Philio and MIL

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As a grade 11 student, you have made some important life decisions in the past. Make a
timeline of major decisions in your life and below the line then write down the consequence of
those particular decisions.
Life Decisions

12 years old 14 years old 16 years old

When I was 12, I made 14 years old, I was in 16 years old, this is
a major decision on Grade 8 my grade and where I need to decide
what school I will I’m in the first section. on what track I will
attend my junior high Back then, I didn't mind choose. After asking
school: public or my grades at all and myself and to my
private school. I because of that I didn't parents I chose the
decided to attend receive some Academic Track:
public school: BNHS, certificates in the first Accountancy,
even though my two and second quarter. Business and
older sisters graduated Until I decided to study Management Strand.
from private school. and compensate for my With that, I feel
And the consequences grade for the last 2 satisfied because I
never made me regret quarters and lucky I got learned many things
it because I had fun a medal. and overcame some
and found loyal friends. hard activities.

What is the message of the picture? Write your reflection about this picture in your
Choices as a “DOMINO EFFECT”. When we make choices or decisions in life
there are consequences we should face. Don’t make a choice as a race, you
should make slow but brilliant steps to choose the best options. The only choice
is controllable. Thus we must choose. Because we can't forecast the future, we
must face the consequences. That doesn't mean we shouldn't make choices.
Because we can't escape it, every decision has effects.

There's nothing we can do about the outcome's rationalization. Whenever we

tolerate a situation or a consequence, we naturally want to be saved. Not
everyone will be able to save us, however. You alone can assist. So choosing
can shape our entire future.

Divide the class into 4 groups. Discuss the given actions below and brainstorm about the
possible consequences. Assign a leader and a reporter to present your group output.


A student studying his or her lesson Have good grades, get a diploma and
graduate. Also, he or she will become

A driver observing traffic lights He will not get tickets from the traffic
officer and may not get into an

Athletes practicing in the gym He will have a better performance,

less distractions from audiences and
less injuries.

A person taking illegal drugs He will suffer from hallucinations.

Sleepless nights, his life will be more

A student practicing conservation of Have a safe and beautiful nature.He

natural will also be productive and
knowledgeable about nature.



ACTIVITY #1 Ad Campaign Making

1. Create a Campaign Ad (it is a set of advertisements which focus on a single message
with a certain objective needed to achieve). You can create the Advertisement in a form of video,
poster slogan, infographics or creating an online page.
2. Objective: The main objective of the Ad Campaign is to combat the problems of digital
divide, computer addiction or cyber bullying (Choose only one).
3. Where to put the content?: Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION.
Put or print your output using long coupon bond (8.5x13). For digital content, you can submit your
output in an online storage. A link will be given by your teacher for you to access the drive and
submit your output.
Activity Guide:
Before starting the campaign, draft a campaign plan containing the following parts:
I. Goal of the campaign
● Set your campaign goals
● What do you aim to achieve by the end of your campaign?
II. Target audience
● a. Understand your ideal target market
● b. What demographic, age bracket, or groups of people do you intend
to mainly target with your campaign?
III. What to use
● Choose your most preferred type of output to disseminate your
● Will you use video, poster slogan or infographics?.
Direction: It’s time for you to share what you have learned to your family. It’s one way of showing
your care and love to them by giving awareness in using the internet for them to acquire skills and
be safe in accessing information.
1. You may conduct a symposium (seminar/meeting) to your family members at home, to
your neighborhood, or to your friends physically or online.
2. Present to them the campaign ad you have created.
3. Make documentation of your symposium in the form of video or pictures with narrative
4. Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put or print your output
using a long coupon bond (8.5x13). For digital content, you can submit your output in an online
storage. A link will be given by your teacher for you to access the drive and submit your

Before displaying my In the middle of the talk, I Before ending the

output there were some discussed and explained to presentation, we took
greetings made. After that, them on how to get rid of some pictures.
I present my infographic or less use on their
about computer addiction. gadgets. And seeing with the wide
smiles in them make you
I selected my friends I encourage them to do happy because you know
present by campaign activities outside, socialize to yourself that you share
because they are usually in the neighborhood, or some knowledge.
the people who use social read books rather than
media and computers or surfing the internet the
cell phones. whole day.

In the ad campaign I made

there are 5 tips on
overcoming or controlling
computer addiction.


Part I
Direction: Write an action that you can do using the acronym “P.R.O.M.I.S.E.” which
contains ways/tips you can do in order to avoid the negative effects of digital divide, computer
addiction and cyber bullying.

Prepare a boundaries or limitations

Remind yourself
Overtime should me avoided
Manage your time appropriately
Insulate yourself from bad posts
Secure your account
Encourage yourself and others to less use of gadgets

Part II
Direction: Answer the following questions briefly. You can write your answer in a long
coupon bond.

A. Digital Divide
1. Cite a real-life situation, whether a personal experience or that of someone
you know, showing the existence of digital divide.
I have a neighborhood that has no cellphone. Then, when online class
were implemented in schools, he would go everyday to our computer shop to do his
modules or borrow cell phones from his cousin just to attend some online classes.

2. Which among the mentioned three groups do you think that situation belongs?
The second one: COMPUTER ADDICTION. Sometimes I sleep at 3 AM in
the morning just reading stories in my app and scrolling videos in social media. Also,
waking up in the morning, I usually open my phone to get online, or check some
notifications before arranging the bed.

3. Suggest a way to help narrow such a digital gap.

The Government should give gadgets like laptops or cellphones to the
students. It may also provide internet connectivity to the community so that the students
would cope up with their lessons.

