Blu Ray Disc and Copper Wires As Solar Panel

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The document discusses different structures of Blu-code that can be used as alternatives for solar panels.

The research proposal is about different structures of Blu-code (Blu-ray disc, copper wire, and zener diode) that can be used as an alternative solar panel.

The sections included in the research proposal are: title page, approval sheet, editor's certification, acknowledgment, table of contents, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion and recommendation, and references.




A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty

Of Saint Louis School, Inc. – High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Research in Daily Life


BONGLOY, Marifel V.

ROMANO, Kourkinah Nhicolle M.

VICTORIO, David Marc Josef M.

February 2020

We, the researchers, would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to everyone

who became part of this research. Especially to the following people who worked and supported

us in making this research successful.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our Research in Daily Life teacher and

adviser, Ms. Diona Rose Macaburas for the continuous support, patience, and enthusiasm. Her

guidance and support helped us researchers in making our research possible.

We would also like to thank our panel members: Ms. Mariel Ji Baldos, Ms. Consuelo

Culaton, and Ms. Sho Beh Tomanan for their time, encouragement, and patience to us. Despite

their busy schedules, they were able to accommodate us when we have concerns regarding our

research. We also thank them for sharing their knowledge and giving us suggestions in order for

us to improve our research.

Our family and friends who supported, believed and who gives strength when things

become hard. For their understanding when we get busy and lack time for them.

Lastly, we thank God, the Almighty Father, for guiding, protecting and for giving us the

knowledge every day and every time.


Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………..i

Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………………ii

Editor’s Certification……………………………………………………………………..iii


Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………….v


I. Introduction

a. Background of the Study………………………………………………………….1

b. Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….6

c. Research Objectives……………………………………………………………….6

d. Significance of the Study………………………………………………………….7

e. Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………7

f. Operational Definitions……………………………………………………………7

II. Methodology

a. Research Design..………………………………………………………………....9

b. Data Gathering Tool………………………………………………………………9

c. Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………9

d. Treatment of


III. Results and Discussion……………………………………………………………...12

IV. Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………………………………17

V. References……………………………………………………………………….......18

VI. Appendices

a. APPENDIX A. Letter to the School Principal…………………………………...19

b. APPENDIX B. Letter to the DOST……………………..20

c. APPENDIX C. Flat Structure……………………………………........................21

d. APPENDIX D. Concave Structure………………………………………………22

e. APPENDIX E. Convex Structure………………………………………………..23

VII. Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………...24


Electricity production has been very significant and crucial to human development, as

certain basic activities like running household appliances and devices. But still almost 14 billion

of the world’s population has no electricity. This study: “Different structures of Blu-Code” a

combination of Blu-Ray Disc, Copper Wires and Zener diode, aimed to identify if Blu-Code can

work as an alternative solar panel by getting the mean average of each structure and by

comparing it to identify if there is a significant difference among the structure. The Blu-Ray disc

acts as the light or heat trapping device of the panel. Copper Wire has been used as the conductor

of the electricity while the Zener diode is responsible for regulating the flow of current in the

disc. Flat, concave and convex structures were used in the Blu-Code discs. The structures, flat,

concave and convex were heated at the same time and place. The different structure generated

only a tiny amount of electricity but still it is one great leap on the advancement of technology

that is easily done by anyone.


Background of the Study

Electricity is one of humanity's most significant technological advancements. It has now

become a part of our everyday lives, and one cannot think of a world without it. It is now a major

part of homes and businesses. Almost all the devices at home, businesses and, industries are

running because of electricity and in the Philippines, there are remote areas where electricity is

scarce. According to an article, Philippines is experiencing a severe summer-power crisis mostly

from April to May. These months represent the time of summer but in some places it is labelled

as “summer brownouts”. “Brownouts” are also referred as voltage reductions where power

outages or blackouts occur due to seasonal dry spell making water reservoirs dry and resulting to

Hydropower Plant producing less electricity which is not enough for all, thus they shut down

their operation. This is a practice that is fairly common in the Southern island of Mindanao

(Rood, 2015).

