Conforming Vs Nonconforming Material Control System

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Conforming vs Nonconforming Material Control System

Conforming vs Nonconforming Goods

Conforming means the material meets the requirements.

Nonconforming means the material does not meet the requirements. 

Nonconforming Material Control System

You must have a system that directs your nonconforming material control.
Every Quality Assurance program addresses this issue. This system prevents
defective material from being processed, consumed, or shipped. When
documenting this system consider these processes:

 Receiving Inspection
 Process Defects
 Product Defects
 Finished Goods Containment
 Returned Material
 In process product specific containment

Within the documented system include the method for identifying the
nonconforming item. Discuss when the nonconformity is introduced into your
problem solving corrective action system. Cover the disposition possibilities
which could include: scrapped, reworked, regraded, sorted, and acceptable with
QA approval.

Labeling and Segregating

For receiving inspection cover how conforming and nonconforming material is

controlled. Label and segregate the defective material away from the
conforming material. We recommend a hold cage or a secured area for the
nonconforming material.

Document your methods for handling process defects which includes machines
that are not performing to the requirements. You can tag out / lock out these
machines or label with a “Do Not Operate Sign” until the machine is fixed.

Product defects, finished nonconforming goods, and returned nonconforming

material need to be labeled as nonconforming and segregated away from the
conforming material. Ideas for this include:

 Place the material in a hold cage

 Place the material in a labeled scrap bin
 Put locks on the product so it cannot be used.
 Remove it from the production floor
 Recycle it
 Place it in a labeled lock cabinet

Nonconforming product created during the process stages may need different
identification and segregation methods than defective finish product. If

applicable document these methods in the nonconforming material control

Documentation Method

We recommend having one document that covers conforming vs nonconforming

materials. However, it is ok to cover nonconforming material in localized
procedures. For example a receiving inspection procedure could cover how to
handle nonconforming material. Include labeling, segregating and disposition
criteria for each procedure. If you go with localized procedures, make sure you
can identify those procedures for the processes listed above. 

Employee identification of Conforming vs Nonconforming product is vital,

making nonconforming material control a basic QA system. It assures defective
material is not used by your employees. It assures your customers do not
receive defective product. Since it is a fundamental system, train all
appropriate employees.

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