Letter Writing B2

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page 44

) uNrr 3 I Writing Practice


Plan: :

I Greeting use a formal greeting

Opening paragraph state why you are writing
ask for information in a polite way
Main part (1 - 2 paragraphs) make your requests 1,,

Closing paragraph use set phrases to end your letter

Signing off use a formal ending expression

A formal letter is a letter you write to an institution or a person you don't know personally. When you write a f
letter, remember to:
. use appropriate phrases to start and end the letter
. divide the letter into smaller sections called paragraphs
. use the full forms of verbs (I am not I'm)
. use formal words and expressions
A letter of request is a formal letter in which you ask for more information about something or in which you a:
somebody to do something for you. It is important to phrase your requests in a polite way and to thank the add

2. Read the following letter. Change the questions in italics into indirect questions using expressions from t
grammar reference section page.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to you with regard to the advertisement for your school which I found in Your English Magazin,
I would appreciate some further information about your college.

I am a 2}-year-old Hungarian student and I have decided to study in England. I am especially interested in
languages and the tourist industry so I want to study Tourism. How much are the studies at your college? Do
you offer any scholarships for your students?

V4tat documents should I send to you? Wat is the deadline for sending the application?

I would be grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.

Yours flithfully,


Ajóa Lovas

- Writing Practice I u*'r .

- ::'Jl language:
3n'*et. ngs:
'_ -.: ]rÍadam,
: _'ÍliS'
!\reics tor opening paragraph:
i- : ,rrq to you in connection with

-:.lg to You with regard to ...
,:s to You with reference to ...
: :le ase send me further details about . . . ?

:-rE tbr more information about ...

, : :: grateful if you could inform me ...
, : .:<e to ask you for ...
- : .:ie r-ou to send me a brochure / a pamphlet.
en'ases for closing paragraph:
. :.rJrd to hearing from you soon.

- : :tpreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.

1 . ' -1i i'ou in adyance for your time and assistance.

- ' --..::rullr'.
'.---erelr'. )

e*nernber: \Vhen you start your letter with Dear Sir / Madam, you always finish it with Yours
faithfutly.When you
-: letter wtth Dear Mr / Ms Jones, finish it with yours sincerely.

: "*t rite the following letter:

\ |lirrl are interested Ín attending a language course in Ireland. You would like more information about a particular
:'ornr\r. \\ rite a letter in which you:
. state the purpose of the letter and introduce yourself
' rr'rite what your level of English is and which Course you aÍe interested in
. ask about the cost ofthe course and ask for a brochure
' ask how many students there are in a group and what countries the students are from
B,r.gin lour letter:
It:.r Sir / Madam,
Retnember I'ou must follow the layout of a letter. Don't use any addresses. The word timit is 120 - 150 words.

Summary: ,

{ :,:rmal letter is a letter you write to an institution, or to a person whom you don't know personally. When you write a ,,,

::crnal letter. you should rernember to write in an appropriate style (polite); to use set phrases to begin and end the letter;ii
"jJr.ide the letter into paragraphs; to avoid abbreviations and informal language. A letter of request is a formal letter i1

: r hich r'ou ask for more information about somethíng, or in which you ask somebody to do somethíng for you. It is ii
:.;\:tnant to express your requests in a polite manner.
r- page -

Writing Practice

(wriring a format letter (2ll I

u*,, o

llv? D;iscuss
luestioni .i. : . r e\rer had a summer job? What was it? How did you get it?
rüich 'r,i T.*" :-::d of procedures do you go through when you apply for a job?
' ,.-:rd of information do you think
'trr T.' should be included in a letter of application?

S,ample writing
' 'il*ed the instructions and the sample letter carefully. Then answer the questions below.

1 rnu job as an assistant group leader at a summer language camp for children.
u ant to get a
write a letter to the
,Űlrrutor of the language school which organises the camp in whÍch you:

- ';i. :he purpose of the letter and write how you found out about the job.
- - - : :ou long you have been learning English and what your level of fluency is.
n the - , - -- ,r hich two qualities make you a suitable candidate.
' - - :. '"',
hen you can start work and when you are available for an interview.
lqgn .r our letler:
rn at -,- i.:.'Mrdam,
'e also
ll**m'ember you must follow the layout of a letter. Don't us€ any addresses. The word limit is 120 words.

