FU 8200 9300 Vector-En

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Global Drive
Frequency inverters
8200/9300 vector control
0.37 … 90 kW
Lenze Drive Systems GmbH, Postfach 10 13 52, D-31763 Hameln
Site: Hans-Lenze-Straße 1, D-31855 Aerzen, Tel. ++49 (0) 5154 82-0, Fax ++49 (0) 5154 82-21 11
E-mail: [email protected] · Internet: http://www.Lenze.com
Subject to technical modifications · Printed in Germany 04/03 by ME / LHM · 02/12 en
Product selection and orders

This catalog will help you to select and order the AC drive
you need quickly and easily.

It features:
• Static frequency inverters for controlling three-phase
AC motors
• Accessories for assembling and connecting the inverters
• Application examples
• Order forms

Communicating with the host system

System bus components

Diagnosis terminal PC system bus converter

2 Lenze
Frequency inverter product information


Mains fuses or
EFS... range
automatic circuit

chokes type
Mains Interference
filter filter EZF...

EMZ8201BB Special mounting kits EJ...


Brake resistor

Brake chopper

Motor filter Sinusoidal filter

ELM... EZS...

3 Lenze
An introduction to Lenze

Intelligent drives in automation

Application intelligence is the feature which sets the Global The freely connectable internal control structure of the
Drive controller apart. When used in machines, it offers servo inverters, servo register control, servo cam and 9300
designers enormous potential for reducing costs. servo position controller eliminates the need for numerous
external I/O devices. For example, complete position
Starting with the Global Drive 8200 frequency inverters for control has been integrated into the 9300 servo position
use in standard applications or HVAC and pump drives, controller via the software. Each device type provides
frequently used additional automation features (e.g. PID technology functions which are able, for example, to
controller) have been integrated into the device. execute subprocesses. The additional switching elements
in the system can be evaluated via the control inputs and
outputs or via the system bus.

There’s only one name for intelligent drives: Global Drive.

List of abbreviations

Abbreviations used in this catalog

Drive controllers General

Umains [V] Mains voltage 82xxE Types 8201 to 8204E and

Imains [A] Mains current types 8211 to 8227E
UDC [V] DC bus voltage 820xE Types 8201 to 8204E
Ir [A] Rated current/Output current 821xE Types 8211 to 8218E (standard + Klima)
Imax [A] Maximum output current 824xE Types 8241 to 8246E (standard + Klima)
822xE Types 8221 to 8227E (standard + Klima)
Pr [kW] Rated motor power 825xE Types 8251 to 8253E
Sr [kVA] Inverter output power 93xxEV Types 9321EV to 9333EV
Ploss [W] Inverter power loss
AC Alternating current/voltage
fch [kHz] Chopper frequency DC Direct current/voltage
fmax [Hz] Set maximum frequency
fd [Hz] Field frequency DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung

L [mH] Inductance EMC Electromagnetic compatibility

R [Ω] Resistance
EN European standard

IEC International Electrotechnical


IP International Protection Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers


VDE Verband deutscher Elektrotechniker

CE Communauté Européene

IM International Mounting Code

6 Lenze

DC fuses _______________________________________ 91
Product information DC fuses for DC-bus operation and
DC power supply________________________________91
Product information 8200 ___________________________ 8t
Product information - 9300 vector control ____________ 10 8201BB operating module _________________________ 94
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control ______________ 13 9371BC operating module _________________________ 95
Frequency inverters ________________________________________________________ 9
Plug-in modules for 8200 inverters _________________ 96
Ordering data System bus components for 9300 vector control _____ 98

Selecting a drive system __________________________ 14 Additional accessories ___________________________ 100

Setpoint potentiometer _________________________ 100
Digital display _________________________________ 101
Design - 82xx
Communication with a host system________________ 102
Overview of the 8200 frequency inverter_____________ 16
Overview of the 8200 klima frequency inverter _____ 17 Overview of accessories for the 8200 inverter_______ 104
Accessories for
General data _____________________________________ 18 8201 - 8204 frequency inverters _________________ 105
8200 range ratings ______________________________ 19 Accessories for
8210 range ratings ______________________________ 20 8211 - 8218 frequency inverters _________________ 106
8240 range ratings ______________________________ 24 Accessories for
8220 range ratings ______________________________ 28 8241 - 8246 frequency inverters _________________ 108
Accessories for
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control 8221 - 8227 frequency inverters _________________ 110
Overview of the 9300 vector control _______________32 Accessories for
General data____________________________________33 supply and regenerative feedback modules _______111
Ratings ________________________________________34
Overview of accessories for the 9300 vector control _ 112
Mechanical installation ____________________________ 43 Accessories for
General information _____________________________ 43 9321 - 9333 frequency inverters _________________ 114
Assembly with fixing rails ________________________ 44
Mounting on DIN rails ___________________________ 47
Assembly with thermal separation ________________ 48 Application examples
Flat horizontal assembly _________________________ 50
Mounting on a swivel bracket ____________________ 50 Connecting diagrams _____________________________ 118
8200 range power connection___________________ 118
Line-side electrical installation _____________________ 51 8210/8240/8220 range power connection ________ 119
Line protection _________________________________ 51 Connection of control terminals
CE-typical installation ___________________________ 56 for the 8200 and 8210 ranges ___________________ 120
Mains chokes __________________________________ 58 Connection of control terminals for the 8240/8220
Interference suppression to EN 55011 limiting value __ ranges _______________________________________ 121
class A _______________________________________ 62 9300 vector control range power connection______ 123
Interference suppression to EN 55011 limiting value __ Connecting diagrams for 9300 vector control
class B _______________________________________ 62 frequency inverters ____________________________ 124
Mains filter A for 8200 and 9300 vector control_____ 66
Mains filter B for 8200 and 9300 vector control_____ 70 Applications ____________________________________ 125
Subassembly mains filters limiting value class A and B DC-bus operation _____________________________ 125
(15 kW … 90 kW) ________________________________73 Pump application ______________________________ 127
Air conditioning system ________________________ 128
Motor-side electrical installation ____________________ 75 Level control __________________________________ 129
Output filters ___________________________________ 75 Step control __________________________________ 130
Motor filters ____________________________________ 76 Traversing control _____________________________ 131
Sinusoidal filters ________________________________ 78 Pilot frequency - Slave _________________________ 132
Dancer positioning control ______________________ 133
Braking__________________________________________ 80
Options________________________________________ 80
Brake modules _________________________________ 81 Order forms
Brake choppers ________________________________ 84 ________________________________________________ 136
Brake resistors _________________________________ 86

Supply and regenerative feedback modules _________ 88 Lenze worldwide

General data ___________________________________ 88 ________________________________________________ 144
Mains filter A __________________________________ 90

Lenze 7
Product information 8200

A complete programme CE conformity

– Frequency inverters for single-phase and three- The 8200 range frequency inverters meet the
phase mains connection requirements of the following EU guidelines:
– Line-side and motor-side accessories – CE conformance according to the Low-Voltage
– Accessories for braking Directive
– Accessories for networking with host system – CE conformance with the EU’s EMC directive for
– Device variants for special applications generic drive configurations with frequency
An attachable operating module with an LCD Overload capacity
display makes it easy to set parameters for and Flux Torque Control (FTC) can make available up to
configure your drive system. The operating module twice the rated torque. This significantly increases
also displays the status of the drive and is used for the drive’s torque and dynamics.
troubleshooting as well as for transferring parameters
to other devices. Operational reliability
An adjustable slip compensation function
compensates load-dependent speed deviations
Ready for immediate operation without complex speed feedback. The maximum
The frequency inverters are preset for standard current limitation ensures stable operation at all
operation, e.g. with Lenze geared motors. times with static and dynamic loads.
The preset parameters include:
– Maximum torque at low frequencies Adaptability
– Safe start with maximum load The selectable form of the V/f characteristic enables
– Controlled acceleration and deceleration due to the frequency inverter to be adapted to loads with
current limiting control constant or square-law torque. The integrated flying
– Assignment of standard functions to inputs restart circuit enables the machine to be restarted
and outputs even if the shaft is still rotating.

Communication options Optimised performance

The frequency inverters communicate with a higher- The performance of the devices can be optimised by
level host system via attachable communication applying 150% or 120% rated current:
modules: – 150% rated current for example for transportation
systems, packaging machines, etc.
– LECOM-AB: Networking via the RS232/485 – 120% rated current for example for pumps,
interface air conditioning systems, etc.
– LECOM-LI: Networking via optical fibres

– INTERBUS-S: Remote bus link with

DRIVECOM profile 21
– System bus Link to I/O terminals,
(CAN): as well as links between
a number of inverters
– PROFIBUS: Serial coupling to

HVAC version
The following features are amongst those required in
HVAC and pump drive applications:

– PID controller
– Manual-remote changeover
– Belt monitoring

The 8200 HVAC and pump drive inverter meets these


8 Lenze
Product information 8200

Versatility Ease of controller connection

Many different types of three-phase AC motors can The plug-in terminal system means that all
be controlled: control connections can be accessed easily from
– Three-phase asynchronous motors outside the unit.
– Three-phase reluctance motors
– Motors for use in hazardous areas A Lenze geared motor – Your ideal partner
(pressure-enclosed) In terms of technology, Lenze geared motors are
– Medium-frequency motors up to max. 480 Hz perfectly compatible with 8200 frequency inverters.
Commissioning could not be easier, as the frequency
The correct setpoint source for every application: inverter is configured for the motor data. There is no
– Via setpoint potentiometer on the control need to set motor data parameters.
terminals (You can find more information about Lenze geared
– Via master reference voltage or master reference motors in the corresponding catalog.)
current on the control terminals
– Via the operating module on the frequency Special applications? No problem.
inverter Device variants mean that the ranges can be
– Via a networking module directly from a adapted for use in any application:
host system – Convection-cooled version 4.0 kW upwards

Energy-saving Please contact us should you require more

The power is adapted to the drive requirements, i.e. information.
the momentary torque and current requirements.

Space in the control cabinet

The frequency inverters are particularly compact
as they can be mounted directly side by side,
without the need for any clearance in between.
Thanks to an extensive range of fixing accessories,
they can be used in a variety of mounting positions.

Lenze 9
Product information - 9300 vector control

A complete programme CE conformity

– Frequency inverter for three-phase mains 9300 range frequency inverters meet the
connection requirements of the following EU guidelines:
– Line-side and motor-side accessories – CE conformance with the Low-Voltage Directive
– Accessories for braking – CE conformance with the EU’s EMC directive for
– Accessories for networking with host systems generic drive configurations with frequency
– Device variants for special applications inverters

User-friendliness Overload capacity

An attachable operating module with an LCD Vector Control can make available up to twice the
display makes it easy to set parameters for and rated torque.
configure your drive system. The operating module This significantly increases the drive’s torque and
also displays the status of the drive and is used for dynamics.
troubleshooting as well as for transferring parameters
to other devices. Operational reliability
Configurable slip compensation can be employed to
Ready for immediate operation compensate load-dependent fluctuations in speed
The frequency inverters are preset for standard without having to apply complex speed feedback.
operation, e.g. with Lenze geared motors. The maximum current limiting function ensures
The preset parameters include: stable operation at every operating point for both
– V / f characteristic control with adjusted slip static and dynamic loads.
– Controlled acceleration and deceleration due to Adaptability
preset current limiting control The selectable form of the V/f characteristic enables
– Assignment of standard functions to inputs and the frequency inverter to be adapted to loads with
outputs constant or square-law torque. The integrated flying
restart circuit enables the machine to be restarted
Communication options even if the shaft is still rotating.
The frequency inverters communicate with a
higher-level host system via attachable Optimised performance
communication modules: The performance of the devices can be optimised by
applying 150% or 120% rated current:
– LECOM-AB: Networking via the RS232/485 – 150% rated current for example for transportation
interface systems, packaging machines, etc.
– LECOM-LI: Networking via optical fibres – 120% rated current for example for pumps, air
conditioning systems, etc.
– INTERBUS-S: Remote bus link with
DRIVECOM profile 21
– System bus Link to I/O terminals,
(CAN): as well as links between
a number of inverters (integrated)
– PROFIBUS: Serial coupling to

10 Lenze
Product information - 9300 vector control

Versatility Increased functionality makes control

Many different types of three-phase AC motors can significantly easier:
be controlled: – Pilot frequency for synchronous operation using
– Three-phase asynchronous motors simple connectors
– Three-phase synchronous motors – Vector Control for maximum dynamics and high
– Three-phase reluctance motors starting torque
– Motors for use in hazardous areas – Modular, freely configurable control/function
(pressure-enclosed) blocks which can be linked incredibly easily
– Medium-frequency motors up to max. 600 Hz – Process controller and arithmetic blocks for
closed-loop and open-loop control tasks
The correct setpoint source for every application: – Integrated system bus for linking a number of
– Via setpoint potentiometer on the control controllers
current on the control terminals
– Via master reference voltage or master reference Regenerative feedback modules
current on the control terminals For energy-saving interconnected and multi-axis
– Via the operating module on the frequency applications.
– Via a networking module directly from a Ease of controller connection
host system The plug-in terminal system means that all control
current terminals can be accessed easily from
Energy-saving outside the unit.
The power is adapted to the drive requirements, i.e.
the momentary torque and current requirements. A Lenze geared motor – Your ideal partner
In terms of technology, Lenze geared motors are
Space in the control cabinet perfectly compatible with 93xx frequency inverters.
The frequency inverters are particularly compact Commissioning could not be easier, as the frequency
as they can be mounted directly side by side, inverter is configured for the motor data. There is no
without the need for any clearance in between. need to set motor data parameters.
Thanks to an extensive range of fixing accessories, (You can find more information about Lenze
they can be used in a variety of mounting positions. geared motors in the corresponding catalog.)

Please contact us should you require more


Lenze 11
Your application ...

Extruder technology

Dosing machines

Winding technology

... solved with 8200/9300 vector control frequency inverters

12 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Inverters for your application

Your application Transport and Flow Miniature handling Extruders,

conveyor drives drives, equipment, dosing machines,
pumps, beverage and wood processing,
air conditioning systems snack warehousing,
dispensers etc.
Task/ Few Industrial Small-scale Vector control
Application technology applications unit,
functions complex
Single-phase 8201-8204 8201-8204 with –
0.37 – 2.2 kW Plug-in modules
0.37 – 2.2 kW
Three-phase 8211-8218 8211-8218 V020 8211-8218 9321-9333
8221-8227 8221-8227 V020 with Vector control
8241-8246 8241-8246 V020 plug-in modules 0.37 – 110 kW
0.37 – 110 kW 0.37 – 110 kW 0.37 – 11 kW

Compact design    
Short circuit protected    
FTC process   
Vector Control 
Flying restart circuit    
Bipolar setpoint  
Motor potentiometer    
Freely assignable
Elapsed time
Fault indication output    
Skip frequencies  
PID controller  
Belt monitoring 
4 parameter sets 

Pilot frequency input 

rotational speed control

function blocks
Integrated system bus 

Lenze 13
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Selecting a drive system

Sequence diagram
Calculate the inverter power
P  2.2 kW P  2.2 kW


Select single-phase or 3-ph. inverter Select 3-ph. inverter

Wall mounting?

supplied Select alternative mounting

Line protection
Fuse Circuit breaker


Reduce the mains current?

Select mains choke or mains filter 

RFI filter?

Class A Class B

Select RFI filter or Select RFI filter and
mains filter mains choke or mains filter

Motor cable
< 50 m shielded or 50 to 100 m shielded or 100 m to 200 m shielded Longer motor cable
< 100 m unshielded 100 to 200 m unshielded 200 m to 400 m unshielded

Select motor filter Select sinusoidal filter Contact Lenze

Braking on short ramps or with high mass moment of No


Select brake chopper and brake resistor or supply/
regenerative feedback module

Determine the type of operation/control

Control via terminals Control via terminals Control and parameter setting
Parameter setting via operating module Parameter setting via wiring system via host system

Select potentiometer and Select potentiometer and Select fieldbus module

operating module fieldbus module

Enter data into order form

14 Lenze
Ordering data - 8200 and 9300 vector control

A step-by-step guide to ordering your drive

The following sections of this catalog will assist you in

finding a tailor-made frequency inverter for your machines.
Enter your selection in the order form.

Å This section provides extensive information Example:

1. Select the 82XX-E device type • Inverter drive for 7.5 kW motor with 150%
(Å Design, Technical data) overload capacity
Select the drive controller to control the speed
of the three-phase AC motor. The type of device will EVF8217-E
depend on the motor power required.

2. Select how the device is to be installed • Control cabinet configuration in IP41 enclosure
(Å Design, Mechanical installation)
Select the accessories for installing your • As the heat sink is installed separately, a smaller control
frequency inverter. cabinet can be used.

Frame for thermal separation EJ0004

3. Select the line-side accessories • Drive location:

(Å Design, Line-side electrical installation) On an industrial network
Select the appropriate fuses and the accessories
to ensure conformance with the limiting value classes • Radio interference suppression:
specified if the applicable European legislation. The environmental conditions require limiting
value class A to EN 55011

RFI filter EZF3-025A001

4. Select the motor-side accessories • Motor cable:

(Å Design, Motor-side electrical installation) Length 210 m, unshielded
Special measures may be required for motor cables
longer than 50m:
Select your simple and cost-effective solution with
compact motor filters or sinusoidal filters. Sinusoidal filter EZS3-025A

5. Select additional accessories for • For analog setpoint selection via master
controlling the device voltage or master current:
(Å Design, Additional accessories)
Select useful accessories for controlling Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0001k0001W
the device: Scale for potentiometer ERZ0001
- Operating module Rotary button for potentiometer ERZ0002
- Automation accessories
- Setpoint potentiometer. • If you need a quick and easy device for
changing the factory settings:

Operating module EMZ8201BB

Our example is based on the 82xx-E

frequency inverter. Follow the same procedure
for the 9300 vector control frequency inverter.

