Palo Alto Integrated School: Calamba City, Laguna Language Research For Grade 10
Palo Alto Integrated School: Calamba City, Laguna Language Research For Grade 10
Palo Alto Integrated School: Calamba City, Laguna Language Research For Grade 10
Burgos, Ceejay
Arizanga, Adrian Lawrence
Cabrera, Eugine
Carlos, Ashley Jyhna Kirsten
Gapas, Andrea Marie
Geronimo, John Ed
Hipolito, Twinnie
Lopera, Trisha Laine
Manalo, Sean Clarence
Miravite, Ma. Christina Yvonne
Orosco, Roden
Pontenosa, Katrina
Salarda, Lee Niebe
March 2020
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Chapter 1
Education is one of the root components to thrive in this world full of circumstances. It
concludes distinctive level of proficiency aspects in connection to the skill that the education
wants us to acquire. Education plays a vital role in an established and coordinated system,
one way to test learners’ capabilities as well as hone their self-esteem. Hence, having self-
esteem is considered as one of the most important development processes to the students.
Situations, such as uncertain activities beyond their capabilities may contribute to the
The shift to performance and standards-based grading from the traditional standardized
testing has been reinforced more greatly in pursuance of the Deped Order No. 8,s,.2015,
aims to provide appropriate performance assessments that learners enable to transfer their
knowledge, understanding, and skills as what are also being implemented in other countries.
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of school-based performance tasks
to the students’ level of self-esteem, as perceived by the selected grade 10 students of Palo
Alto Integrated School (PAIS). This study is guided by research objectives, which is to
determine who fulfilled their abilities which makes disparate to themselves to be a new forge
people and the different level of self-esteem through accomplishment of performance tasks.
Self esteem is that feeling at the center of your being of self-worth, self-confidence, and
with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness. It is confidence in the
It is also the experience that success, achievement, fulfillment, happiness which are right
and natural for people .It is respect for or a favorable opinion of oneself and also an unduly
of the own worth. Self-esteem is a disposition that a person has which represents their
It exists as a consequence of the implicit judgment that every person has of their ability
to face life's challenges, to understand and solve problems, and, their right to achieve
In the famous book "The power of self-esteem", self esteem is defined as the experience
that we are appropriate to life and to the requirements of life. More specifically, self-esteem
is confidence in our ability to think and to cope with the basic challenges of life and
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
confidence in our right to be happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert
our needs and wants and to enjoy the fruits of our efforts.
evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. It encompasses beliefs and emotions such as
despair, pride and shame. Self esteem usually regarded as an enduring characteristic of
human personality. Self esteem can be low as well as high. High self-esteem is when the
person feels good, happy, satisfied about himself and thinks he is capable of achieving
anything and the person has lots of energy, focused, confident and persistent to achieve
Conceptual Framework
The technology we have today is rapidly developing. Although the current advanced
dependent to them, especially the 21st century children. The probability of them being able
proficiency, performance tasks became more complex, the proficiency rate increased. In an
exploration into the assessment reform policy and its implementation in the Philippine
public secondary education. Performance tasks are much really effective to determine the
The variables in the study were the performance tasks and the students’ self-esteem. It
was. Throughout this process, the researchers must prove the effectiveness of social
dynamics and performance tasks as self-esteem developer.
performance tasks?
Null Hypothesis
This study will focus only on the impact of school-based performances to the level of
their self-esteem by the selected Grade 10 students of Palo Alto Integrated School only;
hence, the result of this study will not be the general statement of other grade school level.
This study examines only the case of Grade 10 students, who’ve been affected or gain
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
knowledge and participated. Some of the students in this study had modified programs in
certain subject areas. This program is resource room or basic skills. Students social circles
could have affected popularity of students at the time of study that factor could influence by
their arguments between peers throughout the school year. Daily moods of students, at the
time the personal attribute inventory was taken, could have affected the way they viewed
communication skills and academic performance. Vivid outcomes of the research can be
beneficial and significant directly to the surroundings of the students, wherein a lot of
teenagers are prone to obsession of gadgets. With the help of study's results many of
students can be more persuaded to boost their confidence more to become a better
This study helps us to determine the results and findings about the different impact.
Grade 10 students of Palo-Alto Integrated School and the level of their self-esteem. The
findings and results of this study may also provide important information about the feelings
This study aims to determine the reasons why do students lose their vanity and how do
gain their worth. It also aims us to know the other effects of student’s self-esteem that helps
us to know if there are effects in the students to their school- based performances in order
This study will likewise be significant to future researchers. Every researcher needs a
reference to be able enhance their study. It can be used as additional information for those
who wish to improve this study and its outcome more.
Definition of terms
For better comprehension and understanding of the study, the researchers gave several
terms that were defined conceptually and operationally as used in the study.
Performance tasks –any learning activity or assessment that asks students to perform to
Self-Esteem–self confidence; self worth; belief and confidence in your own ability and value
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the comprehensive search of
the researchers. This will also show the synthesis to fully understand the research to be done.
