Typical Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide

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TYPICAL USES OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Why is the use of bleach and ammonia so common in the United States?

For one reason: it is cheap to manufacture and can be stored for very, very, very long times. While convenient for companies, both are highly toxic in both liquid and vapor form. This has been known for decades. The fumes of bleach and ammonia are harmful to you, to your children, to your pets and to your plants. They both can mix with other chemicals to produce particularly dead vapors. Many countries and increasingly individuals instead use hydrogen peroxide. As the elements of h2o2 are hydrogen, oxygen and water (none of which are toxic), the obvious safety factors are great. And generally h2o2 is more effective. Does it cost more? Yes, but little more. Remember, those gallon jugs of bleach and quart bottles of ammonia based cleaners are highly diluted. 35% h2o2 is highly concentrated. The actual dollar-price difference is small - and in many instances actually lower. TO WASH AND PRESERVE FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: Food spoilage and food poisoning both are the result of the growth of microorganisms in fresh cut fruits and vegetables. Increasingly, food packers have begun switching to use of hydrogen peroxide as a disinfecting agent due to the safety issues of using chlorine. H2o2 is a powered anti-microbial which may be used not only for washing fruits and vegetables free of pesticides and other contaminants present, but also to extend the self live of these fresh products and elimination of the microorganisms delays spoilage. If you are wise enough to wash your fresh product and tired of how quickly it spoils even if refrigerated, washing these in an H2o2 solution will cure both problems without any of the toxic effects of chlorine. <> Dilution ratio: I/8 cup 35% h2o2 per 1-gallon water. (A little goes a long way!) TIRED OF LETTUCE GOING BAD AFTER YOU START TO USE IT? Ever notice that after you open a head of lettuce, it starts to go bad within hours - turning brown? This is due to invasion of microorganisms where it has the lettuce has been wounded and it is your touching it that conveyed the bacteria, fungus etc. 1

Dilution: If you keep a gallon jug with 1/2 ounce 35% h2o2 to the gallon and rinse the head off before putting it in a sealed plastic container (shake off the excess h2o2 solution first), it will last longer before it turns. HAND WASH: Many medical experts agree that most colds and flues are no passed in the air, but through the hands. You shake hands with someone and whether in eating, rubbing your nose, smoking a cigarette, chewing your fingernails, etc - pass this on to yourself via your hands. Experts agree that washing your hands often is the best way to reduce catching many diseases. Dilution: To make a good hand wash, use 1 ounce per 1-pint (2 cups) 35% h2o2. You also may add hand soap to this solution and put it in a hand soap pump bottle. Now you not only are washing your hands, you also are using a powerful antiseptic. TO PRESERVE MEAT: The primary cause of meat spoilage is microorganisms. Meat packers learned long ago that if they can keep meat from being touched it will not spoil for months. Packinghouses will have their meat cutters never touch the meat directly and continually dipping their knives in sterilizing solution. If you are tired of your meat spoiling within a day or two from arriving from the grocery store (cutters in grocery stores tend not to follow these standards), wash fresh meat (beef, poultry and pork - all but hamburger) in an h2o2 solution and put it in a zip-lock bag careful NOT to touch it first - and it will last for weeks. Dilution: Same as vegetables and fruit above. HOT TUBS AND SWIMMING POOLS: What is more repulsive than the powerful and repugnant smell of chlorine in a hot tub or swimming pool? And those fumes are anything but good for you. Increasingly, h2o2 is the preferred method of keeping hot tub and pool water free of algae, bacteria and fungus. It certainly is great to wipe down a hot tub for cleaning (rather than choking on bleach fumes). Dilution: 1/4 cups 35% h2o2 per 1-gallon water. This ratio may be lowered to 1/8th cup per gallon water if you are using "treated city water" and the hot tub is indoors. H2o2 will not adversely clash with bleach/chlorine. 2

TIP: Birdbaths can become terribly contaminated if not periodically cleaned. Use the same ratio. The same is true for fountains. HOWEVER, do NOT use h2o2 or chlorine if fish are present, as fish are very chemical sensitive. HOUSE & GARDEN PLANTS: Plants like h2o2 and it benefits them in 2 ways. First, it oxygenates the soil. Second, it kills microorganisms, fungus and bacteria harmful to plants. It will not harm worms. House plants and gardens thrive with h2o2 supplementing and increasing numbers of commercial farmers have added h2o2 to their inventories for their crops for this reason. Dilution ration. Put 1/2 ounce 35% food grade per 1-gallon water for plant watering and for water to soak seeds for sprouting. Sprouting needs: Add 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide to one pint of water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide each time you rinse the seeds. KITCHEN, BATHROOM AND GENERAL SANITIZING: Chlorine, bleach, and ammonia all are toxic - both in liquid form and the fumes they cause. H2o2 is the safe and wise alternative. Use it to wipe down kitchen counters, to mop the floor and particularly wipe down the refrigerator interior (kills the organisms leading to spoilage. It will sterilize the toilet bowl and overall bathrooms tend to collect microorganisms. Wipe out the children's lunch box to eliminate odors and overall it is great for eliminating kitchen odors. Dilution ratio: 1 cup 35% h2o2 per 1 gallon water BATHING: G.O.E. makes a specific product for h2o2 bathing (Body purification). H2o2 baths oxygenate the skin and kill the microorganism that infests the skin. If combined with Epson salt (available in any drug store), this would be the most relaxing and reviving bath you ever took. This is particularly pleasant is shortly before bedtime and you will sleep the best in your life. Follow up with a quick rinsing shower. Dilution: 2 cups G.O.E. Body Purification per approximately 10 gallons bath water. May double this level of concentration if you wish after testing this lower 3

level first. < (If you have never taken an h2o2/G.O.E. Sea Soak bath, you are truly missing an experience. Take a long 20 minute Sea Soak/h2o2 bath followed by a brief shower rinse off 1 hour before bedtime. You will sleep the best you have ever slept in your life and wake up very relaxed and refreshed. And it is quite good for your skin and healthy for you too. Many aches and pains will vanish too.) Note: the dilution ratio of 1 ounce per 1 quart is good for a face wash water, and good to reduce ache as well. But do not use around your eyes any stronger than this and if in doubt, dilute further. Clothing/ laundry (I have never bought any bleach since trying this.) H2o2 is a safe alternative to unsafe bleach. The finest clothing manufacturers use h2o2, not bleach, as their whitening agent. Bleach residual against your skin is terrible for the skin and chloride vapor in the air is very harmful to health. Replace bleach with h2o2. Tip: Pillows and pillow cases are atrocious for gathering micro-pests. Every month or so you should rotation the pillows you sleep on. Remove the pillowcase and seal the old one in a black plastic trash bag and leave it in the sun (if possible). At the end of the month, all the mites, fungus, bacteria and other microorganisms are gone. Rotate your pillows this way. The only alternative is to wash in an h2o2 solution (if pillow is washable and most actually are) or throw you pillows away every month or two. Remember, if you wash a pillow, do not dry it on the hot setting of the dryer. Dilution for laundry: 1 cup 35% h2o2 per wash load. You may increase this amount for strong bleaching effect on whites if you wish. H2o2 will also kill the millions of micro-mites and pests that gather in bedding and pay particular attention to pillowcases. Dishwasher: Dilution: 1/2 cups 35% h2o2 into the dishwasher and dishes sparkle and are sanitized. Or use 1 ounce per gallon sink water if you sink wash your dishes (add it to in the rinse water if you rinse with a basin.) 4

TOOTHPASTE AND TEETH WHITENING: Did you know that the "teeth whitening" products on the market - often selling for high prices - use h2o2 as their whitening agent? Why not make your own? Dilute 35% h2o2 by 1/3 (1/3 35% h2o2 to 1 part water) and mix it with your regular toothpaste. If you dip your toothbrush (and hairbrush) in a 1/3-ratio h2o2 solution (3 parts 35% h2o2 to 1 part water), within seconds those are sterilized. However, rinse them before using unless you let them dry first. FOR PETS: For small animals (dogs and cats) use 1 ounce 35% hydrogen peroxide to 1gallon water for their bath water. For drinking water, the dilution should be no stronger than 4 drops G.O.E. 35% h2o2 per 1-gallon water. Remember to keep your pet's bedding clean like yours and h2o2 is a great sterilizing agent. Wash a cat litter box with the h2o2 kitchen cleaning mix described about and odors are gone - and not replaced with horrible bleach smells. Never use ammonia to clean anything around pets and it is terrible particularly to use ammonia for mopping around pets. Ammonia smells like urine to animals (how many animals mark their territory) and both cats and dogs can be deeply confused by ammonia smells as it leads them to believe their territory had been invaded. Usage of ammonia has lead to many otherwise unexplainable dog and cat run-aways. AQUARIUM CLEAN-UP Never use h2o2 for aquarium water as each species of fish if generally very chemical specific. However, h2o2 can be used for aquarium clean up (fish out) and would kill the microorganisms that make the rocks, etc in an aquarium stink. (NOTE: G.O.E. 35% H2O2 is used by some of the largest commercial aquariums in the country specifically to be able to clean aquarium water and pumping equipment without removing the fish or water. G.O.E. H202 was selected for its purity and consistency - critically when dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventories of exotic fish. After testing numerous suppliers of even legitimate 35% Food Grade H202, they selected G.O.E. HOWEVER, such usage requires expertise and specific testing equipment. 5

