JHS Esports Constitution

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Jasper High School eSports Constitution

& Bylaws

Most content sourced from Oklahoma University Esports Team’s (OU Esports) Constitution.
Jasper High School Esports Club
Governing and Policy Documents

Article I: Name

Section I.1: Official Name

The official name of this student organization shall be “Jasper High School
Esports Club.”

Section I.2: Colloquial Reference

This student organization may be referred to by the name “JHS Esports Club”
or “JHS Esports,” while still referring to the same entity. It shall be referred to
as such for the remainder of this document.

Article II: Purpose and Classification

Section II.1: Classification

The JHS Esports Club shall be designated as a Competitive Registered

Student Organization at the Jasper High School.

Section II.2: Esports Opportunities

The purpose of the JHS Esports Club is to provide opportunities to students at

the Jasper High School with regard to esports and gaming.
Section II.3: Means

The JHS Esports Club shall achieve its purpose through the following
- Cultivating a safe, welcoming, diverse community around gaming culture
on campus
- Providing competitive esports opportunities at the High School level -
Providing developmental opportunities in esports and gaming through
connections with industry resources
- Respecting the traditions and policies of the Jasper High School

Article III: Membership

Section III.1: Minimum Membership Requirements

Membership in the JHS Esports Club shall be open to any and all current
students at the Jasper High School.

Section III.2: Active Membership Requirements

Active membership shall be determined by the following criteria:

- Be a student in good standing at Jasper High School
- Have an active desire to compete or support those who compete
- Have an active interest in the cultures surrounding esports and gaming

Section III.3: Anti-Discriminatory Clause

Membership and membership privileges must be open to all students without

regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, gender
orientation, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other
classification protected by law, so that all members of the community are treated
at all times with dignity and respect. Membership and participation in this
organization must also be open without regard to gender, race, and ethnicity.

Article IV: Leadership and


Section IV.1:

Leadership is the students that lead this organization. There shall always be
at least three (3) student Leadership officers.

IV.1.1: Leadership Preclusions ​No Leadership officer may hold more than one
Leadership position at a time. No Leadership officer may hold any supporting
Leadership positions.

Section IV.2:

Advisors are JHS staff and faculty members that assist Leadership in operating
this organization. There shall always be at least one (1) Advisor, designated
the Lead Advisor, who shall be appointed by the sponsoring department of this
organization. Additional Advisors may be appointed by any combination of
Leadership, current Advisors, or the sponsoring department of this

Section IV.3: Leadership Positions

To add or remove Leadership positions, the bylaws of this document must be

amended. This shall be done at the will of the current Leadership, who should use
their best judgment to analyze what position(s) is (not) necessary for the current

Article V:

Section V.1: General Meetings

General membership meetings shall be held regularly and consistently throughout

the academic semester, and will be thoroughly advertised. There shall be no
fewer than four (4) meetings throughout a semester.

Section V.2: Additional Meetings

Meetings outside of aforementioned general meetings may be called by

Leadership. These meetings may not be used for procedures which require a vote
of the general organization, such as leadership elections or amendments to the
governing documents. Notice of these meetings must be given to members of
this organization in the timeliest manner possible.

Article VI: Governing Documents

Section VI.1: Government

The documents that govern the JHS Esports Club shall consist of this
document (Constitution) and the following document (Bylaws).

VI.1.1: Interpretation ​When necessary, the governing documents shall

be clarified or interpreted by members of the Leadership.
Section VI.2: Availability and

The most current version of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be available for
access to all current members of this organization. It is the responsibility of each
member of the JHS Esports Club to read and understand these documents.
Failure to do so is not an excuse for misconduct.

Section VI.3: Revision

The governing documents of this organization shall be reviewed, revised, if

necessary, and finalized for the following academic year during the last week
of the month of May and the first week of the month of June.

Article VII: Amendments

Section VII.1: Amendment Proposal

Amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws may be proposed at any general

meeting. A thorough discussion concerning the amendment shall be conducted
prior to any vote regarding it.

Section VII.2: Constitutional Amendments

Constitutional amendments shall serve the purpose of enacting long-term changes

to the governance of this organization. Amendments to the Constitution shall be
adopted only by a majority vote of current members in attendance at two (2)
separate, consecutive general meetings at which the amendment has been

Section VII.3: Bylaws Amendments

Bylaws amendments shall serve the purpose of enacting year-to-year changes to

the rules and procedures of this organization. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be
adopted only by majority vote of current members in attendance at one (1)
general meeting at which the amendment has been discussed.

Section VII.4: Enforcement

Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall only be enforced upon

adoption. Amendments to the Constitution shall go into effect and be

immediately upon meeting requirements for adoption detailed in Section VII.2.

Amendments to the Bylaws shall go into effect and be enforced immediately upon
meeting requirements for adoption detailed in Section VII.3.

Article VIII: Jurisdiction

Section VIII.1: Recognition

The JHS Esports Club is a recognized/registered student organization of the

Jasper High School, and is subject to its rules, regulations, and policies.

Section VIII.2: Supremacy

In cases where they may be in conflict, the rules, regulations, and policies of the
Jasper High School shall take precedence over any and all others which govern
this organization, including those of national organizations with which the JHS
Esports Club is associated.
Article IX: Dissolution

Section IX.1: Dissolution


The JHS Esports Club shall be dissolved if a three-fourths (3⁄4) supermajority

of active, current members votes to do so at a general meeting.

Section IX.2: Failure to Uphold Policy

The JHS Esports Club shall be dissolved if it fails to complete the Jasper High
School’s required recognition process for two (2) consecutive semesters.

Section IX.3: Outstanding Assets

In the event of the dissolution of the JHS Esports Club, all financial assets shall
become the property of the Robotics Team and shall be used as they seem fit.
Jasper High School Esports Club
Law I: Members

Section I.1: Membership Duties and

Members of the JHS Esports Club are responsible for adhering to
this organization’s purpose and policies.

Section I.2: Membership


Active membership in this organization shall come to include the following

- Ability to attend any general meetings and participate in discussion
- Ability to propose amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
- Voting privileges on any items allowed for in the Constitution and
Bylaws, including, but not limited to, amendments to the Constitution
and Bylaws, Leadership elections, and items proposed at general
- Increased access to the community server Discord channels
- Opportunity to apply for development positions, including tryouts for
competitive teams

Section I.3: Development


Development Members are those who participate as part of media subgroups.

Development Members shall have access to the JHS Esports Dev Discord server
in order to communicate with their teams. Status as a Development Member is
determined by whether a member was offered a position on a development team
and has maintained the requirements to remain on that team.

Section I.4: Competitive Members

Competitive Members are those who participate as part of media subgroups.

Competitive Members shall have access to the JHS Esports Dev Discord server
in order to communicate with their teams. Status as a Competitive Member is
determined by whether a member was offered a position on a competitive team
and has maintained the requirements to remain on that team.
I.4.1: Competitive Member Preclusions ​Members of a competitive team may
not be part of any other competitive team if there are more than the minimum
team requirements trying out for the team already.

Section I.5: Membership Revocation

The Leadership of this organization retains the right to revoke membership and
privileges thereof of any member found violating in the purposes of this

I.5.1 Other Penalties ​If misconduct does not warrant revocation of membership,
then Leadership may offer a warning or alternative punishment, such as
revocation of certain membership privileges, to the offending member.
Privileges and membership may be reinstated through discussion and agreement
of Leadership.

I.5.2: Aftermath of Membership Revocation: ​No reimbursement of

membership fees, event fees, fees associated with organization activity, or
donations paid by the member shall take place. All correspondence of
misconduct and revocation of membership shall be documented.

Law II: Leadership

Section II.1: Leadership Positions

The following is the list of leadership positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Fundraising Director
- Competitive Director
- Community Director
- Community Outreach Director
- Marketing Director
- News & Media Director
- Stream Director

Section II.2: The


The President is the head of Leadership and this organization. The duties of
the President include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Establish and maintain this organization’s operational procedures
- Create a meeting schedule for the semester
- Call and preside over meetings
- Book the rooms for meetings
- Sit in on meetings with external parties regarding this organization

Section II.3: The Vice President

The Vice President is second-in-command to the President for this organization.