Emotional Cues Finally, Bandura argues that emotional cues dictate self-efficacy. A
person who expects to fail at some task or finds something too demanding is likely to
experience certain physiological symptoms: a pounding heart, feeling flushed, sweaty palms,
headaches, and so on. The symptoms vary from individual to individual, but if they persist
may become associated with poor performance. Self-efficacy has been related to other
motivation theories. Edwin Locke and Gary Latham suggest that goal-setting theory and
self-efficacy theory complement each other. When a leader sets difficult goals for employees,
this leads employees to have a higher level of self-efficacy and also leads them to set higher
goals for their own performance. Why does this happen? Research has shown that setting
difficult goals for people communicates confidence (Locke & Latham, 2002).
The Pygmalion effect also has been used in the workplace. Research has indicated that
when managers are confident that their subordinates can successfully perform a task, the
subordinates perform at a higher level. However, the power of the persuasion would be
contingent on the leader’s credibility, previous relationship with the employees, and the
Teachers were told by their supervisor that one group of students had very high IQ
scores (when in fact they had average to low IQ scores), and the same teacher was told that
another group of students had low IQ scores (when in fact they had high IQ scores).
Consistent with the Pygmalion effect, the teachers spent more time with the students they
thought were smart, gave them more challenging assignments, and expected more of them
all of which led to higher student self-efficacy and better student grades. A more recent
The findings in this study find support from Abdullah and Akinleke who found out that
self-esteem did not predict objective measure of students’ academic performance. Vialle,
powerful effects on organizations, it is important to identify its origin (Albert Bandura and
personal rights and feelings; to initiate, maintain, or disengage from conversations; and to
The first pure psychological use of the term can be traced back to 1890 and the work of
William James who is generally seen as the father of modern psychology. James had a very
simple definition of self esteem: success divided by pretentions then higher our self esteem.
Raiseself esteem, therefore, we have two options lower our expectations of our selves or
Primarily the research is focused on the development and validation of the Academic
Self-efficacy Scale (ASES-FJHS) for Filipino junior high school students. Self-efficacy refers
to people’s beliefs in their capabilities to produce certain effects and to learn or perform
particular behaviors (more specific than disengagement and withdrawal) that have broader
implications for the functioning of social relationships. Sociometer theory contends that
when the interpersonal monitor of social acceptance detects cues from relationship partners
signaling threat or potential rejection, the resulting negative affect motivates individuals to
engage in behaviors that resolve relationship conflicts and reduce the development of
task-related, and social emotions in academic settings. The effect of academic learning and
academic achievement is pivotal in every aspect of life, starting from social relations,
academic careers, and ability to allocate recourses due to the fact that all the above-
associated with students’ psychological and physical health as well (Pekrun et al., 2002)
throughout life, and a dynamic process, and it encompasses individual perspectives and
Based on the different study of researchers the correlation between self-esteem and
performance tasks is effective to gain the confidence that an individual needed to forge the
key to success. It is being dominate in many aspects such as past performance, vicarious
experience, verbal persuasion and emotional cues. It concludes the level and limitations of
efficacy in consistent growing and developing some confidence to enhance their skills, to
improve and to build a new role to play in the community. Today’s education system wants
us to be the designated role model not just a spokesperson but to be a generation influencer
to their stakeholders with the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, more commonly
mandated that all students will be assessed based on knowledge, process, understanding, and
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Chapter 3
The main goal of performing this study is to determine the effectivity of group dynamics
as self-esteem innovator. In this chapter, methodology is described including how the study
is carried out, an overview of the study, the data collection process, and data analysis
Research Methodology
particular statistics. This method deals in numbers, logic and an objective stance. The
overreaching aim of quantitative research study is to classify features, count them and
Figure 1 shows the Process, Input, and Output of the study, performance tasks on
developing self-esteem. On the first box, it demonstrates the variables in the study, which
are the input, the relation of classroom performance tasks and self-esteem. Figure’s second
box, the process, illustrates the statistical treatment that is about to use in this study, which is
data analysis and interpretation of quantitative data. Lastly, the third box of the figure shows
the output or result of the done experiment it shall prove the effectiveness of the
The researchers chose grade 10 students as the respondent of the study. In Palo Alto
Integrated School, researchers notice that grade 10 students experience different school
Research Locale
This study will be conducted in Palo Alto Integrated School. The school was established
by Don Vicente Garcia named Don Vicente Garcia Memorial School and after he died, the
lot is donated to the government and was called Palo Alto National High School in year
1967 to 2017. The school was renamed Palo Alto Integrated School because of K-12
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
We asked our research teacher for the permission to affair our data gathering procedure.
We propose a letter, total 120 copies of survey questionnaires and selected 15 students per
classroom to be able to comprehend the total number of students who’ve been experience
an effective improved teaching approach to student’s, comprehend level and the correlation
The main instrument used in this survey study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire
had two parts Part A: Classroom-based performance tasks on self-esteem based on 5 liker
scales. 5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never, Part B: Students’ level of self
esteem based on 5 liker scales. 5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Moderately Agree 2-Disagree 1-
Strongly Disagree. Questionnaire validity and reliability: Concerning the validity of the
Validation of Instruments
The research questionnaire was validated by three language teacher; they give advice and
In order to arrive at the needed analysis and interpretation of the data gathered,
1. Percentage – this formula was utilized to determine the state of the students
P= (f/N x 100%)
2. Simple mean – this tool was used to determine the degree of awareness of the
AM =
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the data gathered together with the corresponding analysis and
interpretation. The data are presented in tabular form organized in a sequential manner,
following the order of the specific problems posed at the beginning of the study.
