Pasabuyke: Roject Anagement LAN

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Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)

AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436




December 09, 2020

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 3
PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH ................................................................................................ 3
PROJECT SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
MILESTONE LIST .............................................................................................................................. 3
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................................................................... 6
COST MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................................. 8
SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT PLAN...................................................................................................... 9
QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................................... 13
RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................. 13
RESOURCE CALENDAR ................................................................................................................... 14
COST BASELINE ............................................................................................................................. 15
QUALITY BASELINE ....................................................................................................................... 15
SPONSOR ACCEPTANCE .................................................................................................................. 16

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Our project is inspired by the service offered by GrabFood that help people’s life a little bit easier.
Like the mode of service provided by GrabFood, we will serve WCC students and staff that stay inside the
WCC campus. Our means of transportation would be using bikes or e-bikes give that not all students have
a vehicle or automobile to use.
We will be optimizing Facebook and messenger as our business platform because it is
accessible and very familiar to everybody. We would make a Facebook group exclusive to WCC
students and staff where information about our services and bikers would be posted.
Employees of our service are open exclusively for WCC students. It is preferred that they
also stay within the WCC campus but not mandatory. Our services will also open for students who
stay in dormitories outside the WCC campus.


The Project Manager, John Victor Siruno, has the overall authority and responsibility for
managing and making final decisions in this project according to this Project Plan. The project
team will be divided under three groups which are accounting, socials and marketing,
labors/drivers. The project manager will be the one to overview the process from buying our
equipment to establishing platform until the start of the project and during its operation. Since all
members of the team will be chipping in to come up with a capital for this project, funding
decisions will be based by majority agreement. Any changes will involve everyone so that all
suggestions and perspective will be gathered and necessary improvements can be decided.

The scope of the Pasabuyke project includes the planning, deliverables, milestones,
requirements, and the risks involved. Pasabuyke will meet the expectations provided in the project
charter. This will also include the establishing of the program and the dry-run needed to operate
Pasabuyke. The milestone indicating completion of Pasabuyke is if the services has been approved
by WCC Binalonan and the starting members start operations. Accounting, documentation and
weekly reports are mandatory for us to keep track of the business and troubleshoot possible
Since the plan of Pasabuyke is post-covid, operations will start once students are allowed
to roam freely. The scope of Pasabuyke would be to Binalonan to Urdaneta. Equipment such as
bikes, thermal bags, and etc. will be provided by the members of the project.

The below chart lists the major milestones for the Pasabuyke Project. This chart is
comprised only of major project milestones such as completion of a project phase or gate review.
Milestone chart serves as a skeletal frame for the management team to follow in order to track
from the beginning until operation to avoid delays and interruptions for the project.

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Milestone Description Date
Gather and complete Canvassing stores for e-bike’s price comparison July 18 – Aug
Equipments considering durability and quality of all items. 1,2022
Getting the word spread out to people for them to
Establishing Aug 2-12,
have something to look forward to provide them
Platform 2022
Once project is known to public we start accepting Aug 15-22,
Gather Labor/bikers
volunteers or applicants for the project. 2022
Orientation by the team to the bikers in order to
Orientation and dry Aug 23 – 31,
execute a dry run for the project, for finalization
run of project 2022
before the operation.
Completed orientations and final meetings to September 1,
Ready set operate!
ensure the project’s smooth operation. 2022


A. Schedule Baseline
1 . PasaBuyke
1.1 Initiate
1.1.1 Creation of PasaBuyke Program
1.1.2 Assign Project Manager
1.2 Planning
1.2.1 Preliminary planning for PasaBuyke Develop WBS Develop Plan Schedule Develop Cost Management Develop Risk Management
1.2.2 Perform Equipment Procurement Planning Plan Procedure Cost for Equipment Plan Change in Matrix
1.3 Execution
1.3.1 Communications Management Communications Mal/Matrix
1.3.2 Manage Procurement of Equipment
1.3.3 Execute PasaBuyke Dry run Manage Needed Adjustments to PasaBuyke Program
1.3.4 Manage Changes
1.4 Project Close
1.4.1 Document PasaBuyke
1.4.2 Future Heads of Program

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
B. Work Breakdown Structure

