Audit Report Nimko Factory (Shafiq Mor 29th May 2021)

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Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

Product ingredient “Calcium Propionate” bag Package integrity should consider on a top
found damaged in General Store. priority since any dis integrity may lead to
01 product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

02 Labor washroom found locked and from outside Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
Store Section area it appears to be so dirty. immediate basis to avoid such happenings

( Store Corridor, Grinding

03 Area & Main Store ) Hand sanitizer found dirty from downside area. Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
immediate basis to avoid such happenings

04 Can found containing Sweets inside without any Proper MRD including information such as
MRD or product identification in a rack in retort date of receiving, date of production and
room. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately.

05 Proper MRD including information such as

Packaging material with inadequate coverage date of receiving, date of production and
found without proper MRD in store corridor area. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately Package
integrity should consider on a top priority
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

since any dis integrity may lead to product

cross contamination issues and may have
adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Baisan Flour found without MRD in Grinding Proper MRD including information such as
06 room date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Store Section Under pallets area in grinding room found clean Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
07 with respect to floor but cow webs evidences areas on planned intervals to be carried out
( Store Corridor, Grinding observed on side fixture of pallets. followed up by a comprehensive IPM
Area & Main Store ) system needs to be introduced in the facility
to eliminate pest related issues.

Some pallets found rusty from downside in Rusty pellets need to be replaced with a
08 grinding room. suitable one.

09 Rusty pallet is being used for storage of “SOCFAT” Rusty pellets need to be replaced with a
in store Corridor. suitable one.

Eating evidences such tea cups along with tea Eating practices other than designated area
10 found in store corridor area on a pallet that such as canteen should be prohibited for all
contains packaging material bags. food handling employees and associates in
food related operational areas.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

Proper MRD including information such as

Peanuts bags found without any identification date of receiving, date of production and
11 and MRD in grinding room. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Shoe mark evidence observed on a Bag

12 containing Packaging material in Main Store A comprehensive training with respect to “
reflects an impact that food handlers may not GMP “ protocols to be carried out on
follow GMP protocols while handling storage immediate basis

Rodent Droppings (Probably Norway Rat ) A comprehensive IPM system needs to be

13 observed in Main Store near “ Backel “ bags. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.

Food handlers found wearing domestic slippers All food handlers need to wear proper shoes
14 with open sides from front and / or from side that are completely covered to avoid
areas may have potential to pose cross contamination chances.
contamination risk.

Chakki Flour bags found without MRD in grinding Proper MRD including information such as
room. date of receiving, date of production and
15 expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

16 A plastic bag found containing peanuts inside Proper MRD including information such as
without any MRD & identification tag. date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability

norms are carried out adequately

17 Primary packaging bag rolls “ Chipsino “ found Package integrity should consider on a top
kept in main store without any liner or covering. priority since any dis integrity may lead to
product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Under pallet area found dirty and dusty from Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
18 inside in Main store. areas on planned intervals to be carried out
followed up by a comprehensive IPM
system needs to be introduced in the facility
to eliminate pest related issues.

Under pallet area found containing cotton waste Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
19 and rodents droppings in main store.Non food areas on planned intervals to be carried out
chemicals such as “ Antiscalant “ found kept with followed up by a comprehensive IPM
food items “ Olpers “ and “ Saf- Instant “ in min system needs to be introduced in the facility
store. to eliminate pest related issues. A
comprehensive IPM system needs to be
introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.

20 “ Olien OIL “ found with only receiving date in Proper MRD including information such as
with no proper MRD available in main store. date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability

norms are carried out adequately

“ First Aid “ box found being kept in main store Since first aid contains some chemicals that
21 instead of “ Time Office “. are not food grade and first aid practices are
only allowed in an area that is away from
food operations usually time office, inhouse
factory dispensaries are considered to be
use as area for first aid practices.

Some Expired tea whitener found with brand “ FIFO follow-ups to be made on realistic
22 Every Day “ in main store. approach to avoid any traceability failures
that may lead to product expiry.

