Chapter 20. Thermodynamics: The First Law of Thermodynamics

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Chapter 20.

Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics

20-1. In an industrial chemical process, 600 J of heat is supplied to a system while 200 J of work is

done BY the system. What is the increase in the internal energy of the system?

Work done BY the system is positive, heat INTO a system is positive. Apply first law:

∆Q = ∆U + ∆W; ∆Q = 600 J; ∆W = 200 J

∆U = ∆Q - ∆W = 600 J – 200 J; ∆U = 400 J

20-2. Assume that the internal energy of a system decreases by 300 J while 200 J of work is done

bv a gas. What is the value of Q? Is heat lost or gained by the system?

∆U = -300 J; ∆W = +200 J; ∆Q = ∆Q + ∆W

∆Q = (-300 J) + (200 J) = - 100 J; Heat Lost: ∆Q = -100 J

20-3. In a thermodynamic process, the internal energy of the system increases by 500 J. How

much work was done by the gas if 800 J of heat is absorbed?

∆U = +500 J; ∆Q = +800 J; ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W

∆W = ∆Q - ∆U = 800 J – 500 J; ∆W = 300 J

20-4. A piston does 3000 ft lb of work on a gas, which then expands performing 2500 ft lb of

work on its surroundings. What is the change in internal energy of the system if net heat

exchange is zero? [ Assume ∆Q = 0, then ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W = 0 and ∆U = -∆W ]

∆U = -(Workout – Workin) = -(2500 ft lb – 3000 ft lb); ∆U = + 500 ft lb = 0.643 Btu

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-5. In a chemical laboratory, a technician applies 340 J of energy to a gas while the system

surrounding the gas does 140 J of work ON the gas. What is the change in internal energy?

[ ∆Q = +340 J; ∆W = -140 J (work ON gas is negative) ]

∆U = ∆Q - ∆W = (350 J) – (-140 J); ∆U = 480 J

20-6. What is the change in internal energy for Problem 20-5 if the 140 J of work is done BY the

gas instead of ON the gas? [ Work BY gas is positive, ∆W = +140 J ]

∆U = ∆Q - ∆W = (340 J) – (+140 J); ∆U = 200 J

20-7. A system absorbs 200 J of heat as the internal energy increases by 150 J. What work is done

bv the gas? [ ∆Q = +200 J, ∆U = +150 J ]

∆W = ∆Q - ∆U = 200 J – 100 J = -50 J; ∆W = 50 J

*20-8. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg C0. How much does the internal energy of 200 g of

water change as it is heated from 200C to 300C? Assume the volume is constant.

∆Q = mc∆T = (0.2 kg)(4186 J/kg)(300C – 200C); ∆Q = 8372 J

Since ∆V = 0, ∆W is also zero: ∆U = ∆Q: ∆U = +8370 J

*20-9. At a constant pressure of 101.3 kPA, one gram of water (I cm3) is vaporized completely

and has a final volume of 1671 cm3 in its vapor form. What work is done by the system

against its surroundings? What is the increase in internal energy? (1 cm3 = 1 x 10-6 m3)

Work = P∆V = (101,300 Pa)(1671 cm3 – 1cm3)(10-6 m3/cm3); ∆W = 169 J

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-9. (Cont.) ∆Q = mLf = (0.001 kg)(2.256 x 106 J/kg) = 2256 J

∆U = ∆Q - ∆W = 2256 J – 169 J; ∆U = 2090 J

*20-10. A I0-kg block slides down a plane from a height of I0 in, and has a velocity of I0 m/s

when it reaches the bottom, how many calories of heat were lost due to friction?

Thermodynamic Processes

20-11. An ideal gas expands isothermally while absorbing 4.80 J of heat. The piston has a mass of

3 kg. How high will the piston rise above its initial position? [ ∆U = 0 (isothermal) ]

∆Q = ∆U + ∆W; ∆W = ∆Q = +4.80 J; Work = Fh = 4.80 J

Work 4.80 J
h= = ; h = 0.163 m or 16.3 cm
F (3 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 )

20-12. The work done on a gas during an adiabatic compression is 140 J. Calculate the increase in

internal energy of the system in calories.