In the Philippines, 16 million people do not have access to electricity and there is much

greater lack of electricity throughout rural areas compared to urban areas, and about half of the

country's total population still relies on conventional biomass for cooking. Last year, the

National Grid Corporation of the Philippines issued a red alert, it happens when demand is likely

to exceed the available generating capacity due to forced and unplanned interruption of several

coal-fired plants and de-rating capacity. The Meralco group has been pressing for increased

supply, adding that power generation "will be a game changer." The Philippines is facing a
looming energy crisis, and general concern for the availability and price of electricity has been a

feature in the Philippines for years. Liay, L.C (2016)

On April 19, 2018, former Baguio City Mayor, Mauricio Domogan signed a city

ordinance No. 43 series of 2018 requiring all government offices and public facilities to use

energy conservation technologies like LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) light bulbs and renewable

energy systems to save on energy, power bills, and for a clean environment. The ordinance aims

to reduce energy consumption and lower the expenses of the city. The ordinance mandates

government facilities such as schools, office buildings, barangay halls, hospitals, health centers,

parks, and treatment plants, to use energy-saving technologies like LED light bulbs and

renewable energy like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal.

Renewable energy sources are literally found everywhere on the physical structure of the

planet, in accordance with article SunPower (2019). It is found deep underground, or through

bodies of water and sunlight. This source of energy is continually replaced by natural means or

they literally cannot run out of it. These are also known as “alternative energy” because they can

be a replacement for conventional fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which cannot be a source of

renewable energy as it is restricted. Alternative energy sources with their manufacturing process

are known to be more environmentally safe than coals which affect the environment. Alternative

sources of energy are very important because they give less pollution. There are five forms of

alternative energy that are naturally produced, and these are found by sunlight, wind, energy

inside the earth, water flow, and kinetic energy.

Wind energy is another type of alternative source of energy capturing the flow of wind

through wind turbines which be converted into electricity. Another form of renewable energy is
energy coming from the Earth's interior, or also known as geothermal energy. It is in the form of

heat that is contained in the deep surfaces of hot water and warm rock reservoirs that are miles

below the earth's surface. Energy is also present in the flow of water also known as hydroelectric

energy. One way to extract energy from flowing water is through waterwheel that pours down

the turbine blade which causes it to spin and generate electricity. Ocean energy can be

subdivided into two types: thermal energy from the sun's heat and mechanical energy from tide

and wave motions.

An alternative energy source is also available which is produced by mechanical means.

Bioenergy derived from a biomass, wherein it refers to any organic material that comes from

plants or animals that have recently been living.

Solar energy is obtained by absorbing and transforming the energy from the sun into heat.

Photovoltaic systems are solar cells which use a process known as the photovoltaic effect to

convert solar radiation into electricity. During this process, the materials in the solar cell produce

electrons when exposed to the photons in sunlight. A photovoltaic cell's ultimate efficiency in

converting sunlight into electrical energy is around 20 percent, and large areas of solar cells are

needed to generate useful amount of power.

Solar energy is likely to continue to exist in the future so much that people can think of it as

unending. It is essentially renewable, unlike fossil fuels which run out as it is used. Furthermore,

the use of solar energy does not cause air pollution or affect the surface of the Earth. It does not

require extreme and expensive extraction procedures.

According to Shaikh et al. (2017) solar energy is becoming economical in the coming years

as it grows as a better technology in terms of cost and applications. It is an unlimited source of

energy that comes at no cost. Solar's major advantage over other conventional power production

is that the use of the smallest photovoltaic (PV) solar cells will directly transform sunlight into

solar energy.

