Argumentative Speech Rubric
Argumentative Speech Rubric
Argumentative Speech Rubric
4 3 2 1
Category POINTS
The introduction engages the The introduction engages the reader The introduction establishes a The introduction does not
reader and establishes a claim in and establishes the claim. claim. clearly state the claim.
a compelling way.
The argument includes valid The argument includes reasons and The argument includes some The argument does not include
reasons and evidence that evidence that address and support my reasons and evidence that address reasons or evidence for the
address and support the claim claim while acknowledging and support the claim while briefly claim. No counterclaims are
while clearly acknowledging counterclaims. acknowledging counterclaims. acknowledged.
Focus and counterclaims.
The ideas progress logically, and The ideas progress logically, and some The ideas progress somewhat The ideas do not progress
transitions make connections transitions are used to help make logically. A few sentence logically. Transitions are not
among ideas clear. connections among ideas clear. transitions are used that connect included to connect ideas.
readers to the argument.
The conclusion offers fresh The conclusion restates the claim and The conclusion offers some insight The conclusion does not
insight into the claim. important information. into the claim and restates restate any information that is
information. important.
The sources of evidence are The sources of evidence contain The sources of evidence contain Reliable and relevant evidence
comprehensive and specific and relevant information. some relevant information. is not included.
contain relevant information.
The tone of the argument is The tone of the argument is mostly The tone of the argument is The vocabulary used is limited
Evidence and always formal and objective. formal and objective. occasionally formal and objective. or ineffective.
The vocabulary is always The vocabulary is generally The vocabulary is somewhat The tone of the argument is
appropriate for the audience and appropriate for the audience and appropriate for the audience and not objective or formal.
purpose. purpose. purpose.
Speaker satisfactorily addresses Speaker gets slightly uncomfortable Very uncomfortable with questions. Cannot answer questions.
questions. with questions or cannot easily
formulate an answer.
The argument intentionally uses The argument demonstrates general The argument demonstrates some The argument contains
standard English conventions of accuracy in standard Englishaccuracy in standard English mistakes in standard English
usage and mechanics. conventions of usage and mechanics.conventions of usage and conventions of usage and
mechanics. mechanics.
Speaker uses original and Speaker uses typical techniques to Creativity is minimal and The element of creativity is
effective creative techniques. keep the attention of audience, but overpowering. distracting from the true
Creativity (Example: images, graphs, nothing original. message or creativity was not
charts, jokes/humor/cartoons, included.
and anecdotes.)