1. Pasabuyke Launch
1.1. Equipment
1.1.1. Bike 2
1.1.2. E-bikes 2
1.1.3. Gears 2
1.2. Marketing
1.2.1. Social Media 25
1.2.2. Face to Face 35
1.3. Human Resource
1.3.1. Interview 10
1.3.2. Selection 1
1.4. Orientation
1.4.1. Announcement 1
1.4.2. Meeting 3
1.4.3. Training 8
1.5. Dry Run 10
1.6. Operation` 1
Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
This Communications Management Plan sets the framework on how communications will
be handled for the project. It will serve as a guide for communications throughout the life of the
project and will be subject to change if needed. The CMP identifies and defines the roles of
Pasabuyke project team members as they pertain to communications. It also includes information
needed for who to contact, when to contact, meetings, and other forms of communication. Contact
information for the Project Manager and the Pasabuyke team will be provided as well.
The Project Manager will take the lead role for the communications on Pasabuyke.
Requirements for communications are documented below. This will serve as the guide for the
information needed for communication purposes. It will include what information to disseminate,
who will do the communicating or to whom, frequency and means of communication.

Communicatio Descriptio Frequenc Forma Deliverabl
/ Owner
n Type n y t e
of progress
Weekly Status done
Status Project
Report And Face- Project
Weekly Report, Manage
And Team meeting Face Team
Updates r
meeting with
metrics and Face- Project Project
Project Monthly Progress
status to Monthly Face Team, and Manage
Review (PMR) Status and
Project Stakeholders r
closeout of Project
completion Project
Project Gate project In Sponsor,
As Needed report and Manage
Reviews phases and Person Team and
phase r
kickoff Stakeholders
next phase
Review of
Technical Project
Technical designs or In Project
As Needed Design Manage
Design Review work Person Team
Package r
with the
Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Project team directory for all communications is:

Name Title E mail
Phone/Telephone #
John Victor Project
[email protected] xxx-xxx-xxxx
Siruno Manager
Joesh Fernandez [email protected] 09186734343
Nicole Chelsea Senior
[email protected] xxx-xxx-xxxx
Castro Programmer
Aira Marie
Accounting [email protected] xxx-xxx-xxxx
Eyna Marriete
Accounting [email protected] xxx-xxx-xxxx
Timothy Chester Quality
[email protected] xxx-xxx-xxxx
De Dios Specialist

Communications Conduct:
The Project Manager will set a meeting at least 3 days prior to any scheduled meeting the
project team will be expected to know details about the agenda prior to the meeting. During all
project meetings, the project team will ensure that the group adheres to the times stated beforehand
and will not exceed the amount given. It is imperative that all participants arrive to each meeting
on time and will turn their cellular devices to airplane mode unless needed for the meeting.

All email pertaining to the Pasabuyke Project should be professional, minimal errors, and
concise and complete details for communication. Email should be distributed to the correct project
participants in accordance with the communication map given above based on its content. If the
email is to bring an issue forward, it should discuss what the issue is, provide a brief background
on the issue, and provide a recommendation to correct the issue. The Project Manager must be the
first to know about issues concerning the Pasabuyke.

Informal Communications:
While informal communication is a part of every project and is necessary for successful
project completion, any issues, concerns, or updates that arise from informal discussion between
team members must be communicated to the Project Manager so the appropriate action may be
Informal communication is natural and is part of every project and project team
communication. Issues, concerns, updates, and others that may arise from informal discussion
must be communicated to the Project Manager. The Project Manager would then take appropriate
action or means to correct or resolve the problem at hand.
Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436


The Project Manager will be responsible for managing and reporting on the project’s cost
and expenses throughout the duration of the project. The Project Manager will present and review
the project’s cost performance during the weekly project status meeting and give a summary during
the monthly meeting. The Project Manager is responsible for accounting for cost deviations and
presenting to the team options on how to handle the deviations and get back on track. All budget
authority and decisions, including budget changes, cutting expenses, improved balances, reside
with the Pasabuyke Project Manager
Cost Management plan will be reported monthly by the Project Manager to the Project
team. Minor deviations will be reported and if it’s determined that there is no or minimal impact
on the project’s cost or schedule baseline then there may be no action required. However, major
deviations will be reported and require corrective action from the Project Manager in order to bring
the cost and/or schedule performance indexes back in line with the budget plan. Any corrective
actions will require a project change request and be must approved by the PM before it can be

Budgeted Estimates
A. 150,000
a) 2 E-bikes = 60K PHP
b) 2 Bike = 30K PHP
c) Laptop = 15K PHP
d) Phone =5K PHP
e) Monthly load = 500 PHP
f) Thermal bags/Baskets(10 pcs) = 5K PHP
g) Miscellaneous equipment (bike gear. holder, maintenance)= 10k PHP
TOTAL: 125,500 php