According to Kinhal (n.d), solar power can avoid climate change as it produces no carbon

emissions. Solar panel carbon footprint can be offset in as quickly as 4 years. In contrast to large

centralized energy conversion operated by large corporations, solar energy is so accessible that it

can be generated directly by end consumers on a small scale. It can be easily installed on

rooftops of individual buildings or houses. In the United States, solar energy production ranked

5th as one of the most well-known businesses that brought thousands of people jobs.

According to the article Sun Power (2019) Solar panel works when photons hit a solar cell

(PV cells), that knock electrons loose from their atoms then an electrical circuit is formed. When

the conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides of a cell, it will form an electric

circuit, which generates electricity.

Solar panel cannot be afforded by everyone so the researchers found an alternative way to

use solar cells. This is more cost efficient and can be easily made. Blu-ray discs components are

used as a light trapping devices. Research reveals that the unusual colors of a Blu-ray disc is also

capable of capturing light to generate green energy. The colors seen are formed through the

process called structural color. Solar cells, like Blu-ray discs must capture light. Other solar

devices that have been shown to raise the efficiency of solar panel is networks of microscopic

ridges which are carved on it. However, these patterns are difficult to create and expensive

making real word applications impractical.

According to the article Solar Panel Using Blu-Ray (BR) Light Trapping Technology, the

Blu-ray disc solar panel design is capable of trapping light. The sun ray falls on the Blu-ray disc

that is used to power the electrons inside the disc. The disc consists of unique quasi random

pattern of 150-525nm which is repeating and perfectly tuned for light (photons) trapping. The

trapped photons is used to accelerate the electrons form the Blu-ray disc then flow through the

copper wire which is regulated by the Zener diode (Patel 2018). According to Fellman (2014)

Blu-ray Disc contains a higher density of data than DVD’s or CD’s, and it is this quasi-random

pattern, perfected by engineers over decades for data storage, that, when transferred to the

surface of solar cells, provides the right texture to improve the cells light absorption and

performance. Even if people try different genres of film the content of the video doesn't matter.

All worked equally well to enhance light absorption.

Copper is another component which makes the alternative solar panel work. Hence, it is

known as a great electricity conductor; it can also store solar energy from the sun. According to

Kundig (2007), for many years, copper and its alloys have been part of renewable and other

"green" energy systems. Less well known is the function of copper which can be used in solar-

based electrical power production. It promises to become equally valuable in photovoltaic (PV)

systems. Such system produces electricity to certain semiconductors through the behavior of the


Due to the need of electricity, the researchers want to innovate a source of energy that is

efficient and is healthy for the environment and the use of solar power is their chosen topic as

their focus. According to the article “What is solar energy and how do solar panel works”, the

sun releases tiny packets of energy called photons, which travels the 93 million miles from the

sun to earth in about 8.5 minutes. Where in an hour, enough photons can have an impact to the
planet to generate solar energy to theoretically satisfy global energy needs for an entire year. In

an International Energy Agency report in 2017 it reveals that solar has become the world's fastest

growing power source.

The researchers created an alternative solar panel using Blu- Ray discs, copper wire, and

zener diode (Blu-Code) which have been based on past researches entitled, Solar Panel Using

Blu-Ray (BR) Light Trapping Technology that showed Blu-Code alone can work as an

alternative solar panel and Blu-Ray Disc Can Be Used to Improve Solar Cell Performance. The

Blu-Code does not only have one structure but the researchers made and tested three structures to

find out if there was a difference between the energy produced by the different structures. These

structures are concave, convex, and simply flat. According to Ticak (2019), concave is a shape

which curves inward and the inside part of a bowl would be an example of this. In geometry, it is

a polygon greater than 180 degrees, with at least one inner angle. The concave is a shape that

bends inwards and that would be an example of the inside portion of a pipe. In geometry, it is a

polygon greater than 180 degrees, with an inner angle of at least one. A flat design is a style

utilizing plain, two-dimensional elements. It is contrasted to the skeuomorphic style that gives

illusion of 3 dimensions through copying real-life properties.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify which structure was best for the Blu-Code. Specifically, it

answered the following questions:

1. In terms of voltage, what is the average of the energy produced by the different structure using

the Voltmeter?
2. Is there a significant difference between the energy stored by the Blu-Code with regards to

their structure?