Lenze 15
Design - 8200
Overview of the 8200 frequency inverter

Compact frequency inverter for single-phase and

three-phase mains connection:
• Single-phase: 8200 range 0.37 kW -2.2 kW
• Three-phase: 8210 range 0.75 kW -11.0 kW
8220 range 15.0 kW - 110.0 kW
8240 range 0.37 kW -11.0 kW

Product features
8201-4 8211-18 8221-27 8241-46
Single-phase Three-phase Three-phase Three-phase
0.37 -2.2 kW 0.75 -11.0 kW 15.0-110.0 kW 0.37-11.0 kW
Compact design    
Load capacity for 1 min. up to 150% Ir    
Inverter outputs protected against short-circuits    
Earth fault check on mains disconnection    
Fixed chopper frequency 9.2 kHz 
Variable chopper frequency 4, 8, 12 or 16 kHz   
V/f characteristic control with constant Vmin boost or

auto boost
Motor current control or V/f characteristic control selectable
(FTC technique)   

Mains voltage compensation    

Slip compensation    
Adjustable current limitation with V/f control    
Pulse width modulation inverter with IGBT power stages    
Connection for DC bus and brake units    
Potential-free analog input and output    
Relay outputs (changeover contacts) 1 1 2 2
Isolated (potential-free) digital inputs with programmable functions 4 4 4 4
Up to 3 fixed frequencies (JOG) per parameter set    
DC braking    
TRIP set and TRIP reset functions    
Motor potentiometer    
Output frequency up to 240 Hz/480 Hz 
Output frequency up to 480 Hz   
Flying restart with coasting motor    
2 parameter sets    
Elapsed time and running time counter    
Assembly with thermal separation of power stage, 4.0 kW upwards   

Attachable accessories
8201BB operating module for control and parameter setting
with memory for parameter transfer
Serial RS232/485 module, wire or optical fibre 2102IB    
INTERBUS-S module 2111IB    
PROFIBUS module 2131IB    
System bus module 2171IB/2172IB    
8274-78IB plug-in modules for function extension    

16 Lenze
Design - 8200
Overview of the 8200 frequency inverter

8200 klima range frequency inverters

All standard device features plus the following features
for environment technology, HVAC and pump drives

8211-18E-V020 8221-27E-V020 8241-46E-V020

Three-phase Three-phase Three-phase
0.75 -11 kW 15 -110 kW 0.37 -11.0 kW
Integrated PID process controller   
Elimination of mechanical resonances   
Load loss (V-belt) monitoring   
Smooth start/stop along S ramps   
Manual/automatic changeover   
Motor phase failure detection  
Mains failure detection   
Inverse setpoint handling   
Volume flow control without feedback   
Speed control with feedback   
Torque control   
Max. possibilities for analog input signals 2 2 2
Max. possibilities for digital output signals 2 3 3
Level inversion of digital input signals   
Priority: bus control/terminal control   

Attachable accessories
Analog input module 8279   
8201BB operating module for control and parameter setting
with memory for parameter transfer   

Serial RS232/485 module, wire   

or optical fibre 2102IB
INTERBUS-S module 2111IB   
PROFIBUS module 2131IB   
System bus module 2171IB/2172IB   
8274-78IB plug-in modules for function extension   

See page 32 for details of 9300 vector control frequency inverters.

Lenze 17
Design - 8200
General data

Range Values
Vibration resistance Germanischer Lloyd, general conditions
Humidity Humidity class F, no condensation
(average relative humidity 85%)
Permissible temperature ranges During device transport: - 25°C ... +7 0°C
During device storage: - 25°C ... +55°C
During device operation: 0°C ... +40°C
+ 40°C ... +50°C with power derating 2.5% per K
Permissible installation height h Up to 1000 m above sea level Without power derating
1000 m above sea level ... 4000 m above sea level 5%/1000m
Pollution degree VDE 0110 Part 2 pollution degree 2
Noise emission Requirements to EN 50081-1, EN 50081-2, IEC 22G-WG4 (Cv) 21
Limiting value class A to EN 55011 (industrial area) with mains filter
Limiting value class B to EN 55022 (residential area) with mains filter and control cabinet
Noise immunity Complies with limit values with mains filter
Requirements to EN 50082-2, IEC 22G-WG4 (Cv) 21
Requirements Standard Intensity of tests
ESD EN61000-4-2 3, i.e. 8 kV with air discharge
and 6 kV with contact discharge
HF field
(housing) EN61000-4-3 3, i.e. 10 V/m; 27 up to 1000 MHz
Burst EN61000-4-4 3/4, i.e. 2 kV/5 kHz
(on mains cable) IEC 1000-4-5 3, i.e. 1.2/50 µs 1 kV phase-phase, 2 kV phase-PE
Insulation strength Overvoltage category III to VDE 0110
Packaging To DIN 4180
- 8201 to 8218: Dust packaging
- 8221 to 8227: Shipping container
Degree of protection IP20
IP41 on heat sink side for thermal separation in push-through technology
NEMA 1: Protection against contact
Approvals CE: Low-Voltage Directive
8201 - 8218: VDE approval

8241 - 8246,
8221 - 8227: UL 508: Industrial control equipment
UL 508C: Power conversion equipment

18 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for single-phase mains connection

Type 8201 8202 8203 8204
Order ref. EVF8201-E EVF8202-E EVF8203-E EVF8204-E
Order ref. EVF8202-E
compact device -V002
Mains voltage UM [V] 1 / N / PE / AC / 230V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
permissible range 190...260 V ± 0% / 45...65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 270 V...360 V ± 0%
Output voltage1) 3 / PE / AC / 0...Umains / 0...50 Hz , up to 240 Hz as an option
Data for operation on mains: 1 AC / 230 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 0.37 0.75 1.50 2.20
Output current A 2.6 4.0 7.0 9.5
Max. output current 60 s A 3.9 6.0 10.5 14.2
Output power kVA 1.0 1.5 2.7 3.6
Mains r.m.s. current2)
Without mains choke/filter A 5.0 9.0 15.0 –
With mains choke/filter 4.2 7.5 12.5 17.0
Power loss W 30 50 70 100
Chopper frequency Up to 9.2 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 50 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% max. selected
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4% signal level
- Offset ± 0.3% 5 V or 10 V
a mm 64 64 83 83
b 180 180 250 250
e 158 198 (158) 211 211
Weight kg 1.0 1.3 2.2 2.2
Weight (compact device) 1.0
1) With mains choke/filter: Max. output voltage = approx. 96% of mains voltage
2) Take the N-conductor load into account if the mains power is being distributed symmetrically on a number of inverters!


Lenze 19
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8211E 8212E 8213E 8214E
Order ref. EVF8211-E EVF8212-E EVF8213-E EVF8214-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8211-E EVF8212-E EVF8213-E EVF8214-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 3 / N / PE / AC / 460 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
permissible range 320...510 V ± 0% / 45...65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 450 V...715 V ± 0 %
Output voltage1) 3 / PE / AC / 0...Umains / 0...50 Hz , up to 480 Hz as an option
Data for operation on 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.0
Output current A 2.4 3.9 5.5 7.3
Max. output current 60 s A 3.6 5.9 8.3 11.0
Output power kVA 1.6 2.7 3.8 5.2
Data for operation on 3 AC / 460 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.7
Output current A 2.4 3.9 5.5 7.3
Max. output current 60 s A 3.6 5.9 8.3 11.0
Output power kVA 1.9 3.1 4.3 5.8
Mains r.m.s. current1)
Without mains choke/filter A 3.75 5.85 7.5 -
With mains choke/filter 2.5 3.9 5.0 7.0
Power loss W 55 75 90 100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% Reference fmax
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
a mm 83 83 83 83
b 250 250 250 250
e 211 211 211 211
Weight kg 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1) Data for operation with factory setting of 8 kHz chopper frequency


20 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 8211E 8212E 8213E 8214E
Order ref. EVF8211-E EVF8212-E EVF8213-E EVF8214-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8211-E EVF8212-E EVF8213-E EVF8214-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 3 / N / PE / AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
permissible range 320...440 V ± 0% / 45...65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V...620 V ± 0 %
Output voltage1) 3 / PE / AC / 0...Umains / 0...50 Hz , up to 480 Hz as an option
Data for operation on 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 1.1 1.5 3.0 3.0
Output current A 3.0 3.9 7.3 7.3
Max. output current 60 s A 3.6 5.9 11.0 11.0
Output power kVA 2.1 2.7 5.2 5.2
Mains r.m.s. current1)
Without mains choke/filter A 3.75 5.85 7.5 -
With mains choke/filter 2.5 3.9 5.0 7.0
Power loss W 55 75 90 100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% Reference fmax
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4%
- Offset ± 0%
a mm 83 83 83 83
b 250 250 250 250
e 211 211 211 211
Weight kg 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
1) Data for operation with factory setting of 8 kHz chopper frequency


Lenze 21
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8215E 8216E 8217E 8218E
Order ref. EVF8215-E EVF8216-E EVF8217-E EVF8218-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8215-E EVF8216-E EVF8217-E EVF8218-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 3 / N / PE / AC / 460 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
permissible range 320...510 V ± 0% / 45...65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 450 V...715 V ± 0 %
Output voltage1) 3 / PE / AC / 0...Umains / 0...50 Hz , up to 480 Hz as an option
Data for operation on 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 4.0 5.5 7.5 11.0
Output current A 9.4 13.0 16.5 23.5
Max. output current 60 s A 14.1 19.5 24.8 35.3
Output power kVA 6.5 9.0 11.4 16.3
Data for operation on 3 AC / 460 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0
Output current A 9.4 13.0 16.5 23.5
Max. output current 60 s A 14.1 19.5 24.8 35.3
Output power kVA 7.5 10.3 13.1 18.7
Mains r.m.s. current1)
Without mains choke/filter A 13.2 18.0 22.5 -
With mains choke/filter 8.8 12.0 15.0 20.5
Power loss W 150 200 280 400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
a mm 125 125 125 125
b 250 250 250 250
e 218 218 218 218
Weight kg 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
1) Data for operation with factory setting of 8 kHz chopper frequency


22 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 8215E 8216E 8217E 8218E
Order ref. EVF8215-E EVF8216-E EVF8217-E EVF8218-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8215-E EVF8216-E EVF8217-E EVF8218-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 3 / N / PE / AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
permissible range 320...440 V ± 0% / 45...65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V...620 V ± 0 %
Output voltage1) 3 / PE / AC / 0...Umains / 0...50 Hz , up to 480 Hz as an option
Data for operation on 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz mains
Motor power 4-pole ASM kW 5.5 5.5 11.0 11.0
Output current A 13.0 13.0 23.5 23.5
Max. output current 60 s A 14.1 19.5 24.8 35.3
Output power kVA 9.0 9.0 16.3 16.3
Mains r.m.s. current1)
Without mains choke/filter A 13.2 18.0 22.5 -
With mains choke/filter 8.8 12.0 15.0 20.5
Power loss W 150 200 280 400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
a mm 125 125 125 125
b 250 250 250 250
e 218 218 218 218
Weight kg 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
1) Data for operation with factory setting of 8 kHz chopper frequency


Lenze 23
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8241 8242 8243 8244
Order ref. EVF8241-E EVF8242-E EVF8243-E EVF8244-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8241-E EVF8242-E EVF8243-E EVF8244-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 3.0
Output current I [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.2 3.7 5.8 10.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 1.0 1.7 2.7 4.8
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 3.0
Output current I [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.25 3.75 5.85 10.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 1.2 2.1 3.2 5.8
Mains current Ir [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 50 65 100 150
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 78 x 78 x 97 x 97 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 350 x
e 250 250 250 250
Weight m [kg] 3.5 3.5 5.0 5.0


24 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 8241 8242 8243 8244
Order ref. EVF8241-E EVF8242-E EVF8243-E EVF8244-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8241-E EVF8242-E EVF8243-E EVF8244-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.55 1.1 2.2 4.0
Output current I [A] 1.8 3.0 5.5 9.4
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.2 3.7 5.8 10.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 1.3 2.1 3.8 6.5
Mains current Ir [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 50 65 100 150
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 78 x 78 x 97 x 97 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 350 x
e 250 250 250 250
Weight m [kg] 3.5 3.5 5.0 5.0


Lenze 25
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8245 8246
Order ref. EVF8245-E EVF8246-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8245-E EVF8246-E
-V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 5.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 13.0 23.5
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 35.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 9.0 16.3
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 5.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 13.0 23.5
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 33.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 10.8 18.5
Mains current Ir [A] 12.0 20.5
Power loss Ploss [W] 210 360
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 135 x 135 x
b 350 x 350 x
e 250 250
Weight m [kg] 7.5 7.5


26 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 8245 8246
Order ref. EVF8245-E EVF8246-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8245-E EVF8246-E
-V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 7.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 16.0 23.5
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 35.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 11.1 16.3
Mains current Ir [A] 12.0 20.5
Power loss Ploss [W] 210 360
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4%
- Offset ±0 %
Dimensions [mm]
a 135 x 135 x
b 350 x 350 x
e 250 250
Weight m [kg] 7.5 7.5


Lenze 27
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8221 8222 8223 8224
Order ref. EVF8221-E EVF8222-E EVF8223-E EVF8224-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8221-E EVF8222-E EVF8223-E EVF8224-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 15.0 22.0 30.0 45.0
Output current I [A] 32.0 47.0 59.0 89.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 89.0 134.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 22.2 32.6 41.6 61.7
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 18.5 30.0 37.0 55.0
Output current I [A] 32.0 47.0 56.0 84.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 84.0 126.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 26.6 39.1 49.9 73.3
Mains current Ir [A] 29.0 42.0 55.0 80.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 430 640 810 1100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0 %
Dimensions [mm]
a 250 x 250 x 250 x 340 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 510 x
e 250 250 250 285
Weight m [kg] 12.5 12.5 12.5 22.0


a   e

28 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 8221 8222 8223 8224
Order ref. EVF8221-E EVF8222-E EVF8223-E EVF8224-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8221-E EVF8222-E EVF8223-E EVF8224-E
-V020 -V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 22.0 30.0 37.5 55.0
Output current I [A] 43.0 56.0 66.0 100.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 89.0 134.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 29.8 39.5 46.4 74.8
Mains current Ir [A] 29.0 42.0 55.0 80.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 430 640 810 1100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 250 x 250 x 250 x 340 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 510 x
e 250 250 250 285
Weight m [kg] 12.5 12.5 12.5 22.0


a   e

Lenze 29
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 8225 8226 8227
Order ref. EVF8225-E EVF8226-E EVF8227-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8225-E EVF8226-E EVF8227-E
-V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 55.0 75.0 90.0
Output current I [A] 110.0 150.0 180.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 165.0 225.0 270.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 76.2 103.9 124.7
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 75.0 90.0 110.0
Output current I [A] 105.0 142.0 162.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 157.0 213.0 256.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 91.4 124.0 149.0
Mains current Ir [A] 100.0 135.0 165.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 1470 1960 2400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 340 x 450 x 450 x
b 591 x 680 x 680 x
e 285 285 285
Weight m [kg] 36.5 59.0 59.0


a   e

30 Lenze
Design - 8200

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (increased overload)
Type 8225 8226 8227
Order ref. EVF8225-E EVF8226-E EVF8227-E
Order ref. 8200 HVAC and pump drive EVF8225-E EVF8226-E EVF8227-E
-V020 -V020 -V020
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 75.0 90.0 110.0
Output current I [A] 135.0 159.0 205.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 165.0 225.0 270.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 91.5 110.0 142.0
Mains current Ir [A] 100.0 135.0 165.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 1470 1960 2400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Field frequency Resolution 20 mHz absolute
Digital setpoint preselection ± 0.05 Hz
Analog setpoint preselection
- Linearity ± 0.5% (reference fmax)
- Temperature sensitivity 0...40°C + 0.4 %
- Offset ±0%
Dimensions [mm]
a 340 x 450 x 450 x
b 591 x 680 x 680 x
e 285 285 285
Weight m [kg] 36.5 59.0 59.0


a   e

Lenze 31
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of the 9300

Compact frequency inverter for three-phase mains

• Three-phase: 9300 range 0.37 kW - 110.0 kW

Product features
0.37 - 110.0 kW
Single-axis, compact design 
For 1 min. up to 150 % overload 
Power terminals (top) 
Motor connections (bottom) 
Direct connection of incremental encoder TTL 5-8 V 
Motor phase monitoring for asynchronous motor 
Mains monitoring 
Vector control or V/f characteristic control 
Sensorless speed control (vector control) 
Digital synchronization system via pilot frequency (speed-synchronous) 
Integrated pilot frequency input and output 
Accessible application configurations 
Automatic detection of motor parameters 
Modular function blocks 
Process controller and arithmetic blocks 
Integrated system bus interface (CAN) 
Flying restart with coasting motor 
Motor potentiometer 
Freely assignable inputs/outputs 
4 parameter sets 
3 skip frequencies 
Output frequency up to 600 Hz 
Up to 15 fixed frequencies (JOG) per parameter set 
Chopper frequencies 2, 4, 8, 16 kHz 

32 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control
General data

Range Values
Vibration resistance Germanischer Lloyd, general conditions
Humidity Humidity class F, no condensation
(average relative humidity 85%)
Permissible temperature ranges During device transport: -25 °C +70°C
During device storage: -25 ° C ... + 55 ° C
During device operation: 0 ° C ... + 40 ° C
+40 ° C ... + 50 ° C with power derating 2.5% per K
Permissible installation height h Up to 1000 m above sea level Without power derating
1000 m above sea level ... 4000 m above sea level 5%/1000m
Pollution degree VDE 0110 Part 2 pollution degree 2
Noise emission Requirements to EN 50081-1, EN 50081-2, IEC 22G-WG4 (Cv) 21
Limiting value class A to EN 55011 (industrial area) with mains filter
Limiting value class B to EN 55022 (residential area) with mains filter and control cabinet n
i stallation
Noise immunity Complies with limit values with mains filter
Requirements to EN 50082-2, IEC 22G-WG4 (Cv) 21
Requirements Standard Intensity of tests
ESD EN61000-4-2 3, i.e. 8 kV with air discharge
and 6 kV with contact discharge
HF field
(housing) EN61000-4-3 3, i.e. 10 V/m; 27 up to 1000 MHz
Burst EN61000-4-4 3/4, i.e. 2 kV/5 kHz
(on mains cable) IEC 1000-4-5 3, i.e. 1.2/50 µs 1 kV phase-phase, 2 kV phase-PE
Insulation strength Overvoltage category III to VDE 0110
Packaging To DIN 4180
- 9321 to 9333EV: Shipping container
Degree of protection IP20
IP41 on heat sink side for thermal separation in push-through technology
NEMA 1: Protection against contact

Lenze 33
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 9321 9322 9323 9324
Order ref. EVF9321-EV EVF9322-EV EVF9323-EV EVF9324-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V +/-0%
Data for operation on a network: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 3.0
Output current I [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.2 3.7 5.8 10.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 1.0 1.7 2.7 4.8
Data for operation on a network: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 3.0
Output current I [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.25 3.75 5.85 10.5
Mains current Ir [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 50 65 100 150
Chopper frequency [%/K] Adjustable 2/4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 78 x 78 x 97 x 97 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 350 x
e 250 250 250 250
Weight m [kg] 4.9 4.9 5.8 6.0


34 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 9321 9322 9323 9324
Order ref. EVF9321-EV EVF9322-EV EVF9323-EV EVF9324-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 0.55 1.1 2.2 4.0
Output current I [A] 1.8 3.0 5.5 9.4
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 2.2 3.7 5.8 10.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 1.3 2.1 3.8 6.5
Mains current Ir [A] 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 50 65 100 150
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2/4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 78 x 78 x 97 x 97 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 350 x
e 250 250 250 250
Weight m [kg] 4.9 4.9 5.8 6.0


Lenze 35
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 9325 9326
Order ref. EVF9325-EV EVF9326-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 5.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 13.0 23.5
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 35.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 9.0 16.3
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 5.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 13.0 22.3
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 33.5
Output power Sr [kVA] 10.8 18.5
Mains current Ir [A] 12.0 20.5
Power loss Ploss [W] 210 360
Chopper frequency Adjustable 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 135 x 135 x
b 350 x 350 x
e 250 250
Weight m [kg] 7.8 7.8


36 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 9325 9326
Order ref. EVF9325-EV EVF9326-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 7.5 11.0
Output current I [A] 15.0 23.5
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 19.5 35.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 11.1 16.3
Mains current Ir [A] 12.0 20.5
Power loss Ploss [W] 210 360
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 135 x 135 x
b 350 x 350 x
e 250 250
Weight m [kg] 7.8 7.8