The duties of the Vice President include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Fulfill the duties of the President in the case that he/she is not available
- Monitor and ensure the health of different initiatives in the organization
- Encourage productivity amongst Leadership
- Ensure this organization’s purpose is being upheld
- Assist other Leadership members with their duties
- Moderate Discord servers
- Ensure that Discord servers remain well-organized, active, and up-to-date

Section II.4: The Treasurer

The Treasurer is the manager of this organization’s finances. The duties of the
Treasurer include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Process all membership applications and dues
- Keep up-to-date, detailed financial records of all revenues and expenses
- Monitor all financial accounts and transactions and alert Advisors of any
suspicious activity
- Approve appropriate budget requests and help change those which are not
- Allocate organization funds to approved meeting and event budget
- Report on the status of this organization’s accounts during event planning
and meetings
- Reimburse purchases approved previously in budget requests
- Ensure the correct disbursement and receipt of scholarship money, prizes,
and giveaway items

Section II.5: The Fundraising Director

The Fundraising Director is in charge of raising money for this organization

via non-traditional methods. The duties of the Fundraising Director include,
but are not limited to, the following:
- Propose new methods of generating money for this organization
- Research the practicality of said methods and the likelihood of success

- Discuss these methods with other Leadership and this organization

- Determine the best course of action based on research and feedback
- Compose a plan to bring fundraising initiatives to fruition
- Keep a record of interactions between points of contact for fundraising
- Meet with the Treasurer to ensure money is appropriately received and

Section II.6: The CompetitiveDirector

The Competitive Director leads the efforts of this organization in competition.

The duties of the Competitive Director include, but are not limited to, the
- Guide the direction of competitive development
- Oversee election or appointment of Coaches and Captains for each
competitive team
- Serve as a point of contact for issues regarding competitive players,
Captains, and Coaches for the purpose of resolving conflict
- Manage the Coaches of competitive teams
- Facilitate the creation of documents that outline and delegate
responsibilities, duties, expectations, elections, and procedures of the
players, Captain, and Coaches of each competitive team
- Monitor and ensure mental, physical, and academic wellness of
competitive members
- Make and catalogue a network of collegiate esports contacts

Section II.7: The Community Director

The Community Director organizes community events and initiatives within this
organization. The duties of the Community Director include, but are not limited
to, the following:

- Select Ambassadors for various gaming interests as appropriate

- Create expectations, guidelines, and responsibilities for the Ambassadors

- Plan the semester’s in-house schedule with the Ambassadors

- Plan the semester event schedule at the start of the semester with some
respect to other events surrounding this organization, incorporating
community-specific events

- Host at least one (1) general organization event each semester

- Give Ambassadors the resources to empower their events and in-houses

- Plan and prepare for these events in conjunction with the appropriate
Ambassador and the Treasurer

- Meet with the Marketing Director to coordinate event advertising

- Set up event pages on OrgSync and submit a request for inclusion on the
Student Life events list for special events

- Ensure the safety of the people participating in and the spaces used for
special events

- Oversee event setup, execution, and clean up; These duties may be
delegated to Ambassadors

- Report on incidents that occurred at an event; Investigate if further

information is required

Section II.8: The Outreach Director

The Outreach Director manages community events and initiatives that pertain to
helping people outside of this organization. The duties of the Outreach Director
include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Establish connections with K-12 and youth esports programs and
initiatives within the state of Indiana
- Plan other events to involve members with our community at large
with respect to other events occurring in this organization
- Exhibit opportunities within esports and with this organization by
bolstering the community in which this organization resides

Section II.9: The Marketing Director

The Marketing Director controls all social media communications and marketing.
The duties of the Marketing Director include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Update the JHS Esports Club’s Twitter, Instagram, Facebook accounts, and
Discord servers with relevant information regarding the organization, including
meetings, events, and other engaging content

- Communicate with Ambassadors, the Community Director, and the Outreach

Director regarding events that need advertising in order to find out all pertinent
information and the appropriate timeline to release it

- Communicate with the Stream Director and advertise the Stream Team schedule
- Use this organization’s social media accounts as a way to engage and
connect with other collegiate esports programs, brands, partners, alumni,
current students, and prospective students - Maintain a predominantly
professional tone and aesthetic on social media

Section II.10: The News Director

The News Director organizes all news and esports broadcasting efforts of this
organization. The duties of the News Director include, but are not limited to, the
- Build and manage the News & Media team
- Plan news coverage for the semester
- Arrange event coverage for most of the in-person events that this
organization holds
- Ensure all content released by the News & Media team does not
violate this organization’s purpose or the Jasper High School’s code
of conduct
- Create guidelines and procedures for content created by the News
& Media team
- Create expectations, guidelines, rules, and responsibilities for
behavior at events
- Submit requests for press passes to relevant events
- Delegate press passes in an impartial, logical manner to available
and willing members of the News & Media team
- Provide constructive feedback to team members regarding their
content when necessary
- Act as the point of contact for issues amongst members of the
News & Media team

Section II.11: The Stream Director

The Stream Director manages all streaming efforts of this organization. The duties
of the Stream Director include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Build and manage the Stream Team - Create and update live
streaming expectations, guidelines, rules, and responsibilities
- Create a regular, weekly schedule of the times that Stream Team
members will stream
- Communicate this schedule and appropriate verbiage to the
Marketing Director for advertisement
- Plan on ways to incentivize viewership, follows, donations, and
subscriptions to this organization’s Twitch channel
- Shape and maintain the aesthetic of the stream

Section II.13: Leadership Revocation

Removal from Leadership positions may occur either for failure to carry out the
responsibilities of that position or for actions which violate the purposes of the
organization. Written charges by a member are to be presented to the President
(or, in the case that the President is the Leadership member in question, the
Vice President), who will notify the Leadership member in question within one
(1) week. The Leadership member will answer charges at a meeting of the
membership, which shall be publicized to the membership at least one (1) week

II.13.1: Vote of No Confidence ​One (1) day after the meeting at which the
Leadership member answers charges, a vote of no confidence will occur. A two-
thirds (2⁄3) supermajority of voting members is necessary to proceed. Following
this, a two-thirds (2⁄3) supermajority of Leadership members, excluding that one
in question, is necessary to remove him/her from the Leadership position. Failing
either of these, the occurrence will be documented, and the Leadership member
will retain his/her position.

II.13.2: Trial Limit ​A Leadership member may only be tried once per calendar

Section II.14: Leadership Performance Reviews

Performance reviews shall be conducted for all members of Leadership. The

Lead Advisor as well as the President and Vice President shall be involved in
assessing the performance of each member of Leadership (excluding their own),
though only the Lead Advisor will conduct the actual meeting. During this
review, the Lead Advisor shall meet with each member separately, and discuss
his/her performance during the review period, including specific points of strong
and weak performance, concerns, opportunities for growth, as well as his/her
reaffirmation of commitment.

Performance reviews shall take place before (the day before) christmas break or
as the Leadership sees fit.
Law III: Leadership

Section III.1: Occurrence

Leadership elections shall be held one (1) semester prior to the expected vacating
of a Leadership position, or immediately following an unexpected vacancy.

Section III.2: Minimum


No member shall be ineligible for candidacy. Any member of JHS should be

considered for a Leadership position within the JHS Esports Club.

Section III.3: Filing and Application

Filing is the period of the elections during which members may apply to become
candidates in any Leadership election. The duration of filing will be determined
by current Leadership and may not be less than three (3) days. All deadlines will
be advertised multiple times prior.

Section III.4: Interviews

Candidates shall be interviewed by a panel consisting of no less than three

(3) and no more than four (4) current or existing members of Leadership, as
well as the Lead Advisor. The President or Vice President must be present on
each interviewing panel.

Section III.5: Elections

The positions of President, Vice President, and Community Director may have
more than one (1) candidate chosen through the interview process. In this case,
these positions shall be elected through a voting process.

Section III.6: Campaigning

Candidates will be allowed to campaign for a period of one (1) week

after selection from the interview phase. No campaigning will occur until
announcements are made after the interview phase. Any campaign that is
disrespectful or against this organization’s policy will disqualify the
corresponding candidate.

Section III.7:

The voting population of Leadership elections shall consist of all current student
members of this organization. No faculty, staff, or non-JHS member of this
organization may vote in a Leadership election. The right of any eligible
member to vote by secret ballot and to arrive at a voting decision, free from
undue influence, shall not be infringed.

III.7.1: Method of Voting ​Voting will occur through an online form that will be
open after the conclusion of the campaigning period for no less than three (3)
days. Measures will be taken to ensure that each eligible member receives exactly
one (1) vote.

Section III.8: Term

The term of office for all Leadership positions shall begin after their selection
following the interview/election process. The term of a Leadership member will
end if he/she graduates, resigns, fails to maintain good academic standing, or
fails to perform his/her duties during his/her term.
Section III.9: Unexpected

Unexpected vacancies occurring in any of the Leadership positions shall be

immediately publicized, and the application process will execute as above.