tul Mar Sir / tlladam,
close I am ulriting in resltonse to Uour adttertisement uthich appeared rlesterdaq in the Daily Neutspaper. I
woutd like
ation. ro apply for the position of assistant group leader at the EnglÍsh language camp.
am an l$-qear-old slu/ent in mq final t1ear of secondarg school. I hat)e been learning Engtish
for 6 qears
)r end I hatle iust passed the FCE eran.
JS in addition, I utorked as a ttolunteer at a children's home last uJinter urhere I learned
hou, to be communicatirte
and utell-organised. U/hat is more, I am a creatik and energetic person, and therefore, a
suitable candidate
and lor the iob.

l can ulork all summer and l am afuilable for an interÍ/ieu) at llour con(enience. t look
forulard to hearing from

'l ltours faithfulhl,

ave a Kouács Artíty


, :;t phrase does the letter start with?

:r like - -- . ,' manY paragraphs are there? Number the paragraphs.
-: , :::t sort of information has been included
in each paragraph?
+ "
-:.:: phrases are typical of letters of application? Underline these phrases.
page 58

UNIT 4 Writing Practice

Plan: r

Greeting use a lormal greeting

Opening paragraph . state what you are applying lor ta job.
a grant. a scholarshipr
'if you are applying tor a job. srare which position you are apprying
for and wrire
where / when you saw the advertisement
Main part (2 - 3 paragraphs) . describe your qualificarions ancl exoerience
. clescribe your previous / presenr job
. explain why you believe you are suitable
lor the job adverrisecl
Closing paragraph use set phrases to end your letter
Signing ofl use a formal ending e xpression
letter you should describe your qualifications and experience
and prove that you are a suitable candidate. Remember to:
. use set phrases to start and end the
. divide the letter into paragraphs;
. use the full forms of verbs (I am
not I'rn);
. use formal language;
. describe your good qualities;
. include information that is relevant
to the job, scholarship or grant you are applying for

2' Read the following letter' It contains a lot of unnecessar1'

information and it Ís not divided into paragraphs. Cross
out the sentences which should not appear Ín this t1pe
of a letter and divÍde it into paragraphs.

Dear IIs Jones,

I would like to applt1 for the positÍon of summer staff

aduertised in the Sunny Day on the l st April. l an
nineteen years old and l hade just passed my secondarq
school lealing ,roár. t am
learning' l am not tlert| happt| tlJith my llaths exam since fed u1t with books and
l Ítak ne(,er been fury good at Álaths. ! belieue I
Possess a good command of EngtÍsh since l passed ng English exan uith uerg goád
results. /lloteo(er, l often
haue the opportunitr| to communicate in English because
i hrr" a lot of friends abroad. ,llartin
is especiallq handsome- I hale some experience in ulorking from scotland
ulith childre, b"ror* mg class cooperated with
the local primartl school and ute organised a lot of partiei
and comt etitions for the pupils. Ho,lerer, the
christmas carol concert wtas a disaster because the children
could not sing'at att. itrs experience hellted ne
realise that I an a responsible and patient person, and
l can quicktg gain'chíldren,s attention and respect,
uhich I thÍnk is necessart| in the job gou offer. l need the
non)y beia'use l am sa(ing for a car, so l can start
ulork in Julq' I am alailable
for an interuieut at uour cony'enience. t look foruJard to ieoring
sincerely, from qou. llours

Tóth Dániel
page 5 9

- Writing Practice UNIT 4

" :" - 3.'lguagel

;,' "rd- ,- -:

: "'r openrng paragraph:

- :r response to your advertisement which appeared in ...on ...
.... to apply for the post/position of ...
:rq to apply for a scholarship / a grant
lan English language course.
3\'rlses for the main part of the
I am ...
pfa . -._.i'ications include ...
er to:
, :-rld a certificate in...
: rue knowledge of ...
: ::_or_€d ás ...
::: suitable for the position of ...
: rrc post (scholarship) you offer will give me the opportunity
to ...
er3S€S for closing paragraph:
' r''ard to hearing from you.
' -' -::,able for an interview at your convenience.
' - : =rclosed my CV.
, . .nclosed a reference from my previous employer.
i cíng:

--- .eithfully, )
, ..incerely, )

i 'r,\-rite the following letter:

t r: rt'ant to get a summer job in England. Write a letter of application to a job agency in which you:
. state the purpose of the letter ancl introduce
,l ' write what kind of job you want and when you can start work.
. describe your qualifications and interests.
. state how much you want to earn and
how many hours a day you can work.
F*gin r-our letter:
:,: Sir / Madam.
F{emember you must follow the layout of a letter. Don't use
any addresses. The word limit is 120 words.