All kinds of unidentified commodity weather

Product Carton “ Pheni “ found being used for product, ingredient, or its container, or any
23 keeping store general items. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
contamination furthermore Hazardous
chemicals and possibly reacting nonfood
items need to be kept away from food
storage area.

Rodent dropping observed on an unidentified A comprehensive IPM system needs to be

24 container in main store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues.

25 Main store found mismanaged as commodities Store should me managed adequately by

observed to be kept in scattered manner and has following 5S phenomena to make area
potential for pest harborage. hygienic with respect to food operations.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

Ingredient Product bags “ Bakels “ found without Proper MRD including information such as
26 any proper MRD in Main Store. date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Ingredient Product bag “ SSL “ found with no Proper MRD including information such as
27 identification or no any proper MRD in Main date of receiving, date of production and
Store. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Rodent dropping observed on a packet / pouch of A comprehensive IPM system needs to be

28 product ingredient “SSL “in main store. introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
related issues

“ Sonth Powder “ found with a identification Proper MRD including information such as
29 written Manually with no proper MRD available date of receiving, date of production and
in main store. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

“Non Food Chemical “found kept in a “ Pakola “ All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
30 bottle in main store room with no identification product, ingredient, or its container, or any
& MRD details. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

contamination furthermore Hazardous

chemicals and possibly reacting nonfood
items need to be kept away from food
storage area.
Avoid chemicals that have no TDS or MSDS
A strong chemical control program should
be in place to avoid in misuse that may
induce severe health and food safety

Dal Chinni found with manually written Manually written MRDs are not acceptable
identification & MRD in raw material store. only printed MRDs area allowed with proper
31 product detail and identification.

Expired Seasoning for “ Potato slims “ found FIFO follow-ups to be made on realistic
32 expired with date of filling “ 01-05-2021 and with approach to avoid any traceability failures
expiry instruction use with in 01 month in raw that may lead to product expiry.
material store.

33 Insect cutter found fused / out of order near EFKs need to ensure that working effectively
corridor area and raw material store. as per intended purpose.

34 Chemical spillage observed in store corridor and All floors need to be kept clean all the time
Finished good warehouse area during and after food operations.

Expired Seasoning for “ Vegetables “ found FIFO follow-ups to be made on realistic

35 expired with date of filling “ 01-05-2021 and with approach to avoid any traceability failures
expiry instruction use with in 01 month in raw that may lead to product expiry.
material store
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

Eating evidence observed such as cup of tea Eating practices other than designated area
36 along with tea inside found in main store. such as canteen should be prohibited for all
food handling employees and associates in
food related operational areas.

Entrance to finish goods area found to All Area should me managed adequately by
01 accumulate with so much scrap / thrash kind of following 5S phenomena to make area
things such as damaged cartons converted in to hygienic with respect to food operations.
slip sheets were found scattered in finished good
Finished Goods Store

02 Damaged cartons found containing finished Package integrity should consider on a top
product inside in finished goods store. priority since any dis integrity may lead to
product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

03 Some cartons containing finished products found Package integrity should consider on a top
inadequately covered in finished goods store. priority since any dis integrity may lead to
product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

Pallets underside area found dusty and dirty in Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
04 finished goods store. areas on planned intervals to be carried out
followed up by a comprehensive IPM
system needs to be introduced in the facility
to eliminate pest related issues

Some unidentified bags found in in finished goods All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
05 store product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

06 Product cartons over staking observed in finished Over staking most of the time lead to
goods store that may have an adverse impact on damage cartons and package disintegrity. Its
commodity top load. better reduce staking size to avoid any

07 Rodent cage found without any identification and A comprehensive IPM system needs to be
found containing food bait inside in Finished introduced in the facility to eliminate pest
Goods Store. related issues

08 Very low light lugs observed in finished goods More than 500 Lugs are recommended for
warehouse area. all areas associated with food operations.