Therefore, do NOT use any H202 in aquarium water with fish present unless you really know what you are doing.) After using the h2o2 cleaning solution (2 ounces per gallon) and letting it soak a while, then rinse again with fresh water. Odors gone. Microorganisms gone. As an aquarium does not have the natural self cleaning ability as to rivers, lakes and oceans, you should periodically not only clean, but also sterilize your aquarium. FEET: Feet get quite abuse being trapped in the same shoes day after day - for which the micro-pest level becomes high. For a good foot soak, add 1 & 1/2 ounces 35% hydrogen peroxide to 1-gallon water and soak. This will avoid problems before they start. This will prevent athlete's foot and will cure it with repeated foot soaks. MOUTHWASH: This not only kills the bacteria that causes bad breathe and goes a long way to preventing tooth decay, it also has a whitening effect. Dilute 35% h2o2 on a 1-16 ratio (1 part 35% h2o2 to 16 parts water). DO NOT USE as a mouthwash in higher concentration. (This is one ounce per 1 pint or 2 cups of water). You can mix this up well in advance and just leave the bottle on the bathroom counter. The contents will remain sterilize due to the sterilizing effect of h2o2. 10 times as effective as alcohol based mouthwashes, plus the whitening effect at a fraction the costs. Swish it around in your mouth for 1-2 minutes before brushing. Watch how white your teeth eventually become! But do not exceed the concentration!

NOTE: These ratios are for Guardian Of Eden 35% food grade h2o2 or other LEGITIMATE 35% h2o2. While you may read materials urging using much higher amounts of h2o2, this is not applicable to G.O.E. h2o2. While it would be in G.O.E.'s economic interest to urge higher uses of h2o2 to increase sales, they are a particularly legitimate and ethical company. Many consider Guardian Of Eden THE premier h2o2 company on the consumer and health level for these reasons. True, legitimate 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is difficult to find on a consumer level as refineries only sell in large bulk quantities - not consumer portions. Most "35% food grade hydrogen peroxide" sold on the consumer level is NOT 35% concentrate at all. Rather, they mean it has some 35% h2o2 in it - but is greatly further diluted. Many selling it have no idea what level of concentration the h2o2 they are selling is and others are just frauds. They even will claim they are technically accurate if they claim their bottle "contains 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide" - because a tiny amount was put into the water and therefore it does "contain" 35% food grade h2o2" in the ingredients. Of course, this is a cheap trick - but that does not mean they sell it for a cheap price. G.O.E. operates in bulk quantity h2o2 and calculates it's smaller quantity prices based upon their bulk purchasing. As their own focus is for internal (oral) usage as a health supplement, they do not play games with quality or concentration levels. Some people are staking their lives on h2o2. This translates into both superior quantity and the best price structure at the consumer level. The more h2o2 G.O.E. sells, the high bulk quantities then hold the pricing down. <>Sacrificing quality is not an option, nor is having old stock inventory. G.O.E. inventory rotates on less than a 30-day timetable. Sadly, many small-scale sellers buy h2o2 by the gallon, then dilute it and resell it in 1 quart and 1 gallon sizes - usually for more than G.O.E. h2o2 - to make a profit. While still calling it "35% Food Grade h2o2", it commonly is actually less than 10% and often as low as 2-3%. They claim it is not a fraud as their product does contain some 35% h2o2 - and some even claim they are doing a public service by preventing people from harming themselves with high concentration h2o2 - i.e. claiming they are helping people by tricking them, just happening to make a huge and unfair profit themselves in selling 2% h2o2 as 35%. 7

Like all chemicals, there is great discounting in bulk container ordering and production. G.O.E. then passes bulk quantity savings on to small-volume purchase consumers. BUT THIS ALSO MEANS YOU SHOULD NOT SURPASS THE DILUTION RATIOS - as G.O.E. h2o2 is very, very potent in concentrated form. <> Because a little goes such a long way, you also save money due to the concentration level. In pre-diluted form, you would to receive dozens of gallons to equal one quart of concentrated form. In short, G.O.E. figures you are intelligent enough to dilute it yourself. When was the last time you put a big tablespoon of bleach or ammonia in your glass of water? Sound nuts, no? But people buy huge amounts of beach and ammonia - both of which are toxic and nauseous in liquid and vapor form. This fixation on bleach and ammonia is not worldwide and increasingly being rejected in the United States. Bleach and ammonia are bad for you. They are poisonous. H2o2 is not. <> But there are many uses of h2o2 you might not be aware of - and things you would not dare do with bleach or ammonia. While bleach comes in 1-gallon jugs typically, this also is very diluted. If you read materials urging higher ratios, it may be because their h2o2 is inferior or they are incompetent. <> DO NOT use drug store 2-3% h2o2 for any purposes having to do with food or any potential internal consumption. To figure the concentration of G.O.E. 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to drug store hydrogen peroxide, multiple the amount of drug store of h2o2 by 1,200% to 1,500%. Drug store h2o2 has heavy metals and other dangerous stabilizers harmful internally. WHAT ELSE IS G.O.E. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE USED FOR? Taxidermists use it to sterilize and whiten bones and skulls. We receive many thank you emails from those folks thanking us for no longer having to soak such day after night due to the concentration of G.O.E. h2o2. We have received emails from people ordering (and then re-ordering) who use it for furniture stripping and lightening wood. It is used for many, many chemical and small-scale manufacturing purposes. 8

WILL G.O.E. h2o2 prices remain this low? For now, yes, but h2o2 is a commodity with traditionally a fairly volatile price. It is energy intense in production and increasingly regulated. While trace amounts appear temporarily in nature, it is not a substance naturally produced as the source of production. We receive thank you emails from individuals who have used h2o2 for various reasons every day - for the quality of G.O.E. h2o2 compared to what they bought before - usually at much higher prices too. Most people who try h2o2 never buy bleach or ammonia again. Increasingly, the mainstream medical community is embracing h2o2 for numerous purposes. Though fully accepted in Europe and most parts of the world already, h2o2 is one of the fastest growing products on the health market today. Why would anyone buy poisonous bleach and ammonia when h2o2 does the job safely, better, and has far greater possible uses? ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS ON SAFETY, STORAGE, AND APPICATIONS OF GUARDIAN OF EDEN H202 & Jutrian RX SCROLL DOWN TO FIND EMERGENCY SECTION SUMMARY OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES; 1. H2o2 contains no poisons or toxins. It is a chemical compound consisting ONLY of water (h2o) and oxygen (o). 2. If contact with skin, do not panic. H2o2 it will TEMPORARILY bleach the skin color and will sting. However, no permanent damage is done and color will return in less than one hour - and usually within minutes. No poison or toxic substance has been absorbed through the skin as h2o2 contains no toxins. The bleaching is caused by the oxygen in h2o2. If contact with skin, wash off area generously with water or any drinkable liquid (soda pop or any beverage if water is not available.) 3. If contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes generously with water. 4. If internally swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Drink as much water as possible and contact emergency medical care immediately. 5. Spill clean up? Just wash down with water. H2o2 contains no toxins or contaminants to ground or ground water. 6. H2o2 is not flammable. 9

INTERNAL USAGE: Caution must be used for any internal usage of H202 product. There are no established standards and the age, weight and general health of an individual highly affects the safe and beneficial levels of supplemental usage. All H2O2 products MUST be highly diluted for most applications. The levels given below are only personal, not professional, suggestive levels. However, higher levels should only be approached with great care. Commented on usage are based upon my personal experience and investigation. The FDA has not established any safe level of internal usage of any form of h2o2. This section is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here. The FDA has not approved the usage of hydrogen peroxide for any medical purpose. PLEASE NOTE: 35% concentration hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY dilluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY dilluted. FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SHOULD NEVER BEEN USED FOR DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE REGARDLESS OF METHOD OR LEVEL OF CONCENTRATION. No product sold by DFWX or on this web page is usable for direct injection into the blood stream regardless of purpose or concentration. Doing so will result in permanent injury or death. 10

Only as a personal comment and not a health recommendation, my own usage for oral consumption is limited to 1 drop per 2 ounces of water. This is a dillution ratio of 1/ 1,200th as there are 600 drops per ounce. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.01% hydrogen perxoide, not 35%. "35%" means the volume is 35% hydrogen peroxide and 65% water. These articles are for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here. The FDA has not approved the usage of hydrogen peroxide for any medical purpose. GUARDIAN OF EDEN H202: Guardian Of Eden hydrogen peroxide is undiluted and unaltered 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Usage: 4 to 8 drops per 8 ounces of distilled or filtered water between meals, 2 to 3 times a day, 5 to 6 days a week. You should start at a lower rather than higher level. NEVER consume hydrogen peroxide in concentrated form. It MUST be HIGHLY dilluted first! HIGHER LEVEL USAGE: Any higher concentration levels of H202 internal usage should be approached very gradually. Excessive levels can be extremely harmful and even lethal. WARNING SIGNS OF EXCESSIVE USAGE: H202 has a distinct taste to it. However, if there is any stinging sensation in the mouth the level is extremely too high. If there is any internal sense of stinging or stomach pain, drink as much water as possible and seek immediately emergency medical attention. Never induce vomiting as this can cause severe lung tissue damage. 11