Lenze 37
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 9327 9328 9329 9330
Order ref. EVF9327-EV EVF9328-EV EVF9329-EV EVF9330-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 15.0 22.0 30.0 45.0
Output current I [A] 32.0 47.0 59.0 89.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 89.0 134.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 22.2 32.6 41.6 61.7
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 18.5 30.0 37.0 55.0
Output current I [A] 30.4 44.7 56.0 84.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 84.0 126.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 26.6 39.1 49.9 73.3
Mains current Ir [A] 29.0 42.0 55.0 80.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 430 640 810 1100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 250 x 250 x 250 x 340 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 510 x
e 250 250 250 285
Weight m [kg] 18.0 18.0 18.0 36.0

a e

38 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (average overload)
Type 9327 9328 9329 9330
Order ref. EVF9327-EV EVF9328-EV EVF9329-EV EVF9330-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0% ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 22.0 30.0 37.5 55.0
Output current I [A] 43.0 52.0 66.0 93.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 48.0 70.5 89.0 134.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 29.8 39.5 46.4 74.8
Mains current Ir [A] 29.0 42.0 55.0 80.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 430 640 810 1100
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 250 x 250 x 250 x 340 x
b 350 x 350 x 350 x 510 x
e 250 250 250 285
Weight m [kg] 18.0 18.0 18.0 36.0

a e

Lenze 39
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 150% overload (increased overload)
Type 9331 9332 9333
Order ref. EVF9331-E EVF9332-E EVF9333-E
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 528 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 740 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 55.0 75.0 90.0
Output current I [A] 110.0 150.0 180.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 165.0 225.0 270.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 76.2 103.9 124.7
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 480 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 75.0 90.0 110.0
Output current I [A] 105.0 142.0 162.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 157.0 213.0 256.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 91.4 124.0 149.0
Mains current Ir [A] 100.0 135.0 165.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 1470 1960 2400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 340 x 450 x 450 x
b 591 x 680 x 680 x
e 285 285 285
Weight m [kg] 38.0 70.0 70.0

a e

40 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control

Frequency inverter for three-phase mains connection at 120% overload (increased overload)
Type 9331 9332 9333
Order ref. EVF9331-EV EVF9332-EV EVF9333-EV
Mains voltage UM [V] 320 V... 440 V ± 0 % ; 45 Hz ... 65 Hz ± 0%
Alternative DC supply UDC [V] 460 V... 620 V ± 0%
Data for operation on mains: 3 AC / 400 V / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Motor power (4-pole ASM) Pr [kW] 75.0 90.0 110.0
Output current I [A] 132.0 159.0 205.0
Max. output current 60 s Imax [A] 165.0 225.0 270.0
Output power Sr [kVA] 91.5 110.0 142.0
Mains current Ir [A] 100.0 135.0 165.0
Power loss Ploss [W] 1470 1960 2400
Chopper frequency Adjustable 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 16 kHz
Dimensions [mm]
a 340 x 450 x 450 x
b 591 x 680 x 680 x
e 285 285 285
Weight m [kg] 38.0 70.0 70.0

a e

Lenze 41
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mechanical installation

General information
– 8200 vector frequency inverters must only be used as The frequency inverters can be fitted as follows into a
built-in units. control cabinet:
– If the exhaust air contains pollutants (dust, lint, grease,
aggressive gases) then appropriate counter-measures With the fixing rails included in the scope of supply
must be in place (e.g. installation of filters, regular With a DIN rail mounting up to 3.0 kW
cleaning etc.). With thermal separation from 4.0 kW upwards
– Ensure there is enough mounting space. With special fixing devices
Several units can be mounted directly adjacent to one
another without clearance.
Ensure that there is free access for cooling air and
that the outlet for used air is not blocked.
Ensure clearance of 100 mm above and below.
– In the event of continuous oscillations or vibrations,
check the use of vibration dampers.

Lenze 43
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Assembly with fixing rail

The devices are supplied with a mounting rail providing access to fixing clamps from above and below.
(8201-18, 8241-46, 9321-26) or mounting clamps 8221-27 devices are installed with 4 lateral fixing clamps.
(8221-27, 9327-33). A DIN rail assembly is also available for 8201-8214
These can be used to fix the frequency inverter to the devices and thermal separation is possible on 8215-8227
back panel of the control cabinet or to the mounting plate. and 9321-33 devices.
The mounting rail is fixed to the device in a guideway,

Figure A 1) 3)

Postfach 101352 ,31763 HAMELN

d b

c e

Figure B
1) 3)

Postfach 101352 ,31763 HAMELN

b d

k e

Figure C
Lenze Lenze
Lenze Lenze

b1 b1 b1
d b d b d b

g g g

k k k
c c1 c c1 c e
a a a e1


44 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Assembly with fixing rail

Figure D g


b b1 d

(x) e

Figure a b b1 c c1 d d1 e g k m
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8201E A 64 210 – 29 – 190 – 158 6.5 30 –
8202E A 64 210 – 29 – 190 – 198 6.5 30 –
8202E-V002 A 64 210 – 29 – 190 – 158 6.5 30 –
8203E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8204E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8211E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8212E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8213E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8214E A 83 283 – 38 – 263 – 211 6.5 30 –
8215E B 125 283 – – – 263 – 218 6.5 30 –
8216E B 125 283 – – – 263 – 218 6.5 30 –
8217E B 125 283 – – – 263 – 218 6.5 30 –
8218E B 125 283 – – – 263 – 218 6.5 30 –
8241E/9321EV C 78 384 350 39 – 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8242E/9322EV C 78 384 350 39 – 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8243E/9323EV C 97 384 350 48.5 – 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8244E/9324EV C 97 384 350 48.5 – 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8245E/9325EV C 135 384 350 21.5 92 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8246E/9326EV C 135 384 350 21.5 92 365 – 250 6.5 30 –
8221E/9327EV D 250 402 350 22 205 370 24 250 6.5 – 11.0
8222E/9328EV D 250 402 350 22 205 370 24 250 6.5 – 11.0
8223E/9329EV D 250 402 350 22 205 370 24 250 6.5 – 11.0
8224E/9330EV D 340 580 510 28 284 532 38 285 11.0 – 18.0
8225E/9331EV D 340 672 591 28 284 624 38 285 11.0 – 18.0
8226E/9332EV D 450 750 680 30.5 395 702 38 285 11.0 – 18.0
8227E/9333EV D 450 750 680 30.5 395 702 38 285 11.0 – 18.0

Lenze 45
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mounting with DIN rail assembly

A special bracket can be used to fix 8201-8214 devices to 8201/02 devices can also be fixed with one DIN rail (H3).
two DIN rails (H1, H2). Alternatively, the controller can be installed using a
fixing rail.




a b c d e f
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8201E 64 180 16 125 173 98
8202E 64 180 16 125 213 98
8203E 83 250 16 125 237 –
8204E 83 250 16 125 237 –
8211E 83 250 16 125 226 –
8212E 83 250 16 125 226 –
8213E 83 250 16 125 226 –
8214E 83 250 16 125 226 –

Lenze 47
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Assembly with thermal separation (push-through technology)

Thermal separation is required in some applications. - Distribution of power loss:

It significantly reduces heat generation inside the control Approx. 65% via separate cooler (heat sink and fan)
cabinet. Approx. 35% inside the device
8215-8227/9321-9333 frequency inverters can be set up - The protection class of the separate cooler is IP41
so that the heat sink remains outside the control cabinet. - The device ratings continue to apply
You will need an assembly frame and a seal.

Figure A Control cabinet

back panel
control Interior

Figure B



d b1 b


c f
c1 e

48 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Assembly with thermal separation (push-through technology)

Figure C

a b c1 c2 c3 d1 d2 d3 d4 e f g h
Device Figure
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8215E A 162 283 31 132 – 10 90.5 192.5 – 218 88 6.5 8.5
8216E A 162 283 31 132 – 10 90.5 192.5 – 218 88 6.5 8.5
8217E A 162 283 31 132 – 10 90.5 192.5 – 218 88 6.5 8.5
8218E A 162 283 31 132 – 10 90.5 192.5 – 218 88 6.5 8.5
8241E/9321EV B 112.5 385.5 26 86 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8242E/9322EV B 112.5 385.5 26 86 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8243E/9323EV B 131.5 385.5 26 105 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8244E/9324EV B 131.5 385.5 26 105 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8245E/9325EV B 169.5 385.5 26 137 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8246E/9326EV B 169.5 385.5 26 137 – 10 115.5 164.5 – 250 92 6.5 9.0
8221E/9327EV C 280 379 28 140 252 41 141 238 338 250 90 6.0 9.0
8222E/9328EV C 280 379 28 140 252 41 141 238 338 250 90 6.0 9.0
8223E/9329EV C 280 379 28 140 252 41 141 238 338 250 90 6.0 9.0

Installation section
Height Width k l m n
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8215 - 8218 250 ± 51 32 ± 5 16 ± 2 147 ± 2 19 ± 2 266 ± 2
8241 - 8242
350 ± 3 82 ± 3 20 ± 2 198 ± 2 20 ± 2 359 ± 2
9321 - 9322
8243 - 8244
350 ± 3 101 ± 3 20 ± 2 117 ± 2 20 ± 2 359 ± 2
9323 - 9324
8245 - 8246 350 ± 1 139 ± 3 20 ± 2 259 ± 2 20 ± 2 359 ± 2
9325 - 9326
8221 - 8223
338 ± 1 228 ± 1 20 ± 2 255 ± 2 20 ± 2 359 ± 2
9327 - 9329

Lenze 49
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Assembly with other types of fixing

Flat horizontal assembly

8201 - 8204 single-phase devices can also be installed flat
with a small additional fan. This may be of particular
interest if you are using small machine housings. The
additional filter is assembled directly on the inverter.

1) 3)


1 x 220V


h [mm] e [mm]
8201/02 256 110
8203/04 328 110

Assembly on swivel rail

In housings where installation space is limited, the inverter The inverter can be swung out laterally by 90º for the
can be installed with a swivel mounting rail. purposes of installation, setting and diagnostics.

Drehpunkt 1) 3)

Postfach 101352 ,31763 HAMELN


e [mm]
8201 172
8202 212
8203-14 225

50 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Overview of cable protection

Operation at 150% overload of each drive controller, the following rated currents are
Fuses or mains automatic circuit breakers can be used for required for the protection devices:
cable protection. Depending on the mains current supply

Device Rated current Device Rated current

Protection device Protection device
8201 10 A 8203 20 A
8202 15 (16) A 8204 20 A
8211 / 8241 / 8242 / 9321 / 9322EV 6A 8221 / 9327EV 63 A
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV 6A 8222 / 9328EV 63 A
8213 10 A 8223 / 9329EV 80 A
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV 10 A 8224 / 9330EV 100 A
8215 16 (13) A 8225 / 9331EV 125 A
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV 20 A 8226 / 9332EV 160 A
8217 25 A 8227 / 9333EV 200 A
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV 32 A
( ) Automatic circuit breakers
The values provided are valid for operation
with mains choke/mains filter

Operation at 120% overload

Fuses or automatic circuit breakers can be used for cable drive controller, the following rated currents are required for
protection. Depending on the mains current supply of each the protection devices:

Device Rated current Device Rated current

Protection device Protection device
8211 / 8241 / 9321EV 6A
8212 / 8242 / 9322EV 6A 8221 / 9327EV 63 A
8213 10 A 8222 / 9328EV 80 A
8214 / 8243 / 9323EV 10 A 8223 / 9329EV 100 A
8224 / 9330EV 125 A
8215 / 8216 / 8244 / 9324EV 20 A 8225 / 9331EV 160 A
8226 / 9332EV 200 A
8217 / 8218 / 8245 / 8246 / 32 A 8227 / 9333EV 315 A
9325EV / 9326EV
( ) Automatic circuit breakers
The values provided are valid for operation with
mains choke/mains filter

Lenze 51
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Overview of line protection fuses

Operation at 150% overload

Line protection fuses with frequency-inverter-specific
brackets are available for each type of frequency inverter.

Fuse Fuse holder

Device Rated Size Order ref. Required Order ref. Required
current number number
8201 M10A 6.3 x 32 EFSM-0100ASB 1 EFH30001 1
8202 M10A 6.3 x 32 EFSM-0100ASB 1 EFH30001 1
8203 M15A 6.3 x 32 EFSM-0150ASC 1 EFH30001 1
8204 M20A 6.3 x 32 EFSM-0200ASC 1 EFH30001 1
8211 / 8241 / 8242 M 6A 10 x 38 EFSM-0060AWE 3 EFH10001 3
9321 / 9322
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV M 6A 10 x 38 EFSM-0060AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8213 M10A 10 x 38 EFSM-0100AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV M10A 10 x 38 EFSM-0100AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8215 M16A 10 x 38 EFSM-0160AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV M20A 10 x 38 EFSM-0200AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8217 M25A 14 x 51 EFSM-0250AXH 3 EFH10002 3
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV M32A 14 x 51 EFSM-0320AWH 3 EFH10002 3
8221*/9327EV* T63A – – 3 – –
8222* / 9328EV* T63A – – 3 – –
8223* / 9329EV* T80A – – 3 – –
8224* / 9330EV* T100A – – 3 – –
8225* / 9331EV* T125A – – 3 – –
8226* / 9332EV* T160A – – 3 – –
8227* / 9333EV* T200A – – 3 – –
* Recommended for standard fuses

Fuse holder

a b

Type a [mm] b [mm] e [mm] Fuse dimensions

EFH10001 17,5 81 68 10 x 38
EFH10002 26 81 68 14 x 51
EFH30001** 15 63 52 6.3 x 32
** Fixing: Bolt-on

52 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Overview of line protection fuses

Operation at 120% overload

Line protection fuses with frequency-inverter-specific
brackets are available for each type of frequency inverter.

Fuse Fuse holder

Device Rated Size Order ref. Required Order ref. Required
current number number
8211 / 8241 / 9321EV M 6A 10 x 38 EFSM-0060AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8212 / 8242 / 9322EV M 6A 10 x 38 EFSM-0060AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8213 / 8214 / 8243 / M10A 10 x 38 EFSM-0100AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8244 / 9324EV M16A 10 x 38 EFSM-0160AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8215 / 8216 M20A 10 x 38 EFSM-0200AWE 3 EFH10001 3
8217 / 8218
8245 / 8246 M32A 14 x 51 EFSM-0320AWH 3 EFH10002 3
9325EV / 9326EV
8221*/9327EV* T63A – – 3 – –
8222* / 9328EV* T80A – – 3 – –
8223* / 9329EV* T100A – – 3 – –
8224* / 9330EV* T125A – – 3 – –
8225* / 9331EV* T160A – – 3 – –
8226* / 9332EV* T200A – – 3 – –
8227* / 9333EV* T250A – – 3 – –
* Recommended for standard fuses

Fuse holder

a b

Type a [mm] b [mm] e [mm] Fuse dimensions

EFH10001 17.5 81 68 10 x 38
EFH10002 26 81 68 14 x 51

Lenze 53
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Overview of line circuit breakers

Operation at 150% overload

Frequency-inverter-specific mains automatic circuit
breakers are available up to a rated current of 32 A.

Device Automatic circuit breakers

Rated current Order ref. Required number
8201 C 10 A EFA1C10A 1
8202 C 16 A EFA1C16A 1
8203 C 20A EFA1C20A 1
8204 C 20A EFA1C20A 1
8211 B 6A EFA3B06A 1
8241* / 8242* / 9321EV* / 9322EV* C 6A – –
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV B 6A EFA3B06A 1
8213 B 10A EFA3B10A 1
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV B 10A EFA3B10A 1
8215 B 13A EFA3B13A 1
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV B 20A EFA3B20A 1
8217 B 25A EFA3B25A 1
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV B 32A EFA3B32A 1
* Recommended for standard mains automatic circuit breakers

Automatic circuit breakers

a b

Type a [mm] b [mm] e [mm]

EFA1CXXXA 17.5 80 63
EFA3BXXXA 53 90 63

54 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Overview of automatic circuit breakers

Operation at 120% overload

Frequency-inverter-specific mains automatic circuit
breakers are available up to a rated current of 32 A.

Device Automatic circuit breakers

Rated current Order ref. Required number
8211 / 8212 B 6A EFA3B06A 1
8241*/ 8242*/ 9321EV*/ 9322EV* C 6A – –
8213 / 8214 / 8243 / 9323EV B 10A EFA3B10A 1
8244 / 9324EV B 13A EFA3B13A 1
8215 / 8216 B 20A EFA3B20A 1
8217 / 8218 / 8245 / 8246 / B 32A EFA3B32A 1
9325EV / 9326EV
* Recommended for standard automatic circuit breakers

Automatic circuit breakers

a b

Type a [mm] b [mm] e [mm]

EFA1CXXXA 17.5 80 63
EFA3BXXXA 53 90 63

Lenze 55
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
CE-typical installation

General information Installation information

• The electromagnetic compatibility of a piece of If you follow the measures outlined below you can be sure
machinery depends on the installation method and the that no EMC problems caused by the drive system will occur
care taken during installation. whilst the system is in operation.
• Mounting
You should pay particular attention to: Ensure that there is sufficient contact between the drive
- Mounting controller and mains choke and the earthed mounting plate:
- Filters - Mounting plates with a conductive surface (galvanised,
- Shielding cadmium-coated) ensure sufficient long-term contact.
- Earth connections - On coated plates always remove the paint coating from
the mounting surfaces.
The required components are listed in the overview table. - Avoid DIN rail mounting.
• If you are using more than one mounting plate:
For wiring see the power supply connecting diagram - Ensure generous contact surfaces when connecting
the mounting plates (e.g. use copper bands).
• When routing the cables make sure that the motor
cables are located away from the signal and mains cables.
• Avoid using a shared terminal strip for mains input and
motor output.
• Keep the wiring as close to the reference potential as
Free hanging cables act like aerials.

• Only use the RFI filters and mains chokes assigned
to the devices.
- RFI filters reduce unwanted HF noise to an acceptable
- Mains chokes reduce the amount of r.m.s. current
picked up by the inverter from the mains.
- Mains filters act both as a mains choke and an
RFI filter.

