Week 2 Learning Packet - Themes in The Philosophy of The Human Person, Existentialism

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Liberal Arts

Learning Packet
PHIHUM-Philosophy of the Human Person: Social and Political Dimensions
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Learning Packet Activity Sheet No. 1 Date: December 11-17,2020

Topic: Themes in the Philosophy of the Human Person, Week: 2
Learning Intent:
At the end of Week 2, the students can:
1. Discuss the different themes in the philosophy of the human person.
2. Appreciate how the themes influence one’s perspective.
3. Discuss existentialism by explaining its features.
I. Concept Notes

The study of the Philosophy of the Human Person is broad, and it covers many topics.
However, we may notice some common themes in PHIHUM topics:
1. Man as embodied subjectivity
2. Man as being-in-the-world
3. Man as being-with
4. Man as persons and his crowning activity is love which presupposes justice

Existentialism emerged in the postmodern era where philosophers started to emphasize the
existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own

There are also many different approaches to the study of the human person, but one of the
most prominently used by existentialists is phenomenology. Phenomenology is a method of
inquiry based on the premise that reality consists of objects and events as they are
perceived or understood in human consciousness and not of anything independent of human

To know more, please read the handouts specified below:

REQUIRED READ: “Themes in the Philosophy of the Human Person” and

“Existentialism” uploaded in e-class
II. Checking for Understanding
Instructions: After reading the Concept Notes and the required reading material, fill out the
Summary Sheet and submit it on or before December 15, 2020, 6:00 PM.
III. Analysis and Integration
Instructions: Think about the question below. Your answers will be shared to the class during
our synchronous session.
1. What are some common themes in the philosophy of the human person?
2. What are some criteria that can be used to identify elements of existentialism?
IV. Question Wall
A. Instructions: List down questions that you want to ask during the synchronous meeting.
Post them on the Question Wall area of our e-class.
V. Independent Practice
Instructions: Your instructor will give you the instructions for this after your synchronous
session on December 17, 2020.

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