B. Internet Addiction
Instructions: Take the self-quiz on Internet Addiction found in this website: Afterwards, answer the
questions that follow:

1. Based on your result, how would you assess yourself in terms of Internet
usage and Internet addiction?
I make a schedule on where or when I will utilize my cell phone. Always
remind myself to stop or control the usage of my cell phone.
2. How would you improve your digital and online habits?
I’ll do some activities outside in our house. Play badminton together with
my sister. Doing cycling. Chitchats in the neighborhood. Just simple things just to avoid
or minimize the use of my cell phone and computer.

3. What ways can you suggest to your peers to avoid developing Internet or
computer addiction?
Stay focused. If doing their modules, focused on doing them, don’t be
distracted by their social media. Socialize, talk to your friends, siblings or parents.

C. Cyberbullying
Instruction: Name two of the possible health-related effects that cyberbullying can
have on a victim and explain each.

1. Depression and Anxiety. Victims of cyberbullying frequently develop stress-

related illnesses and diseases. Among them include anxiety and despair. Mental
health issues arise when victims lose confidence in themselves. Weakened by
the threat of additional ridicule, many victims of cyberbullying may begin to feel
alone and lonely. They are also dissatisfied from online bullying. Sadness and
dissatisfaction can lead to depression.

2. Suicidal Tendencies. To cope with their sentiments, victims of cyberbullying

sometimes self-harm. Some may slash or burn themselves to self-harm. Bullying
and self-harm have been connected in study for decades. Cyberbullying raises
suicidal thoughts. Kids who are frequently bullied by peers via text, instant
messaging, social media, or apps may feel hopeless and consider suicide as the
only solution.





Activity # 1: Let’s Create! (Performance Task)


1. Scenario: You are an investigative journalist that wishes to find out, scrutinize, and discuss if
there are telling clues to describe a fake news website based on how it is constructed. Your goal is
to provide or create a visual representation, in the form of a poster /infographics, of the anatomy
of a fake news website.
2. Browse the Internet and search for any reliable data that enumerates some of the well-known
fake news websites and choose ONE of them. Make sure to cite your sources such as credible news,
articles, or websites which have proven the credibility of the fake news website.
3. Screen grab the webpage of the chosen fake news website and label the parts that you think are
the clues to tell that the website is indeed spreading fake information. Exhibit your findings as an
informative poster / infographics. Be creative.
4. Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put or print your output using a
long coupon bond (8.5x13).
5. A rubric will be given by your teacher as the basis for assessing your work.


Activity # 2: Think and Analyze

Direction: Answer and perform the following tasks. Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME
and SECTION. Put your output using yellow pad paper or print it using a long coupon bond (8.5x13).

1. The Philippine government slowly begins to implement e-governance platforms so

that Filipinos can avail of government services in a faster and more convenient way.
Using the Internet, find at least two government services that are already offered online
and discuss their main benefits.
(1) Overseas Employment Certification. The Overseas Employment Certification
(OEC) is crucial for OFWs. An ID, certificate and permit in one, it's easy to apply for
online. On the other hand, the Balik-Manggawa Online Processing System (BMOPS)
serves returning OFWs.
(2) Birth Certificate. A lost birth certificate can be simply requested from the
Philippine Statistics Authority. You can also request birth, death, and divorce certificates
online. PSA Serbilis will transmit the certificate to your address in the Philippines or
overseas for a fee. Apply, pay, and wait. It is one of the most user-friendly online
government services.

2. Do you believe that e-learning will soon overtake the traditional way of teaching and
learning? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional educational system,
e-learning, and blended learning.
(a)Since they can engage with their teacher and peers, most students find the
traditional classroom environment advantageous. The ability to ask questions and
receive rapid responses is critical for people who learn best in groups. Many students
prefer in-person talks to technology-mediated ones. A lot of kids require regular
reassurance that what they're doing is correct and progressing in the right path.
However, the traditional classroom does not foster critical thinking, the ability to actively
apply knowledge learned through experience and reasoning. Instead, teachers are seen
as knowledge dispensers and students as knowledge reservoirs.
(b)One benefit of online education is that students can attend from anywhere. So
schools may reach a larger student base without being confined by geography. Online
lectures can also be recorded, saved, and shared. This allows pupils to learn at their
own pace. However, a major issue for many students is the inability to focus for
extended periods of time when online learning. Online learning increases students'
exposure to social media and other websites. To help students stay focused on the
material, teachers should keep their online classes short, interesting, and fun.
Blended learning increases the value of formal teaching. People can come to
class with the same level of understanding when they can complete tasks
independently. There is more time for discussion and practice of new skills.
Nonetheless,Students must have basic computer skills to complete online classes and
assignments. A screen won't teach students much if they don't know how or aren't
interested. This can be resolved by quickly explaining the new training methods and
their benefits.

3. How could you protect your privacy on social media? Enumerate at least three
safeguards to secure your private information.
a. Don’t share your email address and passwords.
b. Always logout your account when you're done using the computer especially if
you are in computer shops. Or when you borrowed a cell phone, logout your account.
c. Be cautious, don't respond to emails that request your personal information.

4. Enumerate at least three steps that a media and information literate individual must
take before sharing information that he/she has found on social media. What could
happen if these steps are ignored?
a. Read the headline.
b. Check the date, author, website and the words used.
c. Read the whole document.
If this is ignored, you will suffer from bad consequences.

5. What do you think is the main reason why most people are unaware that they are
spreading false information on the Internet?
They are not critical thinkers. Emotions over mind.

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