Reducing mains currents, radio interference suppression

Measure Inverter

Task Mains RFI Mains Mains 8201- 8204 8211- 8214 8215- 8218 8241- 8221 8222- CE-typical
choke filter filter filter 8203 8213 8217 8246 8227 installation
A B 9321EV- 9327EV-
9326EV 9333EV

No measures      –

Reduced mains currents           –

Radio interference suppression A    X

Radio interference suppression A    –


Radio interference suppression A      X

and reduced mains currents

Radio interference suppression B   X


Radio interference suppression B

and reduced mains currents

 = essential
 = possible alternative
 = possible with inverter
X = CE-conformance ensured by Lenze
– = CE–conformance to be ensured by user

56 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
CE-typical installation

Shielding • Shield the control cables:

• Connect the motor cable shield with the drive controller - Shield both ends of the digital control cables.
shield connection. - Shield one end of the analog control cables.
• If contactors, motor protection switches or terminals - Use the shortest route possible to connect the shields
are located on the motor cable: of the control cables with the designated shield
- Connect the shields of the cables connected there connectors on the drive controller.
and ensure sufficient contact with the mounting plate. • If you are using the devices in residential areas:
• In the terminal box of the motor, connect the shield - Provide additional shield attenuation (= 10 dB) to limit
with PE: radiated interference. The usual way of doing this is to
- Metal screw connections for the cables at the motor install the devices in standard enclosed
terminal box ensure sufficient contact between the metallic and grounded control cabinets or boxes.
shield and the housing of the motor.
• If the mains cable between the mains filter and the Ground connections
drive controller is longer than 300 mm: • Use appropriate cables from a central grounding point
- Shield the mains cable. (PE rail) to ground all components
- Connect the shield of the mains cable directly with (drive controller, mains filter, motor filter).
the drive controller and mains filter and ensure • You must observe the minimum cross sections defined
sufficient contact with the mounting plate. in the safety regulations:
• If you are using a brake chopper: - However, in terms of EMC it is not the cable cross
- Connect the shield of the brake resistor cable directly section
with the brake copper and brake resistor and ensure but the cable area and the
sufficient contact with the mounting plate. contact area which are of key importance, i.e.
- Connect the shield of the cable between the inverter use the largest possible cross sections (large area).
and the brake chopper directly to the inverter and
ensure sufficient contact between the brake chopper
and the mounting plate.
• If you are operating the devices on a DC bus:
- Shield the cables between the inverter (+UG/-UG) and
the star point of the DC bus.
- Ensure that there is sufficient contact on both sides
between the shield and the mounting plate.

Lenze 57
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains chokes

Operation at 150% overload

Mains choke
A mains choke is an inductive resistor which can be – Increased service life – The service life of electrolytic
connected before the inverter. capacitors in the DC bus can be as much as doubled by
reducing the AC load.
– Less effects on the mains - the wave form of the mains Please note:
supply is a closer approximation of a sine wave – Only operate 8204, 8214, 8218, 8221–27 and 9327–33
– Reduced mains current - reduction of the r.m.s. current devices with the appropriate mains choke or mains filter.
(i.e. reduction of mains, cable and fuse load) – If you are using a mains choke, the maximum possible
output voltage does not reach the value of the mains
voltage – the typical mains voltage drop at the rated value
is around 4%.

Technical data

Device Mains choke

Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] m [kg]
8201 ELN1-0900H005 9.0 5.0 1.0
8202 ELN1-0500H009 5.0 9.0 1.0
8203 ELN1-0350H014 3.5 14.0 2.5
8204 ELN1-0160H017 1.6 17.0 2.5
8211 / 8241 / 8242
ELN3-0700H003 7.0 2.5 0.5
9321EV / 9322EV
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV ELN3-0450H004 4.5 4.0 0.8
8213 ELN3-0350H006 3.5 5.5 1.0
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV ELN3-0250H007 2.5 7.0 1.8
8215 ELN3-0160H012 1.6 12 3.8
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV ELN3-0160H012 1.6 12 3.8
8217 ELN3-0120H017 1.2 17 4.7
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV ELN3-0120H025 1.2 25 6.0
8221 / 9327EV ELN3-0088H035 0.88 35.0 9.8
8222 / 9328EV ELN3-0075H045 0.75 45.0 9.8
8223 / 9329EV ELN3-0055H055 0.55 55.0 19.0
8224 / 9330EV ELN3-0038H085 0.38 85.0 19.5
8225 / 9331EV ELN3-0027H105 0.27 105.0 20.0
8226 / 9332EV ELN3-0022H130 0.22 130.0 20.0
8227 / 9333EV ELN3-0017H170 0.17 170.0 32.0

58 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains chokes

Operation at 120% overload

Mains choke – Increased service life – The service life of electrolytic
A mains choke is an inductive resistor which can be capacitors in the DC bus can be as much as doubled by
connected before the inverter. reducing the AC load.

Function: Please note:

– Less effects on the mains - the wave form of the mains – Only operate 8204, 8214, 8218, 8221–27 and 9327–33
supply is a closer approximation of a sine wave. devices with the appropriate mains choke or mains filter.
– Reduced mains current - reduction of the r.m.s. current – If you are using a mains choke, the maximum possible
(i.e. reduction of mains, cable and fuse load) output voltage does not reach the value of the mains
voltage – the typical mains voltage drop at the rated value
is around 4%.

Technical data

Device Mains choke

Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] m [kg]
8241 / 9321EV ELN3-0700H003 7.0 2.5 0.5
8211 / 8212 / 8242 / ELN3-0450H004 4.5 4.0 0.8
8213 / 8214 / 8243 ELN3-0250H007 2.5 7.0 1.8
8215 / 8216 / 8244 ELN3-0160H012 1.6 12 3.8
8217 / 8218
8245 / 8246 ELN3-0120H025 1.2 25 6.0
9325EV / 9326EV
8221 / 9327EV ELN3-0075H045 0.75 45.0 9.8
8222 / 9328EV ELN3-0055H055 0.55 55.0 19.0
8223 / 9329EV ELN3-0055H055 0.55 55.0 19.0
8224 / 9330EV ELN3-0027H105 0.27 105.0 20.0
8225 / 9331EV ELN3-0022H130 0.22 130.0 20.0
8226 / 9332EV ELN3-0017H170 0.17 170.0 32.0
8227 / 9333EV ELN3-0014H200 0.14 200.0 32.0

Lenze 59
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains chokes

Dimensions of mains chokes

Order ref. a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] f [mm] k [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
ELN1-0900H005 66 67 50 53 80 62 80 4.8 9
ELN1-0500H009 66 67 50 53 80 62 80 4.8 9
ELN1-0350H014 96 77 84 61 96 86 86 5.8 11
ELN1-0160H017 96 77 84 61 96 86 86 5.8 11
ELN3-0700H003 65 44 50 30 92 70 56 4.5 9
ELN3-0450H004 65 50 50 36 92 70 62 4.5 9
ELN3-0350H006 74 48 56 34 105 84 60 4.5 9
ELN3-0250H007 120 61 84 45 130 105 73 6.0 11
ELN3-0160H012 150 70 90 54 155 130 81 6.0 11
ELN3-0120H017 120 65 109 51 162 110 80 5.0 10
ELN3-0120H025 150 76 140 61 180 140 95 5.0 10
ELN3-0088H035 180 91 161 74 225 165 120 6.3 11
ELN3-0075H045 180 91 161 74 225 165 120 6.3 11
ELN3-0055H055 228 88 206 69 263 205 120 6.3 11
ELN3-0038H085 228 111 206 94 263 205 140 6.3 11
ELN3-0027H105 228 111 206 94 273 205 150 6.3 11
ELN3-0022H130 264 102 240 81 265 237 135 6.3 11
ELN3-0017H170 264 128 240 107 257 237 166 8.3 16
ELN3-0014H200 300 114 274 88 290 265 135 8.3 16

60 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains chokes


m n
c d
a b

ELN3-... k


m n
c d
a b

Lenze 61
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
RFI filters

Operation at 150% overload

Interference suppression to EN 55011 Interference suppression to EN 55011
Limiting value class A Limiting value class B

This limiting value class is often required for industrial If the drive is not being operated on an industrial network
networks operating separately from mains supplies in but in a residential area, it may cause interference on other
domestic areas. The noise emitted by the connected devices such as radio and television receivers. In this case
consumers must not exceed the defined characteristic. In you must provide a means of radio interference
order to meet the requirements of limiting value class A, suppression to EN 55011, limiting value class B. Threshold
you must connect an RFI filter before the devices. characteristic B is significantly lower than and includes
threshold characteristic A.

In order to meet the requirements of limiting value class B,

you must connect an RFI filter before the devices. Mains
RFI filters class A and B chokes are also required for 821XE devices.
An RFI filter reduces mains-bound electromagnetic
interference into the mains network. The filter does not Please note:
replace the function of the mains choke. In order to reduce The filters indicated for types 821xE are suitable for mains
the r.m.s. current it is also necessary to install a mains voltages of 440 V +10%. Please contact Lenze if you are
filter or use an additional mains choke. working with mains voltages of > 440 V.

Technical data
Device RFI filter for operation with mains choke RFI filter for operation without mains choke
Order ref. Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg] Order ref. Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8201 EZF1-006A002 6.0 0.25 EZF1-006A002 6.0 0.25
8202 EZF1-009A002 9.0 0.6 EZF1-009A002 9.0 230 0.6
8203 EZF1-018A002 18.0 0.8 EZF1-018A002 18.0 0.8
8204 EZF1-018A002 18.0 0.8 Not permitted
8211 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0
8212 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0 EZF3-008A003 8.0 400 1.0
8213 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0 EZF3-008A003 8..0 1.0
8214 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0 Not permitted
8215 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0
8216 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0 EZF3-024A001 24.0 400 2.0
8217 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0 EZF3-024A001 24.0 2.0
8218 EZF3-024A001 24.0 2.0 Not permitted

The RFI filters for 8202-8218 have been designed so that A mains filter is available for 8241-8246 and 8221-8227
they can be installed underneath the inverter. frequency inverters instead of the combination of RFI filter
The footprint RFI filters for 8202 frequency inverters can and mains choke (see following pages).
also be used for 8201 frequency inverters.

62 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
RFI filters

Operation at 120% overload

Interference suppression to EN 55011 Interference suppression to EN 55011
Limiting value class A Limiting value class B

This limiting value class is often required for industrial If the drive is not being operated on an industrial network
networks operating separately from mains supplies in but in a residential area, it may cause interference on other
domestic areas. The noise emitted by the connected devices such as radio and television receivers. In this case
consumers must not exceed the defined characteristic. In you must provide a means of radio interference
order to meet the requirements of limiting value class A, suppression to EN 55011, limiting value class B. Threshold
you must connect an RFI filter before the devices. characteristic B is significantly lower than and includes
threshold characteristic A.

In order to meet the requirements of limiting value class B,

you must connect an RFI filter before the devices. Mains
RFI filters class A and B chokes are also required for 821XE devices.
An RFI filter reduces mains-bound electromagnetic
interference into the mains network. The filter does not Please note:
replace the function of the mains choke. In order to reduce The filters indicated for types 821xE are suitable for mains
the r.m.s. current it is also necessary to install a mains voltages of 440 V +10%. Please contact Lenze if you are
filter or use an additional mains choke. working with mains voltages of > 440 V.

Technical data
Device RFI filter for operation with mains choke
Order ref. Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8211 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0
8212 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0
8213 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0
8214 EZF3-008A003 8.0 1.0
8215 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0
8216 EZF3-016A003 16.0 2.0
8217 EZF3-024A001 24.0 2.0
8218 EZF3-024A001 24.0 2.0

The RFI filters for 8202-8218 have been designed so that A mains filter is available for 8241-8246 and 8221-8227
they can be installed underneath the inverter. frequency inverters instead of the combination of RFI filter
The footprint RFI filters for 8202 frequency inverters can and mains choke (see following pages).
also be used for 8201 frequency inverters.

Lenze 63
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
RFI filters

Dimensions of RFI filters

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] g [mm]

EZF1-006A002 B 85 50 – 75 40 –
EZF1-009A002 A 60 210 – 190 30 6.5
EZF1-018A002 A 80 283 – 263 40 6.5
EZF3-008A003 A 80 283 – 263 40 6.5
EZF3-016A003 A 120 283 – 263 50 6.5
EZF3-024A001 A 120 283 – 263 50 6.5

Figure A

Figure B

Lenze 65
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter A

Operation at 150% overload

Mains filter limiting value class A RFI filter in one housing. It reduces electromagnetic
A mains filter is a combination of inductive resistor and interference into the mains and mains currents.

Technical data
Device Mains filter
Order ref. Ir [A] L [mH] Umains [V] m [kg]
8201 EZN2-004A001 4.0 2.0 230 0.9
8202 EZN2-008A001 8.0 1.2 230 1.8
8203 EZN2-013A001 13.0 0.7 230 3.0
8204 EZN2-017A001 17.0 0.5 230 3.0
8241 / 9321EV EZN3A2400H002 1.5 24.0 400...480 0.8
8242 / 9322EV EZN3A1500H003 2.5 15.0 400...480 1.15
8243 / 9323EV EZN3A0900H004 4.0 9.0 400...480 1.55
8244 / 9324EV EZN3A0500H007 7.0 5.0 400...480 2.55
8245 / 9325EV EZN3A0300H013 13.0 3.0 400...480 5.2
8246 / 9326EV EZN3A0150H024 24.0 1.5 400...480 8.2
8221 / 9327EV EZN3A0110H030 30.0 1.1 400...480 16.0
8222 / 9328EV EZN3A0080H042 42.0 0.8 400...480 17.0
8223 / 9329EV EZN3A0055H060 60.0 0.55 400...480 30.0
8224 / 9330EV EZN3A0037H090 90.0 0.37 400...480 40.0
8225 / 9331EV EZN3A0030H110 110.0 0.30 400...480 46.0
8226 / 9332EV EZN3A0022H150 150.0 0.22 400...480 60.0
8227 / 9333EV EZN3A0017H200 200.0 0.17 400...480 90.0

Dimensions of mains filter A for separate assembly

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
EZN2-004A001 A 110 78 64 64 92 4.8 8
EZN2-008A001 A 121 91 84 76 135 5.8 9
EZN2-013A001 A 145 121 90 103 140 5.8 12
EZN2-017A001 A 145 121 90 103 140 5.8 12
EZN3A2400H002 B 77 71 50 38 98 5 9
EZN3A1500H003 B 95 82 56 35 115 5 9
EZN3A0900H004 B 95 90 56 43 116 5 9
EZN3A0500H007 B 119 95 90 49 138 5 9
EZN3A0300H013 B 150 106 113 64 162 6 11
EZN3A0150H024 B 180 120 136 67 192 7 12

66 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter A

Operation at 120% overload

Mains filter limiting value class A RFI filter in one housing. It reduces electromagnetic
A mains filter is a combination of inductive resistor and interference into the mains and mains currents.

Technical data
Device Mains filter
Order ref. Ir [A] L [mH] Umains [V] m [kg]
8241 / 9321EV EZN3A2400H002 1.5 24.0 400...480 0.8
8242 / 9322EV EZN3A1500H003 2.5 15.0 400...480 11.5
8243 / 9323EV EZN3A0750H005 5.0 7.5 400...480
8244 / 9324EV EZN3A0400H009 9.0 4.0 400...480
8245 / 9325EV EZN3A0300H013 13.0 3.0 400...480 5.2
8246 / 9326EV EZN3A0150H024 24.0 1.5 400...480
8221 / 9327EV EZN3A0080H042 42.0 0.8 400...480 15.0
8222 / 9328EV EZN3A0060H054 60.0 0.55 400...480 22.0
8223 / 9329EV EZN3A0055H060 60.0 0.55 400...480 30.0
8224 / 8225 EZN3A0030H110 110.0 0.30 400...480 45.0
9330 / 9331EV
8226 / 9332EV EZN3A0022H150 150.0 0.22 400...480 60.0
8227 / 9333EV EZN3A0017H200 200.0 0.17 400...480 90.0

Dimensions of mains filter A for separate assembly

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
EZN3A2400H002 B 77 71 50 38 98 5 9
EZN3A1500H003 B 95 82 56 35 115 5 9
EZN3A0750H005 B 100 53 90 39 135 5 9
EZN3A0400H009 B 125 67 113 49 156 6 11
EZN3A0300H013 B 150 106 113 64 162 6 11

Lenze 67
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter A

Figure A

m n
c d
a b

Figure B k


m n
c d
a b

68 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter B

Operation at 150% overload

Mains filter type B RFI filter in one housing. It reduces electromagnetic
A mains filter is a combination of inductive resistor and interference into the mains and mains currents.

Technical data
Device Mains filter
Order ref. Ir [A] L [mH] Umains [V] m [kg]
8241 / 9321EV EZN3B2400H002 1.5 22.0 400...460 2.5
8211 / 8242 / 9322EV EZN3B1500H003 2.5 15.0 400...460 3.0
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV EZN3B0900H004 4.0 9.0 400...460 3.3
8213 EZN3B0750H005 5.0 7.5 400...460 4.0
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV EZN3B0500H007 7.0 5.0 400...460 4.7
8215 EZN3B0400H009 9.0 4.0 400...460 6.5
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV EZN3B0300H013 13.0 3.0 400...460 12.2
8217 EZN3B0250H015 15.0 2.5 400...460 14.0
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV EZN3B0150H024 24.0 1.5 400...460 15.3
8221 / 9327EV EZN3B0110H030 30.0 1.10 400...480 20.0
8222 / 9328EV EZN3B0080H042 42.0 0.80 400...480 20.0
8223 / 9329EV EZN3B0055H060 60.0 0.55 400...480 32.0
8224 / 9330EV EZN3B0033H090 90.0 0.37 400...480 42.0
8225 / 9331EV EZN3B0030H110 110.0 0.33 400...480 50.0
8226 / 9332EV EZN3B0022H150 150.0 0.22 400...480 65.0
8227 / 9333EV EZN3B0017H200 200.0 0.17 400...480 95.0

Dimensions of mains filter B for separate assembly

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
EZN3B2200H002 A 78 150 – 135 2309 6.5 –
EZN3B1500H003 A 78 150 – 135 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0900H004 A 78 150 – 135 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0750H005 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0500H007 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0400H009 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0300H013 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0250H015 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0150H024 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –

70 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter B

Operation at 120% overload

Mains filter type B RFI filter in one housing. It reduces electromagnetic
A mains filter is a combination of inductive resistor and interference into the mains and mains currents.

Technical data

Device Mains filter

Order ref. Ir [A] L [mH] Umains [V] m [kg]
8241 / 9321EV EZN3B2400H002 1.5 24.0 400...480 0.8
8242 / 9322EV EZN3B1500H003 2.5 15.0 400...480 1.15
8211 / 8212 EZN3B0900H004 4.0 9.0 400...480 1.55
8243 / 9323EV EZN3B0750H005 5.0 7.5 400...480 4.0
8213 / 8214 EZN3B0350H007 7.0 3.5 400...480 4.0
8244 / 9324EV EZN3B0400H009 9.0 4.0 400...480 6.5
8215 / 8216 EZN3B0300H013 13.0 3.0 400...480 12.2
8245 / 9325EV EZN3B0250H015 15.0 2.5 400...480 14.0
8246 / 9326EV EZN3B0150H024 24.0 1.5 400...480 15.3
8217 / 8218 EZN3B0120H021 21.0 1.2 400...480 14.0
8221 / 9327EV EZN3B0080H042 42.0 0.8 400...480 15.0
8222 / 9328EV EZN3B0055H060 60.0 0.55 400...480 22.0
8223 / 9329EV EZN3B0055H060 60.0 0.55 400...480 30.0
8224 / 8225
EZN3B0030H110 110.0 0.30 400...480 45.0
9330 / 9331EV
8226 / 9332EV EZN3B0022H150 150.0 0.22 400...480 65.0
8227 / 9333EV EZN3B0017H200 200.0 0.17 400...480 95.0

Dimensions of mains filter B for separate assembly

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
EZN3B2400H002 A 78 150 – 135 230 6.5 –
EZN3B1500H003 A 78 150 – 135 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0900H004 A 78 150 – 135 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0750H005 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0350H007 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0400H009 A 97 180 – 165 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0300H013 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0150H024 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –
EZN3B0120H021 A 135 260 92 245 230 6.5 –

Lenze 71
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Mains filter B

Figure A d

72 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Footprint mains filters limiting value class A and B (15 kW … 90 kW)

Operation at 150% overload

A mains filter is a combination of mains choke and RFI Important:
filter in one housing. It reduces line-bound • When mounting the frequency inverter according to the
noise emission into the mains network, thus ensuring that “push-through technique” or “cold plate” technology only
the requirements of limiting value class A/B are met. In built-on mains filters can be used for interference
addition, a mains filter replaces the function of a mains suppression.
choke. The r.m.s. current is also reduced.

