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Sri ChaitanyaIIT Academy, India 10/04/21_Jr.INTER_PRE-FINAL_Q.P.

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, INDIA

A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office, Madhapur – Hyderabad
Sec: Jr. INTER PRE-FINAL (TS) Date: 10-04-21
Time:3 Hour’s CHEMISTRY Marks: 60
I. Very Short Answer Type Questions. Answer all Questions.
Each Question carries ‘Two’ marks. 10 X 2 = 20 M
1. Which of the Two ions Ca 2 (or ) Zn2 is more stable and why?
2. What is Boltzmann constant? Give it’s value?
3. Calculate the volume of O2 at STP required to completely burn 100 ml of Acetylene?
4. State Third law of Thermodynamics?
5. What is meant by ionic product of water give it’s value at 25 C ?
6. Explain Auto protolysis?
7. Why are alkali metals are not found in the free state of Nature?
8. What happens when Magnesium metal burnt in air?
9. How does Graphite function as lubricant?
10. What is inert pair effect? What is the stable oxidation state of Thalium?

II. Short Answer Type Questions. Answer any ‘Six’ Questions.
Each Question carries ‘Four’ marks. 6 x 4 = 24 M
11. Explain the hybridization involved in SF6 ?
12. Write any four postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas?
13. Balance the following redox reaction by ion-electron method in Basic medium.
Cr (OH ) 3  IO3  CrO22  I 

14. State and Explain Hess Law of constant Heat summation with Example?
15. Explain Lewis Acid-Base Theory with Examples?

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Sri ChaitanyaIIT Academy, India 10/04/21_Jr.INTER_PRE-FINAL_Q.P.
16. What is hardness of water? Describe the permutit process for removal of hardness of
17. Graphite is Good conductor of electricity while diamond is not. Explain?
18. Which type of compounds react with Ozone? Explain with one Example?
19. What is hydrogen bond? Explain the Types of hydrogen bond with Example?
20. Deduce: (a) Boyle’s Law and (b) Grahams Law from kinetic gas equation?
21. Calculate the P H of 0.05 M Ba (OH ) 2 solution?
22. Explain the significance of (1) Principle Quantum Number and (2) Azimuthal
Quantum Number.

III. Short Answer Type Questions. Answer any ‘Two’ Questions.
Each Question carries ‘Eight’ marks. 2 x 8 = 16 M
23. What are postulates of Bohr’s model of Hydrogen Atom? Discuss importance of This
model to Explain various series of line spectra in hydrogen Atom?
24. Define IE1 and IE2 . Why IE2  IE1 for a given Atom? Discuss The factors that effect
IE of an atom (or) Element?

25. What do you understand by Hybridization? Explain different types of hybridization

involving S and P orbitals?
26. Describe any Two Methods of preparation of benzene? Explain.
I. Halogenation
II. Nitration
III. Friedal - Craft Alkylation
IV. Friedal - Craft Acylation of Benzene?


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