Application of The CPT 2012' Model of AFNOR Standard For Pile Design in Poland - Jazowa Case Study

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Application of the ‘CPT 2012’ model of AFNOR standard for pile

design in Poland – Jazowa case study

Lech Bałachowski1,*, Jakub Konkol1, and Kamila Międlarz1
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Geotechnics, Geology and Marine Civil Engineering, Gdańsk
University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland

Abstract. This paper presents the ‘CPT 2012’ model incorporated into the AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-07,
French standard for pile design fully compatible with Eurocode 7, to the wider Polish audience. The bearing
capacity of three reference piles for Wistula Marshlands have been calculated according to ‘CPT 2012’
model and AFNOR recommendations. Then, the pile design resistances have been compared with ultimate
pile bearing capacity measured during static load tests conducted on the reference piles. The results of
comparison are discussed and the discrepancies between measured and calculated bearing capacities are
shortly commented.

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1 Introduction times of averege qc) and D is pile length measured from
the surface level. The kc factor depends on effective
Pile design using field geotechnical investigation embedded depth Def [5]:
involves using direct or indirect methods. In direct
methods the soil properties are estimated using field tests 1
and then these properties are used to calculate the pile D ef 
q ce q c ( z ) dz (3)
unit base and shaft resistances. In direct methods the D  hD
results of the field testing, e.g. Cone Penetration Test
(CPT), are directly used to assess the pile unit base and where Def is defined as the effective embedded length in
shaft resistances. The CPT is a standard site pile end bearing layer, hD is equal to 10B (B is the pile
investigation tool widely used in Polish geotechnical diameter). When Def/B ≥5 then kc=kcmax , where kcmax is the
practice. There are many pile design methods where maximum bearing resistance factor, see Table 2. When
CPT probing results are used [1]. One of the recent is Def/B≤5 then the following equations are valid:
‘CPT 2012’ [2] included in AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-
07 standard for pile design. The AFNOR standard is 
k c  0,3   k c max  0,3  Def / B / 5  (4)
fully compatible with Eurocode 7, which is additional
advantage of ‘CPT 2012’ model. In this paper, three for clays and silts,
representative piles constructed in Wistula Marshlands
are chosen as a reference piles for bearing capacity 
k c  0,2   k c max  0,2   D ef / B / 5  (5)
calculation according to ‘CPT 2012’ model and AFNOR
standard. Then, the results are compared with the results for intermediate soils,
of pile static loading tests. The aim of this paper is to
present the ‘CPT-2012’ model to the Polish audience and 
k c  0,3   k c max  0,3  Def / B / 5  (6)
to show its application to local conditions. The
discrepancies occurred are shortly discussed and the for sands and gravels and
general performance of the ‘CPT 2012’ model within the
Polish site conditions is commented. k c  0,15   k c max  0,15  D ef / B / 5   (7)

for chalk, marl and rock. The pile unit shaft resistance qs
2 ‘CPT 2012’ model is given by formula [5]:
The AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-07, revised due to
Eurocode 7 recommendations [3], offers two pile q s    f sol (8)
calculation methods based on in-situ investigation, i.e.,
new pressuremeter model (PMT 2012) and new where α is empirical coefficient depending on soil type
penetrometer model (CPT 2012), both fully compatible and pile category, see Table 3 and fsol is soil-depended
with Eurocode 7. The basic concept in new French function [5]:
standard is to distribute piles into 8 classes and 20
categories, see Table 1. The ‘CPT-2012’ model uses f sol  ( a  q c  b)(1  exp(c  q c ))(9)
only cone resistance qc (or corrected cone resistance qt).
The sleeve friction fs is omitted due to possibility of high where where a, b, c are soil-type parameters, see Table
variability of this reading [4]. The unit pile base 4. The unit shaft resistance expressed by equation (8) has
resistance qb is calculated using following equation [5]: to fulfill condition of qs≤qsmax where qsmax is maxiumum
pile unit shaft resistance (see Table 5). The calculated
qb  kc  qce (1) pile bearing capacity in compression Rc (or in tension Rt)
is as follows [3,5]:
where kc is a function of soil type and pile class and qce Rc  q b Ab  q si Asi
is equivalent cone resistance. The qce averaging method (10)
in the base neighbourhood suggested by NF P94-
262:2012-07 standard is modified version of Bustamante Rt  q si Asi
and Ginaselli [6] recommendations. The equivalent cone (11)
resistance qce is defined as [5]:
where qb is pile unit base resistance, Ab is the pile base
area, qsi is pile shaft resistance corresponding to i layer
D  3a
1 and Asi is pile shaft area corresponding to the i layer. In
q ce 
b  3a q
D b
cc ( z ) dz (2)
AFNOR standard the design approach 2 and ‘ground
model’ procedure is used. Consequently, the design
value of pile resistance can be expressed as follows
where a and b are the characteristic lengths, see Figure 1, [3,5]:
qcc is a corrected cone resistance profile which is
obtained by extreme values elimination (higher than 1.3 
R d ,c  Rc /  Rd  gm  t  (12)