Research Objectives

This study aimed to:

1. Determine the average quantity output of the Blue-Code with the different structures.

2. Identify if there is a significant difference between the energy stored by the Blu-Code with

the different structures.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will redound to the benefit of the society considering that

electricity plays a very important role in the community. This study is significant in finding an

alternative way to generate electricity through solar energy without spending too much. This

alternative solar panel is cost efficient and households consuming electricity would pay less with

their electric bills due to the generated electricity from this solar panel. The primary objection of

some people is that solar power involves huge installation cost. What people do not realize is

that, solar power is an investment for a very long time. This also promotes local job creation, if

people would be interested in assembling and installing this alternative solar panel, they would

be able to create a job for themselves. Factories that manufacture solar panels can also benefit in

a way that they will know if the structure that they are using is more efficient in harnessing

energy from the sun. It is a clean renewable energy source with clean production methods and

the environment would not be polluted. Electricity production from this alternative solar panel

would mean there is less smog, less acid rain and less greenhouse gases on the atmosphere.

Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study is to be able identify the average quantity output of the Blu-

Code using the voltmeter. The materials used for the prototype were Blu-Ray Discs, Copper

wires and Zener Diode. The prototypes were installed at Saint Louis School, Inc. and the

researchers used experimental research design under quantitative approach.

Operational Definitions

Harness - control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce electricity.

Innovation - the introduction of something new.

Photon - a particle representing a quantum light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon

carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.

Photovoltaic - is the conversion of light into electricity using semi-conducting materials that

exhibit the photovoltaic effect.

Quasi - seemingly; apparently but not really

Redound - to have a result that will be an advantage to someone.

Renewable - capable of being replaced by natural ecological cycles or sound management


Reservoir - a supply or source of something.

Skeuomorphic - ornament or design representing a utensil or implement.

Zener Diode - a form of semi-conductor diode in which at a critical reverse voltage, a large

reverse current can flow.


Research Design

The researchers utilized quantitative approach specifically experimental research design

for the study. Experimental research is any research conducted with a scientific approach, where

a set of variables are kept constant while the other set of variables are being measured as the

subject of experiment. In this study, the independent variable is the structure of the solar panel

while the dependent variable is the amount of energy read by the voltmeter. The research was

experimental, in which the different structures were tested to determine the most effective one.

This study aimed to determine the energy production and identify if there was a significant

difference in the different solar panel structures.

Data Gathering Tool

In this study, the researchers collected quantitative data which are the amount of energy

produced by the alternative solar panels. To be able to gather these data, the researchers created

an alternative solar panel using Blu-ray disc and copper wires. It was based on the DIY solar

panel in an article written by Shaikh (2018). The researchers used a recording sheet to gather
data needed to observe and to determine the power output and performance of the alternative

solar panel. For the measurement of the power output, the researchers used a voltmeter to acquire

voltage which the alternative solar panel has produced for the testing period. A voltmeter is an

instrument used for measuring electric voltage.

Data Gathering Procedure

The making of the product was held at the ACE Hub in Saint Louis School Inc. In order

for the Blu-Code to be created, the researchers needed Blu-Ray Discs, Copper Wire 21 (copper

size), Zener diode (18v) and voltmeter. Wires were used to connect the Blu-Code to the

designated charge of the voltmeter. The disc acted as the plate where the copper wire and zener

diode was placed. The copper was coiled and placed around the disc and the zener diode was

connected to the copper wire. After making a total of 12 Blu-Code discs it was placed on top of

the different structures, each having three disc on one structure. The Blu-code was installed and

placed at the school rooftop. The test was done from 1:30-2:30 PM as it is the high time of the

day for the sun to shine. The three structures were tested simultaneously at the same time having

five trials in total. After every trial the researchers recorded the voltage output of each Blu-Code

structures every after 15 minutes of contact to the sun. A Data sheet was used to record the data

from the test.