Law IV: Supporting


Section IV.1: Coaches and Captains

For each game that yields one or more competitive teams, there shall be one (1)
Captain per team. There may be multiple Coaches per game. The Competitive
Director and team Captain shall determine the number of coaches necessary and
choose them through a process detailed in their game’s team policy document.
The responsibilities, duties, and expectations shall be provided by the Competitive

Section IV.2:

For each community that the Community Director determines to have enough
interest and support, there shall be at least one (1) Ambassador. There can be
multiple Ambassadors for a community, and there should be more than one if an
Ambassador is expected to no longer attend the Jasper High School onto the
next year. The responsibilities, duties, and expectations of Ambassadors shall be
provided by the Community Director.

IV.2.1: Ambassador Appointment ​Ambassadors shall be appointed by the

Community Director based on an application and interview process. Applications
shall be advertised in advance and will be open for no less than one (1) week.
Section IV.3: Intercollegiate Assistant

The Intercollegiate Assistant Director shall be appointed by the

Competitive Director. The duties of the Intercollegiate Assistant Director
include the following:
- Assist in the organization and maintenance of the esports calendar
- Assist in the organization and maintenance of the official esports roster(s)
- Assist in booking resources and travel for competitive players
- Attend coaches meetings

Section IV.4: Community Assistant


The Community Assistant Director shall be appointed by the Community

Director. The duties of the Community Assistant Director include the
- Assist with event planning
- Supervise events and oversee sign-in and registration
- Make room reservations for events
- Assist with organizing catering for events (planning, ordering, and
- Attend Ambassador meetings
- Serve the role of Ambassadors in the case that they are unavailable
during in-houses

Law V: Competitive

Section V.1: Supported Games

Games will have competitive teams when enough students are interested and
committed to yielding a team for long-term play.
V.1.1: Temporary Teams ​Games may have temporary teams if
short-term opportunities, such as short-term, but notable tournaments,

Section V.2: Eligibility

Positions on teams and opportunities to compete shall be distributed based on

raw performance value. Failure to uphold the purpose of this organization or the
Jasper High School may preclude a member from these positions or

Section V.3: Requirements and Responsibilities

Each game which has a competitive team shall have a team policy
document outlining the responsibilities and expectations of its players,
Captains, and Coaches. All players, Captains, and Coaches are
expected to maintain a professional demeanor, while still being
competitive, and to represent this organization and the Jasper High
School in a positive manner

V.3.1: General Player Responsibilities ​All players must attend practices,

improve their skills, and maintain competitive drive.

V.3.2: General Captain Responsibilities ​All Captains, in addition to their

responsibilities as players, must arrange scrimmage matches, register the team for
tournaments, and act as a team leader.

V.3.3: General Coach Responsibilities ​All Coaches must help the players
improve, schedule times for practice, help create or update the game’s team policy
document, resolve internal conflict within the team, and make decisions regarding
roster changes.

Section V.4: Internal Conflict

If a member of a team has an issue with another member, he/she may fill out a
complaint form found on the organization’s website or the JHS Esports Dev
Discord server and deliver it to his/her coach. If there is an issue between a
player(s) and the coach, a complaint form may be delivered to the Competitive
Director. If there is an issue with the Competitive Director, a complaint form may
be delivered to the President or Vice President. Anyone who receives a complaint
form should acknowledge the complaint as soon as possible. He/she should speak
with all parties involved, separately, and impartially, to gather information in a
timely manner, and document his/her findings.

Conflicting parties should attempt to resolve issues between themselves

before lodging a formal complaint.

Section V.5: Time


This organization may make mandatory no more than fifteen (15) hours per week
of time commitment per player to this organization for competitive purposes.
Players may commit more time of their own volition, but will not be penalized for
not doing so. Wellness and team-building exercises, as well as miscellaneous
activities, may contribute to this time commitment. Time taken to travel for
events, as well as personal efforts, do not count towards this time commitment.

Law VI: Advisors

Section VI.1: Lead Advisor

There shall always be at least one (1) Advisor, designated the Lead Advisor,
who shall be appointed by the sponsoring department of this organization. The
duties of the Lead Advisor include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Provide vision to Leadership regarding the future of this organization
- Provide mentorship to Leadership regarding operation of this organization
- Serve as mediator and contact between this organization and Jasper High
School resources
- Conduct Leadership performance reviews
- Act as a catalyst for policy review
- Serve as final tiebreaker on issues that cannot be resolved by Leadership

Section VI.2: Other Advisors

Additional Advisors may be appointed by any combination of Leadership, current

Advisors, or the sponsoring department of this organization.

Law VII: Meetings

Section VII.1: General Meetings

General meetings may be held over Discord, in-person on campus, or both. The
location, date, and time for meetings shall be well advertised at least one (1)
week in advance, but ideally shall be determined and scheduled prior to the start
of the semester.

VII.1.1: Purpose ​General meetings are the only ones which may be used for the
purposes of holding votes of the general membership as required by the
Constitution and Bylaws.

VII.1.2: Cancellation ​Meetings may be cancelled or rescheduled by the

President, Vice President, or the Lead Advisor for dangerous weather or other
extenuating circumstances.

Section VII.2: Additional Meetings

Additional meetings may be called by Leadership, but are not considered

general meetings. These meetings cannot be used for the purposes of holding
votes of the general membership and need not be advertised, rather for
smaller issues such as event planning.

Section VII.3: Development Meetings

Coaches, Captains, and the Competitive Director shall hold meetings of the
Development Team or of their own teams at their own discretion.

Section VII.4: Leadership Meetings

The Leadership shall meet when called to do so by the President, Vice President,
or Advisors. Leadership meetings serve the purpose of planning things about the
organization and for Advisors to update the Leadership with relevant information.

Law VIII: Partners and Alumni

Section VIII.1: Partners

Non-members of this organization who have the desire to assist or collaborate

with this organization may become a Partner. Partners are usually active in
esports or gaming scenes locally, are heavily involved in a collegiate or national
esports or gaming program, or are a representative of a significant brand or
nonprofit organization. Partnership may be determined by the President or any of
the Advisors. Partners have increased access to the JHS Esports Discord server
and may help with event planning as necessary.

Section VIII.2: Alumni

Upon graduation from the Jasper High School, membership in this organization
shall cease, and that person may apply for alumni status in this organization.
Upon approval, the alumnus will be able to participate in the JHS Esports
Discord server as an alumnus, without receiving full benefits and privileges of
a current student member. Leaving the High School without completing a
diploma will disqualify a member from eligibility to receive alumni status.
Law IX: Finances

Section IX.1: Dues

Dues shall be charged for membership in this organization. The cost of dues
charged for each year/semester shall be determined at the first meeting of the Fall
semester. This amount may be 0 USD. Yearly membership shall expire on the last
day of the Spring semester, including summer session, after the semester in which
dues are paid. Membership dues may be paid during any semester and shall be
collected by the Treasurer or through official portals for governing leagues as
directed by the Treasurer.

Section IX.2: Fundraisers

This organization may undertake fundraisers for its own purposes. All fundraising
must be conducted in accordance with Jasper High School policies.

Section IX.3: Sponsorships

This organization may use its insignia and branding in exchange for sponsorship
deals. All sponsorship deals must be conducted in accordance with Jasper High
School policies.
Development Team Policy Document
Community Guidelines
I: Objectives and Guiding Principles

I.1: Objectives

This organizational document will be produced with the following key objectives
in mind:
- Clarify the roles of the Community Director, Community Assistant
Director, and Ambassadors in relation to one another
- Set expectations on event planning
- Outline the event planning process

I.2: Guiding Principles

I.2.1: Time is a limited and valuable resource ​Events, club socials, and in-
houses take time to plan and advertise. There should be very few last minute
decisions, especially regarding large in-person events. The earlier an event
is planned, the more successful it will be.

I.2.2: Be accountable for one’s failures ​There are bound to be accidents or

unexpected occurrences at some point during events. Take responsibility,
apologize, and plan ahead of time for these situations. Any failure is an
opportunity to ensure that such an occurrence does not happen at future

I.2.3: Seek out opportunities for growth ​Even when events are successful,
it does not mean that events cannot be improved. Continue to innovate with
different types of events, new incentives to increase participation, and discuss
with peers to innovate.

I.2.4: Maintain a professional demeanor ​All Ambassadors and Community

Directors represent the Jasper High School, and should carry themselves in a
manner befitting of a representative of it. Be respectful, honest, and fair to others
both internal and external to this organization.
II: Responsibilities, Expectation, and Powers

II.1: Definition

II.1.1: Responsibilities ​Responsibilities are minimal requirements that one

must be able to meet in order to retain a position. Inability to maintain these
responsibilities may result in ejection. Ignorance regarding these responsibilities
is not an acceptable excuse for not meeting them.

