ethics Review Board (URERB) by submitting a copy of
research proposal for ethics review and to ensure that the research study satisfactorily complied
with the key ethical principles.
Researchers must get Aapproval of the panellist and the URERB, the researchers will
request permission from the Dean of College of Business and Economics and Accountancy to
conduct the study with their research adviser, ________________________.

Permission Letter from the respondents with regards to their participation in the study
and informed consent will be attached to the questionnaire to ensure voluntary participation.
The respondents will sign the informed consent indicating that they willing to be the
respondents of the study. The researchers shall ensure confidentiality of information from the
respondents and ensure them that gathered information will be used for academic purposes

In the conduct of the study, the researchers will use paper-pencil survey questionnaire in
the form of checklist. Researchers may used google form checklist to have a back up plan for
gathering data. To ensure 100% retrieval of the questioners, the researchers may personally
attend to the distribution and collection of the instrument.

After gathering the desired information, data will be collected for analysis and

The study take place on June 2021- July 2021.

Data Analysis

Relationship between variables was tested with Pearson-r correlation analysis. The test
of significance will also employ to determine the strength of the relationship among the
variables being correlated.

Data will be analyzed to get the relationship of Socio Demographic Profile of the
respondents and its coping mechanisms strategies. Data will be treated confidential and it is
used for academic research purposes only.

Statistical Treatment

The study aims to determine the socio demographic profile and the coping mechanisms
of small business owners in City of Batac during the COVID-19 pandemic. The profile of the
respondents as to age, sex, monthly income loss, nature of the business and number of
employees will be presented using frequency and percentage distribution to draw a common

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