United King Foods (PVT) LTD Internal Audit / Inspection Findings Against SFA Checklist Sharfabad Outlet

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Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

1. Underside of racks and pallet found extremely dirty A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Major Branch Manager &
along with rodent dropping (Norway rat) found in carried out to avoid such circumstances furthermore A IPM Service
main store. comprehensive IPM system needs to be introduced in Provider
the facility to eliminate pest related issues.
2. Broken biscuits or Biscuits Choora found kept in Date of discard should be mentioned with any discard Improvement Area Incharge
plastic container without mentioned date of discard product. Needed
on it.
3. Temporary maintenance evidences such as open Temporary maintenance works need to be super Improvement Maintenance
Store wiring and damaged bulb holder observed in main finished on immediate basis Needed
4. EFK found heavily accumulated with zapped dead A comprehensive IPM system needs to be introduced in Improvement IPM Service
domestic flies inside its tray and on its interior fixture the facility to eliminate pest related issues. Needed Provider
near entrance to main store.
5. Over stacking observed of finished products chipsino 5s protocol should be follow to adopt good storage Improvement Area Incharge
cartons in main store practices. Needed
6. Dead domestic flies found sticked on roof ceiling A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
structure of main store carried out to avoid such circumstances Needed Branch Manager
1. Lift Area Lift area found extremely dirty with dust and dirt. A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Branch Manager
carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed
1. Wooden handled utensils (Cleaning brush) found Since wooden material is not recommended in food Minor Branch Manager &
kept next to packing dept. operations as it creates opportunity with respect to Procurement
Packing pest harborage and other critical food safety concerns
Department that may lead to severe cross contamination.
2. Cleaning issues such as dirt and dust accumulation A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
observed on exhaust fan screening, pedestrian fan carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed Maintenance
and roof ceiling fan of packing dept.
1. Wooden handled knives found kept in variety dept Since wooden material is not recommended in food Minor Branch Manager &
Variety operations as it creates opportunity with respect to Procurement
Department pest harborage and other critical food safety concerns
that may lead to severe cross contamination.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

2. Widely open gap for ventilation found at the Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure that no Improvement Maintenance
entrance wall of variety department. opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be closed out Needed
since this much gap is sufficient enough for pest
entrance and harborage
3. Flaking paint observed on roof ceiling structures All flaking and sprouting paints issues need to be fixed Improvement Maintenance
along with wall side fixture found damaged in variety on priority to avoid any physical and / or chemical Needed
dept. contamination chances.
4. Half used mayonnaise pouch found kept on ambient All perishable foods items should be kept stored in a Serious Area Incharge
environment whereas it was recommended on its temperature-controlled environment to inhibit
commercial packaging backside that “Refrigerate immediate / early deterioration of product or of
after opening. prolong freshness. Date of opening should be
mentioned on packets.
5. Variety Weighing Scale calibration and identification tags are All critical tools that variation may have an impact on Improvement Branch Manager
Department missing in variety dept. food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed
thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and identified
in all operational areas.
6. Freezer # 05 internal light fixture cover found missing Temporary maintenance works need to be super Improvement Maintenance
and its gasket found dirty furthermore an finished on immediate basis. Needed
unidentified freezer’s temperature monitoring
device found detached from its position in variety
7. Production table underside / base area found made Since wooden material is not recommended in food Improvement Branch Manager &
up of wooden material in variety dept. operations as it creates opportunity with respect to Needed Procurement
pest harborage and other critical food safety concerns
that may lead to severe cross contamination.
8. Make table fixture was manually tied with a piece of Administrative & Temporary maintenance works need Improvement Maintenance
cloth instead of permanent SS fixture intentionally to be super finished on immediate basis. Needed
tied for support in variety dept.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