For an adiabatic process, ∆Q = 0 and work ON gas is ∆W = -140 J

∆U + ∆W = 0; ∆U = -∆W = -(-140 J); ∆U = +140 J

The internal energy increases as work is done in compressing the gas.

20-13. During an isobaric expansion a steady pressure of 200 kPa causes the volume of a gas to

change from I L to 3 L. What work is done by the gas? [ 1 L = 1 x 10-3 m3 ]

Work = P(Vf – Vi) = (200,000 Pa)(3 x 10-3 m3 – 1 x 10-3 m3)

Work = 400 J

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-14. A gas is confined to a copper can. How much heat must be supplied to increase the

internal energy by 59 J? What type of thermodynamic process is involved?

Since the gas is confined, no work is done on or by the gas, so that: ∆Q = ∆U

∆Q = ∆U = 59 J; An isochoric process

20-15. A gas confined by a piston expands almost isobarically at 100 kPa. When 20,000 J of heat

are absorbed by the system, its volume increases from 0.100 m3 to 0.250 m3. What work

is done and what is the change in internal energy?

Work = P ∆V = (100,000 Pa)(0.250 m3 – 0.100 m3); Work = 15.0 kJ

∆Q = ∆U + ∆W; ∆U = ∆Q - ∆W = 20,000 J – 15,000 J; ∆U = 5.00 kJ

20-16. The specific heat of brass is 390 J/kg C0. A 4-kg piece of brass is heated isochorically

causing the temperature to rise by 10 C0. What is the increase in Internal energy.

In an isochoric process , we assume negligible heat expansion (∆W = 0)

∆U = ∆Q = mc∆t = (4 kg)(390 J/kg C0)(10 C0); ∆U = 15.6 kJ

*20-17. Two liters of an ideal gas has a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 2 atm. It

undergoes an isobaric expansion while increasing its temperature to 500 K. What work is

done by the gas? [ P = 2 atm = 202.6 kPa; V = 2 L = 2 x 10-3 m3 ]

PV PV V1T2 (2 L)(500 K)
1 1
= 2 2; V2 = = = 3.33 L; Work = P∆V
T1 T2 T1 300 K

Work = (202,600 Pa)(3.33 x 10-3 m3 – 2.00 x 10-3 m3); Work = 270 kJ

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-18. The diameter of a piston is 6.00 cm and the length of its stroke is 12 cm. Assuming a

constant force of 340 N moves the piston for a full stroke. Calculate the work first based

on force and distance. Then verify by considering pressure and volume?

π D 2 π (0.06 m) 2
A= = = 2.83 x 10-3m 2 h = 0.12 m
4 4

∆V = Ah = (0.00283 m2)(0.12 m) = 3.40 x 10-4 m3

Work = Fh = (340 N)(0.12 m) = 40.8 J; Work = 40.8 J

F 340 N
P= = = 1.20 x 105 Pa
A 0.00283 m 2

Work = P∆V = (3.4 x 10-4 m3)(1.20 x 105 Pa); Work = 40.8 J

*20-19. For adiabatic processes, it can be shown that the pressure and volume are related by:

γ γ
1 1 = PV
PV 2 2 (20-13)

where γ is the adiabatic constant which is 1.40 for diatomic gases and also for the gasoline

vapor/air mixture in combustion engines. Use the ideal gas law to prove the companion


λ −1
1 1 = T2V2γ −1 (20-14)

From the general gas law: 1 1 = 2 2 ; = 1 2
= 1 1

T1 T2 P2 T2V1 T2V2−1

P1 V2γ
Now, from Eq (20-13): = Eliminating (P1/P2), we have
P2 V1γ

TV −1
1 1
= or TV λ −1
= T2V2γ −1
T2V2−1 V1γ 1 1

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-20. The compression ratio for a certain diesel engine is 15. The air-fuel mixture (y = 1.4) is

taken in at 300 K and I atm of pressure. Find the pressure and temperature of the gas after

compression. (Refer to Problem 20-19.) [ (V1/V2) = 15 or V1 = 15 V2 ]