II.1.2: Expectations ​Expectations are traits and measures beyond the minimum
required that may result in removal or replacement if not met.

II.1.3: Powers ​Powers are the abilities of a member to impact the community and
Ambassadors that he/she supervises directly and immediately.

II.2: Community Director

II.2.1: Responsibilities ​The Community Director organizes community

events and initiatives within this organization. The duties of the Community
Director include the following:
- Select Ambassadors for various gaming interests as appropriate
- Organize and attend meetings with Ambassadors and the Community
Assistant Director
- Create expectations, guidelines, and responsibilities for the
- Plan the semester’s in-house schedule with the Ambassadors
- Plan the semester event schedule at the start of the semester with some
respect to other events surrounding this organization, incorporating
-specific events
- Host at least one general organization event each semester
- Provide Ambassadors with the resources to advertise and run their
events and in-houses
- Plan and prepare for these events in conjunction with the appropriate
Ambassador and the Treasurer
- Meet with the Marketing Director to coordinate event advertising
- Set up event pages on the clubs website
- Ensure the safety of the people participating in and the spaces used for
special events, require waivers if necessary
- Oversee event setup, execution, and clean up; These duties may be
delegated to Ambassadors
- Report on incidents that occurred at an event to advisers; Investigate if
further information is required
- Manage Discord channels, roles, and any summer purges. Take care
and be aware of any member complaints and drama that may have a
negative impact on the organization

II.2.2: Expectations ​The expectations of the Community Director include, but

are not limited to, the following:
- Have a passion for creating a positive and fun environment for
organization members
- Be able to lead and communicate efficiently with Ambassadors
and the Assistant Director
- Facilitate conversation and encourage participation in in-person
and online events
- Offer transportation solutions for events to members who are in
- Network and form relationships with organization members to
create a more welcoming environment for all gamers
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen issues
among members that have a negative impact on social or online
- Encourage and help facilitate small get-togethers for members to
get to better know each other
II.2.3: Powers ​The powers of the Community Director include, but are not
limited to, the following:
- Ability to remove and replace Ambassadors based on behavioral issues or
- Ask Ambassadors to help with student events
- Require attendance to Ambassador meetings from the Assistant Director
and Ambassadors

II.3: Ambassadors

For each community that the Community Director determines to have enough
interest and support, there shall be at least one (1) Ambassador. There can be
multiple Ambassadors for a community, and there should be more than one if an
Ambassador is expected to no longer attend the Jasper High School onto the next
year, or if the community is large enough to warrant more than one. The
responsibilities, duties, and expectations of Ambassadors shall be provided by the
Community Director.

II.3.1: Ambassador Appointment ​Ambassadors shall be appointed by the

Community Director based on an application and interview process. Applications
shall be advertised in advance and will be open for no less than one (1) week.

If an Ambassador fails to meet his/her responsibilities and/or expectations, the

Community Director shall hold a one-on-one meeting with him/her. In the event
that this meeting does not lead to improvement, the Ambassador will be replaced.

In the event of an Ambassador’s removal, his/her Ambassador role

and permissions will be removed in the Discord server.

II.3.2: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of Ambassadors include, but are

not limited to, the following:
- Host and facilitate bi-weekly in-houses in which organization members
may play casual and slightly competitive games in a friendly online setting
- Help plan and run at least one (1) event for their title per semester with
the Community Director
- Regularly attend club socials and events to support other Ambassadors
and the Community Director, at least three (3) per semester
- Ambassador meetings will be scheduled monthly depending on the
availability of Ambassadors. These meetings will include the Community
Director and Community Assistant Director.
- The purpose of these meetings is to brainstorm and schedule new events
and to update everyone on the success/failure of in-houses and/or previous
social events. These meetings will cover expectations for the Ambassadors
each month, as well as cover any new developments regarding the
- Attend monthly Ambassador meetings to stay informed on current and
upcoming events and to help brainstorm future social events for the
- Act as Tournament Officials for event specific to their title
- Help inform and educate members of the organization about their title

II.3.3: Expectations ​The expectations of Ambassadors include the following:

- Maintain a positive attitude regarding their title and role
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen issues among
in-house players that have a negative impact on game enjoyment.
- Network and form relationships with organization members to create a
more welcoming environment for all gamers
- Communicate with the Community Director or Community Assistant in
a timely manner
- Show patience and understanding
II.3.3: Powers ​The powers of Ambassadors include the
- Ability to remove a player from in-house with excessive interpersonal
issues or toxic attitude
- Ability to request another Ambassador be added for their title

- Ability to have someone fill-in for their bi-weekly in-house with no

repercussions, under the circumstance that it is not often and the
Community Director has been notified beforehand

II.4: Community Assistant Director

The Community Assistant Director will be chosen by the Community Director at

the beginning of the school year. He/she will work hand in hand with the
Community Director to facilitate events for the club.

II.4.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of the Community Assistant Director

include the following:
- Help brainstorm ideas and plan events with the Community Director
- Aid in event supervision and co-running, which may include working the
and managing registration
- Help advertise events through means such as chalking and fliers
- Make room reservations for events
- Plan food ordering and delivery
- Attend Ambassador meetings and take meeting notes
- Serve as backup for Ambassadors when they cannot host in-houses
- Take several pictures of the event for future reference and advertising
II.4.2: Expectations ​The expectations of the Community Assistant Director
include the following:
- Have a basic understanding of tournament organization
- Promote social conversation and interaction at events
- Be easy to reach and responsive to messages from leadership, the
Community Director, or Ambassadors

II.5: Time

The JHS Esports Club is restricted to mandating only fifteen (15) hours per
week of organization-related time by the will of the writers, and may not push
members beyond this limit as part of its expectations, nor can it punish members
for non-participation past this limit.

III: Event Planning

III.1: Scheduling Requirements

Events must be finalized two (2) weeks before the day of the event to facilitate
advertising and awareness. Event finalization includes the following:
- Full Itinerary and Schedule
- Confirmation of room reservation
- Budget and Equipment requests submitted to an Advisor
- Advertising plan underway or completed

If the above finalizations are not completed by the deadline (with

some exceptions), the event will be postponed or cancelled.

III.2: Building an Itinerary/Schedule

An itinerary is the what, when, and where of the event. It helps set a place, a
start time, and the planned activities for the event. A schedule is when an
itinerary has built-in time goals and event specifics.

The itinerary ideally includes when Ambassadors or Advisors should arrive

to ensure that event setup runs smoothly and manpower is available.

III.2.1: Example Schedule

11:00 am
● Day begins
● Arrival of Leadership and Advisors
● Setup – gaming stations, outdoor activities, make sure
everything is in working order. 12:30 pm
● Event begins
● Cookout/food is handed out/ eaten at 1:00pm.

● Teams are assigned. Team headbands/capes/props are made.

● Social time, introductions, where are we going from here?
● Free-play areas around the iHub for non-participants. (HS,
Board games, VR, Jackbox, etc.) 1:30pm – Inside – 1970s
● The Games Begin – Decades of Gaming Olympics
● First Event is Pong. Bracket is created on the spot based on # of
teams, teams choose their representative. Points awarded to teams
with representatives in 1-3rd place. BO3 rounds. This event is
designed to go as quick as possible. 2:15pm – Outside (weather
permitting), replaced with musical chairs inside.
● Egg toss, 2 representatives per team. Points for 1st , 2nd ,3rd
● Have clean-up equipment on-hand. 2:45pm – Inside – 1980s
● Super Mario Bros Level 1 run. Points awarded for highest score.
One representative per team.
● About four minutes per run. 3:15 – Outside (weather permitting),
replaced with _____
● Three-legged race BUT with three participants (middle person is
tied to both people on left and right)
● On side lawn or field across the street 3:45 – Inside – 1990s
● Super Smash Brothers (Original), One representative per team, if
more than 4 teams, top two from each fight play in the final. Point
awards for top 3 finishers. 4:30 – Outside – Big Event - Paint War
● White t-shirts provided for participants, each team should have
four, may opt out if wanted. Washable paint.
● Open field – foam swords are coated with team color, some teams
may join forces if they are missing players or have opt outs (ideally
four per color)
● Every team starts on their side of the field, when go is given the
fight for survival begins. Teamwork is encouraged. Team with the
most hits wins.

III.3: Room Reservation

In the course of planning an event, a room must be reserved, and the reservation
confirmed. This may be accomplished by asking an Advisor if the space is
available, making the room’s reservation online, or other appropriate means.
This should be completed prior to the itinerary and schedule when possible such
that they may be built with specific spaces in mind.