Device Mains filter A/B, dimensions [mm]

Type Order ref. a a1 b b1 e e1 e2 m Weight
8221/9327 E82ZN22334B230 410
8222/9328 E82ZN22334B230 235.5 231 350 110 90 11.5 M5 13
8223/9329 E82ZN30334B230 430 19
8224/9330 E82ZN45334B230 580 500 26
318 313.5
8225/9331 E82ZN55334B230 685 590 29
114 90 14.5 M8
8226/9332 E82ZN75334B230 760 53
428 423.5 670
8227/9333 E82ZN90334B230 765 53

• Max. permissible motor cable lengths in order to meet the requirements of limiting value class A/B: 50 m (A) or
10 m (B).
• The frequency inverter is installed on the footprint mains filter using the standard fixtures included in the scope of
supply of the frequency inverter.
• The mains filters meet the requirements of UL/cUL (in preparation).

Schematic diagram

Lenze 73
8200 and 9300 vector control ranges
Subassembly mains filter limiting value class A and B (15 kW ... 90 kW)

Operating at 120% overload

A mains filter is a mains choke and RFI filter combined in Important:
one housing. It reduces line-bound noise emission into the • When mounting the frequency inverter using the
mains network, thus ensuring that limiting value class A/B “push-through technique” or “cold plate” technology only
is satisfied. In addition, a mains filter performs the function integrated mains filters can be used for interference
of a mains choke. This also means that the mains current’s suppression.
r.m.s. value is reduced.

Device Mains filter A/B, dimensions [mm]

Type Order ref. a a1 b b1 e e1 e2 m Weight
8221/9327 E82ZN22334B230 410 13
235.5 231 350 110 90 11.5 M5
8222/9328 E82ZN30334B230 430 19
8224/9330 E82ZN55334B230 318 313.5 685 590 29
114 90 14.5 M8
8226/9332 E82ZN90334B230 428 423.5 765 670 53

• Max. permitted motor cable lengths in compliance with limiting value class A or B: 50 m (A) or 10 m (B).
• The frequency inverter is installed on the subassembly mains filter using the standard fixtures included in the
frequency inverter’s scope of supply.
• The mains filters meet the requirements of UL/cUL (in preparation).

Schematic diagram

74 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control M

Overview of output filters

Output filters should be used to reduce the load on the motor cables. Motor filters and sinusoidal filters ensure the
motor coil, as well as to reduce the capacitive leakage safe operation of your drive up to 400 m motor cable
currents to PE that may be caused by the use of long length.

Motor filter Motor filter Sinusoidal filter

Required at and above motor cable length Shielded 50 m 100
Unshielded 100 m 200 m
Max. motor cable length Shielded 100 m 200 m
Unshielded 200 m 400 m
Min. chopper frequency 4 kHz 8 kHz
Motor protection (du / dt = 500 V / s) Yes Yes
Max. field frequency 300 Hz 120 Hz
DC bus connection Yes -
Reduction of line-side radio interference Low Average

- If you are using motor cables > 200m (shielded) or > 400m
(unshielded), please contact Lenze.
- If a number of motors are operating in parallel on the
output of one inverter, the following formula should be
used to calculate the length of the motor cable:
l res = (l1 + l2 + ...ln) * √n
l res = resulting length
l1, l2 = individual motor cable lengths
n = number of parallel motor cables

Lenze 75
3~ Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Motor filter

A motor filter is required: – The typical mains voltage drop via the motor filter at rated
– For long motor cables current and rated frequency is 2 - 3% of the output
> 50 m (shielded) or > 100 m (unshielded) voltage
– If motors are used with an insulation system not suited – The filters indicated are suitable for a mains voltage of up
for inverter operation. Lenze motors feature insulation to 3 x 460 V ± 10%
with a high thermal reserve. – The +UG and –UG terminals must be connected with the
same cable cross-section as the motor cable.
Please note:
– The frequency inverter is also loaded with approx. 12%
of the motor filter rated current.
– Shielded motor cables are required for a CE-typical
Technical data for 150% overload
Device Motor filter
Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8201 ELM3-030H003 3.0 2.5 3 x 230 4.0
8202 ELM3-020H004 2.0 4.0 3 x 230 4.0
8203 ELM3-010H010 1.0 10.0 3 x 230 7.0
8204 ELM3-014H010 1.4 10.0 3 x 230 7.0
8211/ 8241/ 8242 / 9321EV / 9322EV ELM3-030H004 3.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.0
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV ELM3-030H004 3.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.0
8213 ELM3-014H010 1.4 10.0 3 x 460 7.0
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV ELM3-014H010 1.4 10.0 3 x 460 7.0
8215 ELM3-014H010 1.4 10.0 3 x 460 7.0
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8217 ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8221-8222 / 9327-28EV ELM3-004H055 0.4 55.0 3 x 460 40.0
8223-8227 / 9329-33EV on request

Technical data for 120% overload

Device Motor filter
Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8211 / 8241 / 9321EV ELM3-030H004 3.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.0
8212 / 8242 / 9322EV ELM3-030H004 3.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.0
8213 / 8214 / 8243 / 9323EV ELM3-014H010 1.4 10.0 3 x 460 7.0
8215 / 8216 / 8244 / 9324EV ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8217 / 8245 / 9325EV ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV ELM3-007H025 0.7 25.0 3 x 460 14.0
8221 / 9327EV ELM3-004H055 0.4 55.0 3 x 460 40.0
8222-8227 / 9328EV-9333EV on request

76 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control M

Motor filters

Dimensions of motor filters

d e
a b

Type a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm]

ELM3-030H003 210 60 140 197 35
ELM3-020H004 210 60 140 197 35
ELM3-010H010 280 92 135 267 65
ELM3-030H004 210 75 160 197 50
ELM3-014H010 280 92 175 267 65
ELM3-007H025 280 130 256 267 100
ELM3-004H055 500 235 185 400 220

Lenze 77
3~ Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Sinusoidal filters

A motor filter is required: Please note:

– For long motor cables > 100 - 200 m (shielded) or > 200 - – The frequency inverter is also loaded with approx. 10%
400 m (unshielded) of the sinusoidal filter rated current
A sinusoidal filter is recommended: – The typical mains voltage drop via the sinusoidal filter at
– If inverters are being used for the mains supply to rated current and rated frequency (fn = 50 Hz) is 7% of
systems which require a specific mains frequency the inverter output voltage
– On UPS – The maximum permissible field frequency is 120 Hz
– In applications in which the noise generation in the motor – The filters indicated are suitable for a mains voltage of
must be reduced up to 3 x 460 V ± 10%

Technical data for 150% overload

Device Sinusoidal filter
Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8201 EZS3-003A001 12.0 2.6 3 x 230 4.5
8202 EZS3-004A002 8.0 4.0 3 x 230 4.5
8203 EZS3-007A001 4.5 7.0 3 x 230 10.0
8204 EZS3-010A001 3.5 10.0 3 x 230 10.0
8211 / 8241 / 8242 / 9321EV / 9322EV EZS3-002A001 24.0 2.5 3 x 460 4.5
8212 / 8243 / 9323EV EZS3-004A002 14.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.5
8213 EZS3-006A001 10.0 5.5 3 x 460 90
8214 / 8244 / 9324EV EZS3-007A002 7.5 7.0 3 x 460 9.0
8215 EZS3-010A002 6.0 9.5 3 x 460 16.0
8216 / 8245 / 9325EV EZS3-013A001 4.5 13.0 3 x 460 16.0
8217 EZS3-017A001 3.5 16.5 3 x 460 19.0
8218 / 8246 / 9326EV EZS3-024A001 2.5 24.0 3 x 460 20.0
8221-8227 / 9327-33EV on request

Technical data for 120% overload

Device Sinusoidal filter
Order ref. Inductance [mH] Ir [A] Umains [V] m [kg]
8241 / 9321EV EZS3-002A001 24.0 2.5 3 x 460 4.5
8211 / 8212 / 8242 / 9322EV EZS3-004A002 14.0 4.0 3 x 460 4.5
8243 / 9323EV EZS3-006A001 10.0 5.5 3 x 460 9.0
8213 / 8214 EZS3-007A002 7.5 7.0 3 x 460 9.0
8244 / 9324EV EZS3-009A002 10.0 5.5 3 x 460 9.0
8215 / 8216 / 8244 / 9324EV EZS3-013A001 4.5 13.0 3 x 460 16.0
8245 / 9325EV EZS3-017A001 3.5 16.5 3 x 460 19.0
8217 / 8218 / 8246 / 9326EV EZS3-024A001 2.5 24.0 3 x 460 20.0
8221-8227 / 9327-33EV on request

78 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control M

Sinusoidal filters

Dimensions of sinusoidal filters

d e
a b

e g


Dimensions of sinusoidal filters

Order ref. a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm]
EZS3-003A001 210 75 120 200 50
EZS3-004A002 210 75 120 200 50
EZS3-007A001 280 92 135 270 65
EZS3-010A001 280 92 135 270 65
EZS3-002A001 210 75 160 200 50
EZS3-004A002 210 75 160 200 50
EZS3-006A001 280 92 175 270 65
EZS3-007A002 280 92 175 270 65
EZS3-009A002 280 92 175 270 65
EZS3-010A002 280 130 256 267 100
EZS3-013A001 280 130 256 267 100
EZS3-017A001 280 130 256 267 100
EZS3-024A001 325 200 170 260 185
Larger filters are available on request

Lenze 79

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control



Braking with brake unit Selecting brake resistors
If a motor is braked quickly by the frequency inverter, the Brake resistors are selected according to the continuous
motor will operate in generative mode and feed back energy loss exhibited and the energy to be braked.
energy to the frequency inverter. The DC bus voltage of The following formula is used to calculate the rated power
the frequency inverter increases. If the voltage is too high, of the brake resistors:
the frequency inverter will lock the power stages and the
motor will coast to a stop. By using a brake unit tBr 1 Wkin
PN ≥ x Pmax ; Pmax =
comprising a brake module with integrated resistor or tzyk 2 tBr
brake chopper with external resistor, the feedback energy
can be dissipated via the brake resistor and converted into The maximum kinetic energy to be suppressed is
heat. The drive can be braked under controlled conditions. calculated on the basis of the peak brake power and the
maximum duty time of the brake chopper.
Feedback mode
A supply and feedback module can also be used as an Wmax = Pmax · t0max
alternative, in particular on multi-axis and interconnected
drives. These components help to reduce energy Pmax: Brake power during braking
consumption and costs.
tBr: Braking time

tcyc: Time between two braking cycles

Wkin: Kinetic energy to be braked

t0max: Maximum duty time of brake chopper

As the frequency change is also applied in the braking

phase via the setpoint integrator on the inverter, the “Tif”
value set on the inverter can also be used for the braking
time tBr.

80 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake module 8251 / 52

The 8251 and 8252 brake modules are supplied with a The 8251 brake module is for 8201 - 8204 single-phase
built-in brake resistor. The maximum peak brake power is inverters; the 8252 brake module is for 8211 - 8218 three-
2.0 kW with a duty cycle of 3% for a maximum of phase inverters. If a higher brake power is required, the
10 seconds. 8253 brake chopper can be used with an appropriate brake

Technical data for 8251 / 8252 brake modules

Brake module 8251
Supply voltage 270...400 V DC
Threshold Max. braking energy 20 kW s
At 230 V AC 375 V DC Min. brake resistance Integrated
Max. current 5.4 A DC Ambient temperature 0...+ 40ºC
Continuous brake power 70 W Storage temperature -25...+ 70ºC
Peak brake power 2 kW 3% at max. Humidity Humidity class F
Duty time 10 s
Brake module 8252
Supply voltage 450...750 V DC
Threshold Max. braking energy 20 kW s
At 400 V AC 725 V DC
At 460 V AC 725 V DC Min. brake resistance Integrated
Max. current 2.7 A DC Ambient temperature 0...+ 4ºC
Continuous brake power 70 W Storage temperature -25...+ 70ºC
Peak brake power 2 kW 3% at max. Humidity Humidity class F
duty time 10 s

Dimensions of brake modules

Installation on mounting rail Installation on DIN rail
Device Order ref. a b c d e f g k b c1 c2 c3 e f m
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
8251 EMB8251-E 56 210 28 190 170 130 65 30 190 16 98 149 173 133 1.3
8252 EMB8252-E 56 210 28 190 170 130 65 30 190 16 98 149 173 133 1.3

Fixing on mounting rail Fixing on DIN rail




d b

c1 (T1) (T2)

(T1) (T2) a
-UG +UG RB1 RB2 PE f
a f e

Lenze 81

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake module 9351

The 9351 brake module is supplied with a built-in brake 8241-8246, 8221-27 and 9321-33 devices. If a higher brake
resistor. This brake resistor has a resistance of 47 ohms. power is required, the 9352 brake chopper can be used with
The maximum peak brake power is 12 kW at a threshold of an appropriate external brake resistor.
765 V DC. At a pulse/break ratio of 1:250, the maximum
duty time is 2 seconds. Depending on the brake power
required, the brake module can be used with all

Technical data for the 9351 brake module

Supply voltage 270 ... 780 V DC
Threshold at 400 V AC 630 V DC Max. braking energy 50 kWS
Threshold at 460 V AC 725 V DC Min. brake resistance Integrated
Threshold at 480 V AC 765 V DC
Max. current 16 A DC Ambient temperature 0 ... 40ºC
Continuous brake power 100 W Storage temperature -20 ... 70ºC
Peak brake power 12 kW at Humidity Humidity class F
1% max. duty time 4 s

82 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake module 9351

Dimensions of the 9351 brake module

Device Order ref. a [mm] b [mm] b1 [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] g [mm] k [mm] m [mm]
EMB9351-E EMB9351-E 52 384 350 26 365 186 6.5 30 2.6


b1 d b

g e

Lenze 83

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake chopper 8253 / 9352

8253 and 9352 brake choppers can be optimised for the The brake chopper can be mounted directly adjacent to
required brake power. For this purpose, the brake three-phase 8200 frequency inverters
choppers are operated with an external brake resistor. The (8253 for 8211-18, 9352 for 8241-46, 8221-27 and
minimum brake resistance is 47 ohms on the 8253 and 9321-33EV). If a lower brake power is required, a brake
18 ohms on the 9352. module with an integrated brake resistor can be used.

Technical data for the 8253 / 9352 brake choppers

Brake chopper 8253
Supply voltage 450...750 V DC
Threshold at 400 V AC 725 V DC Max. braking energy According to brake resistance
Threshold at 460 V AC 725 V DC Min. brake resistance 47 ohms
Max. current 15 A DC Ambient temperature 0...+ 40ºC
Continuous brake power 5.6 kW Storage temperature -25...+ 70ºC
Peak brake power 11.2 kW 50 % at max. Humidity Humidity class F
duty time 60 s
Brake chopper 9352
Supply voltage 270...780 V DC
Threshold at 400 V 630 V DC Max. braking energy According to brake resistance
Threshold at 460 V 725 V DC Min. brake resistance 18 ohms internal
Threshold at 480 V 765 V DC
Max. current 42 A DC Ambient temperature 0...40ºC
Continuous braking power 19 kW Storage temperature -20...70ºC
Peak braking power 32.0 kW 50 % at max. Humidity Humidity class F
duty time 60 s

Assignment of brake resistor/brake chopper to frequency inverter (example for standard application)
Device Brake chopper Brake resistor
Order ref. Minimum Order ref. Resis- Peak Perm. Thermal m
Resistance tance power power capacity
[ohm] [ohm] [kW] [W] [kWs] [kg]
8211 EMB8253-E 47 ERBM470R100W 470 1.0 100 15 0.6
8212 EMB8253-E 47 ERBM370R150W 370 1.5 150 22.5 1.0
8213 EMB8253-E 47 ERBM240R200W 240 2.0 200 30 1.3
8214 EMB8253-E 47 ERBD180R300W 180 3.0 300 45 2.0
8215 EMB8253-E 47 ERBD100R600W 100 5.5 600 90 3.1
8216 EMB8253-E 47 ERBD082R600W 82 6.5 600 90 4.1
8217 EMB8253-E 47 ERBD068R800W 68 8.0 800 120 4.1
8218 EMB8253-E 47 ERBD047R01k2 47 12.0 1200 180 4.9
8241 / 9321EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBM470R050W 470 1.0 100 15.0 0.6
8242 / 9322EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBM470R100W 470 1.0 100 15.0 0.6
8243 / 9323EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBM370R150W 370 1.5 300 22.5 1.0
8244 / 9324EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD180R300W 180 3.0 300 45.0 2.0
8245 / 9325EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD100R600W 100 5.5 600 90.0 3.1
8246 / 9326EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD047R01k2 47 12.0 1200 180.0 4.9
8221 / 9327EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD033R02k0 33 17.0 2000 300 7.1
8222 / 9328EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD022R03k0 22 26.5 3000 450 10.6
8223 / 9329EV EMB9352-E 18 ERBD018R03k0 18 32.5 3000 450 10.6
8224 / 9330EV EMB9352-E (2 x) 18 ERBD022R03k0 (2 x) 22 26.5 3000 450 10.6
8225 / 9331EV EMB9352-E (2 x) 18 ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) 18 26.5 3000 450 10.6
8226 / 9332EV EMB9352-E (3 x) 18 ERBD022R03k0 (3 x) 22 26.5 3000 450 10.6
8227 / 9333EV EMB9352-E (3 x) 18 ERBD018R03k0 (3 x) 18 32.5 3000 450 10.6

84 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake chopper 8253 / 9352

Dimensions of brake choppers

Installation on mounting rail Installation on DIN rail
Device Order a b b1 c d e f g k b c1 c2 c3 e f m
ref. [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
8253 EMB8253-E 56 210 – 28 190 170 130 65 30 190 16 98 149 173 133 1.3
9352 EMB9352-E 52 384 350 26 365 186 – 6.5 30 – – – – – – 2.2

8253 g

d b

(T1) (T2)

a f


b1 d b

g e

Brake units
–Please note: L2
– The assignments listed in the table for the external L3
brake resistors permit a maximum braking time of up
to 15 seconds F1...F3 OFF
– The relative duty time of 10% for a maximum of K10
15 seconds K10
– The reference variable for the assignment is the set Z3
permanent power of the device.
– Although a higher brake power can be achieved by
using other resistors or by connecting a number of L1 L2 L3 PE +UG-UG -UG +UG PE T1 T2

resistors in parallel or series, the resistance value must

not fall below the minimum specified. 8211 - 8214 RB
– All brake resistors listed have integrated temperature Z2
monitoring with potential-free alarm contact for 8252
PE U V W PE 28 E1 ... 20
switching off the mains contactor.