Treatment of Data

The researchers used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to determine if there would be a

significant difference between the energy produced by the different Blu-Code structures.

According to Singh et.,al. (2018) ANOVA is a statistical technique that is used to check if the

means of three or more groups are significantly different from each other. ANOVA checks the
impact of one or more factors by comparing the means of different samples. Three comparison

was also done to each structures specifically: Flat and Concave, Concave and Convex, and lastly

Flat and Convex. The data was analyzed using a two-tailed t-test.

An alternative and null hypothesis will be presented for the statistical test to prove stating

whether there is a significant difference between the energy produced by the different Blu-Code

structures. They are as follows:

 Ho: There is no significant differences among the energy stored by the different Blu-

Code structures (Concave, Convex, and Flat).

 Ha: There is a significant difference among the energy stored by the different Blu-Code

structures (Concave, Convex, and Flat)


The study was conducted to determine the quantity output of each Blu-Code with

different structures and to know if there is a significant difference between the three structure

which are: Flat, Concave, and Convex.

Table 1. Comparative Analysis on the Gathered Raw Data

Time Flat Concave Convex

1:30 PM 0.050 v 0.035 v 0.037 v
1:45 PM 0.054 v 0.032 v 0.037 v
2:00 PM 0.057 v 0.034 v 0.027 v
2:15 PM 0.053 v 0.021 v 0.032 v
2:30 PM 0.050 v 0.018 v 0.030 v

Table 1 shows the raw data that has been gathered of each structure. As shown at the

table above, the amount of voltage produced by the Blu-Code panel with the Flat structure ranges

from 0.050v – 0.057v in the span of one hour. The amount of voltage produced by the Blu-Code
panel with the concave structure varies from 0.018v-0.035v. While the amount of voltage

produced by the Blu-Code panel with the convex structure ranges to 0.027v-0.037.

0.06 Comparative
0.05 Analysis on the Average of the 3 Structures
0.04 0.03
0.03 0.03

Flat Concave Convex

Table 2. Average of the Different Structure

Table 2 specifically answers the question: In terms of voltage, what is the average of the energy

produced by the different structure using the Voltmeter. The flat structure acquired an average

of 0.0528 v within the 5 trials done. Blu- Code with a concave structure has an average of 0.028

v. While Blu- code with the convex structure has an average of 0.0326 v.

The researchers used One Way ANOVA to answer the question: “Is there a significant

difference between the three Blu-Code Structures. Thus, if the P-value of each variable is less

than or equal to 0.5, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Table 3. Comparative Analysis using One Way ANOVA on the significant differences of the three

structures on terms of voltage.

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.00174 2 0.00087 28.84641 2.61E-05 3.885294
Within Groups 0.00036 12 3.02E-05      
Total 14        

The null hypothesis states that between the three structures there is no significant

difference between the amount of voltage produces by each of the three structures while the

alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference.

As shown in Table 3, the p-value =2.61x10 -5 < .01, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected at

1% level of significance. This further implies that there is a high significant difference between

the amounts of voltage produced by each of the three structures.

The researchers also used independent t-test and took the comparative analysis between

each structure specifically among Flat and Convex structure, Concave and Convex structure, and

lastly Flat and Convex structure.

Table 4. Comparative Analysis between Flat and Concave structure using t-Test: Two-Sample

Assuming Equal Variances.

Flat Concave
Mean 0.0528 0.028
Variance 8.7E-06 6.25E-05
Observations 5 5
Pooled Variance 3.56E-05
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 8
t Stat 6.571987
P(T<=t) one-tail 8.72E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.859548
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000174
t Critical two-tail 2.306004
The null hypothesis states that between the two structures there is no significant difference.

While the alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference between the amounts

of voltage within the two structures. Since the p-value=0.000174< .01, there is a high significant

difference between the flat and concave structure.