III.4: Budget and Equipment Requests

When planning the budget for an event, the following must be considered:
- Food costs
- Cost of incentives (prizing and awards)
- Equipment/supplies
- Venue costs
When making equipment requisitions, the following needs must be considered:
- Tables/desks
- Chairs
- Consoles and controllers
- PCs
- Headsets, keyboards, mice
- Monitors/TVs
- Cables

These lists must be finalized and requests sent to an Advisor and the Treasurer
for confirmation by the finalization deadline.

III.5: Advertising

The Community Director should work closely with the Marketing Director to
ensure that advertising for the event is distributed in a timely fashion. The
Community Director should ensure that the schedule, venue, and appropriate
verbiage is understood by the Marketing Director so that advertising is
effective and organization members know what to expect.

III.6: Cleanup

At the conclusion of an event, present Ambassadors and the Community Director

will remain to ensure that the venue is appropriately tidied. Items that are left
behind by participants will be held by the Community Director until their
owner(s) can retrieve them.

Failure to properly clean up the space may result in repercussions from facility
management and may cause the organization to lose access to the space. The
venue should be restored to the state it was in prior to the event.

Any theft must be reported to the Community Director and Advisors




In-houses encourage members of a specific gaming community to socialize with

other members of the organization, as well as facilitate community bonding and
help members know one another.

IV.2: Scheduling

In-houses for specific titles should be scheduled to occur bi-weekly, and

should be run by the Ambassador for that community. Ambassadors may
change this scheduling at any time, but such a change should be announced in
a timely fashion and with a reasonable period of prior notice.

During holidays, mid-terms, finals, or other periods of high activity for

students, Ambassadors may choose to cancel their in-houses if low attendance
is anticipated. This should be announced in a timely fashion and with a
reasonable period of prior notice (recommended three (3) days, required one (1)
day)). If an Ambassador is unable to host a scheduled in-house, it is his/her
responsibility to find a suitable substitute.

IV.3: Attendance and Duties

Ambassadors are expected to be present at every scheduled in-house for their

respective community. They may ensure that someone who is familiar with the
game can run the lobby and assist new players to the game understand its
mechanics. Ambassadors should facilitate enjoyment and satisfaction amongst
players, which may include rebalancing of teams. Ambassadors may wish to
take notes on the events of in-houses to report on during Ambassador meetings

Development Team Policy

Stream Team

I: Objectives and Guiding Principles

I.1: Objectives

This organizational document will be produced with the following key objectives
in mind:
- To focus on fostering and developing broadcasting talent in gaming- To
eliminate subjectivity and ambiguity in decision-making processes as much
as reasonably possible
- To ensure the Stream Team’s ability to broadcast personalities from the
JHS Esports Club in a tasteful manner

I.2: Guiding Principles

I.2.1: Streaming is a performance based art ​In performance based art, the
audience is the only ruling body. Streaming personalities should strive to
maintain a healthy relationship between viewers and the stream as a whole.
Streamers that fail to live up to the standards of the audience will be considered
less popular, regardless of technical prowess or actual content. While subjectivity
will be avoided in most cases, when determining audience appeal, subjectivity is
the only standard.

I.2.2: Keep it PG-13, unless otherwise directed ​Our general and variety
streams are not age-locked, meaning that they should be kept PG-13 rated. This
includes reducing swearing to a minimum, alongside all of Twitch’s own
community guidelines. Special exceptions to the PG-13 rule will be made for
specific age- locked streams, which will be approved by the Stream Director, if
and when they should occur.

I.2.3: Maintain a professional demeanor ​All streaming personalities represent

the Jasper High School, and should carry themselves in a manner befitting of a
representative of it. Be respectful, honest, and fair to others both internal and
external to this organization.

II: Responsibilities, Expectations, and Powers

II.1: Definition

II.1.1: Responsibilities ​Responsibilities are minimal requirements that one

must be able to meet in order to retain a position. Inability to maintain these
responsibilities may result in dismissal from the team. Ignorance regarding these
responsibilities is not an acceptable excuse for not meeting them.

II.1.2: Expectations ​Expectations are traits and performance measures beyond

the minimum required that may result in removal, replacement, or lack of
invitation to return in the following semester/year if they are not met.

II.1.3: Powers ​Powers are the abilities of a member to impact the Stream
Team that he/she is a part of directly and immediately.

II.2: Stream

II.2.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of the Stream Director include

the following:
- Build and manage the Stream Team, as well as maintaining and updating
the official Stream Team roster in the Leadership Google Drive
- Create and update live streaming expectations, guidelines, rules, and
- Create a regular, weekly schedule of the times that Stream Team members
will stream
- Communicate this schedule and appropriate verbiage to the Marketing
Director for advertisement
- Plan on ways to incentivize viewership, follows, donations, and
subscriptions to this organization’s Twitch channel
- Deriving new ways to incentivize viewership, follows, donations, and
subscriptions to this organization’s Twitch channel will require analyzing
peak times for streaming, strategies of the most popular and successful
streamers, and a solid communication pipeline within the Stream Team. It is
part of the Stream Director’s duty to do his/her best to implement strategies
derived from this data, as well as disseminate this info among the team’s
- Shape and maintain the aesthetic of the stream
- Shaping and maintaining the aesthetics of the Twitch channel is best
performed by understanding the mission of the JHS Esports Club as a whole,
and attempting to transform that into visuals that explain how the Stream
Team pushes that agenda into the world of entertainment. This may involve
understanding logo color and shape theory.
- Offer appropriate training and/or resources to streamers on the art of
- Make executive decisions for stalemates regarding the Stream Team, which
may include:
- Ideas for aesthetics for the Twitch channel
- Date and Timing of Stream Team group events
- Clear the Twitch chat Moderator/Editor list for the “@JHSEsports”
Twitch channel at the conclusion of the academic year.

II.2.2: Expectations ​The expectations of the Stream Director include, but are not
limited to:
- Have the ability to recognize when a streamer is acting inappropriately on-
air and take necessary actions to alleviate the issue
- Have the ability to recognize streamers’ strengths or shortcomings, and be
able to provide feedback to said streaming personality in order to foster or
mitigate these traits
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen interpersonal issues
among team members that have a negative impact on streaming
performance and kinship
- Disallow personal bias from interfering with a streaming personality’s
allotted streaming time
- Allow a fair, impartial assortment of stream slot distribution from week
to week
- Be able to reasonably work out a solution with a streamer when an issue
with fulfilling a scheduled slot arises

II.2.3: Powers ​The powers of the Stream Director include the

- Ability to remove a streamer from the schedule with documented and
previously addressed interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other
disciplinary issues
- Ability to remove from the team a streamer with documented, previously
addressed, and continued interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other
disciplinary issues
- Ability to abruptly end a broadcast in the event of a gross violation of
Stream Team or Twitch guidelines

II.3: Streaming Personalities

II.3.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of streaming personalities include

the following:
- Maintain required academic standing
- Be punctual when starting a stream. Provide at least three (3) days’ warning
to the Stream Director if a stream will not be possible.
- Be receptive to constructive criticism
- Approach the Stream Director with any problems that may affect
performance including scheduling, interpersonal conflict, complaints, illness,
- Check Discord when pinged and respond to communication within
twenty-four (24) hours

II.3.2: Expectations ​The expectations of streaming personalities include the

- Ask questions about topics or subjects that appear unclear
- Notify the Stream Director should any breach of security occur
- Keep on-air communication and content reasonably professional, clean,
and within Twitch guidelines
- Be able to discuss topics and people constructively and respectfully
- Keep a level-head on stream, as well as refrain from needless bashing of
a topic
- Have the ability to show evidence of learning or progress in performance
through demonstration
- Consistently pursue self-improvement
- Have the ability to respectively and constructively disagree with
decisions made with, or in regard to, the team

II.4: Disciplinary Action and Removal

II.4.1: “Three Strike System” ​A “Three Strike System” is in place so that a

streamer who commits a misdemeanor (as determined by this document or agreed
upon by a panel of leadership including the Stream Director and two others) is
allowed to reflect upon his/her actions and improve in the future. Upon obtaining
three (3) “strikes” (recorded and managed by the Stream Director), the streamer
in question will be placed on probation. Probation entails a removal from the
stream schedule for a minimum of two (2) weeks, wherein after, if the streamer
obtains another strike within six (6) months, he/she will be dismissed from the

II.4.2: Disciplinary Action ​Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken when

a misconduct that was committed is confirmed by the Stream Director. This can
include, but is not limited to:
- A number of strikes added to the streamer’s record, based on the severity
of the infraction
- Immediate removal from a streaming schedule for an amount of time based
on the severity of the infraction
- Immediate dismissal from the Stream Team

II.4.3 Removal from the Team/Breach of Security ​In the event that a
streamer should leave the team, either by removal or personal choice, or a leak
of private info (password, stream key, etc) occurs, a few steps must be taken to
ensure the security of Stream Team assets:
- The stream key must be reset on Twitch
- The removed streamer must be removed from all relevant Discord
channels, the chat moderator/editor list, and, in the case of violation
of Stream Team or Twitch guidelines, have his/her VoDs and/or clips
deleted from the Twitch channel.
- The password of the Twitch account MUST be reset by the Stream
Director following guidelines provided by the current acting Vice
President, and then communicated to the Vice President and
remaining streamers of the Stream Team.