9. Polyethylene bag containing personal used gravy All sorts of personal belongings should be kept in Serious Area Incharge
found kept in freezer with semi-finished products designated area.
Variety without any identification tag mentioned on it.
10. Department A Balloon piece found hang on roof ceiling hook just A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Major Area Incharge
above to making table so it may lead to physical and carried out to avoid such circumstances.
chemical hazard/contamination.
1. Alive German cockroach found crawling on stairs to A comprehensive IPM system needs to be introduced in Severe Serious IPM service
first floor. the facility to eliminate pest related issues. provider
2. Temporary maintenance evidence such as open Temporary maintenance works need to be super Minor Maintenance
Stairs Area wiring found in stair area which associated to fry and finished on immediate basis.
pizza dept.
3. Discard oil found kept with manually hand written Date of discard should be pasted with proper Serious Area Incharge &
date of discard in discard area. formatting. Branch Manager
1. Temporary maintenance evidence found such as Temporary / Preventive maintenance works need to be Serious Maintenance
light fixture cover with open wiring and gasket found super finished on immediate basis and Furthermore, A
dirty in unidentified freezers and Furthermore, prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be carried
temperature monitoring device found out of order. out to avoid such circumstances.
2. Non functional insect killer found just above to A comprehensive IPM system needs to be introduced in Improvement Maintenance &
unidentified freezer containing semi perishable the facility to eliminate pest related issues. Needed Branch Manager
product in rider’s area.
3. Rider’s Area Primary packaging materials found kept uncovered All product, raw material, packaging material, semi- Serious Branch Manager
along with bike helmet and empty Slice mango juice finished, product contact surface equipment are
pack that has very high potential to be contaminated supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid cross
with dust in rider’s area. contamination
4. A ventilation window found open for the pathway of Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure that no Severe Serious Maintenance
AC drainage pipe that creates opportunity for any opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be closed out
pest entrance to premises. since this much gap is sufficient enough for pest
entrance and harborage.
1. Pizza and Fry Temperature probe attached with wire found Temporary / Preventive maintenance works need to be Major Maintenance,
Department immersed in product oil, since it should not come in super finished on immediate basis. Kitchen Manager &

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

direct contact even it is made up of food grade Operation Manager

2. Internal fan fixture cover missing and temperature Temporary maintenance works need to be super Improvement Maintenance
monitoring device found out of calibrated in finished on immediate basis. Needed
refrigerator #01.
3. SS container containing sugar of more than 5mm gap Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure that no Serious Area Incharge
on its cover that has potential of cross contamination opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be closed out
since this much gap is sufficient enough for pest
entrance and harborage.
4. Foot operated waste bin found with out of order Adequate number of foot operated waste bins should Improvement Branch Manager
mechanism in pizza and fry dept. be installed in all food operational and associate areas Needed
with proper / intended working mechanism.
5. Half used Italian tomato base pouch and mayonnaise All perishable foods items should be kept stored in a Serious Area Incharge
Pizza and Fry found kept on ambient environment whereas it was temperature-controlled environment to inhibit
Department recommended on its commercial backside that immediate / early deterioration of product or of
“Refrigerate after opening. prolong freshness. Date of opening should be
mentioned on packets.
6. Wooden based handled utensils found in pizza and Since wooden material is not recommended in food Minor Procurement &
fry dept. operations as it creates opportunity with respect to Branch Manager
pest harborage and other critical food safety concerns
that may lead to severe cross contamination.
7. Exhaust fans found dirty as well as their louver A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
screening gap is more than 5mm in frying carried out to avoid such circumstances and Needed Maintenance
department. Furthermore, Fixed all gaps on immediate basis ensure
that no opening or gap of 5mm or more remain to be
closed out since this much gap is sufficient enough for
pest entrance and harborage.
8. Nestle Milk pack found open without date of opening All products, raw material, packaging material, semi- Serious Area Incharge
in pizza and fry dept. finished, product contact surface equipment are

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid cross

9. Temporary maintenance evidence such as open Temporary / Preventive maintenance works need to be Improvement Area Incharge &
wiring with light fixture and dirty fan fixture super finished on immediate basis and Furthermore, A Needed Maintenance
Pizza and Fry observed in visicooler #08 of pizza dept. prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be carried
Department out to avoid such circumstances
10. Poor pathetic condition of juicer/blander found in A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge
pizza and fry dept. carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed
11. Number of empty glass jars found kept tied in Since glass based material is not recommended in food Serious Area Incharge &
polyethylene bag in pizza and fry dept. industry according to food safety protocols. Branch Manager
1. Wooden handled utensils like scrapper found kept Since wooden material is not recommended in food Minor Procurement &
under rack of sweet dept. operations as it creates opportunity with respect to Branch Manager
pest harborage and other critical food safety concerns
that may lead to severe cross contamination.
2. Sweet SS buckets containing finished sweets found kept All product, raw material, packaging material, semi- Major Area Incharge
Department uncovered with evidence of foreign material inside finished, product contact surface equipment’s are
of sweets liquor in sweet dept supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid cross
3. Wall side fan fixture found dirty in sweet dept. A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed Maintenance
1. Locker room Number of employee lockers found damaged in Temporary maintenance works need to be super Minor Maintenance
locker room. finished on immediate basis
1. Primary packaging material such as envelopes used All product, raw material, packaging material, semi- Serious Ara Incharge
for fast food and cake boxes found kept uncovered finished, product contact surface equipment’s are
in first floor store. supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid cross
2. 1st floor Store Dry egg yolk content found spread on pallets that A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Serious Area Incharge
may create opportunity for salmonella outbreak. carried out to avoid such circumstances.
3. Under pallets area found accumulated with dirt, dust A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge
and debris in first floor store. carried out to avoid such circumstances. Needed