Occasionally people who use H202 for the first time will report diarrhea. This is not uncommon and should end the same day. Some attribute this to the body flushing out waste materials. Stomach pain, however, is a serious warning sign of excessive concentration and should be taken seriously. If the stomach pain is intense, immediate emergency care is an absolute necessity. If you are gradually increasing levels of H202 consumption across a period of time, warning signs that the levels are becoming excess are a sensation of stomach gas or blood shot eyes. You should discontinue usage for a day or two, and then resume at a lower level of concentration. You need to be aware the the FDA has not approved of any medical application or usage of hydrogen perxoide. There also are persons within the FDA who oppose AMA licensed doctors using hydrogen peroxide in their medical practice. PLEASE NOTE: 35% concentration hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY dilluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY dilluted. Only as a personal comment and not a health recommendation, my own usage for oral consumption is limited to 1 drop per 2 ounces of water. The is a dillution ratio of 1/ 1,200th as there are 600 drops per ounce. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.01% hydrogen perxoide. The comments below are my own personal comments and opinions. I do not and can not offer anyone professional medical advise. There are serious dangers with the misuage of hydrogen peroxide. It should NOT be used as an eye wash, ear wash or nasal spray. Direct injection into the blood stream is so dangerous that this must ONLY be done by an AMA lincensed doctor and they use a HIGHLY dilluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and other substances in a process that 12

takes hours. I have personally received AMA licensed doctor administered injection of h2o2 in the past and can not understate that you must NOT do so yourself. Improper injecting of h2o2 directly into the bloodstream will cause permanent and massive injury or death. In this author's opinion, oral consumption of hydrogen peroxide MUST be HIGHLY dilluted. Excessive concentration can cause severe stomach damage and other injury. However, this is true of vitually any substance you would ingest, including virtually all over-the-counter medications and even food. Excessive consumption of food is now the 2nd leading cause of death in the USA. Read the materials below as the author's personal comments and experiences. Links to other web sites are just for your reading and are neither an endosement of the statements made in the linked web site nor an endorsement of any product they offer. WHY DISTILLED OR FILTERED WATER? H202 decomposes (released its extra oxygen molecule) in interaction with organic and certain metallic materials which are found in tap, spring and well water. This causes the H202 to release its oxygen prematurely before absorption. HOW TO STORE H202 The most important rule to remember is that undiluted H202 is EXTREMELY dangerous to eyes and is fatal if swallowed with still concentrated. Therefore, store H202 in a very safe location and NEVER put it undiluted in an unmarked bottle. Though extremely rare, there have been reports of fatality with H202 in concentrated form was mistake for water. STORE H202 PRODUCTS IN THE DARK H202 rapidly decomposes in a photo-reaction to U.V. light. This will cause the H202 to weaken in concentration and will cause the bottle to expand and possibly burst. We suggest SLIGHTLY loosening the cap (barely) to allow for any gas build up to bleed off rather than burst the bottle is stored for an extended period. This is particularly important for Jutrian RX. Storing in the dark means total darkness (though the brief refrigerator light when open or while mixing on under kitchen light is OK.) DO NOT STORE IN FREEZER


There is a false view commonly taken that H202 should be stored in the freezer. If H202 is frozen at too cold a temperature, it will separate (decompose) as the water and H202 freeze at different temperatures. Do not store H202 in a freezer. STORE IN REFRIGERATOR Small bottles of H202 are best stored in a refrigerator as it is cold and dark. However, this is only the case if this is NOT accessible to children or incompetent adults. Otherwise, simply store H202 in any cool, dark location. Extra bottles are best stored in their box, the bottle upright, and the top SLIGHTLY loosened. HOW LONG CAN H202 BE STORED? At temperatures of 70 degrees or lower (but not freezing), H202 will decompose at a rate of less than 1% a year. Higher temperature will increase decomposition, but it not insignificantly unless the temperature is well over 80 degrees. Do not store H202 near a heat source such as a hot water heater. Properly stored, H202 can be kept for many years without substantial lose of strength. Given its anti-bacteria and anti-fungus nature, H202 will never spoil. The primary cause of H202 losing its potency is prolonged exposure to UV light from any source. It is very important to store H202 in the dark. HOW OLD IS TOO OLD TO BE SAFE TO USE? H202 is an extremely powerful agent against bacteria and fungus. A 20 year old bottle of any G.O.E. H202 product would still be safe to use if it had been stored in the dark. The only effect of aging would be that the concentration level of the H202 will reduce with time. However, it would have to drop to below 2% to begin to lose its ability to destroy any micro-organism that otherwise might contaminate other liquids. WOULD TAKING MINERALS, AMINO ACIDS AND H202 BE THE SAME AS USING JUTRIAN RX? While these could be the same ingredients, the answer is no. The source of minerals for people used to be in their food. However, most agricultural land has been depleted of the minerals in the soil for decades. This has essentially eliminated the plant source for minerals in a person's diet. 14

Unfortunately, when plants processed minerals in their own life-cycle, they broke down the minerals to a level the plant used at its own cellular level. Therefore, the minerals then were broken down to a level then also absorbable when the plants were eaten - directly or indirectly as livestock crops. Many minerals are not easily broken down in digestion. An analogy would be that if a person swallowed an old penny. On one level, the person would have taken thousands of milligrams of copper. However, less than 1% would be broken down and absorbed by the body and the rest would just pass through. This is the flaw or misleading aspect of most mineral supplements. It is not directly relevant how many mgs of any mineral are consumed. Rather, the only health relevance is how much is actually absorbed and in a way usable at the cellular level. Though not toxic, concentrated H202 is highly corrosive to many minerals and all organic substances. It is one of the few acids (it is not technically an acid) that is not toxic. H202 in concentrated from will break most minerals and most amino acids down to their most basic atomic or molecular form - rather than remaining large clumps of atoms or minerals combined together and too large for a cell to absorb. Jutrian RX is a unique product and one that takes time to produce. When first mixed with its long list of trace minerals and amino acids, it is a very dark liquid. This is stored in complete darkness for months, while periodically shaken (or vibrated is more accurate). The resulting effect is the H202 interacts with the minerals and amino acids, breaking them down to individual molecular structures and atoms. The result is a nearly clear H202 liquid. The h202 does not destroy the ingredients. Rather, it breaks them apart. The result is the most absorbable possible form of minerals and amino acids. This first discovery of the potential benefits of using H202 in relation to minerals was with the extremely reactive relationship between silver and H202. It was well known that H202 radically decomposes upon contact with silver and was the basis for H202 powered rockets. However, the question came of what happened to the silver if put into H202. Did it just vanish? The answer was no. Rather, the silver was torn down to individual silver atoms. Cells can not absorb many mineral that are in a clump. Cells do need and absorb mineral atoms. This is the purpose of Jutrian RX.


While taking a minerals supplement, an amino acids supplement and using H202 supplementing would have the same ingredients, it is not the same in terms of potential effect and benefit. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Diluting with water is the core to all emergency procedures. If spilled in concentrated from on your skin: Even a residual amount of Hydrogen Peroxide will temporarily bleach skin. You will feel a stinging sensation and the area of contact will turn a light yellow or white. Do not be alarmed. H202 is not poisonous and the effect is temporary. You should immediately wash off the area with water. If you do not have water, and water based liquid will work - such as soda pop or milk. You could even use spit if just a small spot. Usually the skin will return to its normal color within the hour and stinging usually stops in 10 to 15 minutes. H202 is not toxic, so no poisons of any kind have entered the body and there is no long term damage. Spilled/splashed in eyes: If any undiluted H202 is splashed in eyes, IMMEDIATELY AND EXTENSIVELY flush the eyes with water. If the person is resistant (such as a child) it is CRITICAL to forcible flush the eyes with water (this means splash or pour room temperature or cooler water into the eyes. If water is not available, use any water based liquid safe for eyes - such as soda pop, milk, or juice. If the eye(s) continue to have a burning sensation, seek immediately medical attention. SWALLOWING UNDILLUTED H202: THIS IS AN IMMEDIATE LIFE THREATENING SITUATION! Hydrogen Peroxide is extremely corrosive to internal organs and can cause permanent and fatal damage. H202 is not a toxin, but it is extremely corrosive 16