III: Team Roster and

III.1: All Streamers

Mentioned throughout are the fact that streaming personalities should attempt to
adopt traits considered “ideal” for streaming. Those traits can be derived from the
list below, among others. All streamers should:
- Attempt to maintain conversation and interact with the audience
- Look for moments to shine as an individual, whether that be utilizing
game knowledge, personal skills, etc.
- Be flexible to problems that arise on streams, and try to make light of

- Example: Your stream video is having issues? While attempting to

fix it, why not try cracking a witty joke, or telling a funny anecdotal
- Be yourself. Be unique and true to yourself, while still putting on a
Passion shines above all else.

III.2: Determining the Team and Schedule

The Stream Team’s initial roster shall be determined before the Fall
Semester begins, and shall be drawn from a pool of candidates who
submitted an application during the summer prior. The Stream Team may
also add streamers before the Spring semester begins through an optional
application distributed during Winter Break.

Each member of the Stream Team must submit an ideal time slot schedule
arrangement, and the Director will work with individuals to ensure everyone
has opportunities to stream on the channel.

Monday-Friday should be considered regular streaming days. Saturdays and

Sundays are reserved for group/special events, otherwise as non-streaming days.
Each streamer should receive no less than one (1) two-hour slot per week. An
attempt will be made to slot each streamer during “prime time”, which is
generally considered to be 3pm-9pm Central Time, Monday-Friday. The Stream
Team may be active 12pm-12am Central Time Monday-Thursday and 12pm-2am
on Friday.

3am Central Time is considered the “trough” time, or the time of lowest
viewership. Streams should never run this late nor start this late outside of
special events.

IV: Mission and Time



The end goal of streaming development is to allow streaming personalities to have

a platform to express themselves upon and grow as a person, while developing
skills akin to that of a performer. Streamers should seek to entertain audience
members that may happen by the stream, as to assure their continuous viewership,
which maintaining PG-13 content appropriate of that which sponsors or officials
may view.

In order to facilitate streamer growth, a monthly check-in routine will be

implemented which involves assessing goals and ideas, planning the means by
which those goals and development will be achieved, and then updating the
progress and effort spent on those goals in the appropriate Discord channel.

IV.2: Time Obligation

The JHS Esports Club is restricted to mandating only fifteen (15) hours per
week of organization-related time by the will of the writers, and may not push

players beyond this limit as part of its expectations, nor can it punish players
for non-participation past this limit. This time includes solo streams and group
Personal streams are not required outside of a streaming personality’s weekly
allotted time. However, they are statistically proven to help develop a streamer’s
skills further.

Development Team Policy

News and Media Team

I: Objectives and Guiding Principles

I.1: Objectives

This organizational document will be produced with the following key objectives
in mind:
- To maintain and organize the News and Media Team
- To ensure a professional demeanor is maintained in production
- To facilitate communication between the News Director and News and
Media Team

I.2: Guiding Principles

I.2.1: Keep fact-based articles and opinion-based articles separate ​Gaming

journalism involves both opinion- and fact-based pieces. Writers and content
creators must be conscious of which is appropriate when writing content.

I.2.2: All written content must follow a journalist style guide ​To ensure
consistency and professionalism across all written content, writers must follow a
style guide.

I.2.3: Maintain a professional persona ​All writers and content creators represent
the Jasper High School and should carry themselves in a manner befitting of a
representative of it. Be respectful, honest, and fair to others both internal and
external to this organization.

II: Responsibilities, Expectations, and Powers

II.1: Definition

II.1.1: Responsibilities ​Responsibilities are minimal requirements that one

must be able to meet in order to retain a position. Inability to maintain these
responsibilities may result in dismissal from the team. Ignorance regarding these
responsibilities is not an acceptable excuse for not meeting them.

II.1.2: Expectations ​Expectations are traits and performance measures beyond

the minimum required that may result in removal, replacement, or lack of
invitation to return in the following semester/year if they are not met.

II.1.3: Powers ​Powers are the abilities of a member to impact the News
and Media Team that he/she is a part of directly and immediately.

II.2: News Director

II.2.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of the News Director include the

- Build and manage the News and Media Team
- Maintain and update the official News and Media Team roster in the
Leadership Google Drive
- Create and update content creation expectations, guidelines, rules, and
- Create a regular, weekly schedule of the content that will be uploaded
- Communicate this schedule and appropriate verbiage to all members
of the News and Media Team
- Communicate this schedule and appropriate verbiage to the Marketing
Director for advertisement
- Ensure plugins are up to date on website (If Applicable)
- Instruct content creators on how to create an account and post articles
to website (If Applicable)
- Approve and edit all content before it is published
- Acquire appropriate press passes for any events that content creators
- Schedule content on website (If Applicable) and on the team’s Google
- Ensure that appropriate and relevant visuals such as pictures and video
are placed in articles that are being uploaded
- See that content is submitted for editing by content creators no later
than twelve (12) hours before scheduled publishing time
- Edit articles for final publishing no later than five (5) hours before
scheduled publishing time

II.2.2: Expectations ​The expectations of the News Director include the

- Have the ability to recognize when a content creator is acting
inappropriately within his/her writing or at press events and take
necessary actions to alleviate the issue
- Have the ability to recognize content creators’ strengths or
shortcomings, and be able to provide feedback to said content
creator in order to foster or mitigate these traits
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen
interpersonal issues among team members that have a negative
impact on the content that is being produced or other team
- Reasonably work out solutions with a content creator when an
issue with completing a scheduled piece arises
- Complete necessary news pieces when no other member of the
News and Media Team is available for coverage

II.2.3: Powers ​The powers of the News Director include the following:
- Ability to remove a content creator from the schedule with documented
and previously addressed interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other
disciplinary issues
- Ability to deny content from being uploaded on the basis of inappropriate
content, false coverage, or inaccurate facts

II.3: Content Creators

II.3.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of content creators include the

- Maintain required academic standing
- Submit articles for editing no later than twelve (12) hours before
scheduled upload, unless writing a time-sensitive article
- Be receptive to constructive criticism
- Approach the News Director with any problems that may affect
production of content including scheduling, interpersonal conflict,
complaints, illness, etc.
- Check Discord when pinged and respond to communication
within twelve (12) hours

II.3.2: Expectations ​The expectations of content creators include the following:

- Ask questions about topics or subjects that appear unclear
- Be able to discuss topics and people constructively and respectfully
- Have the ability to show evidence of learning or progress in performance
through demonstration
- Consistently pursue self-improvement
- Have the ability to respectfully and constructively disagree with decisions
made with, or in regard to, the team
- Create fresh content based on current events or trends in the esports and
gaming industry

II.4: Disciplinary Action and Removal

II.4.1: “Three Strike System” ​A “Three Strike System” is in place so that a

content creator who commits a misdemeanor (as determined by this document or
agreed upon by a panel of leadership including the News Director and two others)
is allowed to reflect upon their actions and improve in the future. Upon obtaining
three (3) “strikes” (recorded and managed by the News Director), the content
creator in question will be placed on probation. Probation entails removal from
the publishing schedule for a minimum of two (2) weeks, wherein after, if the
content creator obtains another strike within six (6) months, he/she will be
dismissed from the team.

II.4.2 Removal from the Team/Breach of Security ​In the event that someone
should leave the team, either by removal or personal choice, or that a leak of
private info (WordPress Password) occurs, a few steps must be taken to ensure the
security of News and Media Team assets:
- The removed content creator’s WordPress account must be deleted
- The content creator’s access to the team’s Google Drive will be revoked
- The content creator’s access to the team’s Google Calendar will be

III: Team Roster and Publishing


III.1: Determining Team Roster

The News and Media Team’s initial roster shall be determined before the Fall
Semester begins, and shall be drawn from a pool of candidates who submitted
an application during the summer prior.

Applicants must provide a previous example of creative content, whether written

or video. If a previous written example cannot be provided, the applicant will be
asked to write an example during the application process.

III.2: Determining Publish


Publishing days will be determined based on the number of team members.