Product Ingredient Till found without MRD & with Manually written MRDs are not acceptable
manually written Identification in bakery section. only printed MRDs area allowed with proper
product detail and identification
Bakery Section
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

02 Plastic Buckets being used for Ingredients found All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
dirty. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

03 Eating evidence such as “personal Food item Eating practices other than designated area
“found near Product ingredients “Sesame seed such as canteen should be prohibited for all
(till) in Bakery section. food handling employees and associates in
food related operational areas.

04 Hand sanitizer station found dirty from inside. Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
immediate basis to avoid such happenings

05 Dough Baking pans found rusty from sides in All rusty pans need to be replaced with a
bakery section. suitable one to avoid any cross

06 Broken tiles structure observed on walls in Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
bakery section need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach

07 Flaking paint evidence observed on roof ceiling in All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
bakery section. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

Food handlers found wearing domestic slippers All food handlers need to wear proper shoes
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

08 with exposure of foot in bakery section. that are completely covered to avoid
contamination chances.

09 Dirt and dust deposition observed in underside Adequate deep cleaning in hard to excess
area of dough mixer in baking section. areas on planned intervals to avoid such

10 Product ingredient “ Vital Gluten “ found with Manually written MRDs are not acceptable
manually written MRD in bakery section. only printed MRDs are allowed with proper
product detail and identification

11 Very low light lugs observed in “ Rusk “ packing More than 500 Lugs are recommended for
area in Bakery section. all areas associated with food operations

Hand washing station area in bakery section

12 Found extremely dirty. Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
immediate basis to avoid such happenings

13 Drain found open in hand washing station area in All drains need to be kept covered to avoid
bakery section. pest harborage issues.

Wooden handled knife found being used in Since wooden material is not recommended
01 Nimko Section. in food operations to avoid such possibilities
select a suitable substitute weather food
grade Teflon material or any other adequate
material that is accepted in food industries.
Nimko Section

02 Food handlers found wearing domestic slippers All food handlers need to wear proper shoes
with exposure of foot in Nimko section. that are completely covered to avoid
contamination chances.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

An unidentified cooler found being used for All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
03 drinking water. product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

A product packaging container usually use for All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
sweets filling found being used water drinking product, ingredient, or its container, or any
glass in nimko section. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

Flaking paint observed on ceiling structure in All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
nimko frying section. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

Peanuts bags found without any MRD in Nimko Proper MRD including information such as
section. date of receiving, date of production and
expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Expired Seasoning “ Coated Peanut “ found with FIFO follow-ups to be made on realistic
date of production “ 04-11-2020: with expiry approach to avoid any traceability failures
instruction “ use within 06 Months “ that may lead to product expiry. Proper
MRD including information such as date of
receiving, date of production and expiry
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

date / limit should be in place on all

commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately. Strict
FIFO follows ups to be carried out with
strong “Good Storage Practices & Protocols
to avoid such happenings.

08 Temporary maintenance evidences such as open Temporary maintenance works need to be

wiring issue observed in multiple areas in nimko super finished on immediate basis

01 Flaking paint observed on roof ceiling in chips All flaking and sprouting paints issues need
frying section. to be fixed on priority to avoid any physical
and / or chemical contamination chances

02 Broken / damage tile structure observed in chips Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
section need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach
Chips section Skimmer found tied from handle side with a
03 clothe that has potential to be immersed in food Temporary maintenance works need to be
product and may cause contamination. super finished on immediate basis.
Furthermore any suitable material handle
should be use in food operations

Low light lugs observed in Chips production hall. More than 500 Lugs are recommended for
04 all areas associated with food operations

05 Eating evidence observed such as cup of tea Eating practices other than designated area
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

found in Chips Hall. such as canteen should be prohibited for all

food handling employees and associates in
food related operational areas.

06 Wall side fixture has gap in washing section in All gaps of more than 5 mm need to be fixed
chips hall. on priority to avoid pest harborage.