in high concentration. THERE IS NO CIRCUMSTANCE WHERE INTERNAL CONSUMPTION OF 35% CONCENTRATION H202 THAT HAS NOT BEEN DILLUTED WOULD PRODUCT ANY RESULT EXCEPT SERIOUS PERMANENT INJURY OR DEATH. H2o2 MUST be EXTREMELY dilluted. In the event of swallowing undiluted H202, do the following IMMEDIATELY: 1. Consume (swallow) as much water as possible. 2. Dial 911 or your other local emergency number. Stress to emergency personnel answering that this is a life-threatening circumstance. 3. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING Induced vomit would cause fluids in the stomach to enter into the lungs and the throat. Both the lungs and throat are far more easily and permanently damaged than stomach lining and serious lung damage can be instantly lifethreatening or fatal. NEVER induce vomiting. EXCESSIVE INTERNAL USUAGE The emergency procedures above are for the accidental swallowing of Hydrogen Peroxide. More common inquiries we receive are the effects of using diluted H202, but at a higher levels than 1 drop per ounce (there are 600 drops in an ounce of water) that then appears to be causing an unpleasant side effect. . If you have consumed a higher level - but still highly diluted - of H202, a common and quickly noticeable effect is a sense of stomach bloating. If you had only used a slightly higher level of concentration (such as 2 or 3 drops per ounce), this may be addressed simply by drinking more water to further dilute it in your stomach. The sensation of stomach bloating also can occur if you use tap or spring water rather than distilled or filtered water. This is caused by the H202 prematurely releasing its oxygen in a gaseous form (thus, stomach gas). ONLY USE WATER FOR INTERNAL DILLUTION: In the event of excessive concentrations for internal usage, drink water to dilute the strength internally. Water only dilutes H202. Other sources (such as 17

soda pop and milk) contain organic substances which can interact with the H202 causing it to rapidly decompose (release its oxygen). In instance of swallowing full strength 35% H202, any means of any water based liquid should be swallowed to reduce concentration, though water is the preference. This is an immediate life threatening circumstance and you must immediately seek professional medical care. To address a sensation of minor bloating, drink only water. THERE IS NO SAFE OCCASION WHERE H202 WILL CAUSE SERIOUS DISCOMFORT. Initial diarrhea (short term) or a temporary sense of bloating is not that rare for first-time users (though most do not experience such effect). Diarrhea and bloating can be caused by slight gas build up from the H202, which is not harmful and might be beneficial. However, there should be no significant pain involved with any H202 usage. If you experience any significant internal pain after using H202 internally and the pain is apparently from the H202 usage, this can be a VERY serious matter calling for you to seek immediately emergency medical attention - meaning calling for an ambulance now. AIR BORN H202 DANGERS Generally for personal usage levels and quantities there is no airborne dangers of H202. H202 is not poisonous or toxic. However, if you use large amounts in an enclosed area (such as for furniture stripping etc,) you need to have fresh air circulating. A HIGH level of H202 vapors can create a corrosive effect, which you would first notice as a burning sensation in your nose. If this occurs, simply go to an fresh air area and use a fan to blow out the air in the room. Again, H202 is not poisonous or toxic. The WARNING SIGN for an excessive build up of H202 fumes is a stinging sensation in your nose. NEVER USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN ANY CONCENTRATION FOR ANY DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM, AS A NASAL OR EAR SPRAY OR AS AN EYE WASH. Doing so will cause permanent injury or death. Only an AMA licensed doctor is qualified for any h2o2 injection into the blood stream. As strongly as this author personally believes in health benefits 18

of h2o2, the author also ONLY has used h2o2 injections when both prepared and administered by an AMA licensed doctor. DISCUSSION TOPICS: This section is ONLY for discussion and consideration of potential usages. However, there is so much bad information and it so easily to misunderstand, no precise numbers are given. It does NOT address ordinary topics that are discussed above. USING H202 TO PURIFY OR PRESERVE WATER: We are often asked of levels to use to purify and preserve water - and generally will not give advise for obvious reasons. There is a great difference between attempting to make water from a flowing stream safe - compared to making stagnant swamp water with a dead animal in it safe. H202 is used around the world for water purification and for fountains, pools and hot tubs. The technique and methods used depend largely upon how pure the water needs to be and how contaminated it is to begin with. Using H202 for water preservation or purification for camping is highly problematical. There is no question that H202 can sterilize water. Rather, the challenge is having a high enough concentration to sterilize the water, but then low enough to be able to drink. unfortunately, the safe level for consumption is MUCH lower than the level necessary to sterilize water. The challenge, therefore, is to remove enough of the H202 after the water had been sterilized to allow it to be consumed. This is discussed a bit below. If the question is how to store a quantity of water for a long period of time when the water is safe to begin with - this is not a real challenge. drop per ounce of water (there are 600 drops in an ounce - or a 1200 to 1 ratio) will increase the lifespan of the stored water over 10 times. If even this low a level of H202 is undesired (H202 does have a taste), simply put the water in a clear container in sunlight for a couple of hours and the UV light will cause most of the remaining H202 to lose its extra oxygen molecule converting it to then just water itself. Heating water with H202 in it also will cause much of the H202 to decompose to water (the oxygen will become gaseous and drift/boil off.)


Organic substances also cause H202 to decompose rapidly. When H202 decomposes, it reverts to pure water and gaseous oxygen - meaning what remains in the liquid then is only pure water. As a personal comment, those who handle H202 often (such as we do) often prefer to wash off minor H202 contact with skin (which bleaches the skin temporarily and stings) with soda pop rather than water. The reason is that the H202 interacts with the sugar in the soda pop and causes it to decompose reducing its strength. If water that was stored at the drop per ounce level was mixed with Koolaid (as an example), within 30 minutes nearly all the H202 would have decomposed due to reacting with the sugar - meaning it had decomposed to water itself. Unfortunately, worthwhile testing equipment of H202 concentrations at precise levels cost hundreds of dollars. For those who wish to test or explore using H202 for camping or other applications of remote water purification, what is important to remember is that 1.) UV light, 2.) ANY organic substance and 3.) heat decompose H202 to water (the extra oxygen molecule released as a gas). Those are the options of how to reduce the concentration of H202 in water. Time also is a factor in purification if the water has solid contaminates in it. It would be important to filter out large size contaminations (such as using a coffee filter) to prevent contaminates that H202 could not penetrate. A carbon filter would be much better, of course. Lastly, it is important to remember that while H202 can kill virtually any bacteria and fungus, it will not clean chemically contaminated water. For example, H202 could not remove oil and gasoline from water ( which can be a real problem in sitting ponds). OTHER USAGES OF H202? See www.dfwx.com/h2o2usage.html Plants LOVE H202 if used in correct proportions as it oxygenates the soil.H202 is used for cleaning, stripping, bleaching, water humidifiers, to treat aquariums, hot tubs, to bleach bones, and even in the production of the microchip in your computer.


For other usages and applications of H202, go to: (Comment by the author: I personally believe that reasonable H202 internal supplementing is highly beneficial. A real concern of ours comes from emails from individuals who seem to believe that if a little of something is good, then a lot most be better. Though fortunately rare, we do receive emails from individuals who will ask questions such as, would a tablespoon of H202 be about the right amount to begin with?If that meant a tablespoon straight out of the bottle, it would severely burn the insides of the person's mouth and throat, and could be fatal. Another concern we have is from emails by people who had been buying H202 from another source and using if for years - or have read some material otherwise - who will email such as: 'Dr. XXXXXX recommends 20 drops per ounce. Does this sound correct? That might be correct for what Dr. XXXXXX is selling or Dr. XXXXXX might not be a Dr. at all. But 20 drops per ounce of true H202 is going to hurt a person and possibly seriously. H202 is not a drug, it is a supplement. It is very potent if it is the real stuff. Start low and find out what level works for you. But start with low concentration. You also need to allow your body time to adjust. I have used H202 supplementing myself for years and finally established my own routine. I'll not specify what that is, as this does become very individualized. However, I follow a 5-2 routine. I use it for 5 days and take 2 days off. But I do this with essentially every supplement I ever take as I believe it wise to always allow the body time to adjust and to rest. I also NEVER take all supplements at the same time so not to load up on my liver. Some years ago, I began notably increasing the concentration level of H202 I used as I really enjoyed the effect. But also came to learn there is a ceiling as to how high a person can safely go. In some ways, the human body works like a car engine. We burn hydrocarbons with oxygen. Add a higher percentage of oxygen and higher octane hydrocarbon to a car motor, and it will make more horsepower. But all too much, and the motor will meltdown. 21