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Management Approach
The purpose of this schedule management plan is to establish the criteria and the activities
for developing, monitoring, and controlling the project schedule. When this plan is approved, no
schedule changes will be permitted unless a request for change is processed in accordance with the
procedures set forth in the change management plan. The project manager will assume overall
responsibility for schedule management. The people listed below will assume the following
schedule management responsibilities:
Roles and Responsibilities
Names / Roles: Responsibilities:
• Fernandez, Joesh Project Manager
• Siruno, John Victor Carl Project Manager
• Castro, Nicole Chelsea Senior Programmer
• Escobar, Aira Marie Accounting
• Sibayan, Eyna Marriete Accounting
• De dios, Timothy Chester Quality Specialist

Define Activities
1. General meeting with the Project Manager along with the team members. Setting dates
when to start the project.
2. Canvassing quality and within budget scope materials and equipment.
3. Buying and completion of materials and equipment.
4. Establishing platform to let the public know about the upcoming project.
5. Start accepting and assessing applicants for the e-bikes.
6. Orientation of the workload for the accepted e-bike riders.
7. Dry run of the project. This means opening the platform for customers and the riders
coordinating with them.
8. Official Launch of Pasabuyke.
9. Collect ratings and reviews for troubleshooting and improvement purposes

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Activity List
Choosing of E-bikes- Our project aims to be a successful project, by that we need to
purchase a certain brand of e-bike that can sustain the value of our money invested in it and can
last a long period of time to prevent unnecessary payments due to repairs and maintenance of our
main asset in the project.
Advertisements- The best way to promote pasaBUYke is through advertisements, it enables
us to showcase our project to the people in our community. It can also help gather possible
investors in our project to make it bigger.
Canvass of possible volunteers- Our project pasaBUYke aims to serve customers at any
time of the day but as students we all have classes and there might be circumstances that during
our class hours there might be a costumer that we cannot serve. Canvassing of volunteers can help
us to be able to serve customers at any time of the day.
Promotions- Promotions are a huge factor in a business because it allows a certain business to
grow instantly by costumers will avail your service or product under a promotion that has lower
rates or price than the other competitors. it would help our project by it will enable people to try
our service and if they liked it they will avail our service again.
Milestone List
- To be able to purchase 5 E-Bikes
- To be able to serve the whole WCC community
- Possibly gather costumers outside the WCC campus
- Expand our service outside the campus
Sequence Activities
The anointed person responsible for sequencing work activities is PM John Victor Siruno. For
establishing leads, fixing delays or lags in the schedule would be the responsibility of PM Joesh
Fernandez. The activity sequence is also made by PM Joesh Fernandez. Keeping track of the
activities will be done manually and be updated through weekly reports. The sequence activities
are as follows:
1. Meeting with the Project Managers with the team members,
2. Canvassing the materials, equipment, bikes, or e-bikes
3. Buying all the materials, equipment, bikes, or e-bikes
4. Testing the Pasabuyke project with a dry run
5. Making necessary adjustments and changes to the project
6. Creating a platform for advertising (both to let the public know and possible volunteers for
the project.
7. Orientation of the workload and procedures for the volunteer bikers.
8. Official Launch of Pasabuyke
9. Collect ratings, reviews, and recommendations for troubleshooting and improvement

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Schedule Constraints
• Pandemic – The project manager along with the team decided to launch our project
in 2022 hoping by that time our country is COVID-19 free, otherwise we can’t push
through if there are still health risk factors in 2022.
• Weather – Since our project will be offering delivery service, weather will
definitely affect our business because we might not operate when the rain is pouring
or the heat is unbearable; as much as we want to serve, we will also make sure that
our laborers are taken good care of.
• Competitions – since our proposed project are very convenient especially to our
target customers, others might want to start their own delivery service as well, not
to mention we already have few individuals who offer meal preparations for the
students and delivers them to their hotels, our advantage is we have more delivery
options not just foods.