γ γ
γ γ P2 V1γ  V1  P2  15V2 
PV = PV ; = =  =  = (15) = 44.3

P1 V2γ  V2 
1 1 2 2
P1  V2 

P2 = 44.3 P1 = 44.3 (101.3 kPa) P2 = 4490 kPa

PV PV T1 PV (300 K)(4490 kPa) V2

1 1
= 2 2; T2 = 2 2
= ; T2 = 886 K
T1 T2 PV1 1 (101.3 kPa)(15 V2 )

The final temperature can also be found from Eq. (20-14) in Prob. 20-19.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

20-21. What is the efficiency of an engine that does 300 J of work in each cycle while discarding

600 J to the environment?

Qin – Qout = Wout; Qin = 300 J + 600 J; Qin = 900 J

Wout 300 J
E= = ; E = 33.3%
Qin 900 J

20-22. During a complete cycle, a system absorbs 600 cal of heat and rejects 200 cal to the

environment. How much work is done? What is the efficiency?

Wout = Qin – Qout = 600 cal – 200 cal; Win = 400 cal or 1674 J

Wout 400 cal

E= = ; E = 66.7%
Qin 600 cal

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-23. An 37 percent-efficient engine loses 400 J of heat during each cycle. What work is done

and how much heat is absorbed in each cycle?

Qin − Qout
E= = 0.37; Qin – 400 J = 0.37Qin Qin = 635 J

Work = Qin – Qout = 635 J – 400 J; Work = 235 J

20-24. What is the efficiency of an engine that operates between temperatures of 525 K and 300


Tin − Tout 525 K - 300 K

E= = ; E = 42.9%
Tin 525 K

20-25. A steam engine takes superheated steam from a boiler at 2000C and rejects it directly into

the air at 1000C. What is the ideal efficiency?

Tin − Tout 473 K - 373 K

E= = ; E = 21.1%
Tin 473 K

20-26. In a Camot cycle, the isothermal expansion of a gas takes place at 400 K and 500 cal of

heat is absorbed by the gas. How much heat is lost if the system undergoes isothermal

compression at 300 K.

Tin − Tout 400 K - 300 K

E= = ; E = 25%
Tin 400 K

Qin − Qout 500 cal - Qout

E= = = 0.25 ; Qout = 375 cal
Qin 500 cal

 4.186 J 
Qout = (375 cal)  ; Qout = 1570 J
 1 cal 

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-27. A Carnot engine absorbs 1200 cal during each cycle as it operates between 500 K and 300

K. What is the efficiency? How much heat is rejected and how much work is done during

each cycle? For a Carnot engine, actual and ideal efficiencies are equal.

Tin − Tout 500 K - 300 K

E= = ; E = 40%
Tin 500 K
Qin − Qout 1200 cal - Qout
E= = = 0.40 ; Qout = 720 cal
Qin 1200 cal

 4.186 J 
Work = 0.40(1200 cal)= 480 cal   ; Work = 2010 J
 1 cal 

20-28. The actual efficiency of an engine is 60 percent of its ideal efficiency. The engine operates

between temperatures of 460 K and 290 K. How much work is done in each cycle if 1600

J of heat is absorbed?

Tin − Tout 460 K - 290 K

E= = = 37.0% EA = 0.60(37%) = 22.1%
Tin 460 K

EA = = 0.221; Wout = (0.221)(1600 J) ; Work = 355 J

20-29. A refrigerator extracts 400 J of heat from a box during each cycle and rejects 600 J to a

high temperature reservoir. What is the coefficient of performance?

