Chapter 19 The First Law of Thermodynamics

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Chapter 19:
The First Law of

Physics for Scientists and Engineers,

Raymond A. Serway
John W. Jewett, Jr.
Heat and Internal Energy

Internal energy is all the energy of a system that is

associated with its microscopic components—atoms
and molecules—when viewed from a reference frame at
rest with respect to the center of mass of the system.

Heat is defined as a process of transferring energy

across the boundary of a system because of a
temperature difference between the system and its
surroundings. It is also the amount of energy Q
transferred by this process.
Units of Heat

calorie (cal): energy transfer necessary to raise

temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5 C to 15.5 C
Calorie (Cal): equivalent to 1 000 calories

British thermal unit (Btu): energy transfer required to

raise temperature of 1 lb of water from 63°F to 64°F
The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat

ΔEint = W + TMW
Joule’s Experiment

1 cal = 4.186 J
Example 19.1:
Losing Weight the Hard Way
A student eats a dinner rated at 2 000 Calories. He
wishes to do an equivalent amount of work in the
gymnasium by lifting a 50.0-kg barbell. How many
times must he raise the barbell to expend this much
energy? Assume he raises the barbell 2.00 m each time
he lifts it and he transfers no energy when he lowers
the barbell.
Example 19.1:
Losing Weight the Hard Way
ΔU total = Wtotal ΔU = mgh

ΔU total = nmgh

nmgh = Wtotal

2 000 Cal ⎛ 1.00 × 103 cal ⎞ ⎛ 4.186 J ⎞
n= ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
(50.0 kg )(9.80 m/s )(2.00 m ) ⎝
Calorie ⎠ ⎝ 1 cal ⎠
= 8.54 × 103 times
Specific Heat and Calorimetry

Q = C ΔT
Specific Heat
c≡ Q = mcΔT
Q = (0.500 kg )(4186 J/kg ⋅ °C )(3.00°C ) = 6.28 × 103 J

potato in microwave:
ΔEint = TER = mcΔT

bicycle pump:
ΔEint = W = mcΔT
Specific Heat of Water

Qcold = −Qhot

mw cw (T f − Tw )

−mx cx (T f − Tx )

mw cw (T f − Tw )
= −mx cx (T f − Tx )
Example 19.2:
Fun Time for a Cowboy
A cowboy fires a silver bullet with a muzzle speed of
200 m/s into the pine wall of a saloon. Assume all the
internal energy generated by the impact remains with
the bullet. What is the temperature change of the bullet?
ΔK + ΔEint = 0
ΔEint = mcΔT
⎛ 1 2⎞
⎜ 0 − mv ⎟ + mcΔT = 0
⎝ 2 ⎠
2 2
2 mv
v 2
(200 m/s )
ΔT = = = = 85.5°C
mc 2c 2 (234 J/kg ⋅ °C )
Example 19.2:
Fun Time for a Cowboy
Suppose the cowboy runs out of silver bullets and fires
a lead bullet at the same speed into the wall. Will the
temperature change of the bullet be larger or smaller?
v 2
(200 m/s )
ΔT = = = 156°C
2c 2 (128 J/kg ⋅ °C )
Example 19.3:
Cooling a Hot Ingot
A 0.050 0-kg ingot of metal is heated
to 200.0°C and then dropped into a
calorimeter containing 0.400 kg of
water initially at 20.0°C. The final
equilibrium temperature of the mixed
system is 22.4°C. Find the specific heat of the metal.

mw cw (T f − Tw )
cx =
mx (Tx − T f )
(0.400 kg )(4186 J/kg ⋅ °C )(22.4°C − 20.0°C )
cx = = 453 J/kg ⋅ °C
(0.050!0 kg )(200.0°C − 22.4°C )
Example 19.3:
Cooling a Hot Ingot
cx = 453 J/kg ⋅ °C
Example 19.3:
Cooling a Hot Ingot
Suppose you are performing an
experiment in the laboratory that
uses this technique to determine the
specific heat of a sample and you
wish to decrease the overall
uncertainty in your final result for cx. Of the data given
in this example, changing which value would be most
effective in decreasing the uncertainty?
= 0.04 = 4%
⇒ uncertainty in difference = 4% + 4% = 8%
Latent Heat

