STS 1st Exam Essay

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College of Arts and Sciences Education

General Education – Science

2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

1st Exam
Part 2: ESSAY

1. Explain Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, give example each theory and state
how it contributes to intellectual revolutions.
2. Explain the theory of evolution by Darwin? How it became part of the intellectual
3. Do you think it is good/right to engage in science and technology in promoting
nation building? Why or why not?
4. When was the time that scientific studies were slowly accepted by the people
and how?

RUBRICS For the Essay:

CRITERIA Excellent Fair Needs Improvement

5-4 3-2 1-0

Arguments are strong Arguments are not Arguments are not

and factual as convincing and only convincing and only
supported by citations few sources of data few sources of data
Validity and strength of sources of data and and information are and information are
of arguments information. At least 6 cited. At least 3-5 cited. Only 1-2
or more citations citations. citations.
Quality of Work It appears that a strong It appears that a good It appears that some
effort was made and standard was made effort was made ,
great pride was taken and the discussion is however, the quality of
in meeting the highest close to meet the the paper would be of
standards. highest standards. little value.
Accuracy in grammar, The paper is The paper contains The paper contains
spelling, and completely flawless in minimal errors in prominent errors in
punctuation, terms of grammar, spelling, grammar, and grammar, spelling, and
spelling, and punctuation. punctuation.
Organization of ideas
Ideas are logically Ideas are not clearly Ideas are not at all
connected by connected as some connected logically as
transition of signals, transition signals are no transition signals
unified in tense and incorrectly used, but are used. Some ideas
ideas, and emphatic. unified in tense and go out of focus and use
ideas, and emphatic. of tense is not
accurate. Ideas are less

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