PE 3˜

Connection example with brake module

Lenze 85

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake resistors for the 8253 brake chopper

Dimensions of ERBM module brake resistors

c k d
g b

Brake resistor a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] g [mm] k [mm]

ERBM470R100W 60 240 50 225 60 5 7.5
ERBM470R100W 70 240 50 225 60 5 7.5
ERBM370R150W 80 240 70 225 95 5 7.5
ERBM240R200W 80 340 70 325 70 5 7.5

86 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


Brake resistors for 8253 / 9352 brake choppers

Dimensions of ERBD wire brake resistors

Brake resistor a b c d e f g h
Order ref. [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
ERBD180R300W 440 89 354 64 115 326 6.5 13
ERBD100R600W 640 89 554 64 115 526 6.5 13
ERBD082R600W 640 89 554 64 115 526 6.5 13
ERBD068R800W 540 177 454 150 115 426 6.5 13
ERBD047R01k2 640 177 554 150 115 526 6.5 13
ERBD033R02k0 640 265 554 240 115 526 6.5 13
ERBD022R03k0 740 177 654 150 229 626 6.5 13
ERBD018R03k0 740 177 654 150 229 626 6.5 13

Lenze 87

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


9340 supply and feedback modules

9340 supply and feedback modules can be particularly energy. Mains filters can be used for the mains connection
useful for multi-axis and interconnected drives. These are and DC bus fuses for DC-bus operation.
compact devices with IP20 degree of protection. They can Brake modules or brake choppers can also be used
be connected to 8211-8227 and 9321-33EV drive instead of the supply and feedback module. These
controllers as add-on components and mounted directly modules convert the brake energy into heat.
adjacent to 8241-8246, 8221-8227 and 9321-33EV
frequency inverters.
The brake energy of the frequency inverter is fed back into
the mains via the supply and feedback modules.
There are no thermal problems dissipating the brake

General data for supply and feedback modules

Humidity Humidity class F, no condensation
(relative humidity 85%, no condensation)
Transport temperature -25 ... 70ºC
Storage temperature 25 ... 55ºC
Operating temperature 0 ... 40ºC
40 ... 50ºC with power derating 2.5% per K
Noise immunity IEC801-2 to 5 intensity 4
Pollution degree VDE 110 Part 2 pollution degree 2
Insulation strength VDE 0110 overvoltage category III
Packaging To DIN 4180
Degree of protection IP 20
IP 42 on the heatsink side with thermal
separation in push-through technology
Approval CE conformance and UL approval
Air pressure 100% rated current up to 900 mbar (approx. 1000 m above sea level)
acc. to VDE 875 Part 1 and pr EN 55082

Type 9341 9342 9343
Mains voltage 320 ... 528 V ±0 %
Mains frequency 48 ... 62 Hz ± 0%
Feedback power [kVA] 1) 8.3 16.6 31.2
Mech. total power
of the motors connected
via the drive controller 5.5 11.0 22.0
Rated mains current [A] 12.0 24.0 45.0
Max. mains current [A] 18.0 36.0 67.5
Power loss [W] 100 200 400
1) Electrical output power for motive and generative mode

DC bus fuses see page 91

88 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


9340 supply and feedback modules

Device a [mm] b [mm] b1 [mm] c [mm] c1 [mm] d [mm] d1 [mm] e [mm] e1 [mm] g [mm] k [mm] m [kg]
9341 135 384 350 21.5 92 365 – 230 250 6.5 30 7.5
9342 135 384 350 21.5 92 365 – 230 250 6.5 30 7.5
9343 250 404 350 14 205 396 24 230 250 6.5 25 12.5

Lenze Lenze

b1 d b b1 d b

d1 k e
k m e1
g c
c1 c c1
a a

Like 8215-27 frequency inverters, thermal separation can

be integrated into supply and feedback modules.

Lenze 89

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


9340 supply and feedback modules

Mains filter A Limiting value class A is often required for industrial

Depending on the application, various line-side measures networks operating separately from mains supplies in
can be used for mains current reduction and interference domestic areas. The noise emitted by the connected
suppression on supply and feedback modules. consumers must not exceed the defined characteristic. In
The mains filter described overleaf or the assigned mains order to meet the requirements of limiting value class A,
choke is required. you can connect a mains filter A before the supply and
feedback modules.

Technical data
Device Mains filter A
Order ref. Ir [A] Umains [V] Inductance [mH] m [kg]
9341 EZN3A0120H012 12.0 480 1.20 4.7
9342 EZN3A0088H024 24.0 480 0.88 12.2
9343 EZN3A0055H045 45.0 480 0.55 15.0

Dimensions of mains filter A

Order ref. Figure a [mm] b [mm] c [mm] d [mm] e [mm] m [mm] n [mm]
EZN3A0120H012 A 135 260 135 245 230 7.0 –
EZN3A0088H024 A 135 380 135 365 230 7.0 –
a b b1 c d d1 d2 d3 d4 e m n
EZN3A0055H045 B
278 710 365 258 670 22 300 38 300 250 11 6.5

Figure A

Figure B

The mains filter has an

adapted connection cable
and must therefore be
connected directly to the
supply and feedback unit.

90 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


DC fuses

DC fuses for DC-bus operation and DC power supply

Two ranges of fuses are required to provide DC fuses for can be implemented by connecting 22*58 mm DC fuses in
the entire power range of the drive controller. Fuse size parallel.
14*51 mm covers the rated current range from 6 to 40 A Note: A DC busbar system is available for each fuse range.
and fuse size 22*58 mm covers the range from 12 to At average supply levels, the current capacity I = 200 A.
100 A. Only fuse holders of the same size may be
interconnected via DC busbars. DC currents above 100 A

Device 14*51 fuse 14*51 fuse

without signalling device with signalling device
Fuse Fuse
Type Power [kW] rated current [A] Order ref. rated current [A] Order ref.
8211 0.75 6 EFSGR0060AYHN 6 EFSGR0060AYHK
8212 1.5 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
8213 2.2 12 EFSGR0120AYHN 12 EFSGR0120AYHK
8214 3 20 EFSGR0200AYHN 20 EFSGR0200AYHK
8215 4 25 EFSGR0250AYHN 25 EFSGR0250AYHK
8216 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYHN 32 EFSGR0320AYHK
8217 7.5 40 EFSGR0400AYHN 40 EFSGR0400AYHK
8218 11 40 EFSGR0400AYHN 40 EFSGR0400AYHK
8241 0.37 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
8242 0.75 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
8243 1.5 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
8244 3 20 EFSGR0200AYHN 20 EFSGR0200AYHK
8245 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYHN 32 EFSGR0320AYHK
8246 11 40 EFSGR0400AYHN 40 EFSGR0400AYHK
9321 0.37 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
9322 0.75 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
9323 1.5 10 EFSGR0100AYHN 10 EFSGR0100AYHK
9324 3 20 EFSGR0200AYHN 20 EFSGR0200AYHK
9325 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYHN 32 EFSGR0320AYHK
9326 11 40 EFSGR0400AYHN 40 EFSGR0400AYHK
9341 32 EFSGR0320AYHN 32 EFSGR0320AYHK
9351 20 EFSGR0200AYHN 20 EFSGR0200AYHK

Lenze offers a DC busbar system - EWZ 0036 - for DC fuses 14*51 mm with and without alarm contact.

Lenze 91

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


DC fuses

Device 22*58 fuse 22*58 fuse

without signalling device with signalling device
Fuse Fuse
Type Power [kW] rated current [A] Order ref. rated current [A] Order ref.
8211 0.75 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8212 1.5 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8213 2.2 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8214 3 20 EFSGR0200AYIN 20 EFSGR0200AYIK
8215 4 25 EFSGR0250AYIN 25 EFSGR0250AYIK
8216 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYIN 32 EFSGR0320AYIK
8217 7.5 40 EFSGR0400AYIN 40 EFSGR0400AYIK
8218 11 40 EFSGR0400AYIN 40 EFSGR0400AYIK
8221 15 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
8222 22 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
8223 30 2 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 2 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
8224 45 2 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 2 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
8225 55 3 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 3 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
8226 75 3 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 3 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
8227 90 4 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 4 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
8241 0.37 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8242 0.75 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8243 1.5 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
8244 3 20 EFSGR0200AYIN 20 EFSGR0200AYIK
8245 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYIN 32 EFSGR0320AYIK
8246 11 40 EFSGR0400AYIN 40 EFSGR0400AYIK
9321 0.37 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
9322 0.75 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
9323 1.5 12 EFSGR0120AYIN 12 EFSGR0120AYIK
9324 3 20 EFSGR0200AYIN 20 EFSGR0200AYIK
9325 5.5 32 EFSGR0320AYIN 32 EFSGR0320AYIK
9326 11 40 EFSGR0400AYIN 40 EFSGR0400AYIK
9327 15 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
9328 22 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
9329 30 2 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 2 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
9330 45 2 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 2 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
9331 55 3 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIN 3 x 80 EFSGR0800AYIK
9332 75 3 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 3 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
9333 90 4 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 4 x 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
9341 32 EFSGR0320AYIN 32 EFSGR0320AYIK
9342 50 EFSGR0500AYIN 50 EFSGR0500AYIK
9343 100 EFSGR1000AYIN 100 EFSGR1000AYIK
9351 20 EFSGR0200AYIN 20 EFSGR0200AYIK
9352 50 EFSGR0500AYIN 50 EFSGR0500AYIK

Lenze offers a DC busbar system - EWZ0037 - for DC fuses 22*58 mm with and without alarm contact.

92 Lenze

Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control


DC fuses

Fuse holder 14*51 mm Fuse holder 22*58 mm

Designation Order ref. Designation Order ref.
Fuse holder, 2-pin, without signalling device 1) EFH20005 Fuse holder, 2-pin, without signalling device 1) EFH20007
Fuse holder, 1-pin, with signalling device 2,3) EFH10005 Fuse holder, 1-pin, with signalling device 2,3) EFH10004

Miscellaneous accessories 2)

Designation Order ref.

DC busbar for 14*51 mm, 1m EWZ0036
DC busbar for 22*58 mm, 1m EWZ0037
Fuse-link contacts for DC busbar (unit packs of 10) EWZ0038
1-pin terminal for internal supply of busbars for 14*51
and 22*58 mm 4) EWZ0039
1) UL approval only for AC operation. 3) Two fuse holders are needed for each.
2) The 14*51 and 22*58 mm fuse-links with signalling device, 4) The terminal provides a simple way of connecting a central power supply
fuse holders with signalling device and accessories do not have UL to the busbar system and of connecting busbar systems. Two terminals
approval. are required in each instance.

Lenze 93
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
8201BB operating module

The key to the 8200 frequency inverter

– Parameter settings: If several drives are in use then the operating module
The default factory settings of the 8200 frequency can be used to transfer parameter sets from one
inverter (menus) meet the requirements of many controller to another.
common applications. The operating module, which – Drive control:
can be attached to the front panel, provides an easy The drive can be controlled using the operator module
and user-friendly means of adapting all frequency keypad. The operating module can be expanded with a
inverter parameters to your requirements. diagnosis terminal with up to 10 m of connection
– Transferring parameter sets: cable.
Even when the voltage is not connected, the built-in – Error and status message display:
non-volatile memory can be used to buffer the The LCD display provides an easy and quick means of
parameter sets in the operating module. monitoring your drive.

Operating module Order ref. a [mm] b [mm] e [mm] k [mm]

EMZ8201BB EMZ8201BB 60.5 60 12 21

Diagnosis terminal for the operating module

b d


g1 t
c e

햲 Bore for control cabinet installation

Diagnosis terminal Cable length a b c d e g g1 h t

[m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
EMZ8272BB-V001 2.5
EMZ8272BB-V002 5.0 70 120 50 100 30 3.8 12 37.5 8
EMZ8272BB-V003 10.0

94 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
9371BC operating module

The key to the 9300 vector control frequency inverter

– Parameter settings: If several drives are in use then the operating module
The default factory settings of the 9300 frequency can be used to transfer parameter sets from one
inverter (menus) meet the requirements of many controller to another.
common applications. The operating module, which – Drive control:
can be attached to the front panel, provides an easy The drive can be controlled using the operator module
and user-friendly means of adapting all servo inverter keypad.
parameters to your requirements. – Error and status message display:
– Transferring parameter sets: The LCD display provides an easy and quick means of
Even when the voltage is not connected, the built-in monitoring your drive.
non-volatile memory can be used to buffer a parameter
set in the operating module.

Global DRIVE
RDY IMP Imax Mmax Fail
Par 2 Para 0051
1250 rpm





Lenze 95
Design - 8200
Plug-in modules

PTC module EMZ 8274IB

A PTC probe or thermal contact (NC contact) is very often When activated, the inverter triggers an error message
used in three-phase AC motors to monitor winding which can for example be evaluated via a TRIP relay.
temperatures. This motor protection can be evaluated This input is integrated as standard on 8241-8246 and
directly by the frequency inverter via the PTC module. 8221-8227 frequency inverters.

Connection with external power supply Connection with internal power supply

GND ext.
GND ext.

Vcc 12V/15V
GND int.
GND int. Vref 5,2V K1
Uref 5,2V

Vcc 12V

> 100k


62 7 8 9 K11 K12K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39
62 7 8 9 K11 K12K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39

S1 S2
S1 S2

A 1 A 1

20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39

R > 1k R > 1k

PTC 12 ... 30V

I/O module EMZ 8275IB – PTC input for motor temperature monitoring
The I/O module enables the frequency inverter to perform (function as 8274)
additional functions. This module is connected in place of – 3 digital output terminals for functions (e.g.):
the operating unit and features the following functions: Brake control via Q min signal
Operating indicator for pulse inhibit
Freely programmable output

Connection with external power supply Connection with internal power supply
GND int.

GND int.

GND int.

GND int.
Vcc 24

Vcc 24

Cy 6,8nF Cy 6,8nF






PE connection to PE connection to
+ - 59 A1 42 45 39 11 12 frequency inverter + - 59 A1 42 45 39 11 12 frequency inverter

large-surface large-surface
+ connection to + connection to


mounting plate mounting plate

thermistor thermistor
- - - -

Thermal Thermal
contact contact
15 - 30V DC ±0%

15 - 30V DC ±0%








96 Lenze
Design - 8200
Plug-in modules

EMZ 8276IB monitor module

As standard, the 8200 frequency inverter has a 0 - 6 V The output voltage is converted as necessary
analog output. If this output is not used as an indicator but by the monitor module.
is required in another controller, a 0 - 10 V voltage is often

Connection with external power supply Connection with internal power supply

82xx 82xx

Vcc 12V / 15V

Vcc 12V / 15V


Vref 5,2V
Vref 5,2V


> 100k



62 7 8 9 K11 K12K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39 PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39


DC brake
CCW rotation
Ctrl. enable
62 7 8 9 K11 K12K14 62 7 8 9 K11 K12K14
CCW rotation
DC brake
Ctrl. enable

0...10 V + 0...10 V
2 or 12...30 V 2 or
5 mA 5 mA
R > 1k R > 1k

EMZ 8278IB bipolar input module

In some applications, the setpoint and direction of rotation This enables a direct connection to be established
are preset via a bipolar voltage ± 10 V. The bipolar analog between the open-loop control and the controller. This
module can be used to connect this voltage directly. solution can be particularly useful in transportation and
material handling applications.

R/L connection on two terminals R/L connection on one terminal


C007 = -14-...-22- C007 = -0-...-13-

82xx 82xx
GND ext. GND 2
Vcc 12V / 15V

Vcc 12V / 15V

Vref 5,2V

GND int.
Vref 5,2V

K1 GND 1 K1




PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 PE 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39 PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 PE 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39

CCW/CW rotation

Ctrl. enable

Ctrl. enable


62 7 R L 62 7 R L

8278IB 8278IB
8 7 - +
8 7 - +

+ + + +
12...30 V
Master voltage 12...30 V
external supply Master voltage
external supply
- - - -

+ +
Master current Master current

Lenze 97
Design - 9300 vector control
System bus components

9372BB diagnosis terminal 2173IB PC system bus converter

The EMZ 9372BB diagnosis terminal can be used for The PC system bus converter can be used to set the
display and diagnostics. This diagnosis terminal can be parameters of the 9300 inverter via the system bus. This
connected to the servo inverter system bus. All tool can be used for PC access to device data even if a
parameters can be accessed. fieldbus module is connected.
In a networked system, up to 63 servo inverters addressed
via one diagnosis terminal.

98 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Setpoint potentiometer

Setpoint potentiometer for 8200 frequency inverter

Speed can be preselected through an external The setpoint potentiometer is connected to terminals
potentiometer (setpoint preselection or field frequency 7, 8 and 9. A scale and a rotary knob are also available.

Name Order ref. Data Dimensions

Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0001k0001W 1 kΩ /1 Watt 6 mm x 35 mm
Rotary knob ERZ0001 36 mm diameter
Scale ERZ0002 0...100 % 62 mm diameter

Setpoint potentiometer for 9300 vector control frequency inverter

Speed can be preselected through an external The setpoint potentiometer is connected to terminals 7, 8
potentiometer (setpoint preselection or field frequency and 9. A scale and a rotary knob are also available.

Name Order ref. Data Dimensions

Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0010k0001W 10 kΩ /1 Watt 6 mm x 35 mm
Rotary knob ERZ0001 36 mm diameter
Scale ERZ0002 0...100 % 62 mm diameter

100 Lenze
Design - 8200 and 9300 vector control
Digital display

Digital display
A voltmeter can be connected to the monitor outputs to
display the output frequency or the motor speed.

Name Type Measuring ranges Mounting cut-out Mounting depth

Voltmeter EPD203 0 - 6 V000 91 mm x 22.5 mm 81.5 mm
3 1/2 digits 0 - 20 V00
0 - 200 V0

Lenze 101
Design - 8200
Communication with a host system

Networking via the RS 232/485 interface Networking via a system bus (CAN)

Attachable modules provide an easy way of networking The 2171IB and 2172IB system bus modules are slave
82XX frequency inverters e.g. with an RS 232 or RS 485 modules with the communication module to CIA DS 301.
interface on a host system (PLC or PC). The modules are These modules can be used to preselect and read out all
attached in place of the operating module. Three versions of the parameters of the drive. Process data can be
are available: transmitted directly in conjunction with a small control
– 2102IBV001: RS 232/485 interface The 2172IB system bus module can be used to
– 2102IBV002: RS 485 interface preset the data transmission speed and the addressing
The RS 232 and RS 485 interfaces have been designed (via program switches) for the drive controller. This module
as 9-pin SUB-D connectors. On the RS 485 interface, is particularly useful for servicing applications.
there is an additional screw terminal for connecting
through to the next drive. Networking via host systems with high processing
– 2102IBV003: Optical fibres speeds
Networking via optical fibres (using a plastic core) is – InterBus-S module 2111IB
completely noise-free and very economical. The optical The InterBus-S link via the 2111 module is connected
fibre can be easily adapted through an optical fibre directly to the remote bus. The DRIVECOM profile 21 is
socket at the module. For the host system we offer supported for this connection. A 9-pin SUB-D
simple 2125IB plug-on optical fibre adapters which are connector is used for this extremely user-friendly way
attached to the interface of the communication module of networking a drive controller. A 15 V connection for
on your PLC. an external power supply to the remote bus is also
available on the module.
All three interfaces communicate using the Lenze LECOM – Profibus module 2131IB
protocol. The LECOM protocol is completely open for your The PROFIBUS-DP function module is a slave
own applications. It is however also already integrated in connection module with the PROFIBUS-DP
various systems (e.g. Simatic S5), offering a simple option communication profile. This module can simply be
for integration into a control system. Lenze Global Drive attached in the same way as the other fieldbus module.
Control 1 software can be used for parameter setting. It is an interesting way of connecting to a process with
average process dynamics.