The signs of excessive usage of H202 are a sense of stomach gas and red eyes. The redness of in eyes has to do with too much oxygen in the blood. Stomach gas is the result of the H202 releasing oxygen before being absorbed. Diluted H202 as cleaning water eliminates odors without replacing it with noxious bleach or ammonia smells. House plants that used to die now thrive. Anyone who handles concentrated H202 is probably going to get it on their hands or clothing at some point. If clothing, it comes off fast and into a sink of water to avoid it being bleached. While some people are not really bothered by the mild, short term sting of H202 if on their skin, I do not care for it. Fortunately, this is usually just a trace amount for a small spot on one of my fingers. Unless my hands are dirty, I just put the finger in my mouth, rather than heading for a sink. A friend of mine pours soda pop on his hands if he gets any on it, claiming that works better than water. Sadly, I worry some do not take safety seriously. H202 looks exactly like water. I not only worry about children, but also if there is someone elderly in the home. G.O.E. switched to child-proof safety caps about 9 months ago except for the two and a half gallon bottles and use clear bottles for safety reasons, though they are considering offering a choice of clear or light blocking bottles in the future. The product I would like to see developed by someone? An H202 portable filter for camping. Carbon filters will remove most contaminants, but can not destroy all bacteria, virus and fungus. H2O2 would. H202 decomposes in contact with organics and certain minerals. If an ordinary carbon filter were combined with either an organic filter or a silver filter, it would eliminate the H202 after it has done its job of killing the organic contaminants. Though it might be a bit slow, water is very heavy to carry for hiking and a truly safe source of water is a necessity - with building a fire to boil water not always an option. A small amount of concentrated H202 would sterilize a large volume of water. H202 is used around the world in water purification systems, yet no one has build a home-sized H202 system. While not particularly necessary for city water (which is not particularly healthy), it could be highly valuable for locations that rely upon run-off, stream or shallow-well water where organic contamination potential is a very serious matter. 22

As I do have precise testing equipment, I have been experimenting with using sunlight and organics (such as sugar) to remove H202 from water after raising it to an H202 level high enough to kill any organic contaminants. It works. However, the amount of UV light at one time of the year compared to another time elsewhere is dramatically different, so there is no real way to make a chart - not yet anyway. I am not found of the sugar method as I essentially never consume refined sugar otherwise. Yet there is almost something almost magical in using H202 to sterilize a bottle of water from a lake, but the after a few hours in bright sunlight it is only pure water. What is fortunate overall is that the glorification of chemicals in the 1950s, has been replaced with an understating that chemicals are our friends or enemies, depending upon safety factors and applications. While bleach and ammonia are cheap to buy, they are toxic - as are their fumes. The best benefit of H202 is not that dramatic at all, but rather as a bathroom and kitchen cleaner. Who answers the questions we receive? We somewhat take turns and it depends also on the topic area. We receive huge numbers of emails about H202 and Jutrian RX usage. Unfortunately, a fair percentage are bounced back by Internet providers, leading to us receiving angry emails that somehow do get through of why won't you answer me?! Actually, we answer a lot of emails every day. Giving out exactly health advise or exact statements of usage levels is a nono, as there is no consensus on such topics nor any governmental official answer to give if it is health related. We avoid the H202 debate itself, partly because we do not have the time and mostly because people already have their minds made up. Others are too long to really explain and sometimes we do not really know the answer. For example, we are often asked how does H202 kill bad bacteria and not kill good bacteria? This usually is in relation to using H202 for plants and farming. That answer is an indirect one. What H202 mostly does for soil and plants is that it oxygenates the soil. When it is absorbed into the ground, the H202 will decompose, creating billions of oxygen pockets. This provided numerous benefits. Most people who raise plants know that over watering and 23

waterlogged roots has killed far more plants than under watering. Excessive moisture also is a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. It is a bit analogous to the different between fresh, flowing water and rancid stagnant water. The more learned of nature, the more complex we learn it is - and of its own natural safeguards. A person would presume that oxygen is good for live, but actually that is true only within a range of oxygen level and only for certain life. Reduce oxygen in the air to 10% and people will die. But the same would be true if it were increased to 70%. In the micro-organism world (though certainly many exceptions), oxygen tends to be deadly to the bad organisms, but beneficial to the good organisms. For example, oxygen is deadly to certain cancer tumors, which instead survive by fermenting sugars. Plants need both carbon dioxide and oxygen to live. So do we. So do the organisms within their life cycle they are dependent upon. In this all, there is a balance and in our often unnatural ways of managing the natural world, things become out of balance. To understand the core concepts of using hydrogen peroxide, is to understand what it is and what it does. Hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra oxygen atom loosely attached. Contact with organic substances, heat, certain minerals, and ultimately time all will cause the H202 to release its extra oxygen molecule. Most life functions by burning hydrocarbons in some form or another - directly or indirectly - or, if not, do not primarily use oxygen at all (such as plants and photo synthesis). For organic substances, the bleaching and sterilizing effect is fairly analogous to the oxygen atom burning up the organic substance - similar to turning an oxygen stream into a fire. The cells of our bodies must have oxygen, but most bacteria, fungus and virus are highly intolerant of oxygen. In this all, as a health matter, is the balance of enough - but not too much - oxygen. What makes H202 a fairly unique substance, is that while it is intensely destructive to micro-organisms, it is a non-toxic substance given that it is only water and oxygen. Amazing, after it has done its work, it reverts to two separate forms - pure liquid water and pure gaseous oxygen. 24

The non-toxic nature of H202 is also at the core of its desirability. For over two decades, virtually every rocket of any size was powered solely by hydrogen peroxide. The thrust was obtained by causing radically rapid decomposition of the H202. So much power was produced in this decomposition that it would push a rocket into space. To this end, increasingly higher concentration levels of H202 was pursued. But the safety measures remained simplistic. They merely had fire hoses ready to use. The solution to the worse potential spill of the highest possible levels of H202 was to just wash it down. This would dilute it to a non-harmful level and then it would naturally decompose to water and oxygen with no environmental damage whatsoever. From powering a rocket to space to killing virtually any micro-organism, hydrogen peroxide is a non-toxic substance that is water and oxygen. I know of no other substance like it and believe its applications in real terms for daily usage has barely been explored. PLEASE NOTE: Hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY dilluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY dilluted. Only as a personal comment and not a health recommendation, my own usage for oral consumption is limited to 1 drop per 2 ounces of water. The is a dillution ratio of 1/ 1,200th as there are 600 drops per ounce. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.01% hydrogen perxoide. The comments below are my own personal comments and opinions. I do not and can not offer anyone professional medical advise. There are serious dangers with the misuage of hydrogen peroxide. It should NOT be used as an eye wash, ear wash or nasal spray. Direct injection into the blood stream is so dangerous that this must ONLY be done by an AMA lincensed doctor and they use a HIGHLY dilluted 25

mixture of hydrogen peroxide and other substances in a process that takes hours. I have personally received AMA licensed doctor administered injection of h2o2 in the past and can not understate that you must NOT do so yourself. Improper injecting of h2o2 directly into the bloodstream will cause permanent and massive injury or death. In this author's opinion, oral consumption of hydrogen peroxide MUST be HIGHLY dilluted. Excessive concentration can cause severe stomach damage and other injury. However, this is true of vitually any substance you would ingest, including virtually all over-the-counter medications and even food. Excessive consumption of food is now the 2nd leading cause of death in the USA. Read the materials below as the author's personal comments and experiences. Links to other web sites are just for your reading and are neither an endosement of the statements made in the linked web site nor an endorsement of any product they offer. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here. Copyright 1998 : All materials on this site are copyrighted by Mark Ovard. Justin Ovard and Paul Nichols and may not be reproduced without express permission. Discussion of Hydrogen Peroxide in Health matters: PLEASE NOTE: This article is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here. The FDA has not approved the usage of hydrogen peroxide for any medical purpose. 26

In the 1950s, agricultural agencies warned that agricultural land was depleted of minerals. Plants can not produce minerals - only pull them from the soil. In a natural cycle, these return to the ground with each generation. But decades of agricultural use in which the decayed plants do not return to the soil, the ground becomes depleted of minerals in our food supply. Once depleted, while the plants still grow in short life spans they are devote of minerals. If you read the labels on even fresh fruits, grains and vegetables you know that there are little to no supplemental value in the food we eat. The understanding of the necessity of these vital nutrients for health, energy and even mental process dates back to ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt, when it was understood that the best grains came from river deltas - where every year the soil is replenished in annual river flow in which minerals and nutrients are washed down river to settle on the delta. Animals instinctively seek out mineral rich rocks to lick and the longest lived people in the world either eat food from areas of land revived by nature or by the sea. Lack of proper nutrients are a primary cause of the near geometric increase in obesity - we eat so much because we are nutritionally starving and our bodies demand we eat more. But what the body is calling for is not more fat, carbohydrates and sugar - but nutrients essential for cellular health. Degenerative diseases are growing nearly geometrically although our grocery stores offer huge varieties of food and most people take general vitamin pills. Why are so many people seriously overweight? Why do the super rich and wealthy movie stars seem to live so long and so well? Why is our society increasingly racked with premature old age and an even early age physical degeneration? Read www.dfwx.com/goediscuss.html for more comments. The oxygen content of the atmosphere is 30% less than just 200 years ago - a result of the industrial age and heavy burning of petroleum - while oxygen producing plants lessen in volume - plus the harms now of air contamination and toxins. Oxygen is vital for proper health - with the