  Concave Convex
Mean 0.028 0.0326
Variance 6.25E-05 1.93E-05
Observations 5 5
Pooled Variance 4.09E-05
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 8
t Stat -1.13728
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.144168
t Critical one-tail 1.859548
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.288337
t Critical two-tail 2.306004  
Table 5. Comparative Analysis between Concave and Convex structure using t-Test: Two-

Sample Assuming Equal Variance

The null hypothesis states that between the two structures there is no significant difference.

While the alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference between the amounts

of voltage within the two structures. Since the p-value=0.288337> .1, there is no significant

difference between the concave and convex structure.

Flat Convex
Mean 0.0528 0.0326
Variance 0.0000087 1.93E-05
Observations 5 5
Pooled Variance 0.000014
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 8
t Stat 8.536057973
P(T<=t) one-tail 1.36494E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.859548038
P(T<=t) two-tail 2.72989E-05
t Critical two-tail 2.306004135
Table 6. Comparative Analysis between Flat and Convex structure using t-Test: Two-Sample

Assuming Equal Variances.

The null hypothesis states that between the two structures there is no significant difference.

While the alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference between the amounts

of voltage within the two structures. Since the p-value=2.72989E-05< .01, there is a high

significant difference between the flat and convex structure.



The research was conducted to prove the effectiveness of the prototype in terms of

producing electricity and to determine if there is a significant difference between the amounts of

voltage produce by each of the Blu-Code structures. The researchers used voltmeter to measure

the energy produced for one hour. Based on the information gathered, the three structures are

effective and has acquired a voltage that has been measured. There was a high significant

difference between the amounts of voltage in the three structures based on the data generated.

The researchers conclude that it is an effective source of electricity and that the flat structure was

rationally the best structure for the Blu-Code.


The researchers Blu-Code as an alternative solar panel can still have many improvements

given enough knowledge and time. The researchers gathered only a tiny amount of electricity but

there are still dozens of possibilities in making it more efficient. For it to generate more voltage

try palcing more Blu-Code disc that can be enough to store in a battery. The researchers estimate

it up to more than 40 discs. Having more zener diodes can also affect the increase flow of

electricity in the panel. Also having more copper coils in the disc can be the reason of less output

for the reason that the further electricity travels it loses voltage in the way to the output. So using

less copper coils might help. One more important thing is to have an expert of this field to guide

and help in knowing what is to be done.


Based solar cells: Good for the environment, Good for the Consumer. (n.d). Retrieved
Fellman, M. (n.d). Blu-Ray Disc Can Be Used to Improve Solar Cell Performance.
Retrieved from:
Liay, L.C (2016, April 3). Energy Crisis in the Philippines: An Electricity or Presidential
Power Shortage? Retrieved from:
Patel, Prashant. (2018). Solar Panel Using Blu-Ray (BR) Light Trapping Technology.
Retrieved from
Rizwan, Mohd &Waghmare, Santosh & Labade, Suvarna & Fuke, Pooja & Tekale, Anil.
(2017). A Review Paper on Electricity Generation from Solar Energy. Retrieved from
Sta. Ana, G. K. (2019). An experimental study on light sensitive direct current motor to
produce electricity for lighting purposes. Baguio City: Saint Louis School, Inc.
SunPower, (2019, June 26). A Complete Guide to 7 Renewable Energy Sources.
Retrieved from:
SunPower, (2019, June 26). What is Solar Energy and How Do Solar Panel Works
Retrieved from:
Times, J. M. T. (2014, November 25). How Your Blu-Ray Discs Could Improve Solar
Cells. Retrieved from

Appendix A. Letter to the Principal

Appendix B. Letter to the DOST
Appendix C. Flat Structure

1:30 PM 2:15 PM

1:45 PM 2:30 PM

2:00 PM
Appendix B. Concave Structure
1:30 PM 2:15 PM

1:45 PM 2:30 PM

2:00 PM
Appendix C. Convex Structure
1:30 PM 1:45 PM

2:00 PM 2:15 PM

2:30 PM

Senior High School Student

25 Purok 6, Bakakeng Norte, Baguio City, Benguet, 2600, Philippines

[email protected]