102 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control
Communication with a host system

Networking via the RS 232/485 interface Networking via a system bus (CAN)

Attachable modules provide an easy way of networking All of the drive controller parameters can be preselected
9300 range devices e.g. with an RS 232 or RS 485 and read out. Process data can be transmitted directly in
interface on a host system (PLC or PC). The modules are conjunction with a small control system.
attached in place of the operating module. Three versions
are available: Networking via host systems with high processing
– 2102IBV001: RS 232/485 interface – InterBus-S module 2111IB
– 2102IBV002: RS 485 interface The InterBus-S link via the 2111 module is connected
The RS 232 and RS 485 interfaces have been designed directly to the remote bus. The DRIVECOM profile 21 is
as 9-pin SUB-D connectors. On the RS 485 interface, supported for this connection. A 9-pin SUB-D connector
there is an additional screw terminal for connecting is used for this extremely user-friendly way of
through to the next drive. We recommend the addition networking a drive controller. A 15 V connection for an
of the 2101IB level converter for electrical isolation on external power supply to the remote bus is also
the host. available on the module.
– 2102IBV003: Optical fibres – Profibus module 2131IB
Networking via optical fibres (using a plastic core) is The PROFIBUS-DP function module is a slave
completely noise-free and very economical. The optical connection module with the PROFIBUS-DP
fibre can be easily adapted through an optical fibre communication profile. This module can simply be
socket at the module. For the host system we offer attached in the same way as the other fieldbus module.
simple 2125IB plug-on optical fibre adapters which are It is an interesting way of connecting to a process with
attached to the interface of the communication module average process dynamics. An external 24 V power
on your PLC. supply can be used to maintain bus operation.

All three interfaces communicate using the Lenze LECOM

protocol. The LECOM protocol is completely open for your
own applications. It is however also already integrated in
various systems (e.g. Simatic S5), offering a simple option
for integration into a control system. Lenze Global Drive
Control 3 software can be used for parameter setting.

Lenze 103
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Accessories for all types

Name Order ref.
8201BB operating module EMZ8201BB
Diagnosis terminal (2.5 m cable) EMZ8272BB-V001
Diagnosis terminal (5.0 m cable) EMZ8272BB-V002
Diagnosis terminal (10 m cable) EMZ8272BB-V003
Digital display EPD203
Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0001k0001W
Rotary knob for potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for potentiometer ERZ0002
RS232/485 fieldbus module EMF2102IB-V001
RS485 fieldbus module EMF2102IB-V002
Level converter for RS485 EMF2101IB
PC system cable RS232/485 EWL0020
PC program for Global Drive controller ESP-GDC2 (GDCeasy: ESP-GDC2-E)
Optical fibre fieldbus module EMF2102IB-V003
Optical fibre adapter for PLC 0...40 m EMF2125IB
Power supply for optical fibre adapter 2125 EJ0013
InterBus-S module EMF2111IB
System bus module with addressing EMF2172IB
System bus module (CAN) EMF2171IB
PTC module EMZ8274IB
I/O module EMZ8275IB
Monitor module EMZ8276IB
Bipolar setpoint module EMZ8278IB
Analog input module EMZ8279IB

104 Lenze
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8201 to 8204

Name Order ref.
Device 8201 8202 8203 8204
Automatic circuit-breaker EFA1C10A EFA1C16A EFA1C20A EFA1C20A
Fuse holder EFH30001 EFH30001 EFH30001 EFH30001
Mains filter type “A” EZN2-004A001 EZN2-008A001 EZN2-013A001 EZN2-017A001
Mains choke ELN1-0900H005 ELN1-0500H009 ELN1-0350H014 ELN1-0160H017
RFI filter for
with mains choke EZF1-006A002 EZF1-009A002 EZF1-018A002 EZF1-018A002
without mains choke EZF1-006A002 EZF1-009A002 EZF1-018A002 Not permitted
Motor filter ELM3-030H003 ELM3-020H004 ELM3-010H010 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-003A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-007A001 EZS3-010A001
Brake module EMB8251-E EMB8251-E EMB8251-E EMB8251-E
Swivel wall
EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0002
DIN rail
EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002
Fan for surface
EJ0003 EJ0003 EJ0003 EJ0003
Current limiting
module EMZ8201AB EMZ8201AB EMZ8203AB EMZ8203AB

Lenze 105
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8211 to 8218 at 150% overload

Name Order ref.
Device 8211 8212 8213 8214
Automatic circuit-breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type B EZN3B1500H003 EZN3B0800H004 EZN3B0750H005 EZN3B0500H007
Mains choke ELN3-0700H003 ELN3-0450H004 ELN3-0350H006 ELN3-0250H007
RFI filter* for operation
with mains choke EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003
without mains choke EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 Not permitted
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-030H004 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-002A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-006A001 EZS3-007A001
Brake module EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E
Brake chopper EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBM240R200W ERBD180R300W
Swivel wall
EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0001
DIN rail
mounting EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002

Name Order ref.

Device 8215 8216 8217 8218
Automatic circuit-breaker* EFA3B13A EFA3B20A EFA3B25A EFA3B32A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10002 EFH10002
Mains filter type B EZN3B0400H009 EZN3B0300H013 EZN3B0250H015 EZN3B0150H024
Mains choke ELN3-0160H012 ELN3-0160H012 ELN3-0120H017 ELN3-0120H025
RFI filter* for
with mains choke EZF3-016A003 EZF3-016A003 EZF3-016A003 EZF3-024A001
without mainschoke EZF3-016A003 EZF3-024A001 EZF3-024A001 Not permitted
Motor filter ELM3-014H010 ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-010A002 EZS3-013A001 EZS3-017A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E
Brake chopper EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD082R600W ERBD068R800W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(“push-through EJ0004 EJ0004 EJ0004 EJ0004
Heatsink with
mounting kit only for EJ0005 EJ0005 EJ0005 EJ0005
version V003

* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

106 Lenze
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8211 to 8218 at 120% overload

Name Order ref.

Device 8211 8212 8213 8214
Automatic circuit-breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type B EZN3B0900H004 EZN3B0900H004 EZN3B0350H007 EZN3B0350H007
Mains choke ELN3-0450H004 ELN3-0450H004 ELN3-0250H007 ELN3-0250H007
RFI filter* for
operation with
mains choke EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003 EZF3-008A003
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-030H004 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-004A002 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-007A001 EZS3-007A001
Brake module EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E
Brake chopper EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBM240R200W ERBD180R300W
Swivel wall
EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0001 EJ0001
DIN rail
EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002 EJ0002

Name Order ref.

Device 8215 8216 8217 8218
Automatic circuit-breaker* EFA3B20A EFA3B20A EFA3B32A EFA3B32A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10002 EFH10002
Mains filter type B EZN3B0300H013 EZN3B0300H013 EZN3B0120H021 EZN3B0120H021
Mains choke ELN3-0160H012 ELN3-0160H012 ELN3-0120H025 ELN3-0120H025
RFI filter* for
operation with
mains choke EZF3-016A003 EZF3-016A003 EZF3-024A001 EZF3-024A001
Motor filter ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-013A001 EZS3-013A001 EZS3-024A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E EMB8252-E
Brake chopper EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E EMB8253-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD082R600W ERBD068R800W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(“push-through EJ0004 EJ0004 EJ0004 EJ0004
Heatsink with
mounting kit only EJ0005 EJ0005 EJ0005 EJ0005
for version V003
* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

Lenze 107
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8241 to 8246 at 150% overload

Name Order ref.

Device 8241 8242 8243 8244
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type A EZN3A2400H002 EZN3A1500H003 EZN3A0900H004 EZN3A0500H007
Mains filter type B EZN3B2400H002 EZN3B1500H003 EZN3B0900H004 EZN3B0500H007
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-030H004 ELM3-003H004 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-002A001 EZS3-002A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-007A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R050W ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBD180R300W
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0036 EJ0036 EJ0037 EJ0037

Name Order ref.

Device 8245 8246
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B20A EFA3B32A
Fuse EFSM-0200AWE EFSM-0320AWH
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10002
Mains filter type A EZN3A0300H013 EZN3B0300H013
Mains filter type B EZN3B0300H013 ELN3-0160H012
Motor filter ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-013A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038
* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

108 Lenze
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8241 to 8246 at 120% overload

Name Order ref.

Device 8241 8242 8243 8244
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A EFA3B13A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type A EZN3A2400H002 EZN3A1500H003 EZN3A0750H005 EZN3A0400H009
Mains filter type B EZN3B2400H002 EZN3B1500H003 EZN3B0750H005 EZN3B0400H009
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-002A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-006A001 EZS3-008A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R050W ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBD180R300W
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0036 EJ0037 EJ0037 EJ0037

Name Order ref.

Device 8245 8246
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B20A EFA3B32A
Fuse EFSM-0200AWE EFSM-0320AWH
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10002
Mains filter type A EZN3A0300H013 EZN3A0150H024
Mains filter type B EZN3B0250H015 ELN3B0150H024
Motor filter ELM3-0150H024 ELM3-0150H024
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-017A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038
* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

Lenze 109
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8221 to 8227 at 150% overload

Name Order ref.

Device 8221 8222 8223 8224
Mains filter type A EZN3A0110H030 EZN3A0080H042 EZN3A0055H060 EZN3A0037H090
Mains filter type B EZN3B0110H030 EZN3B0080H042 EZN3B0055H060 EZN3B0037H090
Mains choke ELN3-088H035 ELN3-0075H045 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0038H085
Motor filter ELM3-004H055 ELM3-004H055 on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E (2 x)
Brake resistor ERBD033R02k0 ERBD022R03k0 ERBD018R03k0 ERBD022R03k0 (2 x)
Thermal separation EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0010

Name Order ref.

Device 8225 8226 8227
Mains filter type A EZN3A0030H110 EZN3A0022H150 EZN3A0017H200
Mains filter type B EZN3B0030H110 EZN3B0022H150 EZN3B0017H200
Mains choke ELN3-0027H105 ELN3-0022H130 ELN3-0017H170
Motor filter on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (3 x) EMB9352-E (3 x)
Brake resistor ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (3 x) ERBD018R03k0 (3 x)
Thermal separation EJ0010 EJ0009 EJ0009

110 Lenze
Design - 8200
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 8221 to 8227 at 120% overload

Name Order ref.

Device 8221 8222 8223 8224
Mains filter type A EZN3A0080H042 EZN3A0060H054 EZN3A0055H060 EZN3A0030H110
Mains filter type B EZN3B0080H042 EZN3B0060H054 EZN3B0055H060 EZN3B0030H110
Mains choke ELN3-0075H045 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0027H105
Motor filter ELM3-004H055 on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (2 x)
Brake resistor ERBD033R02k0 ERBD022R03k0 ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (2 x)
Thermal separation EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0010

Name Order ref.

Device 8225 8226 8227
Mains filter type A EZN3A0030H110 EZN3A0022H150 EZN3A0017H200
Mains filter type B EZN3B0030H110 EZN3B0022H150 EZN3B0017H200
Mains choke ELN3-0022H130 ELN3-0017H170 ELN3-0014H200
Motor filter on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (3 x) EMB9352-E (3 x)
Brake resistor ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (3 x) ERBD018R03k0 (3 x)
Thermal separation EJ0010 EJ0009 EJ0009

Type-specific accessories 9341-9343

Name Order ref.

Device 9341 9342 9343
Mains filter type A EZN3A120H012 EZN3A0088H024 EZN3A0055H045
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038 EJ0011

Lenze 111
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Accessories Designation Order ref.

Communication modules LECOM-LI (optical fibres) EMF2102IB-V003
LECOM-B (RS485) EMF2102IB-V002
LECOM-A/B (RS232/485) EMF2102IB-V001
DeviceNet/CANopen EMF2175IB
Keypad XT operating module EMZ9371BC
Diagnosis terminal (hand-held Keypad XT, IP201) E82ZBBXC
Miscellaneous Connection cable 2.5 m E82ZWL025
5m E82ZWL050
10 m E82ZWL100
Diagnosis terminal (for system bus) 2) EMZ9372BB
“Global Drive Control” (GDC) parameter setting/operating software ESP-GDC2
PC system bus converter EMF2173IB
(voltage supply via DIN connection)
PC system bus converter EMF2173IB-V002
(voltage supply via PS2 connection)
PC system bus converter EMF2173IB-V003
(voltage supply via PS2 connection; electrical isolation)
PC system cable RS232 5m EWL0020
10 m EWL0021
Optical fibre adapter (normal transmission rating) EMF2125IB
Optical fibre adapter (high transmission rating) EMF2126IB
Power supply for optical fibre adapter EJ0013
Optical fibre, 1-wire, black PE sleeve (simple protection), sold by the metre EWZ0007
Optical fibre, 1-wire, red PUR sleeve (reinforced protection), sold by the metre EWZ0006
Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0010K0001W
Rotary knob for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0002
Digital display EPD203
Encoder cable 2.5 m EWLE002GX-T
5.0 m EWLE005GX-T
10.0 m EWLE010GX-T
15.0 m EWLE015GX-T
20.0 m EWLE020GX-T
25.0 m EWLE025GX-T
30.0 m EWLE030GX-T
35.0 m EWLE035GX-T
40.0 m EWLE040GX-T
45.0 m EWLE045GX-T
50.0 m EWLE050GX-T
Connection cable for a master frequency connection (2.5 m) EWLD002GGBS93
1) Additional connection cable required
2) You will find other system-bus-compatible accessories such as I/O systems and HMIs in Lenze’s “Automation” catalogue.

112 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Accessories Designation Order ref.

Communication manual CAN 1) German EDSCAN
(for communication module
DeviceNet/CANopen) English
Communication manual German EDSIBUS
INTERBUS 1) English
Communication manual German EDSPBUS
PROFIBUS 1) English
Communication manual German EDSLECOM
LECOM 1) English
1) Please specify the required language when ordering documentation.

Lenze 113
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 9321EV to 9326EV at 120% overload

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9321EV EVF9322EV EVF9323EV EVF9324EV
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A EFA3B13A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type A EZN3A1500H003 EZN3A0900H004 EZN3A0750H005 EZN3A0400H009
Mains filter type B EZN3B1500H003 EZN3B0900H004 EZN3B0750H005 EZN3B0500H009
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-002A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-006A001 EZS3-009A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R050W ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBD180R300W
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0036 EJ0037 EJ0037 EJ0037

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9325EV EVF9326EV
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B20A EFA3B32A
Fuse EFSM-0200AWE EFSM-0320AWH
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10002
Mains filter type A EZN3A0300H013 EZN3B0150H024
Mains filter type B EZN3B0250H015 ELN3B0150H024
Motor filter ELM3-0150H024 ELM3-0150H024
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-017A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038
* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

114 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 9321 to 9326 at 150% overload

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9321EV EVF9322EV EVF9323EV EVF9324EV
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B06A EFA3B06A EFA3B10A EFA3B10A
Fuse holder EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001 EFH10001
Mains filter type A EZN3A2400H002 EZN3A1500H003 EZN3A0900H004 EZN3A0500H007
Mains filter type B EZN3B2400H002 EZN3B1500H003 EZN3B0900H004 EZN3B0500H007
Motor filter ELM3-030H004 ELM3-030H004 ELM3-003H004 ELM3-014H010
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-002A001 EZS3-002A001 EZS3-004A002 EZS3-007A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBM470R050W ERBM470R100W ERBM370R150W ERBD180R300W
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0036 EJ0036 EJ0037 EJ0037

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9325EV EVF9326EV
Automatic circuit breaker* EFA3B20A EFA3B32A
Fuse EFSM-0320AWH EFSM-0320AWH
Fuse holder EFH10002 EFH10002
Mains filter type A EZN3A0300H013 EZN3B0300H013
Mains filter type B EZN3B0300H013 ELN3-0160H012
Motor filter ELM3-007H025 ELM3-007H025
Sinusoidal filter EZS3-013A001 EZS3-024A001
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E
Brake resistor ERBD100R600W ERBD047R01k2
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038
* Operation at 400 V mains voltage

Lenze 115
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 9327EV to 9333EV at 150% overload

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9327EV EVF9328EV EVF9329EV EVF9330EV
Mains filter type A EZN3A0110H030 EZN3A0080H042 EZN3A0055H060 EZN3A0037H090
Mains filter type B EZN3B0110H030 EZN3B0080H042 EZN3B0055H060 EZN3B0037H090
Mains choke ELN3-088H035 ELN3-0075H045 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0038H085
Motor filter ELM3-004H055 ELM3-004H055 on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E (2 x)
Brake resistor ERBD033R02k0 ERBD022R03k0 ERBD018R03k0 ERBD022R03k0 (2 x)
Thermal separation EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0010

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9331EV EVF9332EV EVF9333EV
Mains filter type A EZN3A0030H110 EZN3A0022H150 EZN3A0017H200
Mains filter type B EZN3B0030H110 EZN3B0022H150 EZN3B0017H200
Mains choke ELN3-0027H105 ELN3-0022H130 ELN3-0017H170
Motor filter on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (3 x) EMB9352-E (3 x)
Brake resistor ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (3 x) ERBD018R03k0 (3 x)
Thermal separation EJ0010 EJ0009 EJ0009

116 Lenze
Design - 9300 vector control
Overview of accessories

Type-specific accessories 9327 to 9333 at 120% overload

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9327EV EVF9328EV EVF9329EV EVF9330EV
Mains filter type A EZN3A0080A042 EZN3A0060A054 EZN3A0055H060 EZN3A0030H110
Mains filter type B EZN3B0080A042 EZN3B0060A054 EZN3B0055H060 EZN3B0030H110
Mains choke ELN3-0075H045 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0055H055 ELN3-0027H105
Motor filter ELM3-004H055 on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E EMB9352-E EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (2 x)
Brake resistor ERBD033R02k0 ERBD022R03k0 ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (2 x)
Thermal separation EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0011 EJ0010

Name Order ref.

Device EVF9331EV EVF9332EV EVF9333EV
Mains filter type A EZN3A0030H110 EZN3A0022H150 EZN3A0017H200
Mains filter type B EZN3B0030H110 EZN3B0022H150 EZN3B0017H200
Mains choke ELN3-0022H130 ELN3-0017H170 ELN3-0014H200
Motor filter on request on request on request
Sinusoidal filter on request on request on request
Brake module EMB9351-E EMB9351-E EMB9351-E
Brake chopper EMB9352-E (2 x) EMB9352-E (3 x) EMB9352-E (3 x)
Brake resistor ERBD018R03k0 (2 x) ERBD022R03k0 (3 x) ERBD018R03k0 (3 x)
Thermal separation EJ0010 EJ0009 EJ0009

Type-specific accessories 9341-9343

Name Order ref.