most common initial emergency health measure to give someone being oxygen as it is generally very good for a person. G.O.E. pursues ways in which people can nutritionally return to the Garden of Eden. While other companies offer endless new diet pills and chase each other to offer the next nickel pills and solutions, G.O.E. goes back to the origins of life and nature. What is more obvious and makes more sense. The theories of h2o2 supplementing are not new. Sadly, finding legitimate, potent, fresh 35% h2o2 is rare to actually find and usually outrageously priced whether or not it is legitimate. QUALITY? Some people find 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for sale at exorbitant prices and tragically order it for personal, internal usage. Typically, this is old, decomposed hydrogen peroxide with stabilizers (including chemicals and heavy metals) particularly harmful to ingest internally. Worse, what is sold often is not 35%. We often receive thank you email from h2o2 users - whether for oral supplementing or other usage. Quality Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is increasingly hard to find. PLEASE NOTE: 35% concentration hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY diluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SHOULD NEVER BEEN USED FOR DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE REGARDLESS OF METHOD OR LEVEL OF CONCENTRATION. No product sold by DFWX or on this web page is usable for direct injection into the blood stream regardless of purpose or


concentration. Doing so will result in permanent injury or death. There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY diluted. Only as a personal comment and not a health recommendation, my own usage for oral consumption is limited to 1 drop per 2 ounces of water. This is a dilution ratio of 1/ 1,200th as there are 600 drops per ounce. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.01% hydrogen perxoide, not 35%. "35%" means the volume is 35% hydrogen peroxide and 65% water. OTHER USES OF h2o2? To read of MANY other uses of h2o2 (you might find this interesting) - click here How to store hydrogen peroxide and h2o2 based products - click here For dilution ratios of h2o2 - click here To read of swimming pool and hot tub ratios - click here Oral supplementing is not the only usage of Food Grade h2o2. Campers often use it to keep water fresh for a long period of time. It is a good way to keep distilled water in general from going bad if to be stored for a long time. It is used as an alternative to bleach for whitening laundry (bleached clothes are not good against skin until very completely rinsed). In lower concentrations (must be diluted) and is used to clean kitchen and bathroom areas as both to sanitize, while not using toxic cleansers. A bit added to the dishwasher on the wash or rinse cycle will sterilize the dishes (most dishwashers do not heat enough to be completely effective.) H2o2 does not have the urine smell of ammonia or burning aroma of bleach. Because it does not smell like urine as ammonia products do, dogs and cats particularly will appreciate using h2o2 as a cleanser than any ammonia product, and bleach fumes burn a pet's sensitive noses far more than people. To a dog or a cat, a house cleaned with ammonia spells like an outhouse.


A floor mopped with diluted h2o2 is a sterile floor - and without the sickening (and toxic) smell of bleach or ammonia. An increasing number of swimming pool, spa and hot tub owners use h2o2 to keep the water clean because they just cannot stand bleach either for its burning effects and the negative effects on the skin and the horrible smell - particularly if indoors or with little wind. H2o2 is excellent for bathing and G.O.E. has a product specifically for this purpose (it is wonderful and you should try an h2o2 bath at least once - your skin will love you for it and you will feel the difference!) Hot tub and spa owners are switching to hydrogen peroxide by the tens of thousands each month to eliminate the usage of toxic chemicals in the water and then also in the steamy air around it. In the history of humanity, no one bathed in hot chlorine and bleach sauna for their health - yet these chemicals are promoted for pools, spas and hot tubs. Hydrogen Peroxide is a basic element. H2o2 is comprised only of water and oxygen - and what is more people friendly, nose and skin friendly and healthy friendly - compared to toxic bleaches, chlorides and ammonia. Who uses h2o2 instead of bleach and ammonia? Tens of millions of people. Fine clothing manufacturers. Even furniture refinishers who are smart enough to know that using bleaches and petroleum solvents will very quickly take a terrible toll on their body internally and externally - and h2o2 is very powerful for their goals as a working solution. The best of the organic food suppliers use h2o2 to wash their produce. H2o2 also is used for organic farming on a personal and commercial level. Plants like the cellular energy of h2o2 and the h2o2 sterilizes soil of micro pests without any environmental and food contamination danger. H2o2 is outstanding for house plant care. While h2o2 is the premier soil treatment, no one used bleach for their gardens and plants. If bleach kills plants, imagine what it does to the cells of your body? This is the miracles of h2o2. It is simply hydrogen and oxygen water (h2o2) with an extra oxygen molecule attached (h2o2). That 30

molecule is the working agent and there is so much power that it can power rockets into space. Yet its core molecular structure is the perfect environmental elements - Oxygen. Water. If in doubt, try the smallest quantity for yourself as a replacement for bleach and ammonia you use. Take a bath with a bit added to the water. Add just a few drops to your house plant water. You will quickly see the benefits. If you are tired of your kitchen and bathroom smelling like a chemical factory after mopping, your skin flaking and white and your eyes stinging after being in your spa, this is the alternative.

This is a discussion of Guardian of Eden Theories of Cellular Supplementing - the world of superstars and super rich... This is very interest and esoteric material and you will NEVER look at health issues the same again - and it might change your priorities and view of life... this is fascinating reading. I PARTICULARLY RECOMMEND READING THE SECTIONS ON DIETING, MINERALS AND THE FINAL STATEMENT AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. The Statement is very ideologically challenging!!) INDEX: Click on item to jump to that section To find a specific word, go to "Edit" on your tool bar, click on "find" and type in the word or topic you are looking for. Performance Enhancement and drug testing... ANTI AGING? DIETING WE ARE GETTING FAT BECAUSE WE ARE STARVING TO DEATH (this is a revolutionary concept that really got my attention) DIET PILLS




VARIOUS TOPICS on Guardian Of Eden Hydrogen Peroxide, Jutrian Rx and their supplements Performance Enhancement and drug testing... Drug testing became necessary because many performance drugs (steroids, metabolism increases - which includes most diet pills, and other drugs enhancing physical performance) are extremely harmful to a person's health and can cause sudden death, stroke and permanent mental and nerve damage. In a shocking study, over 60% of high school football players admitted they would take performance enhancing drugs EVEN IF DOING SO DRAMATICALLY SHORTEN THEIR LIVES. It was not difficult to understand that professional athletes would even be more willing to do so. A true contender will do ANYTHING to win - even if it costs their life. Athletic competitions were increasingly becoming only contests of who was more willing to commit suicide to win. Drug testing became a necessity for this reason. However, as the tests become more expansive and precise, they also become more questionable in accuracy. It has become such a problem, that some competitors are afraid to eat at restaurants, take any prescription drug and lately even over-the-counter health supplements are causing athletes to fail drug tests. Whether it is from professional sports to cycling, running to body building, a 1% increase in performance will make the difference between winning and being a superstar - or losing and being nobody. 1% will make or break a career of a professional. Oxygen is critical to any physical performance. Having cells that are young and functioning at 100% efficiency is an obvious benefit. JUTRIAN RX is NOT a performance enhancing drug. It is a blood oxygenation and provides full spectrum mineral and amino supplementing for cellular function. JUTRIAN RX will not cause failing ANY known drug test. Because every person has different lung capacity and metabolism, there is no manner to test for excessive levels of oxygen levels in the blood. Minerals and aminos are found in everyone, so also are not a tested item.


MOST minerals and amino acids are stored in a person's muscles. When a person depletes, the body pulls essentials from muscle tissue - degrading it. While Jutrian RX is not a performance "drug", it is a serious, exotic and theoretically valid performance enhance without either the dangers of enhancement drugs or the risk of failing drug tests. When the difference is between winning and losing - meaning making a million dollars of a superstar career or getting cut - it is not a surprise that pros will pay hundreds of dollars for latest "state of the art" G.O.E. Jutrian RX. ANTI-AGING? How many products now claim to slow or reverse aging? Guardian Of Eden does NOT claim Jutrian RX either slows aging or reverses aging. Instead, Jutrian RX will restore cells to proper function and reproduction - preventing aging degradation. The human body is more complex than modern science can come close to duplicating or understanding. The most complex computers and machinery can not match the single cells function of our immunity system. Most supplements and drugs attempt to manipulate a weak body. Guardian Of Eden Jutrian RX and their other products are upon the theory of bringing the body itself to it's own peak performance by creating an internal body environment as close to what would exist in a pure and perfect world (Garden of Eden). Maybe an analogy explains the difference. Suppose that you owned a racing Ferrari with 150,000 miles on it, oil never changed, and filled with low octane low lead gasoline. Other health supplements and drugs would attempt to increase it's performance by putting a supercharger on the motor. Does it work? Yes, until the motor blows. The premise of Guardian Of Eden would be to micro machining, kyrptonizing, shotpeening, blueprinting and micro balancing the mechanical systems of the Ferrari motor, filling it with 106 octane racing fuel and a adding free flowing fresh air intake duct. Which is the better high performance car? Which would you prefer? Which one will not break down? A great body with low oxygen is like a great body with lung cancer. Strong 34

muscles and weak cells is like a high mileage hot rod motor that is worn out with an oversized supercharger on. If your body is weak, old, sick and gasping for oxygen on a cellular level and starved for essential nutrients, exercise and drugs are not going to produce a prime performance body. This is particularly true for endurance activities such as distance cycling and running. Jutrian RX will NOT stop you from growing old. Rather, it helps to bring your cellular body back to prime for your age and greatly help prevent old age degradation. DIETING Much of human body function is instinctive. We can not control it and our body will allow little variance. We can not consciously control our heart rate or blood pressure. We can only deny breathing for more than a very few minutes no matter how hard we try to hold our breathe. If we do not drink or eat, our body increasingly demands water and food until we can not resist anymore. Our body knows what we need and when it is being denied. But we have to consciously decide when we are thirty whether to drink water or battery acid, whether to eat food or eat wood. This is the link between the internal mind of our cellular body and our conscious mind. Selling what we feed our cells is how people are failing their own bodies. WE ARE GETTING FAT BECAUSE WE ARE STARVING We are getting fat as a people because our cells are starving to death for essential nutrients, trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins. So we eat and eat and eat until our stomach is full - and as soon as there is room we eat more. There is a voice continually inside crying "food, food, food, food".