Articles will be published at the same time every publishing day, with the
exception of time-sensitive articles which include, but are not limited to, articles
recapping events and competitions and breaking news. Times will be determined
according to when content is most viewed on website (If Applicable).

IV: Mission and Time



The end goal of content development is to allow content creators to have a

platform to express themselves upon and grow as a person while developing
skills akin to that of a professional games journalist.

In order to facilitate growth, a monthly check-in routine will be implemented

which involves assessing goals and ideas, planning the means by which those
goals and development will be achieved, and then updating the progress and
effort spent on those goals in the appropriate Discord channel.

IV.2: Time Obligation

The JHS Esports Club is restricted to mandating only fifteen (15) hours per
week of organization-related time by the will of the writers, and may not push
members beyond this limit as part of its expectations, nor can it punish members
for non-participation past this limit. This time includes writing, editing,
attendance to various events including meetings, press events, competitions,
conventions, or other related events.

V: Style
V.1: General

- When submitting articles, they should be set to “Pending Review.” An

article should never be published without being approved by an editor.

- Note the date by which a piece needs to be published in the title when
submitting it (e.g. “Event Preview [THURSDAY]”)

- If an article includes pictures, it should include a caption describing the

picture, and the image should be cited properly.

- Set a featured image to serve as the article’s cover photo. For visual
media, the News Director should upload an appropriate featured image
during editing
- Change paragraphs every time the topic changes. Shorter paragraphs are
- Breaking news pieces should answer questions of Who, What, When,
Where, and Why.
- Non-breaking news pieces should be approximately 700 words in length.
- The name of the publishing group for the News and Media team is JHS
- Exclamation points should be used very sparingly.
- If anything outside of the article is mentioned, a link to the appropriate
article or piece should be provided in the article.
- Pictures embedded in articles should be oriented on alternating sides,
starting with the first on the right.

V.2: Esports
- When a player is first referenced, his/her name should be written using the
following format: Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng. In subsequent mentions, the
player should be referred to by the name that is most recognizable (in this
case, Doublelift).
- When referring to something particular in-game in esports, capitalize it
(e.g. AOE, Infinity Edge, etc.)
- Esports should be stylized ​Esports ​or ​esports​. ​eSports​, ​e-Sports​, and ​e-
sports ​should not be used.
- When an esport title is first mentioned, use its full name (e.g. League of
Legends, Overwatch, etc.). In subsequent mentions, abbreviations may be
used (e.g. LoL, OW, etc.), unless it is a part of another proper noun (e.g.
Overwatch League).

V.3: Numbers

- Spell out numbers one through nine. Any numbers above 10 may be
written in numerals.

- Numbers that begin a sentence must be spelled out.

- Ordinals in centuries should be spelled out below 10. Numbers above

10 may be written in numerals (e.g. ninth century, 10th century).

- Dates should be written in the following format: Feb. 8, 2007, Feb 8.

- Feb 8th should not be used.

- Decades should be written in the following format: 1950s

- A graduating class may be referred to in the following format: class of

‘14 - Height in US systems of measurements are written in the
following format: 6-foot-3

- Decimals and fractions greater than 1 may be written in the following

formats: 7.2, 3 1⁄2.
- Percentages may be expressed in the following formats: 3.7 percent, 4
percentage points.

- Dimensions and weight are to be expressed in the following formats

using figures: 5-foot-6, 5-foot man, 7-footer, 6 feet wide, 9-inch
snowfall, 9 ounces, 220-pound forward.

- Two-by-four is an exception to the above.

- For larger figures, use figure and word combinations (e.g. 1-million
fans, $2 billion, $5 million contract).

- To denote rank, use the following format: Liquid is the No. 1

contender, Fuel is the No. 1 team in the nation.

- To mention speeds, the following formats may be used: 7 mph, 100

mph fastball, winds 5 to 10 mph

- To mention sports scores/stats, the following formats may be used:

the score is 10-3, their record is 6-1-2 (wins, losses, ties).

V.4: Capitalization

- Proper nouns should be capitalized: specific person, place, or thing (e.g.

Dallas Fuel, League of Legends, etc.)

- Proper names should be capitalized: political party, river, street (e.g.

Republican Party, Mississippi River, West Street, etc.)

- Specific events should be capitalized (e.g. Overwatch League, The

International, etc.)

- If using a one-word reference to an event, that word should be capitalized

(e.g. the League)
- Formal titles should be capitalized if they precede a name. Formal titles
should not be capitalized if they don’t


- The Oxford comma should be used at all times when appropriate (e.g.
Fuel, Liquid, and Cloud 9).

- Commas should separate equal adjectives (e.g. A dark, dangerous

street). Adjectives are considered equal if the word “and” may be used
instead of the aforementioned comma.

- Commas should separate the name of a city and the state that contains it
(e.g. Los Angeles, California).

- Colons may be used to emphasize a word (e.g. The players have one
thing on their minds: revenge).

- Quotation marks should be used to denote the exact words of a speaker

(e.g. “I have no intention of staying here,” Josh said).

- Periods and commas remain inside of quotation marks if the sentence or

clause ends with a quotation.

- A slash may be used in phrases such as 24/7, or in fractions such as 3


V.6: Active/Passive Voice

- A sentence is said to be in the active voice when the subject of the
sentence takes action (e.g. Bryce Harper punched Hunter Strickland).

- A sentence is said to be in the passive voice when the subject of the

sentence is acted upon (e.g. Hunter Strickland was punched by Bryce

- The active voice should be used predominantly in journalism.

- The subject and verb of a sentence should be kept close together

and close to the beginning of the sentence.

- Sentences should not begin with prepositional phrases or verbs in

the present-progressive.

- The passive voice may be appropriate in certain cases, such as when

the subject of the sentence is unknown or irrelevant, when expressing
a general truth, or when emphasizing that which is acted upon.


- Players’ or teams’ full names should be used in headlines.

- The first word of the headline should be capitalized.

- All other words in headlines should be capitalized except for the

- Articles (a, an, the)
- Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, etc.)
- Prepositions (at, by, from, etc.)
- Use colons rather than hyphens in headlines.
- Exclamation points should not be used in headlines.
- Numerals should be used in headlines (e.g. 5 Reasons Why the London
Spitfire Will Win).
- When devising a title, key words should be placed earlier.

V.8: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

- Focus keywords should be precise such that a reader can find the article,
but broad enough such that a reader would search for those words.

- Slugs, which is to say, the URL for the story, should not contain the day of
the week.
- Focus keywords should be added to each picture in the alt text space in order
to boost SEO score.
Team Policy Document

Team General Layout

I: Objectives and Guiding Principles

I.1: Objectives

This organizational document will be produced with the following key objectives
in mind:
- To focus on creating and fostering as much competitive advantage as
possible within the players and staff
- To eliminate subjectivity and ambiguity in decision making processes
as much as possible
- To compete and achieve victory

I.2: Guiding Principles

I.2.1: JHS Esports Club is a competitive entity ​There is no room for nepotism
or favoritism among players. The best performers in each role, with individual
skill as well as team cohesion, will be fielded. Consideration of emotions will
have no bearing on roster decisions. Raw performance value will be the only
deciding factor.

I.2.2: Time is a limited and valuable resource ​There is no excuse for wasting
one’s own time or that of his/her peers. Each player should prepare and put forth
his/her best effort to all practice sessions, training, scrimmages, and competitive
events. Coaches and staff should provide valuable, useful, and relevant training
and advice. Failure on either of these ends should be considered wasted time,
and is unacceptable.

I.2.3: Be accountable for one’s failures ​Failure in competition is inevitable,

but is also the greatest learning opportunity. To deny or deflect responsibility is
to directly inhibit one’s own growth. Each player, Coach, and Captain should
recognize, analyze, and take ownership of the parts of the team’s failures that are
his/her own and learn from them.
I.2.4: Seek out opportunities for growth ​One’s ability to grow as a competitor
is neither dependent on nor inhibited by the people around him/her. There is
always room for individual growth, even in the absence of team growth. Focus on
acquiring and using tools for self-improvement. Do not place self-improvement in
the hands of others.

I.2.5: Maintain a professional demeanor ​All players and staff represent the
Jasper High School, and should carry themselves in a manner befitting of a
representative of it. Be respectful, honest, and fair to others both internal and
external to this organization.

II: Responsibilities, Expectations, and Powers

II.1: Definition

II.1.1: Responsibilities ​Responsibilities are minimal requirements that one

must be able to meet in order to retain a position. Inability to maintain these
responsibilities may result in ejection. Ignorance regarding these responsibilities
is not an acceptable excuse for not meeting them.