Chips section
07 Drain cover found missing in washing section All drains need to be kept covered to avoid
near chips hall. pest harborage issues.

08 Hand sanitizer dispenser found empty in chips All hand sanitation dispenser need to be
section washing station. filled on a frequent period to avoid any
unhygienic scenario.

09 Broken tile fixture observed on wall structure in Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
chips section. need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach

Skimmer found tied from handle side with a Temporary maintenance works need to be
clothe that has potential to be immersed in food super finished on immediate basis
product and may cause contamination. Furthermore any suitable material handle
should be use in food operations
Phenni Dept.
Hand sanitizer dispenser found empty in chips All hand sanitation dispenser need to be
section washing station. filled on a frequent period to avoid any
unhygienic scenario.

03 Some local dish washing soap cakes found in Proper MRD including information such as
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

washing section of phenni dept without any date of receiving, date of production and
MSDS availability. expiry date / limit should be in place on all
commodities to make assure operational
functions such FIFO/FEFO & traceability
norms are carried out adequately

Phenni premix found uncovered and unidentified All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
04 in phenni section product, ingredient, or its container, or any
Phenni Dept. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

All kinds of unidentified commodity weather

05 An unidentified bottle found in phenni dept product, ingredient, or its container, or any
utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

06 Eating evidence observed such as cup of tea Eating practices other than designated area
along with tea inside found in Phenni Dept. such as canteen should be prohibited for all
food handling employees and associates in
food related operational areas.

01 Open wiring evidence observed in Filling / Temporary maintenance works need to be

packing area. super finished on immediate basis

Filling / Packing Section

02 Multiple weighing scales found out of order in All weighing scales need to be calibrated
Filling / packing area. and effective as per intended use.
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

03 Ceiling fans found in different rooms infilling / Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
packing area. immediate basis to avoid such happenings

04 Broken tile / damage floor evidence observed in Immediate fixture of broken Tile / floor
Filling / packing area corridor. need to be paved / fixed on priority to keep
food manufacturing operations smooth with
rational food safety approach

Filling / Packing Section

05 Insect cutter found out of order in Packing / All EFKs need to assessed on periodic
Filling Area. interval to assure that all EFKs are effective
as per their intended purpose.

Some Damaged Packing of “ Nimko Item” found Package integrity should consider on a top
06 containing “ Nimko” inside observed in Nimko priority since any dis integrity may lead to
Packing / Filling Area. product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Damaged packs containing “ Nimko” inside found Package integrity should consider on a top
07 without product identification and MRD in filling / priority since any dis integrity may lead to
packing Area. product cross contamination issues and may
have adverse effect on product shelf life.
All products package integrity should be
evaluated on frequent basis to avoid such

Eating Evidence as pice of dry bread observed on Eating practices other than designated area
08 window fixture in Filling / Packing section. such as canteen should be prohibited for all
Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Nimko Factory Shafiq Mor.

S.No# Area SFA Clause # Finding Recommendation Correction Time Follow up

( To be filled by Date
Auditee )

food handling employees and associates in

food related operational areas.

Filling / Packing Section

09 Some bags found without identification and MRD All kinds of unidentified commodity weather
containing “Zeera Papdi “ in Filling / Packing product, ingredient, or its container, or any
Area. utensils and / or equipment should be
identified with its dedicated purpose only to
avoid any occurrence of cross

Most of the toilet area found locked and rest of Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
01 area / section found extremely dirty with massive immediate basis to avoid such happenings
unhygienic signs.

No Hand Dryer is installed in hand washing area Adequate number of Hand Dryers needs to
02 be in place at all hand washing stations in all
Top Floor & Toilet Area factories

03 Bar dana, trays found scattered and without any All areas need to be managed adequately to
pallets dropped on floor directly in a mismanaged execute food operations in a hygienic
way on roof top area. environment.

04 Employees locker room found dirty and dusty

with massive signals of unhygienic practices. Prompt cleaning practices to be adopted on
immediate basis to avoid such happenings

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