Q = LΔm
Latent Heat
Heat and Internal Energy

Q = mice cice ΔT = (1.00 × 10−3 kg )(2090 J/kg ⋅ °C )(30.0°C ) = 62.7 J

Heat and Internal Energy

Q = L f Δmw = L f mice = (3.33 × 105 J/kg )(1.00 × 10−3 kg ) = 333 J

Heat and Internal Energy

Q = mw cw ΔT = (1.00 × 10−3 kg )(4.19 × 103 J/kg ⋅ °C )(100.0 °C ) = 419 J

Heat and Internal Energy

Q = Lv Δms = Lv mw = (2.26 × 106 J/kg )(1.00 × 10 −3 kg ) = 2.26 × 103 J

Heat and Internal Energy

Q = ms cs ΔT = (1.00 × 10−3 kg )(2.01× 103 J/kg ⋅ °C )(20.0°C ) = 40.2 J

Heat and Internal Energy

Qtotal = 62.7 J + 333 J + 419 J + 2.26 × 103 J + 40.2 J = 3.11× 103 J

Example 19.4:
Cooling the Steam
What mass of steam initially at 130°C is needed to
warm 200 g of water in a 100-g glass container from
20.0°C to 50.0°C?
Qcold = −Qhot
Q1 = ms cs ΔTs
Q2 = Lv Δms = Lv (0 − ms ) = −ms Lv
Q3 = ms cw ΔThot water
Qhot = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = ms (c s ΔTs − Lv + cw ΔThot water )
Qcold = mw cw ΔTcold water + mg cg ΔTglass
Example 19.4:
Cooling the Steam

Qcold = mw cw ΔTcold water + mg cg ΔTglass

mw cw ΔTcold water + mg cg ΔTglass = − ms (cs ΔTs − Lv + cw ΔThot water )

mw cw ΔTcold water + mg cg ΔTglass

ms = −
cs ΔTs − Lv + cw ΔThot water

(0.200 kg )(4186 J/kg ⋅ °C )(50°C − 20.0°C ) + (0.100 kg )(837 J/kg ⋅ °C )(50.0°C − 20.0°C )
ms = −
(210 J/kg ⋅ °C )(100°C − 30°C ) − (2.26 ×106 J/kg )+ (4 186 J/kg ⋅ °C )(50.0°C − 20.0°C )
= 1.09 × 10−2 kg = 10.9 g
Example 19.4:
Cooling the Steam
What if the final state of the system is water at 100°C?
Would we need more steam or less steam? How would
the analysis above change?

ΔΤcold water = 100°C − 20°C = 80°C

ΔΤhot water = 100°C − 100°C = 0°C
⇒ ms = 13.7 g
Work W Done on a Gas
! !
dW = F ⋅ dr = − Fˆj ⋅ dyˆj = − F dy = − PA dy

dW = − PdV

W = − ∫ PdV
Work and PV Diagrams
W = − ∫ PdV

The work done on a gas in a

quasi-static process that
takes the gas from an initial
state to a final state is the
negative of the area under
the curve on a PV diagram,
evaluated between the
initial and final states.
Work and PV Diagrams

W = − Pi (V f − Vi ) W = − Pf (V f − Vi ) W = − ∫ PdV
The First Law of Thermodynamics
ΔK + ΔU + ΔEint = W + Q + TMW + TMT + TET + TER

ΔEint = Q + W
The First Law of Thermodynamics
Q = W = 0 → ΔEint = 0 ∴ Eint,i = Eint,f
(isolated system )
Cyclic Processes

ΔEint = 0 and Q = −W
(cyclic process )
Isothermal Processes

PV = nRT = constant

ΔEint = 0

Q = −W
Isothermal Processes
Vf Vf nRT
W = − ∫ P dV = − ∫ dV
Vi Vi V
Vf dV Vf
W = −nRT ∫ = − nRT ln V Vi
Vi V

⎛ Vi ⎞
W = nRT ln ⎜ ⎟
⎜V ⎟
⎝ f ⎠
(isothermal process )
Isobaric Processes

w = − P (V f − Vi )
(isobaric process )
Isovolumetric Processes

ΔEint = Q
(isovolumetric process )
Adiabatic Processes

ΔEint = W
(adiabatic process )
Example 19.5:
An Isothermal Expansion
A 1.0-mol sample of an ideal gas
is kept at 0.0°C during an
expansion from 3.0 L to 10.0 L.
(A) How much work is
done on the gas during
the expansion?

⎛ Vi ⎞
W = nRT ln ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ f ⎠
⎛ 3.0 L ⎞ 3
= (1.0 mol )(8.31 J/mol ⋅ K )(273 K )ln ⎜ ⎟ = −2.7 × 10 J
⎝ 10.0 L ⎠
Example 19.5:
An Isothermal Expansion
(B) How much energy transfer by heat occurs between
the gas and its surroundings in this process?

