Remedies To Get Rid of Fleas
Remedies To Get Rid of Fleas
Remedies To Get Rid of Fleas
These wingless, creepy insects called fleas can give you sleepless nights! Fleas love to
survive on warm vertebrates and thus your dogs, rabbits, cats and in fact, even you can
be their hosts.
One reason for their overwhelming presence in your house is the fact that the eggs of
fleas can get dropped anywhere inside your house. These eggs then turn into larvae and
finally into fleas. What’s irritating is that flea eggs can remain dormant for over a year and
that’s why sometimes when you have treated your home and felt as if it is now fleas free,
they appear from nowhere! And that’s why you need to be on a regular watch and clean
your home frequently once you have eliminated fleas.
Here are some effective home remedies for fleas with which you can not only kill the fleas
but can also control their recurrence.
Get this:
Dishwashing liquid
Dinner plates or bowls
Tea candles
Warm water
Do this:
At night, place a plate or a bowl in each of your rooms, preferably in the middle of the
room. Place it on the floor.
Now fill them with warm water. If you are using a bowl, fill it partly and if using a plate,
fill it to the brim.
Now add dishwashing liquid to this water. Use a good amount of it, about a capful.
Place one tea candle in the centre of each plate. If using the bowl, you may not be
able to place the candle inside it. You can place the candle near the bowl.
Now light the candles.
The fleas get attracted towards the light. When they jump towards the light, they will
get stuck in the high viscosity of the liquid with soap. This way, fleas will get trapped
and die.
You may dispose off the bodies in the morning.
If your house is badly infected with fleas, you may continue to do this for 3-4 nights.
Warning: As you are using fire at night when applying this home remedy to trap fleas, you
should be extra cautious. You may like to stay awake till all the candles get extinguished.
Also, do not let your pets and children roam freely when you have laid a trap with soapy
water and lit candles in the middle of each room.
Get this:
Do this:
You need to do the vacuuming and then spraying with the flea spray.
Collect everything that cannot be vacuumed and wash it at the hottest setting of your
washer. This kills even the larvae and eggs of fleas.
Now vacuum properly. Vacuum each corner, upholstery as well as services with the
help of various vacuum attachments. Use the fresh vacuum bag. This ensures
unrestricted air flow. Debris that collects from earlier vacuuming may hamper smooth
air flow.
Now mix vinegar, water, lemon juice and witch hazel.
Fill this liquid mix into the garden sprayer.
Spray using a heavy spray.
Spray your carpets, furniture, pet bedding, window sills, floors, every nook and corner
of your house.
Do this daily for at least 2-7 days depending upon how bad is the flea infestation in
your home.
When fleas become less noticeable, you may then repeat every 3-4 days and
thereafter once a week throughout the flea season.
If you start using this non-toxic spray just when the flu season is approaching, you will
need to spray only once a week throughout the flea season.
Get this:
Table salt or any of the sea salts (you will need lots of it depending on the size of an
area where you need to sprinkle salt to kill fleas)
Large spice bottle with a shaker top
Do this:
See if your salt is finely ground or not. If not, grind it to get a fine salt powder.
Fill up your spice bottle with this salt leaving a little room on the top so that you can
shake and sprinkle the salt with it.
Sprinkle the salt over your carpets in each room. The salt should cover the area
Leave for 12 to 48 hours.
After 1-2 days, vacuum thoroughly.
Get this:
Boric acid
A shaker (like one that is used for spices or Castor sugar)
You may even like to make your own shaker by taking an empty container with plastic lid.
If doing so, prick the lid with a pointed needle or a similar tool to make holes in it. Place
some pebbles into the container to prevent caking of boric acid when it is stored away.
Now fill 2/3 of this container with boric acid and your homemade shaker filled with boric
acid is ready! Don’t forget to label it in bold with ‘BORIC ACID’
Do this
Fill the shaker with boric acid. The rule for label applies here too. Anyone can take
boric acid for some look-alike kitchen ingredient. So, label it as ‘Boric acid’ before
using it.
Vacuum the carpets, upholstery etc. where you want to sprinkle boric acid and
remove all the objects like bags, toys, shoes, etc from the scene.
Sprinkle the boric acid powder in thin layers. For this, shake the container and apply
a little powder on the area like on the carpet. Now take a soft brush and work the acid
into the carpet pile. For upholstery, you can use hand brush and work down into the
gaps. Remember, boric acid can discolour fabrics. So, test it before you apply this
remedy. Don’t forget to sprinkle the furniture.
Leave for 12-48 hours.
Now vacuum all the areas and surfaces treated with boric acid.
Keep on vacuuming regularly. As you have worked the acid down into the carpets
and upholstery, it will continue to kill the fleas.
After a month or so, you can wash your carpets, upholstery etc.
Precaution: Although boric acid is low in toxicity for human beings and pets too, it should
be used cautiously when kids and pets are around. Keep it away from food items and also
out of reach of kids. Don’t sprinkle boric acid on counter-tops, especially in the kitchen
where food is prepared.
Brush off all your carpets and vacuum thoroughly. Wash off everything that you can’t
vacuum, with hot water in your washer.
Now wherever you think the fleas or their larvae might hide, sprinkle the DE in thin
layers. You can safely sprinkle DE on your carpets, pet beddings etc.
Leave the Diatomaceous earth in all these places for about 12-48 hours. While fleas
start dying 4-6 hours after you treat your home with DE, it’s still better to leave the
thing for longer.
Now vacuum away all the powder and remember to discard the vacuum bag.
You may even use this Diatomaceous earth in your yard but this will need a large
quantity of the powder.