But no matter how much we eat, as soon as there is room in our stomachs still our cells, our body, press us to eat more and more and more. At the same time, our cells slow down, reproduction slows too (a high source of burning calories) - so we get fat and sick and weak.


Our bodies are not screaming for more calories, more fat, more sugar. They are screaming for Beryllium and Gallium, L-methionine and Scandium, Tantalum and Zirconium... These nutrients, minerals, amino acids and vitamins used to be in our natural diet. But this is no longer so. When was the last time you fed your cells these essential nutrients? A month? Year? Decade?

Probably never.

You may have drunk thousands of sodas, gallons of liquor, literally tons of sugar, barrels of food additives and chemicals, and hundreds of milk shakes. But when was the last time you drank a mineral and amino shake for your own cells?

So our cells, our body, keeps demanding more food vainly hoping for the nutrients they never receive because they are hungry for those trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins. We have to make the conscious decision of what that food will be. And we never pick what they need because it is not on the shelf at the grocery store. Fats, sugars, and hydrocarbons are on the shelves. Chemical additives are now in our food, not essential trace nutrients.

So we eat and get fat, eat more and get fatter - we fight feeling hunger continually trying to lose or maintain our weigh - as our cells slows down in function and get old for slowed reproduction - becoming weak, sick and calorie burning decreases - so we get still fatter and out body wants still more food. For many, even going to sleep is difficult and they just keep snacking, because they are instinctively hungry - even if they already consumed 5,000 calories for the day. Their body does not want them to go to sleep until the eat - but to eat what the cells need.


Food in our modern society so accessible a person needs essentially no body fat as a caloric reserve. We do not need to carry 20, 30, 40% body fat in case our crops fail or their is a famine. The body calls for fat when there is a perception of food shortage - and food shortage means nutrients, not just bulk calories. We should be a particularly sleek and lean people. But we are hungry, starving, craving food - more, always nibbling, peaking in the refrigerator, incessantly. We look in the mirror and wish we could get at least a few pounds off our stomach - even in great despair - but we are just too hungry to fight it. Some invisible voice is demanding more food. Always, more food.

People can carry 20, 50, 100, 200 pounds of fat - and still feel like they are starving - because they are starving. Their cells are starving for minerals, amino acids and vitamins - they want them ALL, not just 3 or 7 or 11. So your body, your cellular body, always demands more food as powerfully as it demands that you breathe. The trillions of cells in your body will never give up demanding the nutrition they need - and it is your best interests to listen to them - AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE CALLING FOR. It is not more sugar, fat, protein or hydrocarbons. It is full spectrum nutrition.


Diet pills are the most evil invention of the health supplements industry. There is no more dangerous and ultimately counter productive way to try to lose weight.

Yes, people on diet pills sometimes lose weight. But this happens only when there also are other changes - meaning exercise, eating less and eating better. When you see someone claiming they lost 50 pounds on diet pills, you will see a treadmill in the background and won't find snicker bars in the cupboard. And, statistically, go back in 5 years and they will weigh more than when they started.


Diet pills foremost function by increasing the heart rate. They claim this, then, increases your metabolism and at one level that is accurate. The human heart is a fairly large muscle and increasing the work of a muscle burns calories. Therefore, they claim you will lose weight.

There is no worse, more dangerous way to burn calories than to artificially increase pulse rates and blood pressure. If there is any muscle you want to chemically mess with, it is least of all your heart. This is why diet pills increase jitters, make a person feel odd and even sometimes out of their own bodies, and why diet pills cause strokes and death. It also is temporary as the body will adjust. Just like a junkie, you have to take more and more for the same result - with all the other dangers and negative effects associated with the drug then increasing. (Herbs are drugs. Most drugs come from organic sources. Because something is "organic" does not mean it is healthy or safe. Arsenic is organic too.)

Finally, when you stop or when it no longer works, you face the opposite effect - and put the weight back on and more. All you did was damage your heart, train your body to burn less calories, and made the weight battle worse. So what should you do? Buy a better diet pill! Or give up until you become desperate again.

The alternative, of course, is to feed your cells to end the hunger.

Good cellular nutrition prevents food gorging and ends the internal demand for food. Your body will stop screaming for food when your cells - not your stomach - are full.


The absolute superior way to burn more calories is to maximize cellular performance and particularly cell reproduction. "Birth" takes a lot of energy and this includes cellular reproduction. With the old, dead cells, contaminants and wasteful material is excreted. If you increase energy (calories burned) for the trillions of cells in your body, your calories burning increases vastly more than just racing up your heart does.

When your cells reach their ideal performance and have all they need in terms of nutrition, they will tell you "no more food". You will not eat as much because your cells, your body, is internally telling you not to - the same as it will slow down your breathing if you are hyperventilating. But you also will burn more calories because every cell of your body is burning more calories.

Not only is this dieting by merely respecting nature, the rational is obvious. Your cells MUST have minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Without ALL of them, they slow down and burn less calories. They can not reproduce - so get old and weak - further slowing them down. So they scream "FOOD! FOOD!" the same as if you are thirsty or need to breathe.

To maximize metabolism, you maximize the metabolism of your cells, not race up your heart muscle. To end the sensation of hunger, you feed your cells.


As one dieting scam falls, another is born. The number of different types of magic diet pills - all with endless testimonials - dates for over 100 years. They claim they "trap fat", "metabolize fat", "prevent storage of fat", increase metabolism" - anything to convince you.

And people keep getting fatter and slowing down. At some point, a person should be rational enough to realize there is a flaw in the concept of a diet pill.


But the persuasion of marketers - showing beautiful sleek models and "beforeafter" photos - allow the consumer to believe what they want to believe.

If you look around the world for cultures in which obesity is very rare, you do find a common reality. It is not diet pills. Their source of food is from essentially organic sources, and comes either from the sea or from land that is either 1.) ancient heavy forest that has eons of accumulated minerals or 2.) is periodically flooded that renews the mineral content in the soil.

The importance of minerals in performance and nutrition and in relation to land dates back thousands of years. Roman legions specifically would use barley and wheat grown on the Nile Delta of Egypt - because they knew by experience those troops could march longer and fight stronger. The Nile annually flooding assured massive levels of minerals. Animals around the world have their mineral licking rocks. Yet it seems ancient people and animals figured out what we can not. Instead, we try to believe in diet pills and magazine ads of the latest discovery.

That is a remarkable aspect of Guardian Of Eden - they look back in time for their concepts and theories - all the way back to a new world (the Garden of Eden") - and to matters as simple (and complex) as the single cell organism - the human cell. They are exactly opposite from essentially every other supplement supplier in theory and perspective.

G.O.E. explained reason for the contrast.

"In the health supplement industry, the cost of their ingredients is almost an irrelevancy - it is that cheap. The bottle and label often cost them more than the short list of ingredients - and they use the cheap sources possible - often in completely unabsorbable forms. Their money goes for marketing and advertising. The actual mark-ups are commonly over 2,000% to 5,000% ingredient costs.


They are snake oil sellers - advertisers - that is their business. Our advertising budget is exactly $0. Our clientele is intelligent and not so easily fooled. They also are very cautious of what they will put into their mouth. They instinctively know a fast talking sales pitch is just a scam. Instead, they are athletes intensely into the details of their body or wealthy business people who detest cheap, fast snake oil sales pitches. The ongoing driving force of our micro company is not really about other people, it is about ourselves. We make no secret that our goal is our own health and developing products for ourselves - personally. That creates an entirely different perspective, doesn't it? What purpose would their be in tricking ourselves? For our clients, we make no secret that our prices are expensive. This eliminates any incentive for us to short sell them or cut corners. For the very wealthy or top competitors, these costs are irrelevant and cutting corners would be irrational and economically foolish for them or us. We then use the profits for further self exploration for our own self-purpose - which in turn benefits our clientele the next time they purchase. At the core, we believe the answers to health is found in origins and basics of life itself, not in a marketing department."


The medical community, alternative health community, and physical trainers all understand the critical link between mental health and physical health, mental strength and physical strength. No cells in the human body are more dependent upon oxygen, minerals and amino acids than the human brain. Increasingly, the medical community believes that many old age mental health diseases such as Alzheimer's are contributed to by insufficient oxygen. The human brain is an electro-magnetic computer functioning by sending electrical signals through brain cells and brain fluid - for which the chemical balances are critical. Jutrian RX feeds the cells of your brain - not just your muscles.