Qcold 400 J
K= = ; K = 2.00
Qhot − Qcold 600 J - 400 J

20-30. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5.0. How much heat is discarded if the

compressor does 200 J of work during each cycle?

K= = 5; Qcold = 5(200 J); Qcold = 1000 J

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-31. How much heat is extracted from the cold reservoir if the compressor of a refrigerator does

180 J of work during each cycle. The coefficient of performance is 4.0. What heat is

rejected to the hot reservoir?

K= = 4; Qcold = 4(190 J); Qcold = 720 J

Work = Qhot – Qcold; Qhot = 180 J + 720 J; Qhot = 900 J

20-32. An ideal refrigerator extracts 400 J of heat from a reservoir at 200 K and rejects heat to a

reservoir at 500 K. What is the ideal coefficient of performance and how much work is

done in each cycle?

Tcold 200 K
K= = ; K = 0.667
Thot − Tcold 500 K − 200 K
Qcold 400 J
K= ; Win = = 600 J Work = 600 J
Win 0.667

This is an extremely inefficient refrigerator which requires 600 J of work to extract 400 J

of heat in a cooling process while it rejects 1000 J to the environment!

20-33. A Carnot refrigerator has a coefficient of performance of 2.33. If 600 J of work is done by

the compressor in each cycle, how many joules of heat are extracted from the cold reservoir

and how much is rejected to the environment?

K= = 2.33; Qcold = 2.33 (60 J); Qcold = 1400 J
Qhot = 140 J + 60 J = 200 J Qhot = 2000 J

The compressor does 600 J of work, extracting 1400 J of energy from the cold reservoir

and discarding 2000 J to the environment.

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

Challenge Problems:

20-34. In a thermodynamic process, 200 Btu are supplied to produce an isobaric expansion under

a pressure of 100 lb/in.2. The internal energy of the system does not change. What is the

increase in volume of the gas?

Since there is no change in internal energy, ∆U = 0 and ∆Q = ∆W = 200 Btu.

 778 ft lb  lb  144 in.2 
∆W = (200 Btu )   = 155,600 ft lb; P = 100 2  2  = 14,100 lb/ft

 1 Btu  in.  1 ft 

∆W 155, 600 ft lb
∆W = P∆V ; ∆V = = ; ∆V = 10.8 ft3
P 14,400 lb/ft 2

20-35. A 100 cm3 sample of gas at a pressure of 100 kPa is heated isochorically from point A to

point B until its pressure reaches 300 kPa. Then it expands isobarically to point C, where

its volume is 400 cm3 . The pressure then returns to 100 kPa at point D with no change in

volume. Finally, it returns to its original state at point A. Draw the P-V diagram for this

cycle. What is the net work done for the entire cycle?

The net work around a closed PV loop is equal to the P

300 kPa
enclosed area ∆P⋅ ∆P: (Recall that 1 cm = 10 m .)
3 -6 2

∆P⋅∆ V = (300 kPa – 100 kPa)(400 cm3 – 100 cm3) A

100 kPa D
Work = (200 kPa)(300 cm ) = 60,000 kPa ⋅ cm
3 3
100 cm3 400 cm3

 1000 Pa   10 m 
−6 3
Work = (60, 000 kPa ⋅ cm3 )   3 ; Work = 60 J
 1 kPa   1 cm 

Note that zero work is done during the isochoric processes AB and CD, since ∆V = 0.
Positive work is done from B to C and negative work is done from D to A making the net
work equal to zero. PB (VC – VB) + PA (VA – VD) = 60 J. Same as area ∆P⋅ ∆V.

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-36. Find the net work done by a gas as it is carried around the cycle shown in Fig. 20-17.