Corresponding author: [email protected]
for compression and

R d ,t  Rt /  Rd  gm  t  (13)

for tension, where Rd,c is design pile bearing capacity in

compression, Rd,t is design pile bearing capacity in
tension, γRd is model factor, γgm is second model factor
and γt is the resistance factor. The safe factors γRd are
defined within the AFNOR and they are presented in
table 3 for the ‘CPT 2012’ model. The ground model
safe factor γgm is equal to 1.1 and the resistance factor γt
on the total characteristic resistance is equal 1.1 for
compression piles and 1.15 for tension piles.
The presented above procedure is relatively
straightforward in terms of pile shaft resistance
calculation. However, the problematic to interpret is
embedded length in pile end bearing stratum (see h
distance in Fig. 1) when one calculates the pile base
resistance. In AFNOR standard the h distance is defined
as a embedded length in bearing soil strata. In terms of
friction pile or pile that is based on bearing strata,
definition of h distance application is not clearly defined
Fig. 2. Soil profile (a), and CPTU sounding results (b)-(c)
and it designer’s decision how to interpret the
for Jazowa testing site.

Fig. 1. Averaging model for equivalent cone resistance

(qce) determination.
Table 1. Classes and Categories of Piles [3,5]

Pile class Pile category

1: No support
2: With Slurry
3: Permanent casing
C1: Bored Piles
4: Recoverable casing
5: Dry bored pile/or slurry; bored pile with grooved

C2: CFA Piles 6: CFA Piles

7: Screw cast-in-place pile

C3: Screw Piles
8: Screw piles with casing

9: Pre-cast or pre-stressed concrete-driven pile

10: Coated driven steel pile (coating: concrete, mortar,
C4: Closed-Ended driven Piles grout)
11: Driven cast-in-place pile
12: Driven steel pile ; closed ended

C5: Open-ended driven Piles 13: Driven steel pile ; open ended

14: Driven H pile

C6: Driven H Piles
15: Driven grouted H pile

C7: Driven Sheet Pile Walls 16: Driven sheet pile

17: Micropile I (gravity pressure)

18: Micropile II (low pressure)
C8: MicroPiles
19: Micropile III (high pressure)
20: Micropile IV (high pressure with TAM)

Soil Type
class Silt and Clay % Intermediate Sand and Marl and
Chalk Weathered rock
CaCO3<30% soil gravel calcareous marl
1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
2 0.45 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3
3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.35
4 0.45 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
5 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.15
6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.2 0.2
7 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
8 0.45 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.25

Table 2. Bearing resistance factor kcmax for the ‘CPT 2012’ model [3,5]

Table 3. Values of installation factor α for ‘CPT 2012’ model [3,5]

Soil Type
class Silt and Clay % Intermediate Sand and Marl and
Chalk Weathered rock
CaCO3<30% soil gravel calcareous marl
1 0.55 0.65 0.70 0.80 1.40 1.50
2 0.65 0.80 1.00 0.80 1.40 1.50
3 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.25 0.85 -
4 0.65 0.80 1.00 0.75 0.13 -
5 0.70 0.85 - - - -
6 0.75 0.90 1.25 0.95 1.50 1.50
7 0.95 1.15 1.45 0.75 1.60 -
8 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.65 -
9 0.55 0.65 1.00 0.45 0.85 -
10 1.00 1.20 1.45 0.85 1.50 -
11 0.60 0.70 1.00 0.95 0.95 -
12 0.40 0.50 0.85 0.20 0.85 -
13 0.60 0.70 0.50 0.25 0.95 0.95
14 0.55 0.65 0.70 0.20 0.95 0.85
15 1.35 1.60 2.00 1.10 2.25 2.25
16 0.45 0.55 0.55 0.20 1.25 1.15
17 - - - - - -
18 - - - - - -
19 1.35 1.60 2.00 1.10 2.25 2.25
20 1.70 2.05 2.65 1.40 2.90 2.90

Table 4. Determination of the a ,b, c parameters [3,5]

Soil Type
Parameter Silt and Clay % Intermediate Sand and Marl and
Chalk Weathered rock
CaCO3<30% soil gravel calcareous marl
a 0,0018 0,0015 0,0012 0,0015 0,0015 0,0015
b 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
c 0,4 0,25 0,15 0,25 0,25 0,25

Table 5. Values of qs,max for ‘CPT 2012’ model [3,5]

Soil Type
class Silt and Clay % Intermediate Sand and Marl and
Chalk Weathered rock
CaCO3<30% soil gravel calcareous marl
1 90 90 90 200 170 200
2 90 90 90 200 170 200
3 50 50 50 50 90 -
4 90 90 90 170 170 -
5 90 90 - - - -
6 90 90 170 200 200 200
7 130 130 200 170 170 -
8 50 50 90 90 90 -
9 130 130 130 90 90 -
10 170 170 260 200 200 -
11 90 90 130 260 200 -
12 90 90 90 50 90 -
13 90 90 50 50 90 90
14 90 90 130 50 90 90
15 200 200 380 320 320 320
16 90 90 50 50 90 90
17 - - - - - -
18 - - - - - -
19 200 200 380 320 320 320
20 200 200 440 440 440 500