ΔEint = Q + W
0 = Q +W
Q = −W = 2.7 × 103 J
Example 19.5:
An Isothermal Expansion
(C) If the gas is returned to the original volume by
means of an isobaric process, how much work is done
on the gas?
W = − P (V f − Vi ) = − (V f − Vi )
(1.0 mol )(8.31 J/mol ⋅ K )(273 K )
=− −3 3
10.0 × 10 m
(3.0 ×10 −3
m3 − 10.0 × 10−3 m3 )

= 1.6 × 103 J
Example 19.6:
Boiling Water
Suppose 1.00 g of water vaporizes isobarically at
atmospheric pressure (1.013 105 Pa). Its volume in
the liquid state is Vi = Vliquid = 1.00 cm3, and its
volume in the vapor state is Vf = Vvapor = 1 671 cm3.
Find the work done in the expansion and the change in
internal energy of the system. Ignore any mixing of the
steam and the surrounding air; imagine that the steam
simply pushes the surrounding air out of the way.
Example 19.6:
Boiling Water

W = − P (V f − Vi )

= − (1.013 × 105 Pa )(1671× 10−6 m3 − 1.00 × 10−6 m3 )

= −169 J

Q = Lv Δms = ms Lv = (1.00 × 10−3 kg )(2.26 × 106 J/kg )

= 2 260 J

ΔEint = Q + W = 2260 J + (−169 J ) = 2.09 kJ

Example 19.7:
Heating a Solid
A 1.0-kg bar of copper is heated at atmospheric
pressure so that its temperature increases from 20°C to
(A) What is the work done on the copper bar by the
surrounding atmosphere? W = − PΔV
W = − P (β Vi ΔT ) = − P (3αVi ΔT ) = −3α PVi ΔT

W = −3α P ⎜ ⎟ ΔT
−1 ⎛ 1.0 kg ⎞
W = −3 ⎡1.7 × 10−5 (°C ) ⎤ (1.013 × 105 N/m 2 )⎜ 3 3 ⎟(
50°C − 20°C )
⎣ ⎦ ⎝ 8.92 × 10 kg/m ⎠
= −1.7 × 10−2 J
Thermal Conduction
Thermal Conduction

Thermal Conduction

Q = kA Δt

P = kA
Thermal Conductivities
Thermal Conduction

dT Th − Tc
dx L

⎛ Th − Tc ⎞
P = kA ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠

A (Th − Tc )
∑ ( L /k )
i i
Example 19.7:
Energy Transfer Through Two Slabs
Two slabs of thickness L1 and L2
and thermal conductivities k1 and
k2 are in thermal contact with each
other as shown in the figure. The
temperatures of their outer surfaces
are Tc and Th, respectively, and
Th > Tc.
Determine the temperature at the
interface and the rate of energy
transfer by conduction through an area A of the slabs in
the steady-state condition.
Example 19.7:
Energy Transfer Through Two Slabs
⎛ T − Tc ⎞
P1 = k1 A ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L1 ⎠
⎛ Th − T ⎞
P2 = k2 A ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L2 ⎠
⎛ T − Tc ⎞ ⎛ Th − T ⎞
k1 A ⎜ ⎟ = k2 A ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L1 ⎠ ⎝ L2 ⎠
k1 L2Tc + k2 L1Th A (Th − Tc )
T= P=
k1 L2 + k2 L1 (L1 /k1 ) + (L2 /k2 )
Example 19.7:
Energy Transfer Through Two Slabs
Suppose you are building an insulated container with
two layers of insulation and the rate of energy
transfer turns out to be too high. You have enough room
to increase the thickness of one of the two layers by
20%. How would you decide which layer to choose?

A (Th − Tc )
(L1 /k1 ) + (L2 /k2 )
Home Insulation

A (Th − Tc )
∑ ( L /k )
i i

A (Th − Tc )
Example 19.8:
The R-Value of a Typical Wall

Calculate the total R-value for a

wall constructed as shown in the
figure. Starting outside the house
(toward the front in the figure)
and moving inward, the wall
consists of 4 in. of brick, 0.5 in.
of sheathing, an air space 3.5 in.
thick, and 0.5 in. of drywall.
Example 19.8:
The R-Value of a Typical Wall

R1 (outside stagnant air layer ) = 0.17 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu

R2 (brick ) = 4.00 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu
R3 (sheathing ) = 1.32 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu
R4 (air space ) = 1.01 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu
R5 (drywall ) = 0.45 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu
R6 (inside stagnant air layer )
= 0.17 ft 2 ⋅ °F ⋅ h/Btu

Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 + R6
= 7.12 ft 2 ⋅ F ⋅ h/Btu
Example 19.8:
The R-Value of a Typical Wall
Suppose you are not happy with
this total R-value for the wall.
You cannot change the overall
structure, but you can fill the air
space as in the figure. To
maximize the total R-value, what
material should you choose to fill
the air space?
Rtotal = 7.12 ft 2 ⋅ F ⋅ h/Btu
+ 9.89 ft 2 ⋅ F ⋅ h/Btu
= 17.01 ft 2 ⋅ F ⋅ h/Btu

P = σ AeT 4
Pnet = σ Ae (T 4 − T0 4 )
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The Dewar Flask

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