+63 950 701 0157


Seminar – Workshop on basics of AutoCAD and SketchUp

Saint Louis School Inc. High School Department

November 2019

Seminar – Statistics Talk

Saint Louis School Inc. Elementary Department

September 2019


Senior High School (Present)

Saint Louis School Inc. High School Department

August 2018 - May 2020

Outstanding Student
Junior High School

Bakakeng National High School

June 2014 – May 2018

With honors



Proficient in literacy and technical writing as part of research making process

Computer and Technical Literacy

Proficient in Microsoft Office


Able to handle work and personal time


Filipino – Proficient (Spoken and Written)

English – Proficient (Spoken and Written)

Ilocano – Proficient (Spoken and Written)


Member of Science of Investigation, Knowledge, and Logical Observation (SIKLO)


Date of Birth: May 14, 2002

Nationality: Filipino

Ms. Diona Rose M. Macaburas

Adviser/ Teacher

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department


Senior High School Student

39 San Roque Village, Baguio City, Benguet, 2600 Philippines

[email protected]

+63 921 666 6365


Seminar – Workshop on basics of AutoCAD and SketchUp

Saint Louis School Inc. High School Department

November 2019

Seminar – Statistical Tool and Treatment of Data

Saint Louis School Inc. Elementary Department

September 2019


Senior High School (Present)

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department

PAASCU Re- accredited Level II

Best Performing Private School in Cordillera (2016)

August 2018 – May 2020

Quirino Highway, Nagulian Rd., Baguio City

Junior High School

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department

PAASCU Re- accredited Level II

Best Performing Private School in Cordillera (2016)

June 2014 – May 2018

Quirino Highway, Nagulian Rd., Baguio City



Proficient in literacy and technical writing as part of research making process


Can work under pressure and manage situations in life

Computer and Technical Literacy

Proficient in using the Microsoft Office

Work Ethics

Has the ability to work with others well; willing to learn and aims for excellence; seeks

help/advices from professionals

Filipino – Proficient (Spoken and Written)

English – Proficient (Spoken and Written)


Member of Science of Investigation, Knowledge, and Logical Observation (SIKLO)


Date of birth: August 29, 2001

Nationality: Filipino


Ms. Diona Rose M. Macaburas

Adviser/ Teacher

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department


Senior High School Student

Banangan Sablan, Benguet

[email protected]

+63 910 257 4944


Seminar – Workshop on basics of AutoCAD and SketchUp

Saint Louis School Inc. High School Department

November 2019

Seminar – Statistical Tool and Treatment of Data

Saint Louis School Inc. Elementary Department

September 2019

Senior High School (Present)

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department

August 2018 - May 2020

Quirino Highway, Naguilian Rd., Baguio City

Awards: Outstanding (Grade 11)

Junior High School

Saint Joseph De Mary Academy

August 2016 – May 2018

Irisan, Harvester

Awards: With honor

Saint Louis School of Sablan

June 2014 – April 2016


Awards: With honor



Proficient in literacy and technical writing as part of research making process


Can work under pressure and manage situations in life

Team Management

Effective in leading and managing teams to make sure projects are completed successfully
Work Ethics

Has a pleasing personality and is able to work with others well

Computer and Technical Literacy

Has skills in using the Microsoft Office


Filipino – Proficient (Spoken and Written)

English – Proficient (Spoken and Written)

Ilocano – Proficient (Spoken and Written)


Member of Science of Investigation, Knowledge, and Logical Observation (SIKLO)


Date of Birth: October 29, 2001

Nationality: Filipino


Ms. Diona Rose M. Macaburas

Adviser/ Teacher

Saint Louis School Inc. – High School Department

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