{ letter of application is a formal letter which is written in order to apply for job,
a a gÍant, etc. It is important to use
:'rrmal language, descrilre your good qualities, include any relevant ;i

information and io be persuasive.

page 7

' : n g Practice (writing an informal letter)


ffi* u*,, u

Lt thr
' ]:::ultlá] letters to?
. I : Sr-rilitl letters?

;n ,r,'ritiltg
]]]lilÍ .- '*'* Ji:Lrns and the sample letter carefrrlly. In the sample letter find expressions which are informal
*riltslilluufri,,u*LÍ-- : :]1: sentenceswrittenundertheletter.

-:'lh f riend, Patrick, has invited you to Ireland for
the winter holidays. Unfortunately, you can't go
''rN' ..; !i i )ur brother is getting married
then. write a letter in which vou:
-' . : the letter and apologise for not writing for so long
' -' : : the invitation and explain why you can't go to Ireland
: .:re u edding is going to take place and how many guests are going to attend
.. : -
-..rns off your visit and propose another time for it

:;*' * .'r:

'Í: i*' :l:

gour letter. l'm sorrq l har/en't tltritten for so long but l'tle had a lot o| work latelt1 because of
í;í',i-. brother's uleddÍng.
Jl] i]l]lll]ll]lllll]l

""',''Í]iíj:,lr inuitinq
me to Í/isit gou during the u/inter break. lt ulas krt1nice of t1ou, but l'm afraid I
]líll/lllll| ' :'r ! :: reland then. lt's because mt1 brother
is gettíng married on t $th of Februarg (gou knoul St.
',/ : !ay.l.,. We're going to have a big reception - q,e are expectÍng about 50 guests. The ulhole
familt1 is

díl'-1]]] 5r.-
' ercited too), and etlergbodg is talking onlg about the u/edding!
' ' :! { .); e can meet some other time because l'tle aluJa7s u/anted to üsit lreland. ű/hat do you think
i-n*-: J, :ime)
I hade to finish nou. Gitu mq regards to tour parents. tu{/rite soon.
llllllllli]]l]]]] ] Í '1


,l ll|Í - not \\-riting to you.

rlllill ::rnot accept your invitation to Ireland.
r :,rg Ireland at Easter.
lil( 1(
*' : : : :i_r hearing fromyou.

i] lí lLl]] ' "

page -l2

UNIT 5 Writing Practice

Plan: r

Lireettns use first names

Opening paragraph use set phrases to begin your letter
Main pan (2 - 3 paragraphs.l say why you are writing
develop your ideas
Closing paragraph use set phrases to end your letter
Signing off wnte your hrst name

Án informal letter is a letter you write to

' 1---^-----^-7
your family or friends. In
" this t1pe
of letter you should sound friendly.
' use appropriate informal expressions to start and end the letter
. divide lhe letrer into paragraphs
. use short forms of verbs (l've got rather
than t have got)
. use everyday language

2' Read the following letter. Fitl Ín the gaps with missing linking
words ancl, but, so, because.

Dear lean,

Thanks for your letten lt u,tas great to hear

fron t1ou. I
qlas so hopp,l to read that tlou ue
left the hospital and qou
re 0K nout.
lt ulas lerg nice of t4ou to inúte me to Dubtin. l
reallq can t qtait to see lreland I
unfortunatelt,, I can t come during the uJinter break. lthq
brother is getting married on I 2 Februart1.2._
_ I hatte to be in Hungart1 then.
To tell qou the truth,
! m a bit tired utith allthese
preparatio,nq 3- there s alutat\s sowething
to do. ltly brother t4,ants to hat)e a big reception.4_
ule are all ttertl bust1 helping hin. There are going
to be 100 guests, can tlou inagine?
Any,taq, I holte I can come to lreland some other time.
ht/hat do t\ou think about the beginning of lvlaq? (űrite
soon 5 gitte mr1 regards to Uour faniltt
All the best,
page 73

Writing Practice I u*,r u

All the best.
Take care.
Bye for now...
opening paragraph:
from you.
't written for so long.
lom you for ages.
main part of the letter:

if you could come and stay with us.

Dme to ...

ome because ...

to invite me but ...
k news:
eed / sorry to hear that ...

bfinish now
b.vour parents.

ls started a student exchange programme with'a school in Great Britain. Write a letter to one of
ln the school in which you:
I'ourself and say where you live.
lig 1'our family is and what each member of your family does.
rtat you do in your free time and what you have been doing recently.
/ ber that you are looking foiward to his / her letter and that you hope you are going to meet.
lWriting Practice (writing a formal letter (

Have you ever bought anything from a shop only to find that it was out of order when you got home? What was :.:
did you do?
What problems might occur when you buy something on the Internet?