Table 6. Model factor γRd values for ‘CPT 2012’ model [3,5]

Pile type γRd compression [-] γRd tension [-]

All piles except listed below 1,18 1,45
Piles embedded in chalk 1,45 1,75
Coated and injected piles 2,0 2,0

Table 7. Pile bearing capacity after AFNOR NF P94-262:2012-07 standard

Pile Base Shaft

embedded capacity capacity Rc [kN] γRd [-] γgm [-] γt [-] Rd [kN]
length [m] [kN] [kN]
11 54 688 741 520
14.5 171 842 1013 1,18 1,1 1,1 709
17 1273 1149 2422 1696

Table 8. Calculated and design pile resistance versus measured pile bearing capacity
embedded Rc [kN] Rd [kN] Qult [kN] Rc/ Qult Rd/ Qult
length [m]
11 741 520 725 1.02 0.72
14.5 1013 709 1266 0.80 0.56
17 2422 1696 1814 1.33 0.93
Fig. 3. Results of static load test for Jazowa reference
Fig. 4. Averaging depths for equivalent cone resistance
determination for Jazowa reference piles.
3 Reference site
The reference testing site is located in Jazowa, northern with the corresponding (the closest in the pile
Poland. Jazowa site is part of the Wistula Marshlands neighborhood) CPTu sounding result, where also the
[construction. The 4 testing fields have been constructed averaging length for cone resistances have been shown.
in close distance to the highway. The site geotechnical The pile bearing capacity has been calculated using
investigation consists of 15 CPTu soundings, which are the procedure described in section 2. The bearing
presented in Fig. 2 with corresponding soil profile. The capacity factors kc for piles with embedded length of
soil layers are distinguished according to European Soil 11m, 14.5m and 17m are equal to 0.500, 0.222 and
Classification System (ESCS) [7]. The 69 CMC piles, 0.500, respectively. The maximum pile unit shaft
40cm in diameter, drilled with full displacement auger resistance is equal to 130kPa for soft soils and
have been constructed at the site and 27 piles have been intermediate soil, while it corresponds to 200kPa for
proof-tested. For the purpose of this paper the 3 sands, see Table 3. The installation factor α is equal to
characteristic piles (tested in compression) with 0.95, 1.15 and 1.45 for soft soil, intermediate soils and
embedded lengths 11m, 14.5m and 17m have been sand layers, respectively. The fsol has been determined
chosen to analysis. The results of static tests of selected according to the equation (9). Then, the pile shaft
piles are presented in Fig. 3. The total force which acts capacity have been calculated and finally, the total pile
on pile head was measured (QSLT) and the ultimate pile resistance has been obtained as a sum of pile shaft
capacity (Qult) was defined as force that involves pile resistance and pile base resistance. The design value of
settlement of 10%B. resistance is retrieved after safety factors application.
The CMC piles drilled with full displacement auger
corresponds to pile class C7 and category 7, see Table 1. 4 Results and Discussion
The soil layers are matched with those used in AFNOR
proposition (see Tables 2, 3, 4). Fig. 4 presents the piles The calculated (Rc) and design (Rd) value of bearing
capacity for selected piles is presented in Table 7, where
also the pile base and pile shaft components have been
shown. The comparison between calculated and design
resistance and the measured pile bearing capacity is
summarized in Table 8. The calculated values of pile
bearing capacity are in good agreement with the
measured ones for 11m and 14.5m length pile. However,
the bearing capacity of the 17m length pile is
overestimated. Application of the safety factors changes
the situation. As one can see, The design value of pile
bearing capacity is almost perfect fitted in the measured
pile bearing capacity for pile with 17m in length (end
bearing pile embedded in bearing soil layer). The result
for friction pile (11m length pile) is also satisfactory.
However, the bearing capacity of the 14.5m length pile
that is only based on the bearing soil layer (pile toe is not
embedded in hard soil strata) is underestimated almost 2
times. The reason for such a thing can be induced by
‘CPT 2012’ model, where French site conditions and
field tests have been used for model calibration.
Consequently, the revision of empirical factors used in
‘CPT 2012’ model may be needed for fitting the ‘CPT
2012’ model to local Polish conditions.

5 Conclusions
In this paper the case study of pile bearing capacity
calculation for Jazowa testing site has been presented
where 3 representative piles are selected to analysis. The
pile bearing capacities have been calculated according to
‘CPT 2012’ model, fully compatible with Eurocode 7.
The results were compared with static load tests
measurements. The ‘CPT 2012’ model by AFNOR
recommendations provides safe estimation of pile
capacity. However, some discrepancies are observed.
The pile design resistance of the end bearing pile
embedded in hard soil layer is almost perfect fitted to the
ultimate bearing capacity obtained from static load test
results. In the remaining cases the significant
underestimation of pile design resistance is noted. To
verified Jazowa testing site conclusions and general
performance of ‘CPT 2012’ model, larger case study
database is needed. Consequently, the calibration of the
‘CPT 2012’ model due to local conditions in Poland are
recommended if similar results as for Jazowa site will be

The research is supported by the National Centre for Research

and Development grant PBS3/B2/18/2015

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