Device 9341 9342 9343
Mains filter type A EZN3A120H012 EZN3A0088H024 EZN3A0055H045
Thermal separation
(push-through EJ0038 EJ0038 EJ0011

Lenze 117
Application examples
Connecting diagrams

Power connection – 820XE frequency inverter

Connection to single-phase mains 1 x 220 ... 230 V

F1, F2* Line protection, F2* only with 2 AC/PE/190 - 260 V power supply
K10, K10* Mains contactor, K10* only with 2 AC/PE/190 - 260 V power supply
Z1 Mains choke/mains filter, see Accessories
Only operate the 8204E with an assigned mains choke/mains filter
Z2 Motor filter/sinusoidal filter, see Accessories
Z3 Brake chopper/brake module, see Accessories
RB Brake resistor, see Accessories
RB Temperature monitoring for brake resistor
-X1 Terminal strip in control cabinet

118 Lenze
Application examples
Connecting diagrams 3~

Power connection - 821X, 824X and 822X frequency inverters

Connection to three-phase mains 3 x 400 ... 460 V/480 V


F1, F2, F3 Line protection

K10 Mains contactor
Z1 Mains choke/mains filter, see Accessories
Only operate the 8214E and 8221 to 8227 with an assigned
mains choke/mains filter
Z2 Motor filter/sinusoidal filter, see Accessories
Z3 Brake chopper/brake module, see Accessories
RB Brake resistor, see Accessories
RB Temperature monitoring for brake resistor
-X1 Terminal strip in control cabinet

Lenze 119
Application examples
Connecting diagrams

Control terminal connections – 820X and 821X frequency inverters

For power supply with internal control voltage If protection against electrical contact is required,
The control connectors have basic insulation – Double insulation must be implemented
(single insulating distances) – The components to be connected must be provided
with the second isolating distance




Vref 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k


PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39

R . 1k

If the power is being supplied by an external control voltage (+12 ...+30 V)




Vref Vcc 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k


PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39


R . 1k

GND 1: Reference point for internal voltages

GND 2: Reference point for external voltages
GND 1 and GND 2 are electrically isolated inside the device

120 Lenze
Application examples
Connecting diagrams 3~

Control terminal connections – 824X and 822X frequency inverters

For power supply with internal control voltage
The control current terminals have dual basic insulation.

824XE, 822XE

K1 K2

3k 3k 3k 3k 3k

Vref 15V

PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 K21 K22 K24 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39 +PTC-PTC


R ≥ 1k Sx

If the power is being supplied by an external control voltage (+12 ... +30 V)

824XE, 822XE

K1 K2

Vref 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k
5,2V 15V

PE 62 7 8 9 K11 K12 K14 K21 K22 K24 20 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 39 +PTC -PTC

12...30V PTC

R ≥ 1k

GND 1: Reference point for internal voltages

GND 2: Reference point for external voltages
GND 1 and GND 2 are electrically isolated inside the device

Lenze 121
Application examples
Connecting diagrams 3~

Power connection - 9300 vector control frequency inverters

Connection to three-phase mains 3 x 400 ... 460 V/480 V


F1, F2, F3 Line protection

K10 Mains contactor
Z1 Mains choke/mains filter, see Accessories
Only operate 9327-9333 inverters with
an assigned mains choke/mains filter
Z2 Motor filter/sinusoidal filter, see Accessories
Z3 Brake chopper/brake module, see Accessories
RB Brake resistor, see Accessories
RB Temperature monitoring for brake resistor
-X1 Terminal strip in control cabinet

Lenze 123
Application examples
Connecting diagrams

Connecting diagrams for 9300 vector control frequency inverters

Notes about control cables Notes about wiring
The frequency inverters have a number of digital and Connect the control cables to screw terminals X5 and X6
analog inputs and outputs. An internal or external control on the front of the drive controller. Torque: 0.5 -0.6 Nm
voltage can be used to supply them with power. Shielding the control cables:
The control current terminals have basic insulation. – The PE connection is made via the shield sheet shown
If protection against electrical contact is required, (included in the assembly kit).
– Double insulation must be implemented Do not use it for the purposes of strain relief!
– The components to be connected must be provided – Using a screw, connect the shield sheet on the drive
with the second isolating distance controller with PE.
The following connecting diagrams should be used for the
purposes of wiring:

With internal control voltage With external control voltage

Digital inputs and outputs Digital inputs and outputs
Analog inputs and outputs Analog inputs and outputs

External control voltage


22k 10R

X5 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 39 A1 A2 A3 A4 59

R L _


|nist| < nx RDY

Internal control voltage



22k 10R

X5 28 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 39 A1 A2 A3 A4 59



|nist| < nx RDY

Example: Assignment of input and output terminals

124 Lenze
Application examples
Applications 3~

DC-bus operation with 9340 supply and regenerative feedback modules

We recommend the use of a supply and regenerative multi-axis applications. The wiring diagram below
feedback module if you are using the frequency inverters in illustrates a possible circuit for DC-bus operation.




F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG

9341 - 9343 821X / 824X 821X / 824X

822X 822X

PE 3˜ PE 3˜

Z1: Mains filter

Z2: Supply and regenerative feedback module
F1...F3: Mains fuses
F4...F9: DC fuses
K1: Mains contactor

Lenze 125
Application examples

DC-bus operation with 9340 supply and regenerative feedback modules

We recommend the use of a supply and regenerative multi-axis applications. The wiring diagram below
feedback module if you are using the frequency inverters in illustrates a possible circuit for DC-bus operation.




F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG L1 L2 L3 PE +UG -UG

9341 - 9343 EVF 9321 - 9333 EVF 9321 - 9333


PE 3˜ PE 3˜

Z1 Mains filter
Z2 Supply and regenerative feedback module
F1 . . . F3: Mains fuses
F4 . . . F9: DC fuses
K1: Mains contactor

126 Lenze
Application examples
Applications 3~

Pump application with pressure control

A centrifugal pump is to maintain constant pressure in a Functions used:
pipe system (e.g. water supply for private households or • Internal PID controller for humidity control
industrial plants). In addition to a network connection to the – Normal control, setpoint selection via fieldbus with
control room, on-site set-up should also be possible. The feedback via analog channel terminal 8
pressure should drop to a fixed value for a specific period • Networking via fieldbus (e.g. via 2102)
of time during which demand is reduced. This provides an • Manual/remote changeover (M/Re.)
indirect means of detecting possible breaks in the pipe by – Switch between setpoint selection via fieldbus and
monitoring actual pressure values. manual switch (terminal E1 = Down, terminal E2 = Up)
• Process setpoint selection via inverter JOG values
• Electronic device lock (RFR)

Lenze 8210/8220/8240 frequency inverters

Frequenzumrichter 8210/8220/8240
Analog display instrument for
analoges Anzeigeinstrument
actual pressure value
für Druck-Istwert

Pressure setpoint
z. B. from
e.g. von PC/SPS
control terminal

Actual pressure value


7 28 RFR
8 p
9 E1 Down -
Error message
Störungsmeldung K11
E2 Up
z. B. SPS K12
e.g. PLC K14 E3 JOG +
pressure sensor Drucksensor
0 ... 10V, 0/4 ... 20mA
0/4 ... 20 mA
(external erforderlich)
auxiliary power/
power supply required)
Z2 X1
V M Pump
U 3~





Using a pump with pressure control

*Z1: Mains filter required for radio interference level A or B

*Z2: Motor filter required for motor cables 50 m and longer (shielded), 100 m and longer (unshielded)
Sinusoidal filter required for motor cables 100 and longer (shielded), 200 m and longer (unshielded)

All signal cables and motor cables must be shielded

Lenze 127
Application examples

Air conditioning system

An air conditioning system is for example to operate in a Functions used:
department store based on the number of people present in • V-belt monitoring
the building. The fans must increase or decrease the air • Mains failure detection
circulation depending on the number of people present – Controlled shutdown of drive in the event of a mains
(preset e.g. based on a counter). failure
• Flying restart with coasting motor
• Elimination of mechanical resonances
• Smooth start/stop along S ramps

8210/8220/8240 with 8201BB keypad

Lenze water

Speed setpoint
X1 Belt
28 RFR Lenze Water
E3 injection
39 Speed setpoint

control Heat
Inverter 1 SH PRG -
RUN Circulation
pump -
Z2 Water Cold
treatment water
8 M
V 3~
L2 Inverter 2

Z1 Z2
L1 U
L2 -UG
L3 +UG
F1 K1 L3

Application example for an air conditioning system

*Z1: Mains filter required for radio interference level A or B

*Z2: Motor filter required for motor cables 50 m and longer (shielded), 100 m and longer (unshielded)
Sinusoidal filter required for motor cables 100 and longer (shielded), 200 m and longer (unshielded)

All signal cables and motor cables must be shielded

128 Lenze
Application examples
Applications 3~

Pump application with level control

The water level in a water tank must remain constant. Functions used:
Depending on the amount of water drained, the feed • Internal PID controller for level control
pumps must adjust the speed and refill the tank with water. – Normal control, analog setpoint selection via terminal
8 with feedback via analog channel E1 with plug-in
module 8279

Water tank
Level setpoint
10 0/4
V, 0/4 ... 20 mA
... 20mA


28 RFR
7 E1


Pressure sensor
0 ... 10V, 0/4 ... 20mA
0 ...10 V,
(externe 0/4 ... 20 mA (external
Versorgung erforderlich) supply
auxiliary power/power
W required) Abfluß
V M Förderpumpe
U 3~
U Feed pump



L1 L2 L3

Using a pump with level control

*Z1: Mains filter required for radio interference level A or B

*Z2: Motor filter required for motor cables 50 m and longer (shielded), 100 m and longer (unshielded)
Sinusoidal filter required for motor cables 100 and longer (shielded), 200 m and longer (unshielded)

All signal cables and motor cables must be shielded

Lenze 129
Application examples

Step control
Applications in which the drive should repeatedly turn a The execution of a step is started via a digital input.
specific number of revolutions. This type of application is
used for example to move unit loads on a conveyor belt Functions used:
sequentially or for dosing specific amounts repeatedly on – Optimum acceleration ramp generation
worm conveyors. – Speed measurement
The conveyor speed and path or dosing speed and amount – Brake control
are controlled independently of one another via the two
analog inputs.

Dosing drive

Conveyor drive

9300 vector control frequency inverter

Basic structure of a step controller for a bulk material filling station

130 Lenze
Application examples
Applications 3~

Traversing control
Spindle drives for moving material by means of winding. Functions used:
The speed of the winding drive is transferred in an analog – Constant path ramp generation
input which is used to control the speed of the winder. The – Speed measurement
reversing of the direction of rotation is controlled via digital – Pilot frequency input
inputs. Limit switches operating as normally closed
switch/break contacts which disable the active direction of
rotation can for example be used for this purpose.

Winding drive

Reference setpoint
(winding drive)

ccw rotation Rechtslauf
cw rotation

Traversing drive

9300 vector control frequency inverter

Basic structure of a traversing controller for a spindle drive on rewinders

Lenze 131
Application examples

Pilot frequency - Slave (cascade)

Integrating the drive controller into a drive system. output X10. This means that changes in the evaluation
The drive is controlled by reading in the pilot frequency also affect subsequent drives.
setpoint via input X9. This value is then evaluated and the
speed of the drive is adapted to the process based on the Functions used:
result of the evaluation. – Pilot frequency input
An internal additional setpoint can also be activated via – Analysis of gearbox ratio
digital input E3. – Analog/digital gearbox ratio trimming
Unlike in the pilot frequency slave configuration (bus), the – Pilot frequency ramp function generator
evaluated control setpoint is forwarded via pilot frequency

Aufheizen AufrauhenNapping
der Oberfläche

Raw material


Main setpoint

Pilot frequency

Main drive
Hauptantrieb Slave drive
Pilot frequency-master
Leitfrequenz - Master Pilot frequency-slave
Leitfrequenz - Slave(rail/cascade)
9300 vector control frequency inverter

Basic structure of a pilot frequency network for textile machinery

132 Lenze
Application examples
Applications 3~

Dancer position control (internal diameter calculator)

Winding drives with dancer position control. Unlike the The reel diameter is calculated using the signals for the
dancer position control configuration with external diameter line speed and the winding speed. Each time the reel
detection, in this type of application, the diameter is changes, the new initial diameter can be loaded.
calculated internally.
A pilot frequency signal is sent for pilot control of the drive Functions used:
with the system/material speed. On the basis of the actual – Pilot frequency input
position of the dancing roller, the dancer position controller – Dancer position control
generates a correction signal which is added to the pilot – Diameter calculation
control signal. This results in a circumferential speed
setpoint which, when multiplied by 1/D, provides the speed

V Linie
V Line Tänzer
Dancer Aufwickler

cw rot.

ccw rot.


Dancer position

Line speed Anfangs-
Initial diameter

9300 vector control frequency inverter

Basic structure of a dancer position controller with calculation of diameter via the internal diameter calculator

Lenze 133
Application examples

Dancer position control (external diameter detection)

Winding drives with dancer position control and external On a centre winding machine, the speed setpoint is
diameter detection. obtained by evaluating the reel diameter. The analog signal
generated by the diametrical sensor is preprocessed
A pilot frequency signal is sent for pilot control of the drive accordingly inside the controller.
with the system/material speed. On the basis of the actual
position of the dancing roller, the dancer position controller Functions used:
generates a correction signal which is added to the pilot – Pilot frequency input
control signal. This results in a circumferential speed – Dancer position control
setpoint which, in the case of a surface winder, can be – Diameter evaluation
applied directly as the speed setpoint.

V Line
V Linie Tänzer
Dancer Aufwickler

cw rot.
R-Lauf Durchmesser-
sensor sensor
ccw rot.

Dancer position

Line speed

9300 vector control frequency inverter

Basic structure of a dancer position controller with external diameter detection via a diametrical sensor

134 Lenze
Order form

To: Lenze
International agency


820X frequency inverter with accessories Fax number:


Company Customer no.

Street Order ref.

City/Postcode Drawer

Delivery address* Tel.


Invoice to* Delivery date

* To be completed if different from above. Date Signature

Name Type Quantity Price Type Quantity Price

Inverter EVF820__-E EVF820__-E
Automatic circuit breaker
Fuse holder
Mains filter
Mains choke
RFI filter
Motor filter
Sinusoidal filter
Brake module

Name Type Quantity Price

Swivel wall fastening EJ0001
DIN rail mounting EJ0002
Fan for surface mounting EJ0003
Setpoint potentiometer ERP0001k0001W
Rotary knob for potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for potentiometer ERZ0002
8201BB operating module EMZ8201BB
Diagnosis terminal with 2.5 m cable EMZ8272BB-V001
Diagnosis terminal with 5.0 m cable EMZ8272BB-V002
Diagnosis terminal with 10 m cable EMZ8272BB-V003
LECOM A/B module EMF2102IB-V001
LECOM B module EMF2102IB-V002
Level converter for LECOM B EMF2101IB
PC system cable LECOM A/B EWL0001
LECOM LI module EMF2102IB-V003
Optical fibre adapter for PLC 0...40m EMF2125IB
Power supply for 2125 EJ0013
InterBus-S module EMF2111IB
System bus module EMF2171IB

136 Lenze
Order form
To: Lenze
International agency


821X frequency inverter with accessories Fax number:


Company Customer no.

Street Order ref.

City/Postcode Drawer

Delivery address* Tel.


Invoice to* Delivery date

* To be completed if different from above. Date Signature

Name Type Quantity Price Type Quantity Price

Inverter EVF821__-E EVF821__-E
Automatic circuit breaker
Fuse holder
Mains choke
RFI filter
Motor filter
Sinusoidal filter
Brake module
Brake chopper
Brake resistor

Name Type Quantity Price

Swivel wall fastening EJ0001
DIN rail mounting EJ0002
Thermal separation EJ0003
Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0001k0001W
Rotary knob for potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for potentiometer ERZ0002
8201BB operating module EMZ8201BB
Diagnosis terminal with 2.5 m cable EMZ8272BB-V001
Diagnosis terminal with 5.0 m cable EMZ8272BB-V002
Diagnosis terminal with 10 m cable EMZ8272BB-V003
LECOM A/B module EMF2102IB-V001
LECOM B module EMF2102IB-V002
Level converter for LECOM B EMF2101IB
PC system cable LECOM A/B EWL0001
LECOM LI module EMF2102IB.V003
Optical fibre adapter for PLC 0...40 m EMF2125IB
Power supply for 2125 EJ0013
InterBus-S module EMF2111IB
System bus module EMF2171IB

Lenze 137
Order form

To:: Lenze
International agency


824X, 822X frequency inverter with accessories Fax number:


Company Customer no.

Street Order ref.

City/Postcode Drawer

Delivery address* Tel.


Invoice to* Delivery date

* To be completed if different from above. Date Signature

Name Type Quantity Price Type Quantity Price

Inverter EVF82__-E EVF822__-E
Automatic circuit breaker
Fuse holder
Mains filter A
Mains filter B
Motor filter
Sinusoidal filter
Brake chopper
Brake resistor
Brake module
Thermal separation

Name Type Quantity Price

Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0001k0001W
Rotary knob for potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for potentiometer ERZ0002
8201BB operating module EMZ8201BB
Diagnosis terminal with 2.5 m cable EMZ8272BB-V001
Diagnosis terminal with 5.0 m cable EMZ8272BB-V002
Diagnosis terminal with 10 m cable EMZ8272BB-V003
LECOM A/B module EMF2102IB-V001
LECOM B module EMF2102IB-V002
Level converter for LECOM B EMF2101IB
PC system cable LECOM A/B EWL0001
LECOM LI module EMF2102IB-V003
Optical fibre adapter for PLC 0...40 m EMF2125IB
Power supply for 2125 EJ0013
InterBus-S module EMF2111IB
System bus module EMF2171IB

138 Lenze
Order form

To:: Lenze
International agency


EVF 93xx frequency inverter with accessories

Fax number:


Company Customer no.

Street Order ref.

City/Postcode Drawer

Delivery address* Tel.


Invoice to* Delivery date

* To be completed if different from above. Date Signature

Name Type Quantity Price Type Quantity Price

Inverter EVF93xx-EV EVF93xx-EV
Automatic circuit breaker
Fuse holder
Mains filter A
Mains filter B
Motor filter
Sinusoidal filter
Brake chopper
Brake resistor
Brake module
Thermal separation

Name Type Quantity Price

Setpoint potentiometer ERPD0010k0001W
Rotary knob for potentiometer ERZ0001
Scale for potentiometer ERZ0002
Operating module EMZ9371BC
Digital display EPD203
Brake module EMB9351-E
LECOM A/B module EMF2102IB-V001
LECOM B module EMF2102IB-V002
Level converter for LECOM B EMF2101IB
PC system cable LECOM A/B EWL0001
LECOM LI module EMF2102IB-V003
Optical fibre adapter for PLC 0...40 m EMF2125IB
Power supply for 2125 EJ0013
InterBus-S module EMF2111IB

Lenze 139
Order form

To: Lenze
International agency

934XE supply/feedback module
Fax number:


Company Customer no.

Street Order ref.

City/Postcode Drawer

Delivery address* Tel.


Invoice to* Delivery date

* To be completed if different from above. Date Signature

Name Type Quantity Price Type Quantity Price

S/F module EMB934__-E EMB934__-E
Fuse holder
Mains filter A
Thermal separation

140 Lenze

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