Sample writing
1. Read the instructions and the sample letter carefi.rlly and answer the questions below.

You have bought an item from an electronics shop on the Internet. Unfortunatelyo it doesn't meet your
expectations. Write a letter to the owners of the shop.
. Specify what product you have bought and when you ordered it.
. Give two reasons for your dissatisfaction.
. Insist that you are not to blame for the defect and you didn't try to repair the equipment in any way.
. Express your disappointment and write what kind of action you expect.
Begin your letter:
Dear Sir / Madam.

Dear Sir / tlladam,

I am uritina to complain about a personal stereo I ordered from Uour lnternet shop
lst April, 2007. Unfortunateltl, it did not ulork properly from the beginning.
First of all, u,hen I took it out ol the box, I found that there utere no instructions
althouah íheu should hatle beei included ih the set. Then it turned out that the "Pla{'
button'does not urork properlq, so in fact, I cannot use mt! personal stereo at all.

I can assure t4ou that I am not to blame for uthat happened, as I used the personal
stereo in the-proper waty and I did not tru to repair the e@ipment.

!/ou can imagine hout disappointed I aw and that is uthq I denand a (uick
I look forward to hearing lrom qou.
llours faithfunu,

/ohn Broűne

1. How many paragraphs are there in the letter? Number them.

2. How many complaints does the writer make?
3. In which paragraph are the complaints made?
4. What is stated in the last paragraph?
5. Is it a formal or informal letter? How do you know?
Writing Practice UNIT 7

Srmal expressionsto staJand end the letter

language: {:

opening paragraph:
lo \ou to complain about ...

different from ...

I bought did not work properly from the beginning.

rntind or fast-forward / take photos / record anl.thing.
b closing paragraph:
tull refund / a replacement / immediate action.
to hearing from you soon.
from you as soon as possible.

: \\'hen you start your letter with Dear Sir / Madam, you always finish it with Yours faithfully. When you
ker rtith Dear Mr / Ms Jones, finish it with Yours sincerely.
page 1 02

UNIT 7 Writing Practice

2. Read the letter below and put the jumbled paragraphs in the right order.

ossure gou I om not to blome Jor what happened os I used the comero in
the proper wog ond I did not tru to repatr the equlpment.
Jorward to hearing Jrom gou.
I look
Dear Sir I Yadam,
You ccn imagtne how dlsappointed I am, because the comera wos
descrtbed os 'the highest quotitg product' ond it wos expensive lndeed. Toking
a[[ these things into conslderotlon, I wish to send the camera back, and I

demand a totol reJund.

Yours ÍaLthÍuLl'1,
The frst probtem is thot lt swltches olJ suddentg white taking o photo so
is comptetetg unreliabte. Voreover, the porcel di.d not contoin the computer
cabl.e so I connot send ong photos vio the lnternet.

JeeL I must comptoln about the digitot camera ordered Jrom gour

lnternet shop on Morch 5th. I om dissatisfred with lt becouse [t does not

work properLg.

3.Write the following letter:

You have bought an item of clothing from an Internet shop. Unfortunately, you have to write a letter of
because the item you received is dífferent fiom what you ordered. Write a letter of complaint to the customcr
service department.
. Write what item of clothing you ordered and when you ordered it.
. Write what colour and size you ordered.
. Write what colour and size you received.
. Specify what you expect from the shop owners and ask for a quick reply.
Begin your letter:
Dear Sir / Madam,

A letter of complaint is a formal lotter which you write when you are not satisf,ed with a product you have
Wihen you write a letter of complaint,reílember to state at;the beginning of your letter wbat p'roduct you are
about. Explain your complaints clearly. write whal you expect the reader to do and be firm but very polite.
As]in all formalletters reme1pber to divide y'ourletter into paragraphs, use fÓrmal expressions to start and end ttre
use full forms of verbs.'
page 1 15

Writing Practice (writing a formal letter (4)) UNIT 8

-rri',3 \'ou ever bought a package holiday from a travel agency?. Where did you go?
tl\r::< .r-ou satisfied with it?
[r;':-., .utr go wrong on a package holiday?

Sample writing
Read the instructions and the sample letter carefully.

l rru took part in a trÍp to London. Unfortunately, the travel agency faited to fulfill the claims made in the brochure.
ll rite a letter to the travel agency which organised the trip.