Work = area = ∆P⋅ ∆V; (1 L = 1 x 10-3 L ) P

200 kPa
Work = (200,000 Pa – 100,000 Pa)(5 L – 2 L)

100 kPa A D
Work = (100,000 Pa)(3 x 10-3 m3) = 300 J
2L 5L
Work = 300 J

20-37. What is the net work done for the process ABCA as described by Fig. 20-18.
Work = area = ½∆P⋅∆ V ( 1 atm = 101,300 Pa ) B
3 atm

Work = (3 atm – 1 atm)(5 L – 2 L) = 6 atm⋅ L

1 atm C
 101,300 Pa   10 m 
−3 3
Work = 6 atm ⋅ L    Work = 85.0 J A2 L 5L
 1 atm   1 L 

*20-38. A real engine operates between 3270C and OOC, and it has an output power of 8 kW.

What is the ideal efficiency for this engine? How much power is wasted if the actual

efficiency is only 25 percent?

Tin = 270 + 2730 = 300 K; Tout = 00 + 2730 = 273 K

Tin − Tout 600 K - 273 K

E= = ; EI = 54.5%; EA = 0.25(54.5%) = 13.6%
Tin 600 K
Poutput Poutput 8 kW
EA = ; Pin = = = 58.7 kW Pin = Poutput + Plost
Pin EA 0.136

Plost = Pin – Poutput; Plost = 58.7 kW – 8 kW

Power wasted = 50.7 kW

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-39. The Otto efficiency for a gasoline engine is 50 percent, and the adiabatic constant is 1.4.

Compute the compression ratio.

1 1 1
E = 1− γ −1
= 1 − γ −1 ; 1− E =
(V1 / V2 ) C C γ −1

1 1
C γ −1 = = =2; γ - 1 = 1.4 – 1 = 0.4 ; C0.4 = 2
1 − E 1 − 0.5

1 1
(C 0.4 ) 0.4
= (2) 0.4
; C = 5.66 (Compression ratio)

*20-40. A heat pump takes heat from a water reservoir at 410F and delivers it to a system of pipes

in a house at 780F. The energy required to operate the heat pump is about twice that

required to operate a Carnot pump. How much mechanical work must be supplied by the

pump to deliver I x 106 Btu of heat energy to the house?

Must use absolute T: Thot = 780 + 4600 = 538 R; Tcold = 410 + 4600 = 501 R

Thot 538 R
For HEATING, the C.O.P. is: K = = = 14.54% (ideal)
Thot − Tcold 538 R - 501 R

Q (1 x 106 Btu)(778 ft lb/Btu)

K = hot ; Win = ; Work = 5.35 x 107 ft lb
Win 0.1454

Actual work = 2(ideal work); Actual work = 1.07 x 108 ft lb

20-41. A Camot engine has an efficiency of 48 percent. If the working substance enters the

system at 4000C, what is the exhaust temperature? [ Tin = 4000 + 2730 = 673 K ]

Tin − Tout 673 K - Tout

E= ; = 0.48; 673 K – Tout = (0.48)(673)
Tin 673 K

Tout = 350 K

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-42. During the compression stroke of an automobile engine, the volume of the combustible

mixture decreases from 18 to 2 in.3 . If the adiabatic constant is 1.4, what is the maximum

possible efficiency for the engine? [ Maximum E is the ideal E ]

1 V1 18 in.3
E = 1− ; = = 9; (γ − 1) = 1.4 − 1 = 0.4
(V1 / V2 )γ −1 V2 2 in.3
E = 1− ; E = 58.5%

20-43. How many joules of work must be done by the compressor in a refrigerator to change 1.0

kg of water at 200C to ice at -10OC? The coefficient of performance is 3.5.

Qcold = mcw(200C – 00C) + mLf + mci[00C – (-100C)]

Qcold = (1 kg)(4186 J/kg C0)(20 C0) + (1 kg)(3.34 x 105 J/kg)

+ (1 kg)(2300 J/kg C0)(10 C0) = 4.41 x 105 J

Qcold 4.41 x 105 J

K= ; Win = ; Win = 126 kJ
Win 3.5

20-44. In a mechanical refrigerator the low-temperature coils of the evaporator are at -300C, and

the condenser has a temperature of 600C. What is the maximum possible coefficient of

performance? [ Tcold = -300 + 2730 = 243 K; Thot = 600 + 2730 = 333 K ]

Tcold 243 K
K= = ; K = 2.70
Thot − Tcold 333 K - 243 K

20-45. An engine has a thermal efficiency of 27 percent and an exhaust temperature of 2300C.