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

4. Exhaust fan found extremely dirty furthermore A prompt cleaning with proper surveillance to be Improvement Area Incharge &
without any safety cover in first floor store. carried out to avoid such circumstances and Needed Maintenance
Furthermore, Temporary / Preventive maintenance
1st floor Store works need to be super finished on immediate basis
5. Temporary maintenance evidence found such as Temporary / Preventive maintenance works need to be Improvement Maintenance
loose wiring on roof ceiling structure. super finished on immediate basis Needed
1. Number of Alive German cockroaches found in the A comprehensive IPM system needs to be introduced in Major IPM service
underground water tank of main outlet. the facility to eliminate pest related issues. provider
2. Number of dip sauce dispensers with improper All product, raw material, packaging material, semi- Improvement Procurement &
closing mechanism found in sub counter of main finished, product contact surface equipment’s are Needed Branch Manager
outlet. supposed to be kept covered properly to avoid cross
3. Very high possibility of Cross contamination Since as per storage policy all allergen based food Major Branch Manager
Main Outlet observed as perishable items “Rasmalai” & “Rabri” products should be kept segregated category wise as
found kept together with Salad items without any example milk based product should be kept in separate
segregation in Salad Counter (Bain Marie) of Main rack to avoid maximum cross contamination.
4. 14 packets of “Namkino Corn Flakes Mix” with batch Operational deviations should be carried out with strict Improvement QA Team
no # J25CFUK and 02 PACKETS of namkino CRINKLE quality protocols to avoid such happening. Needed
SPICY with date of mfg. 20-10-2021 and BB 29-12- Furthermore a deep root cause analysis should be
2021 without nitrogen flashing / purging found kept carried out to fix the operational defects on immediate
at point of sale in main outlet. basis to inhibit reoccurrence.
1. Potable water third party analysis for Heavy metals External testing of all critical ingredients including Serious Branch Manager
(Chemical Analysis) and Microbial analysis found potable water should be carried out at least annually to
missing at Outlet. make food safety & Quality culture alive to meet global
Documents challenges related to food operations.
2. Calibration record found missing of back house All critical tools that variation may have an impact on Improvement Maintenance &
weighing scales, temperature monitoring devices food quality and safety such as weighing scale, Needed Branch Manager
and TDS meter. thermometers etc. need to be calibrated and identified
in all operational areas.

Internal Audit / Inspection Findings against SFA Checklist

Date of Audit: Sharfabad Outlet
15th November 2021

Root Cause Recommendation Finding Concerned

S.No # Area (To Be Filled Finding (Corrective Action) Severity Department /
by Auditee) Custodian

3. Facility Map along with rodent trap identification is A comprehensive facility map should be in place along Improvement IPM service
not available at Facility. with all monitoring device’s location allocated in map Needed provider
to assure that IPM related jobs are executed affectively
to achieve and attain desired results
4. Primary packaging and associated food contact Product contact surface equipment and material’s food Improvement Procurement
Documents materials such as Pizza supporter stands, Pizza box, grade certificate should be in place to assure that food Needed
Qulfi wrapper, Cake / Sweet boxes, Bread pouches operations are safe and the product being produced via
food grade certificate found unavailable at Outlet. mechanism is safe for human consumption.
5. Updated copy of SFA challan found missing at outlet All documentations including records need to be Improvement Branch Manager
as the present copy is for the year of 2020. available and updated to synchronized the system and Needed
to avoid any obstacles related to food operations

Sharfabad Outlet
Audit Status of 15th November 2021
Finding Severity No. Of Findings Severity %
Major 6 12
Severe Serious 2 4
Serious 12 24
Improvement Needed 29 58
Minor 6 12
Total 55

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