Estimate Activity Durations

1. Meeting with the Project Managers with the team members, (Once a week)
2. Canvassing the materials, equipment, bikes, or e-bikes (1 week)
3. Buying all the materials, equipment, bikes, or e-bikes (1 week)
4. Testing the Pasabuyke project with a dry run (9 days)
5. Making necessary adjustments and changes to the project (1week) **may possibly extend
and repeat process 5 if needed
6. Creating a platform for advertising (both to let the public know and possible volunteers for
the project. (1 day)
7. Orientation of the workload and procedures for the volunteer bikers. (2 hours)
8. Official Launch of Pasabuyke. (1 hour)
9. Collect ratings, reviews, and recommendations for troubleshooting and improvement
purposes. (indefinite. If Pasabuyke continue operations).

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Develop Schedule

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
Pasabuyke members also serve as partners in this venture since we are just starting. We all
have roles and responsibility to assure satisfactory service.
All members will be contributing to this project therefore all of us are considered as the
project sponsor, but all our budgeting will be arranged and overviewed by the accounting
department and will be approve or rejected by the project manager.
The Project Manager is responsible for quality management throughout the duration of the
project. The Project Manager is responsible for implementing the Quality Management Plan and
ensuring all tasks, processes, and documentation are compliant with the plan.
The remaining member of the project team, as well as the stakeholders will be responsible
for assisting the Project Manager in the establishment of acceptable quality standards. They will
also work to ensure that all quality standards are met and communicate any concerns regarding
quality to the Project Manager.
Quality control for the Pasabuyke Project will utilize tools and methodologies for ensuring
that all project deliverables comply with approved quality standards. To meet deliverable
requirements and expectations, we must implement a formal process in which quality standards
are measured and accepted. The Project Manager will ensure all quality standards and quality
control activities are met throughout the project.


The approach to be able to manage the future risk of this project is a methodical process,
wherein the members would be identifying, analyzing, and would be coming up with the risk
prevention for the specific problem. When identifying the problem, the members if PasaBuyke
would continuously inspect the equipment used for services to find out whether there are any errors
regarding the health of the equipment, secondly, the members would be analyzing the risks that is
present to come up with ideas and solutions that can eradicate the problem, and lastly, the team
would then be applying the solutions that have been decided on and check whether it would be
benefiting the equipment. Furthermore, the members of PasaBuyke would also be strict with the
maintenances and repair to be able to change any plans that could circumvent the future problems
that can occur other than when the parts of the equipment would be needing changes; other than
that the members of PasaBuyke would continuously improve their services in order to give aid for
their customers. As well as to enhance strategic ways to deliver the services much faster.
In additional, if ever the project PasaBuyke would undergo a bankruptcy or loan, there
would be a breakdown that was planned ahead of time provide aid for the project in order for it to
not run out in business

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
The PasaBUYke Project will require all project team members for the entire duration of
the project in various roles although levels of time and effort will vary as the project progresses.
The Pasabuyke is scheduled operate exclusively during the whole school year with commission
(no work, no pay). Project team members are not required to work during the weekends, nor
holidays although they may opt to do so with the same commission fee.

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436
The cost baseline for the Pasabuyke project includes all budgeted costs for the successful
completion of the project.

Project Phase Comments
Includes work hours for all project team members for
Planning/Buying 115,500
gathering required equipment and planning project
Includes work hours for all project team members for
Implementing 50,000
working on the PasaBUYke

Includes all work hours for testing (including beta testing,

Dry runs 10,000
dry run, and improving) the PasaBUYke program

Includes all work hours for transition to operations and

Closeout 25,000
project closeout

The quality baseline for Pasabuyke would involve setting fixed times to assess the
deliverables and checkpoints on the project. There will be checks that will be done weekly as the
business is being developed and monthly when the project has created a stable system. The quality
baseline would assist in determining the current performance of the business overall and whether
if its reaching the standards it envisions. The important features that would be investigated are
quantitative data on the rates in the market as well as the satisfactory rate that the customers will
give. This data shall then be monitored to avoid the issues that may occur in the near future and it
shall aid in reaching what the company envisions. The log of this information is useful especially
on the early phase of project since it showcases if the quality it wants to impose is being met by
The quality baseline assists in monitoring that the accumulated cost of defects so that they
do not exceed the budgeted amount. This is an initiative to minimize the chance of the project
exceeding the cost allocated to it. It would be challenging to determine which stakeholder needs
are given priority.

Project Management for Aviation (AVBUS 632)
AOM 2B WTh 5:30-7:00 PM

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College

Binalonan Airfiled, Linmansangan, Binalonan Pangasinan 2436

Approved by the Project Sponsor:

Capt. Harold Jeremiah C. Agustin

Faculty, College of Aviation


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