What is the lowest possible input temperature? [ Tout = 2300 + 2730 = 503 K ]

Tin − Tout Tin − 503 K

E= ; = 0.27; 0.27Tin = Tin − 503 K
Tin Tin

Tin = 689 K or 4160C

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

20-46. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5.0. If the temperature of the room is

280C, what is the lowest possible temperature that can be obtained inside the refrigerator?

Tcold Tcold
K= ; = 5.0; Tcold = 1505 K - 5Tcold
Thot − Tcold 301 K - Tcold

Tcold = 251 K or -22.20C

Critical Thinking Questions

20-47. A gas expands against a movable piston, lifting it through 2 in. at constant speed. How

much work is done by the gas if the piston weights 200 lb and has a cross-sectional area of

12 in.2? If the expansion is adiabatic, what is the change in internal energy in Btu? Does

∆U represent an increase or decrease in internal energy?

Work = Fx = (200 lb)(2 in.)(1 ft/12 in.) = 33.3 ft lb

 1 ft lb 
Work = 33.3 ft lb   = 0.0428 Btu
 778 Btu 

For adiabatic process, ∆Q = 0, and ∆U = - ∆W = - 0.0428 Btu; ∆U = - 0.0428 Btu

This represents a DECREASE in internal energy.

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-48. Consider the P-V diagram shown in Fig. 20-19, where the pressure and volume are

indicated for each of the points A, B, C, and D. Starting at point A, a 100-cm3 sample of gas

absorbs 200 J of heat, causing the pressure to increase from 100 kPa to 200 kPa while its volume

increases to 200 cm3. Next the gas expands from B to C, absorbing an additional 400 J of heat

while its volume increases to 400 cm3. (a) Find the net work done and the change in internal

energy for each of the processes AB and BC. (b) What are the net work and the total change in

internal energy for the process ABC? (c) What kind of process is illustrated by AB? Recall that

work is equal to the area under the curve.

Note: (1 kPa)(1 cm3) = 0.001 Pa⋅ m3 = 0.001 J 200 kPa

(a) Area of triangle = ½(base)(height)

100 kPa
3 3
WAB= ½(200 cm – 100 cm )(200 kPa – 100 kPa)
+ (100 kPa)(200 cm3 – 100 cm3)
WAB = 5000 kPa⋅ cm3 + 10,000 kPa⋅ cm3 = 15,000 kPa⋅ cm3 100 cm 3
200 cm 3 3
600 cm3
400 cm

 0.001 J 
WAB = 15, 000 kPa ⋅ cm3  3 ; WAB = 15.0 J
 1 kPa ⋅ cm 

(b) For AB, Qin = 400 J, so that: ∆U = Qin - ∆W = 200 J – 15 J = 185 J; ∆UAB = +185 J

Now, for process BC, Work = area = (200 kPa)(400 cm3 – 200 cm3); Work = 40,000 kPa⋅ cm3

 0.001 J 
WAB = 40, 000 kPa ⋅ cm3  3 ; WAB = 40.0 J
 1 kPa ⋅ cm 

For process BC, Qin = 400 J, so that: ∆U = Qin - ∆W = 400 J – 40 J = 360 J; ∆UBC = +360 J

(c) Net Heat: ∆QABC = +200 J + 400 J = 600 J; WABC = 15 J + 40 J = 55 J

Net change in internal energy: +185 J + 360 J = 945 J; ∆UABC = +545 J

First law is satisfied for ABC: ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W; 600 J = 545 J + 55 J

(d) Process BC is an ISOBARIC process (constant pressure).