II.1.2: Expectations ​Expectations are traits and performance measures beyond

the minimum required that may result in removal, replacement, or lack of
invitation to return in the following semester/year if they are not met.

II.1.3: Powers ​Powers are the abilities of a member to impact the Development
Team or competitive team that he/she is a part of directly and immediately.

II.2: Coaches

II.2.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of Coaches include the

- Create each starting roster based on statistical or factual data
- Attend at least one (1) practice session per week, and provide actionable
feedback to players capability
- Provide at least one (1) VoD review of the team per week, for a minimum
duration of one game, except in the case that no games exist to review
- Provide one-on-one VoD review within a reasonable time upon request of
a player
- Maintain confidentiality for issues with each player, unless explicitly
given permission by the player to do otherwise
- Update the team directive with the Captain on a weekly basis
- Find scrimmages of the appropriate level for the team
- Be aware of player obligations and schedule training times around them
- Provide the scheduling for events, training times, and practices in a timely
- Review at least one (1) professional VoD with the team each week, from a
different region each week

II.2.2: Expectations ​The expectations of Coaches include the following:

- Have the ability to recognize when a drill, training process, or
scrimmage is not worthwhile and cut these functions short as necessary
- Have the ability to recognize player strengths or shortcomings, and be
able to provide training or actionable feedback to players in order to
foster or mitigate these traits
- Have the ability to recognize and formulate counters to particular
strategies and compositions
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen interpersonal issues
among team members that have a negative impact on player performance
- Have the ability to recognize when a player or captain’s expertise in a
situation exceeds one’s own, and empower those decisions or calls as
- Have a plan for the team to follow before scrimmages or practice
sessions that can be clearly conveyed to the players, and be able to
change this plan as dictated by the situation
- Network and form relationships with other collegiate teams to foster
opportunities to learn, opportunities, and gather intelligence

II.2.3: Powers ​The powers of Coaches include the following:

- Ability to bench a player with documented and previously addressed
interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other disciplinary issues
- Ability to remove from the starting roster a player with documented and
previously addressed interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other
disciplinary issues

II.3: Captains

Captains are elected each year. Players may volunteer themselves to be

Captains for the team which they are a part of, and then an anonymous vote of
team members will be taken. In the event of a tie, the Coach shall act as a
tiebreaker, followed by the Competitive Director in the case that the Coach
cannot decide. If a Captain fails to meet his/her responsibilities and/or
expectations, the Coach shall hold a one-on-one meeting with him/her. In the
event that this meeting does not lead to improvement, the team will discuss
solutions with them. Following this, the current Captain will be removed and a
new one elected.

II.3.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of Captains include the following:

- Find scrimmages of the appropriate level for the team
- Be aware of player obligations and schedule training times around them
- Manage player attitudes to the best of one’s ability
- Maintain confidentiality for issues with each player, unless explicitly
given permission by the player to do otherwise, and sharing with coaches
as necessary and when appropriate
- Enforce scheduled practice sessions, scrimmages, VoD reviews, etc.
- Update the team directive with the Coach on a weekly basis

II.3.2: Expectations ​The expectations of Captains include the

- Maintain a positive attitude with the team, talking to players as necessary
to ensure that the team is a highly functioning unit
- Have the ability to recognize when a drill, training process, or scrimmage
is not worthwhile and cut these functions short as necessary
- Have the ability to recognize and resolve or dampen interpersonal issues
among team members that have a negative impact on player performance
- Network and form relationships with other collegiate teams to foster
opportunities to learn, opportunities, and gather intelligence

II.3.3: Powers ​The powers of Captains include the

- Ability to bench a player with documented and previously addressed
interpersonal issues, toxic attitude, or other disciplinary issues
- Ability to immediately call for a player substitution when substitutions
are allowed during a match in the event of a meltdown, extreme
toxicity, or disciplinary issues during a match

II.4: Players

II.4.1: Responsibilities ​The responsibilities of players include the

- Maintain required academic standing
- Be punctual to practice sessions. Provide at least one day’s warning if the
session can not be attended.
- Complete homework and drills assigned by Coaches
- Be receptive to constructive criticism
- Approach one’s Captain, Coach, and/or team with any problems that may
affect performance including scheduling, interpersonal conflict,
complaints, illness, etc.
- Update player goals on a weekly basis
- Check Discord when pinged and respond to communication within
twenty-four (24) hours

II.4.2: Expectations ​The expectations of players include the following:

- Ask questions about topics or subjects that appear unclear
- Keep in-game communications clear, concise, and relevant
- Limit background noise, toxicity, and whitenoise communication

- Have the ability to show evidence of learning or progress in performance

through factual evidence or statistics
- Consistently pursue self-growth
- Have the ability to respectfully and constructively disagree with calls or
decisions both in- and out of game

III: Team

III.1: All Players

All players need to have a firm sense of the game in general.



Scrimmages broadly cover two purposes:

- Honing, refining, and perfecting specific team compositions and tactics,
including team communication - Researching, experimenting, and devising new team
compositions and

Individual skills may be refined during scrimmages, but mechanical proficiency,

game sense, and understanding of matchups and champions should be acquired
prior to scrimmages by individual players. It should be considered inefficient and
ineffective to attempt to learn a new champion on an individual level during
scrimmages. Scrimmages serve, rather, as an opportunity for players to learn to
adapt their play to the team’s wants and needs, as well as to play next to
champions that their teammates are attempting to integrate into team play.
Coaches should be prepared with specific plans on what to practice whether it be
meta-compliant team composition, counter-picks, counter-compositions, etc.

IV.2: Methodology

The level of the team to be scrimmaged shall determine what the scrimmage
should be used to practice:

IV.2.1: The enemy team vastly outmatches our own ​It is unlikely that neither
the enemy team nor our own can gain value from the scrimmage. A new
scrimmage partner should be sought out.

IV.2.2: The enemy team slightly outmatches or evenly matches our own
Primary meta compositions should be the focus. The scrimmage shall be used
to practice team cohesion and meta tactics.

IV.2.3: The enemy team is slightly outmatched by our own ​The scrimmage
may be used to experiment with potential counter-picks or new team
compositions. These should still be either meta-compliant or logically
theorycrafted with factual backing. These scrimmages are still not to be used to
learn basic mechanics or proficiencies on an unfamiliar champion.

IV.2.4: The enemy team is severely outmatched by our own ​A new

scrimmage partner should be sought out. The other team should be dismissed
such that players may focus on individual skills as a scrimmage against a
significantly weaker team should be considered an inefficient use of time.

V: Training and

V.1: Methodology
Achieving victory in competition is the end goal of development, with training
as the means by which that goal shall be achieved. Training is a discipline that
requires in-depth, scientific methodology.

In order to facilitate player growth, a weekly routine will be implemented

which involves recording goals, writing down the means by which those goals
will be achieved, and then updating the progress and effort spent on those goals
in the appropriate Discord channel.

The Coach and Captain shall create and update a team directive, which will define
the needs of the team as the game’s meta and team’s capabilities shift. Each of
these updates should take roughly five (5) to ten (10) minutes to perform, but, if
performed diligently and intentionally, should vastly increase the efficiency of
training and increase the ability of the players to take initiative in it.

V.2: Team

The team directive should be a series of paragraphs roughly outlining the

direction in which the team intends to move, goals not yet met necessary to
move in that direction, and that possibly includes particular needs of specific
players. These directives shall begin broadly and will narrow or evolve as the
players make progress on their individual advancement as part of the directive.
The directive should be made with actionable objectives in mind, and be as brief
as possible while still maintaining clarity of those objectives.

V.3: Goals

Individual players should be posting their goals and updating their progress on
the previous week’s posting at the beginning of each week. These goals may vary
in size, difficulty, and scope, but should have some observable measure of
progress and align with the team directive. Postings must include the goal’s
objective, the means by which that objective will be reached, and the measure by
which progress will be determined.

Goals may be multi-week ventures, but should be reposted with updates on a

week-to-week basis. It is acceptable not to achieve a goal, but they should be
written in a reasonably attainable way and should be abandoned only in the
event of a team directive shift or if the player believes his/her time would be
better spent training in other areas.

V.4: Time Obligation

The JHS Esports Club is restricted to mandating only fifteen (15) hours per
week of organization-related time by the will of the writers, and may not push
players beyond this limit as part of its expectations, nor can it punish players for
non-participation past this limit. This time includes scrimmage matches, training
events, non-game related team events, and competitive gameplay time.

Personal efforts and time taken to travel to events do not count toward this time.
Personal efforts are largely where player progress will take place. While a player
may not be penalized for not putting in effort beyond what is mandatory, the
mandatory time commitment is not enough for players to see significant or
observable advancement in skill or expertise.

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