For an in-depth discussion of H2O2 in relation to curing and preventing cancer, AIDS and other diseases written by a licensed doctor (M.D.) go to: www.dfwx.com/goecancer.html (just click on the link)

There are so many people offering magical cures to cancer, this comment section will be short as people already have strong personal opinions.

There are many types of "cancer", but this discussion is about tumor cancers.

Many types of cells are always reproducing and always evolving. If you ever notice dust in swirling in the air through cracked blinds, most of that is dead cells flaked off your body (yuck). In fact, if the cells did not evolve and change, did not have and make varieties of themselves, our immune system would not function.

First, there is a cancer reality. Everyone has cancer cells. Millions of them. We are born with them. The will normally occur in cellular evolution and cellular reproduction. They are, essentially, cells with a birth defect that then reproduce themselves with such defect.

Fortunately, most defective cells die upon "birth". Most of the rest are sterile and can not reproduce themselves. And, most important, our immune system kills the rest.

A person is said to have "cancer" only when enough of the cancer cells can combine to form a colony (tumor). Tumors form a liquid barrier from the rest of the body and cut most blood vessels to block oxygen. Many tumors live by fermenting sugar - while health cells function by burning organic material (air and food). 42

For this reason, alternative treatment for cancer therefore stresses reducing sugar, eliminating all toxins (chemicals, alcohol, preservatives) etc. and to find ways other ways to strengthen the body.

Oxygen kills many types of cancer cells and cancer cells inherently are weaker than normal cells because they are defective. If healthy immunity cells and oxygen can reach a tumor, many believe the tumor colony will lose the battle and ultimately be killed by healthy cells. If not, the tumor will continue to grow either displacing or replacing health organs - leading to death by making the human super-organism no longer functional.

Thus, a cancerous tumor becomes the ultimately genocidal battle for life itself. Can our army of cells breach the tumor fortress and destroy it or cut it off and starve it? Or is the tumor growth unstoppable? Billions upon billions of troops are on each side - as the tumor cells race to duplicate themselves to grow their colony and billions of our immune system cells try to raid the tumor and destroy every cell of it. Cancers generally can not fight immune system cells, but rather make tumor colonies to block them and try to be so prolific that cancer/tumor cells are reproduced faster than they can be eliminated.

Various organic substances have been explored and some hold promise. For example, it was believed that shark cartilage might open blood vessels therefore getting more oxygen and health immune system cells into the tumor This was most promoted in a book entitled "Sharks don't get cancer". (That has now been brought seriously into question and, in fact, sharks do get cancers). Another substance, germanium, has seemed to be highly effective - but is extremely expensive and of limited production availability. It is believed to increase blood oxygen.

Oxygen kills many types of tumor cells. Oxygen is energy for the immunity system cells and is weakening or deadly to many types of cancer cells. Thus, it is believed that hydrogen peroxide may help prevent and even combat cancer.


However, this is highly theoretic and is not at the core of hydrogen peroxide advocates.

For a more in-depth discussion of H2O2 in relation to curing and preventing cancer, AIDS and other diseases written by a licensed doctor (M.D.) go to: www.dfwx.com/goecancer.html (just click on the link)


In much health literature, you will read of "35% Food Grade" Hydrogen Peroxide. "35%" simply means the Hydrogen Peroxide to water ratio. "Food Grade" relates to the level of purity and lack of stabilizers added. 35% is the highest concentration safe to store in ordinary conditions.

"Food Grade" hydrogen peroxide is is called "food grade" because it is rated to be good enough to industrially wash fruits and vegetables with and as a kitchen cleaner. Other grades include industrial, technical, computer, bulk, water and hospital grades. ("Hospital grade" is only for external usage only and has stabilizers to allow long shelf life not suitable for internal consumption).

ALL Hydrogen Peroxide is initially produced at one of only a few massive refineries. NO Hydrogen Peroxide is manufactured at the refinery level for the purpose of internal usage.

The reason "35% food grade" hydrogen peroxide is often mentioned in materials suggesting internal usage of hydrogen peroxide is because that is the only grade the public could obtain that is considered not so contaminated as to usable - and still be cheap enough to be able to afford. It was NEVER meant for internal usage, is NOT ideal for internal usage, and has many shortcomings.


As alternative health folks explored hydrogen peroxide as an internal health supplement due to increasing awareness of the benefits of oxygenation, the only on-the-shelf hydrogen peroxide even possible to use was "food grade" and because of the word "food", then it figured must be safe to consume. My personal experience with Jutrian Rx... I have been involved is health supplements on and off for years and believe they help. But my involvement had only be sporadic and unorganized. It would range from taking 35 pills a day to none at all for weeks. I would never keep up with it, so it was always a roller coaster. Guardian Of Eden is a ghostish company that seems to float in whispers in the background. I had heard of it, but knew little more. Jutrian Rx is considered the most exotic of their supplements. It is controversial. The formula continually changing. Ordinarily the price is beyond what most people can afford including myself. However, in a closeout sale, I bought a half of quart that makes 75 gallons of drinking water. My curiosity was high as I now had one of the most expensive and controversial supplements in the world and rumored a secret weapon of professional athletes. They recommended that I follow the instructions exactly and that I add 2,500 mg of calcium with supporting magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and take 3 ordinary multiple vitamins a day. I obtained the calcium from Guardian Of Eden which was not expensive and bought cheap vitamin pills at Wal Mart. They also recommended I buy a bio-cleaner of digestive tract enzymes, which I bought at a GNC. They seemed overpriced. What, if anything, would their "human rocket fuel" do? There was no effect the first day, but the next day I woke up ravenously hungry. It was explained this is because my body is demanding more in response to being feed minerals and higher oxygen. However, my body does not know what brought this into the system so all it could do was make me feel hungry and hope I pick the same thing.


They suggested that I select my diet both carefully and also reasonably for the next few days, as I would be conditioning my body as what it likes and my desire for certain types of food would match it. The highly suggested not going to an extremely healthy diet that was not realistic, but also do not just gorge on sweets. This desire for food and feeling thirsty continued through the third day. I was hungry and thirst continuously. On day 4, I had a sudden but short case of diarrhea (the runs). They explained this is my body "carrying out the trash". I lost 3 1/2 pounds that day and it did not return. I also noticed that an ache in my wrist had vanished, I was sleeping well at night, and had more energy, but also seemed calmer. The effect was subtle, but notable. The sense of hunger vanished around day 6. I was drinking more water, but was no longer looking in the refrigerator every hour for something to nibble on. Candy bars at the gas station did not seem very attractive to me. On day 11, I looked in the mirror and I looked terrible. My eyes were bloodshot and I looked worn. It was a little alarming. They told me that I an not following the instructions and am cheating in the sense of using more than recommended. They were accurate. I had increased the dilution level from 8 to 12 or 14 drops. "You must not over do this." They explained that while the body will absorb and store all the minerals it needs and no more, it will just keep taking and using more and more oxygen. They also suggested that my cells were "going crazy trying to catch up for chores undone for years" and that I need to let them slow back down a little. "They do not know if you will continue feeding them this way, so they are racing to get things done. This will pass if you set a routine and they condition to it." "You are supercharging, over revving," was the explanation. "Your eyes are red because your blood vessels are really opening up to pump this oxygen. Your cells are running wide open now because they will use and burn as much oxygen as you give them. Red blood means 46

oxygen rich blood. You need to back off and follow the instructions." They said I should just stop taking it for a couple days and generally recommend days of "fasting" from supplements to allow the body to always balance itself out. I stopped taking any supplement for two days and by the second day the redness in my eyes was completely gone. Their overall suggestion is to take supplements for 2 weeks and then skip a week. That it is ok to occasionally just skip days anyway and occasionally acceptable to increase amounts as well such as before a competition, a high stress day or just in general. "Altering your schedule allows you body to make necessary adjustments and prevents continually being off in ratios and amounts." Within a month it seemed I was setting my routine. I was systematically losing weight, but gradually. Maintaining a diet was easy and the idea of stuffing myself at an all you can eat restaurant just seemed repulsive for no apparent reasons. Candy bars started having the attraction a cow patty would, I just was not interested in them. Aches and discomforts were gone, my nights seemed very peaceful sleeping, and my energy level high. The mental effects also are very pleasing. I do not feel stressed out or wound up and somehow feel more in self control. That building up of road rage anger while driving vanished as those things seem trivial. I feel in balance and in harmony with myself, if that makes sense. This is an impressive product and it does seem to be a whole system supplement. There has been no dramatic change I can perceive, but a collective effect that can not be denied. I no longer procrastinate, physical exertion no longer seems so much like work to be avoided and even is enjoyable, eating right is desirable rather than nearly impossible, and I feel like I am in self control for the first time in many years. I no longer have bouts of rage or depression. I am no longer at conflict within myself or with my body. It is a difficult shift to describe, but a very good one.


This article is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here.


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