. Write when the trip took place and where to.

. Describe two claims included in the brochure.
. Write why you are dissatisfled.

' Express your disappointment and write what kind of compensation you expect.
Begin your letter:
Dear Sir / Madam,

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to complain about a trip to London (5-12 April) organised byyour travel agency.
First of all, in your brochure you promised that all participants would be accommodated in single rooms.
Unfortunately, there were only double rooms avaiIable so I had to share a room wíth a person I didn't know I do
not think I have to explain how embarrassing it was for all of us.

The next thing was the sightseeing plan which included Windsor. Unfortunately, we did not manage to visit it at
all, which was extremely disappointing for me.

You can imagine how dissatisfied I am with both the accommodation and organisation of the trip. That is why I
demand a partial refund. I hope you will give this matter your prompt attention.

I look for-ward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully,


(Mr) Tíbor Horváth
. al

2. In the letter above, find formal equivalents of the expressions A-F below.

A. I'm writing this letter because I didn't like my trip to London.

B. You said that each of us would have a separate room,,
C. But we got only double rooms.
D. We didn't see Windsor and I was really unhappy about it.
E. So I want some of my money back.
F. Write back to me asap.

page 1 16

uNrr 8 Writing practice

Plan: l
Greeting use an appropriate greeting
Opening paragraph sta: why you are::,t"* ard give a generar idea of your complaint (crate, place, service, etc.)
Main part (1-2 paragraphs) make your complaints giving all necessary details
Closing paragraph state what action you would like the reacler to take
Signing ofl use a formal ending expression

You also write a letter of complaint when you u."

guidelines apply as when you complain about a product.
Remember to:
' state at the beginning of your retter what services
you are compraining about
. explain your complaints clearly
. write what you expect the reader
to do
. be firm but very polite
. divide your letter into paragraphs
. use formal to ,á.iur'd errd the letter
. use the lull "'p."rrior',
forms of verbs

3' Read the plan for a letter of complaint and

the letter below. write the missing paragraph for the letter.
Paragraph plan:
Para. I
a rrip to London (6_20) JuIy
1st complaint: only two meals a dar., not
three as the brochure stated
2nd complaint: the tourist guide didn't kno*'the
citl', the whole group got lost twice, a lot of wasted
Para.4 time
Dissatisfied, a partial refund

Dear Sír/Madam,

l feel l must complain about a trÍp to London organised bt1 qour trauel agencu, ulhich took
ltlace from 6th to 20th July
The first thing l am dissatisfied wíth is the number of meals uJe had. The brochure stated that
there utould be three meals a day. ln London, it turned out that the price of the trip included
onlg tulo meals a day. As a result, I had to spend a lot of moneq on food.

l am particularlg dissatÍsfÍed oith the trip and l demand a |rartÍal refund of the moneu l paid
for the trip.
I look forulard to hearing from gou.

llours faithfuila,


(tt,lls) Diana Arang


Writing Practice I ur'r t

Useful language: :

lear Sir / Madam,
Phrases for opening paragraph:
-am writing to you to complain about ...
-feel I must complain about ...
- am dissatisfied with ,..

Making complaints
The problem was ...
\bur advertisement / brochure was misleading because ...
To make matters worse ...
, rvas shocked ...

Phrases for closing paragraph:

I demand a full refund I apartial refund
/ immediate action.
i look forward to hearing from you soon.
i hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

\burs faithfully,
\burs sincerely,

Remember: When you start your letter with Dear sir / Madam,you always
finish it with yours faithfully.when you
start your letter with Dear Mr / Ms Jones, finish it with Yours

{. Write the following letter:

\-ou spent a part of your holiday in UK. You travelled in a coach
which belonged to an international travel ag€ncy.
Lnfortunately, the condition of the coach and the journey itself were
far from what was advertised in the brochure.
\\'rite a letter to the manager of the company.

. Write when you travelled in their

coach and where to.
. Describe two claims made in the
. Write why you are not satisfied.
. Express your disappointment and
write what kind of compensation you expect.

BegÍn your letter:

Dear Sir / Madam,

Summary: r

Another reason for which you write a letter of complaint is when you
are not satisÍied with services you have bought
or received' Rememher to slate at the beginning of your letter whal
senvice you are complaining aboul. Explain your
complaints clearly' write what you expect the reacler lo do and be firm
bur polite. As in all lbrmal letrers. you should
divide your letter into paragraphs, use formal expressions to start and
end the letter and use full forms of verbs.

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