CHAPTER 1: Introduction To History: Definition, Issues, Sources, and Methodology

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to History: In historical analysis, historians:

Definition, Issues, Sources, and

1. Select the subject to investigate
2. Collect probable sources of information
The Meaning of History on the subject
3. Examine the sources genuineness in
 History – is derived from the Greek part of in whole
word “historia” which means learning 4. Extract credible “particulars” from the
by inquiry (investigation). sources (or parts of sources)
 It is also a systematic accounting of a
Sources of Historical Data
set of natural phenomena or history is
a systematic study of past events. Historical Data- are sourced from artifacts that
 This explained that knowledge is have been left by the past. These artifacts can
derived through conducting a process of either be relics or remains, or the testimonies of
scientific investigation of past events. witnesses to the past.
 Historia – became known as the account
of the past of a person or a group of 1. Relics or “remains - whose existence
people through written documents and offers researchers a clue about the past.
historical evidences. 2. Testimonies of witnesses – whether
 Traditional historians lived with the oral or written, may have been created to
mantra of “no document, no history.” serve as records or they might have been
created for some other purposes.
Questions and Issues in History
When it comes to gathering sources/information,
1. What is history? historians deal with the:
2. Why study history?
3. And history for whom? 1. Dynamic or genetic
2. Static
Historians – are individuals who write 3. Interpretative
about history. 4. Descriptive

Historiography – is the practice of Written Sources of History

historical writing.
Sources – are way to peering into the past
Historical Method– the process of critically
examining and analyzing the records and Written sources are usually categorized in three
survivals of the past. ways:

Historiography – the imaginative 1. Narrative or literature

reconstruction of the past from the date 2. Diplomatic or Juridical
derived by that process. 3. Social Documents

Historical Analysis– an important element *The hurdle about written sources is about their
of historical method. transmissions of materials such as papyrus,
parchment, paper which has an infinite lifespan.
Non-Written Sources of History 2 Types of Public Reports:

Unwritten sources are as essential as written  Newspaper reports and dispatches

sources. They are two types:  Memoirs and autobiographies
 Official histories of the activities of
1. Material evidence
government or business house
2. Oral evidence
Secondary Sources
Are you familiar with epigraphy?
1. Criticism - As the historian draws his
- It is a study of inscriptions engraved
conclusions and generalizations on the basis of
upon various surfaces like stones, metal,
these documents and facts it is essential to check
wood, clay tablets or wax.
up the authenticity of the documents and facts.
Important Sources of History
a. External - is of a less intellectual type
Historical facts or sources- all the material of criticism of the documents. It
which has a direct bearing or can be any includes examinations of document like
assistance in constructing the history of a manuscripts, books, pamphlets, maps,
particular period. inscriptions and monuments.

The historical sources can be of two types: Historian has to resort to a number of tests
to determine the authenticity of a particular
1. Primary Sources - is the evidence of an document in his proposed area of research
eye witness or mechanical device which such as:
was present at the time of the occurrence of
an event.  Authorship
2. Secondary Sources - is the evidence of  Date of Document
someone who was not present at the time of  Textual Errors
occurrence of the event.
Unintentional error- can take place in the
“If the evaluation indicates that it is copies of the documents (originals are not
interpretative work rather than a factual first- available). These mistakes may be caused by
hand account, it is considered a secondary the scribe, typist or printer.
Intentional error- may creep in when effort
The primary sources can be classified into the is made to modify, supplement or continue
following categories: the original. This problem can be overcome
through textual criticism.
1. Contemporary Records
2. Contemporary Reports b. Internal - While collecting the material,
3. Public Reports it must be remembered that a document
4. Government documents contains the idea of the man who wrote.
5. Public opinion
6. Folklores and proverbs
Using primary sources in historical research
entails two kinds of criticism. The first one is
EXTERNAL CRITICISM and the second is

1. EXTERNAL CRITICISM examines the

authenticity of the document or the
evidence being used.
2. INTERNAL CRITICISM examines the
truthfulness of the content of the evidence.

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