Math g9 WK 3 4 Activity Sheets Regular Spa Final

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Printed Activity Sheets For Platinum(SPA), Iron (SPA),

Grade 9 – Mathematics Oxygen, Flourine, Carbon, Helium,

Neon, Lithium, Argon, Krypton
Weeks 3 & 4
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
MELC #3: Solve the discriminant of a quadratic equation. (M9AL-1a-b-1)
MELC #4: Sescribe the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. (M9AL-1c-1)
MELC #5: Describe the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic equation. (M9AL-1c-2)
MELC #6: Solve problems involving quadratic equation. (M9AL-1e-1)
MELC #7:Solve equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational algebraic equations);M9AL-Ic-d1

Written Works: _________
Grade and Section:__________________________
Performance Task: ________
Date Submitted:____________________________

The Nature of the Roots of Quadratic Equations

The roots of the quadratic equation ax
+bx +c=0 , x 1∧x 2 , as solved usingthe quadratic formula are
−b+ √ b −4 ac and −b−√ b2−4 ac
x 1= x 2=
2a 2a
The expression b 2−4 ac is called the discriminant .The discriminant provides information
Regarding the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation.
Example :
Compute the discriminant and describe the nature of the roots of x 2−6 x +9=0.
a= 1, b= -6 ,c= 9
D=b 2−4 ac
= (-6)2- 4( 1)(9)
Since D=0, the roots of of x 2−6 x +9=0.real , equal∧rational .
Nature of the Roots
If a, b and c are real numbers, and D= b 2−4 ac , thenthe roots of the quadratic
equation ax 2 +bx +c=0 are :
i. Real and unequal, if D ¿ 0 ;
ii. Real and equal , if D¿0; or
iii. Imaginary and unequal if D¿ 0.

Moreover, the roots are:

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |1
Easy Level

Directions: Determine the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation whose value of
the discriminant is given.


1 20

2 49

3 -1

4. 4

5. 5

6 0

7 -9

8 81

9 144

1 1

Average Level
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
______1. What is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation if the value of its discriminant is a
but not a perfect square?
A. The roots are not real C. The roots are rational and not equal
B. The roots are irrational and not equal D. The roots are rational and equal
______2. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 + 7x-18=0?
A. -7 B. -6 C. -3 D.14
______3. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
A. 2x2 +4x=3 C. 3s2- 2s= -5

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |2
B. t2- 8t -4 =0 D.-2r2 + r + 7 =0
______4. The length of a garden is 5 m more than thrice its width and its area is 36 m 2 , which of the
equations represent the given situation?
A. 3x2 + 36= 0 C. 3x2 -5x= 36
B. 3x2 + x= 36 D. 3x2 + 5x= 36
______5. A 3 cm by 3 cm square piece of cardboard was cut from a bigger square cardboard. The area of the
remaining cardboard was 40 cm2. If s represents the length of the bigger cardboard, which of the
following expressions give the area of the remaining piece?
A. s – 9 B. s2 + 9 C. s2 – 9 D. s2 – 40
2 x2 5 x
______6. Transform the rational equation + =10into quadratic equation.
5 4
A. 8x2 -25x-200=0 C. 8x2 +25x+200=0
B. 8x2 +25x-200=0 D. 8x2 -25x+200=0
______7. What is the sum and product of the quadratic equation 2 x2 + 8x- 12=0
A. 4 and -6 B. 4 and 6 C. -4 and -6 D. -4 and 6
______8. How do you describe the nature of the roots of 3x² - 4x + 5 = 0?
A. real, rational and equal C. real, irrational and unequal
B. real, rational and unequal D. non-real or imaginary
______9. The area of a rectangular swimming pool is 54 square meters and its perimeter is 30 meters. Find
length and width.
A. width = 6 and length = 9 C. width = 3 and length = 18
B. width = 2 and length = 27 D. width = 6 and length = 5
____10. The following equations can be transformed to quadratic equations EXCEPT

A. (s+3)2 + (s-8)2 = 20 C. (2a+9) (a-6) = 0

B.5a2 – 10 = 5a2 + 2a -4 D. (a+1)2 -4 = 9

Performance Task

Directions: Read and analyse the situation. Then solve the following problems, and state the answer to each problem.
1. The Local Government of San Nicolas wants to place a new rectangular billboard to
inform and give awareness to the people on how to protect themselves from the spread of
COVID19. Suppose the length of the billboard to be placed is 4 m longer than its width and
the area is 96 m2. What will be the length and the width of the billboard?

_ ___________________________________________________________________________________

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |3
2. Peter has a rectangular garden in their backyard. One day, obeying the “stay at home” policy of the
government, he plans to replant the vegetables in his garden since it was not replanted after the fruitful
last year because of his new work. The length of the rectangular garden is 6 more than the width. The area is
27 sq. units. Find the dimensions of the rectangular garden.
The answer to the The answer to the The answer to the The answer to the
problem is correct problem is correct problem is not problem is not
Accuracy of
and solution is but the solution is correct and correct and there is
detailed and clear not detailed and solution is not no solution
clear detailed and clear
The problem is The problem is The problem is The problem is
Completeness of answered answered answered but it is answered but there is
Solution systematically and systematically but not complete. no solution.
completely. not completely.
The solution is The solution is The solution is There is no solution
Neatness neat and readable. usually neat and usually neat but but has answer that is
readable not readable. not readable.

_________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Parents Signature of Student

Prepared by: Validated: Approved:


Teacher I Head Teacher III Mathematics Department School Principal IV

PROJECT BANGA – Bringing Assessment in the New Normal to Greatness through Academic Ease |4

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