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-49. The cycle begun in the previous example now continues from C to D while an additional

200 J of heat is absorbed. (a) Find the net work and the net change in internal energy for

the process CD. (b) Suppose the system now returns to its original state at point A. What

is the net work for the entire cycle ABCDA, P

200 kPa
and what is the efficiency of the entire cycle?

(a) WCD = ½∆P1⋅∆ V1 + ∆P2⋅∆ V2 100 kPa


WCD = ½(200 – 100)kPa (600 – 400) cm3

+ (100 kPa)(600 – 400) cm3 3
100 cm 200 cm 3
400 cm 3
600 cm3

WCD = 10,000 kPa cm3 + 20,000 kPa cm3; WCD = 30,000 kPa cm3 = 30 J; WCD = 30 J

∆UCD = ∆Q - ∆W = 200 J – 30 J = 170 J; ∆UCD = 170 J

(b) Work for DA = (100 kPA)(100 cm3 – 600 cm3) = -50,000 kPa cm3; WDA = - 50 J

Note that work from D to A is NEGATIVE since final volume is LESS than initial volume.

When system returns to its initial state at A, the total ∆U must be ZERO for ABCDA.

Thus, ∆UDA + ∆UCD + ∆UABC = 0; ∆UDA + 170 J + 545 J = 0; ∆UDA= -715 J

∆QDA = ∆UDA + ∆W = -715 J – 50 J; ∆QDA = -765 J

The efficiency of the cycle is based on the CTQ 2 & 3: Summary

∆Q ∆U ∆W
net work done for the heat put IN to the cycle.
AB 200 J 185 J 15 J
Qin 35 J BC 400 J 360 J 40 J
E= = CD 200 J 170 J 30 J
∆W 200 J + 400
DA -765 J -715 J -50 J
Total +35 J 0J +35 J
E = 5.83%

Study the table which illustrates the first law of thermodynamics as it applies to each of

the processes described by CTQ’s #2 and #3. Note that ∆Q = ∆U + ∆W in every case.

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-4. Consider a specific mass of gas that is forced through an adiabatic throttling process.

Before entering the valve, it has internal energy U1, pressure P1 and volume V1. After

passing though the valve, it has internal energy U2 pressure P2 and volume V2. The net

work done is the work done BY the gas minus the work done ON the gas. Show that The

quantity U + PT, called the enthalpy, is conserved during a throttling process.

For an adiabatic process, ∆Q = 0, so that ∆W = -∆U and ∆W = Wout - Workin

∆W = P2V2 – P1V1 = -∆U; P2V2 – P1V1 = -(U2 – U1)

Rearranging we have: U2 + P2V2 = U1 + P1V1 Enthalpy is conserved

*20-5. A gasoline engine takes in 2000 J of heat and delivers 400 J of work per cycle, The heat is

obtained by burning gasoline which has a heat of combustion of 50 kJ/g. What is the

thermal efficiency? How much heat is lost per cycle? How much gasoline is burned in

each cycle? If the engine goes through 90 cycles per second, what is the output power?

Wout 400 J
E= = ; E = 20%
Qin 2000 J

Wout = Qin − Qout ; Qout = 2000 J - 400 J ; Qout = 1600 J

2000 J
Gas burned: = = 0.04 g ; Amount burned = 0.0400 g
50,000 J/g

Work (90 cycles)(400 J/cycle)

P= = ; Pout = 36.0 kW
t 1s

Chapter 20. Thermodynamics Physics, 6th Edition

*20-6. Consider a Carnot engine of efficiency e and a Carnot refrigerator whose coefficient of

performance is K. If these devices operate between the same temperatures, derive the

following relationship. Let Tcold = Tout = T2 and Thot = Tin = T1 , then

T2 T1 − T2
K= and e=
T1 − T2 T1

(1 − e)T1
eT1 = T1 – T2; T2 = (1 – e)T1 K=
T1 − (1 − e)T1

(1 − e)T1 (1 − e)T1 1− e
K= = ; K=
T1 − (1 − e)T1 (1 − 1 + e)T1 e


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