Pa 207

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Discuss the following principles of Local Chief Executive in the Local Government
Unit and its sociological relevance in the Philippine Bureaucracy. Cite at least one
example to justify your answer.

a. The Principle of give & take as experienced in the bureaucracy.

 As it was always been said, “No man is an island”, same goes with the
Bureaucracy. Give and take relationship is always shown in the Government.
National Government has a share of the income (Taxes) collected in the local
government units and in return gives IRA (Internal Revenue Allocation) to the
LGUs and supports projects funded by national line agencies.

b. The Principle of reciprocity in the Government Service.

 Reciprocity is the cooperative exchange of favours and privileges. An
employee of the government is to be paid for the services he/she rendered in the
government service. Do your duties and responsibilities to the citizens of this
country and you get paid for until retirement wherein you can get your pension.

c. The Principle of Prejudication & Discrimination in our system of

 Biases and discrimination naturally exist in this world, so as in the
system of government. This is shown when government office favors some
individual because of influence or because they are a family. For instance, some
cases of nepotism were reported where government projects are granted to
contractors because of their influence in the office concern. I have also heard
some government offices dealing with clients unfairly when they favor clients
with presentable appearance (rich) over the less fortunate (poor).

d. The Principle of Social Stratification & Mobilization under the current

and previous administration.
 Appointed officials under the previous administration were mostly from
the elites or from the families that we so called “traditional politicians”. Familiar
names occupied the different positions in the government. In the present
administration, the government is extending its effort to go down to the lowest
echelon of the society by hearing the complaints and sentiments of the
constituents for instance the hotline 8888 that entertains complaints against
government offices.

2. Discuss the following terms:

 Local Autonomy- It simply means that the Local Government has the
authority to run its own affairs. It is the exercise of certain basic powers for
example police power, power of eminent domain, and taxing power,
by local government units so as to best serve the interest and promote the
general well-being of their inhabitants

 Deconcentration - The process whereby the central/ national government

transfers some of its responsibilities to lower-level units within its jurisdiction.
In here, the responsibilities of taking care the issues and concerns of the
lower levels or units of the society example barangays were left to the Local
Government Units.
 Debureaucratization - It is a form of decentralization which involves the
transfer of powers and functions from the government to non- government
organizations (NGO's) and people's organization (PO's), including the private
sector, all of which are sometimes referred to collectively as the “civil society”.

 Decentralization - the transfer of authority and responsibility for public

functions from the central government to subordinate or quasi-independent
government organizations. Types of decentralization include political,
administrative, fiscal, and market decentralization.

 Program Planning – Program planning is the process by which a program is

conceived and brought to fruition. Program planning involves multiple steps
including the identification of a program, selection of desired outcomes,
assessment of available resources, implementation, and evaluation of the

 Program Implementation- It is simply when the planned program was put

into action and becomes a reality to benefit the constituents.

 Program Monitoring - the regular observation and recording of activities

taking place in a project or programme. It is a process of routinely gathering
information on all aspects of the project. To monitor is to check on
how project activities are progressing. It is a systematic and purposeful

 Program Evaluation - is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and

using information to answer questions about projects, policies and programs,
particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency.

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