Precaution: Always buy the food grade DE. While this Diatomaceous earth is non-toxic, it
is still a fine powder that may get messy and irritate your eyes or throat. So, it is desirable
to wear a face mask while working with any such fine talc-like powder. Don’t ever buy DE
used for pool filtration systems as they are hazardous when breathed in. Diatomaceous
Earth, however, is not so effective in humid environments and also when it is wet. Use it in
dry form only. Try to avoid DE from coming in contact with the skin of your pets as this
may dry out their skin.
Coffee grinder or mortar and pestle
Do this:
Take all the herbs and grind them together using a mortar and pestle or in a coffee
Grind them till they become the fine powder.
Sprinkle this herbal powder on your carpet, furniture, pet’s bedding, below furniture,
window sills or anywhere else where you think there may be fleas.
This is a natural flea repellent and not a way to kill fleas.
Get this:
Do this:
Do this:
Vacuum your entire house properly and discard the vacuum bag.
Take the warm water and mix all the essential oils with this.
Mop the floors of your house with this water.
For the first few days, mop every day with this scented water. Thereafter, you can do
once a week to keep the fleas as well as mosquitoes away from your home.
Do this:
You may take whole horse apples or cut them into halves or sections.
Place the fruit or the pieces all around your house, in rooms, hallway, window sills
and even in yards.
Place one fruit in each room.
This fruit lasts for about two to three months in the air-conditioned environment.
Some say the ripe horse apple works better and others say the raw ones do well.
Forgetting the best out of the fruit, use the green ones and let them be there till they
dry out. They continue to be effective even when they are wholly dried out.
These fruits not only control fleas but also other insects and rodents including field
mouse, grass snake etc.
Whatever home remedies for flea control you decide to apply, it’s better to begin with the
arrival of flea season or even before this season starts.
Once your home gets infested with fleas, it becomes harder to get rid of them. Preventing
the fleas from developing at the first instance will help you a lot in your efforts for flea
Dawn Simply Clean is what we recommend for washing your pets to get rid of fleas.
Simply place your pet in a bath of water and apply this dawn dish soap. Lather this soap
into the fur and rinse it off thoroughly with water.
Baking soda water, tea tree oil based shampoos and other shampoos made specifically
for lice and hair mites, lemon scented dish soap, apple cider vinegar, etc. are some best
remedies for clearing fleas on the human hair.
Other than following these remedies, you should inspect your home and pets regularly to
control this flea’s infestation.
If you have a pet brush on hand then simply use it to get deep into their hair and to
remove these fleas. Finally, rinse your pet well using warm water. Make sure that these
fleas will run to the head to hide, so pour a tiny drop of detergent on their head and face.
Rinse off thoroughly.
If fortunately, any flea happens to live then it will be killed off in the dryer where the flea
has to face more turbulence and heat. Other than this, you have to wash each and
everything (like pet bedding, pet toys, etc.), vacuum (by focusing more on the areas like
carpets, furniture and pets sleeping place) and natural insecticides.
Gently start rubbing the head down to the neck, toes, belly, back, tail and all over the body.
Thicken the mixture and scrub all over. Leave it for 5 – 8 minutes and rinse your cat
thoroughly. Dry it with a towel and comb their fur to clear fleas (if left any). Repeat the
process for once a week regularly.
Or you can follow another method by simply brushing your pet with a flea comb and dip
the fleas in the bowl of soapy water. Continue this brushing for a few times until you see
no more fleas on your cat.
For killing fleas on cat/dog, you have to add a drop of water to a pinch of salt and use this
mix to massage on the affected area. Rinse off after a few minutes. Repeat the same in
every alternate day till the infestation is cleared completely.
Some flea repelling plants are lavender, chrysanthemums, spearmint, pennyroyal, sage,
Fleas cling to the clothes and shoes of human beings and make their way to enter the
home and get multiplied. Animals also play an important role, as the flea eggs attached to
the fur and feathers of the pets. Even furniture will spread these insects, as the fleas hide
in subtle place in the house and get transferred through furniture.
Also, remember that you won’t be carrying adult fleas but you do carry its eggs, larvae and
pupas which develop into fleas and cause an infestation.
Garlic, in small quantities like a clove of raw garlic, will cause some severe toxicity to your
pets. It causes damage to feline red blood cells and thereby results in hemolytic anaemia
and finally leads to death. But you can use to kill fleas on the furniture and carpets by
simply preparing a spray solution. Stir 2 bulbs of peeled and minced garlic in 1 quart of
boiling water and leave for overnight. Strain it to use as a spray solution on the fleas
infested areas.
Flea larvae can feed on the various types of organic matter (half digested blood particles
that discarded by adult fleas) and flea pupae can survive for months in a dormant state
before maturing into adults. So, finally the adult flea will die if they didn’t find any host.
Washing of beddings – Regularly rinse the bed sheets, pillowcases, comforters and
blankets with laundry detergent on a hot cycle and then run them in the dryer.
Vacuuming – Make sure to vacuum your mattress, pillows, rugs and sheets on a daily
basis which helps not only to clear fleas but also their eggs and other life cycles. Also, be
sure to dispose of the vacuum bags to prevent the infestation.
Use Flea Powder – The usage of flea powder during vacuuming process will help to
eliminate the bed fleas but be sure to check that this powder is free from toxic chemicals
and safe to use on the pillows and bed or else it may cause harm to one’s health.
Say no to pets in the bed – Remember that don’t allow your pets until the flea infestation is
cleared on the beds.
Scratching on the bitten area will cause bleeding and intense pain. The flea bites can
occur on anywhere on the body but the most common areas are the lower legs and