5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation
Classroom-based performance 43 45 17 0 0
tasks help us to speak and express
ourselves in front of people (41%) (42.9%) (16.2%) (0%) (0%) 4.25 Always
3.45-4.24 Often
2.65-3.44 Sometimes
1.85-2.64 Rarely
1.00-1.84 Never
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation
3.45-4.24 Agree
1.85-2.64 Disagree
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the summary of the findings revealed in the study, the conclusion
drawn and the recommendations suggested by the researchers regarding this study.
In conducting this study, we find out that correlation between classroom performances
in self esteem is probably effective to increase their confidence in initiate to do their tasks
completely; we search for some basis to support our study. The researchers applied data
analysis to gather the needed data.
Pearson-R, percentage, and composite mean were the statistical treatment used in the
The following findings were based on the results of the analysis that this study had gone
that classroom based performance tasks helps us to speak and express ourselves in
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
2. The data analysis shows in the table. 1 measures a composite mean of 4.20 while the
table. 2 composite mean is 3.89 where each of them showed significant results with
Based on the findings derived from this study the researchers formulated the following
1. That if you do most of the things successfully, you gain confidence and as a result,
2. That building a healthy body image and good self-esteem can be hard work because
3. That as you perform your role effectively, you will experience self acceptance and
learn to recognize the qualities, skills, and talents that make you special from others
4. That you will gain self confidence as you accept yourself and flaws.
5. That building self confidence is important because losing self confidence can affect
your lifestyle.
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Based on the conclusion reached in the study, the following recommendations were
1. The researchers encourage future researchers to make studies that will inspire the
students to empower themselves as a new individual that will help them to face the
2. Future researchers should know that every individual had different level of self-
3. The future researchers should also have a basis to support their study on the
the data analysis which utilized the evidence or processes that will enable the study to
determine knowing the different confidence of the students will make them more
researchers can further improve the self esteem and performance of the individual.
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Vialle, W. J., Heaven, P. C. L. .&Ciarrochi, J. V. (2005). The relationship between self-esteem and
academic achievement in high ability students: Evidence from the Wollongong Youth Study.
Harris, M. A., & Orth, U. (2019, September 26). The Link Between Self-Esteem and Social
Pekrun R, Goetz T, Titz W, et al. (2002) Academic emotions in students’ self-regulated learning and
achievement: A program of qualitative and quantitative research. Educational Psychologist 37(2): 91–
Sari SA, Bilek G, Çelik E. (2018) Test anxiety and self-esteem in senior high school students: A cross-
Junior High School Department
Calamba City, Laguna
Language Research for Grade 10
Burgos, Ceejay C.
210 Purok 3 Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Email address: [email protected]
Contact no: 09356305312
Age: 16
Birthdate: November 03, 2003
Birthplace: Sta.Cruz, Manila
Gender: Male
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Cabrera, Eugine A.
Blk 8 Lot 2 St Joseph homes Laguerta Calamba City,
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact no: 09507313103
Age: 17
Birthdate: September 2, 2002
Birthplace: Quezon Province
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Geronimo, John Ed B.
Blk 37 Lot 15 palm hill palo-alto Calamba City, Laguna
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact no: 09167496576
Age: 16
Birthdate: December 5, 2005
Birthplace: Calamba City
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Hipolito, Twinnie T.
Blk 3 Lot 9 Hacienda Hills Palo Alto Calamba City,
Email address: [email protected]
Contact no. 09217444527
Age: 15
Birthdate: July 7, 2004
Birthplace: Calamba City, Laguna
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Age: 16
Birthdate: August 03, 2003
Birthplace: Ragay Camarines Sur
Gender: Female
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Age: 15
Birthdate: November 08, 2004
Birthplace: Pamana Calamba City
Gender: Male
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Age: 15
Birthdate: April 01, 2004
Birthplace: Sta. Cruz, Laguna
Gender: Female
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Orosco, Roden B.
Sto Domingo Mayapa Calamba City, Laguna
Email address:
Contact no: 09560755374
Age: 16
Birthdate: March 18, 2003
Birthplace: Antipolo City
Gender: Male
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Pontenosa, Katrina B.
Blk 5 Lot 1 South Residences Calamba City, Laguna
Email address: [email protected]
Contact no: 09183636235
Age: 16
Birthdate: June 25, 2003
Birthplace: Tuburan Ligao City Bicol
Gender: Female
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school
Age: 16
Birthdate: November 17, 2003
Birthplace: Bacolod City
Gender: Female
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary: Palo-Alto Integrated School
Palo-Alto Calamba City, Laguna
Junior high school