Arrieta Francis Mae R. Module 5 Work Immersion Ethics PDF

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Module 5: Importance of Credentials

Francis Mae Arrieta Grade 12- Kalacas

Activity 1: My Resume

Directions: Suppose you are applying for a job after graduation this School Year. On a bond paper
prepare a resume following the simple template below. You may also look for other templates you
can use.

Arrieta, Francis Mae

R. - Resume.pdf

Activity 2: Application Letter Making

Directions: Since you have already made your resume, you are now ready to make your application
letter which will be attached to the resume. On another bond paper, submit a copy of your
application letter following all the parts. Read again the sample given on the lesson.

Arrieta, Francis Mae

R. - Application Letter.pdf

Activity 3: Mock Interview

Directions: Imagine that an employer does an interview to you because you are applying for a job
after your Senior HS. Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Here are some selected questions
that might be asked from you. Choose at least five (5) questions and answer them in written form.
Use another sheet of bond paper for your answers.

1. If your colleagues had an opportunity to tell us your primary strength what would that be?
Your primary weakness-what would that be?
It might be laziness. Or being afraid to speak what you/I want to share with others. But the
primary weakness, maybe being afraid to share what's on my/your mind.

2. What do you do when others resist of reject your ideas or actions?

• Be objective. Don't take the rejection personally. Look at the situation for
• Learn from experience. Making mistakes is how we all learn. ...
• Manage your emotions. It is normal to not be happy about being rejected. ...
• Stay positive. Try not to vent at work.

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3. What is your interpretation of “success?”
My interpretation of success is knowing that what you are doing is helping you and others
lead a better, happier, healthier life." "To me, success means creating a business that
empowers customers, employees, and community in equal measure.

4. Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and
rapidly. How would you handle it?
In a situation where deadlines change frequently and rapidly it is important to be able to tell
which are real and which are artificial. This would enable me to focus quickly on the job at
hand and move on to the next without hesitation or stress.

5. Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team. What was your part in the success
of your team?
Motivating them to create a positive working environment to success.

6. How would you describe an ideal work immersion supervisor?

Someone who can be a role model that everyone or anyone can look up to based on their
impression on him/her.

Wrap up

To wrap-up everything you have learned today, read and answer the following questions on a sheet
of paper.

1. What are the different parts of a resume?

• Name and Address. Contact Info
• Job objective. States the jobs you are applying for.
• Work Experience. Includes job title, dates, tasks performed.
• Education. Formal training
• Honors & activities. Recognition and leisure interest that relates to the job you want.
• Special Skills. ...
• References.

2. In what ways can a resume be arranged? Which do you think is best to use?
The Combination Resume Order.

3. Why are these credentials such as Barangay Clearance, Police Clearance, Mayor’s
Credentials such as Barangay Clearance, Police Clearance, Mayor's Clearance or
Certificate and Medical Certificate are important for security and civil purposes. Police
clearance is very important as it serves as a a proof that you don't have any criminal record.

4. Why do you need to attach a resume to an application letter?

Resume is the most important part of your job search. Through an application letter
you can communicate to the employer how your experience and skills are relevant to the

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job. It lets the potential employer know you better as a person and can add value to your


Upon learning your lessons today and upon filling out those forms as well as writing your
application letter, what did you realize? What particular value or quality should you possess to
completely enhance your skill and why? You may answer it in a 100 word – paragraph.

A resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you
can display your top skills and qualities. However, a resume is much more than that. Resumes help
employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. Your cover letter introduces
you and your resume. A potential employer's first impression of you is your cover letter. This single
document gives HR managers and potential employers their initial insight into who you are as a
professional and an individual. Every applicant is not invited to the interview. A cover letter is an
important way to showcase how your unique combination of skills and experience meet the key
requirements of the job description. It is your chance to show a clear link between your knowledge,
experience and abilities and the needs of the employer.

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